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Oh Shell Yeah! Shark Boy Returns


Lord And Master
Staff member
During the Jay Lethal/Robbie E match, Shark Boy made his return to TV. It seems he will be feuding with The Shore and maybe even the X Division title. One more layer added to the X Division. Thought on the return of the Toughest Son Of A Fish?
Just when you thought the X Division championship couldn't fall any farther down the ladder, a trap door opens and into a nice warm steaming pile of fish guts it goes — courtesy of Shark Boy, the wrestling worlds most ridiculous(ly overrated) gimmick.

Good god, man — I love TNA. Everyone knows this, but fuck Shark Boy with a crowbar. That guy is pathetic, and so is anything he's involved in.

Shark Boy is TNA's Brooklyn Brawler — glorified jobber made moderate star.
Hang on now, let me see if I have this right. Instead of seeing one incredibly lame talentless tool as X-Division Champion, it looks as if said tool is going to be feuding over what used to be a prestigious title with, quite possibly, an even bigger talentless tool. I think I just got diarrhea from this.

I don't see how this can be anything but bad, just plain bad. Quite possibly Shark Boy and Robbie E are the two biggest wastes of space on the TNA roster right now and now they're together in a feud. Yeah I just...yeah there's just...yeah...
I Like Sharkboy has a comedic character but I don't think its a Good idea to have a Feud with him and Robbie E, the X-Division belt has fallen recently and a Feud between these two is not going to help it get back to where to where it once was.
I'll say it fits. The Shore is on the beach, Shark Boy is in the sea, the two collide. Besides, the whole X-Division thing has been getting pretty ridiculous since Lethal got it and then Robbie E. arrived with Cookie. As a side note, I'm not a fan of either of these people, but at least they're keeping things interesting and, despite being more than a bit idiotic in parts, entertaining. Since the X-Division title has gone comedy more or less, why shouldn't Shark Boy join in? At least they're giving SB something to do. This guy is perhaps one of the most unique characters of TNA and has been gone for so long.

Way I see it, the guy's a bit like Santino on the WWE, normally a ridiculous-looking jobber, but actually give him a chance to stretch his fins and he'll surprise you.
During the Jay Lethal/Robbie E match, Shark Boy made his return to TV. It seems he will be feuding with The Shore and maybe even the X Division title. One more layer added to the X Division. Thought on the return of the Toughest Son Of A Fish?

I'm not watching the event tonight. I refuse to pay for this PPV (or after BFG, any PPV for that matter, but I digress) and I have never ever used any form of a stream. So I have to ask those of you who are watching.

I'm assuming you're joking, right? Shark Boy didn't really return on the PPV, and is not entering a program with Robby E, possibly over the once prestigious X-Division belt? Please tell me you're kidding.
I'm not watching the event tonight. I refuse to pay for this PPV (or after BFG, any PPV for that matter, but I digress) and I have never ever used any form of a stream. So I have to ask those of you who are watching.

I'm assuming you're joking, right? Shark Boy didn't really return on the PPV, and is not entering a program with Robby E, possibly over the once prestigious X-Division belt? Please tell me you're kidding.

He returned because Cookie was being placed into a SHARK cage which was being placed above the ring. He didn't come down during the match and interfere. He came out during and after the match and only interacted with Cookie. There is no reason to believe he is going to be feuding with Robbie E.
He just seems to be there to assist Jay Lethal and antagonize Cookie. I may have jumped the gun, by saying he may feud for the title. Even if he is, I'm not gonna condemn it without seeing how he will be portrayed. I'm not gonna complain, because 3 guys in the X Division are better than 2.
Yeah TNA made it very obvious that Shark Boy was returning but it was good to see him come back, really mixes up the X division after the fact Homicide is in RoH (BOO) But next thing you know, Tomko is back.
I think the biggest clue Shark Boy was coming back was the TNA commercial last Thursday w the Shark Boy TNA figure in the latest line. I'm not totally against bringing Shark Boy back as he can talk. I think the Robbie character still has a strong chance to get 'over'. Yes, its goofy but give him time. The overall stories don't have me intrigued to buy the PPV yet, but maybe in 2011...
This blows shark boy sucks. From his name to his mask to his mic work to his in ring skill. If wcw was still around this guy wouldnt even have a job! which brings me to the question...why does tna hold on to this guy! Release him for cods sake! pmsl sorry couldnt resist :p
I was trained by Shark Boy and have worked with him in Ohio for a while now. Shark is good in the ring, at TNA House shows his matches are usually the more entertaining on the show. If u marks knew anything about wrestling u would appreciate a worker like Shark Boy....instead u call him a jobber and call him names, he is one of the most respected guys in the business...IDIOTS
What's weird to me is that there's people on here who have supported TNA through all the absolute crap it's put out there since Bound For Glory who are now for some reason actually admitting how awful this is. And it certainly is awful.

But to me, I'm surprised. Honestly, Robbie E works. He works as a wrestler that people can easily hate. And he's solid in the ring. As for Shark Boy, hell no that's not a good idea. It never was, and it won't be now. What I do have to say though is this: It'll still be better than Jarrett and Joe. Jarrett and Joe is such a lame feud that I just shut off the stream I was watching the PPV on to see if TNA has gotten a bit better since I last watched (I give it a shot for a couple minutes every week since bound for glory ended my love for the company, and ever week it doesn't last for more than a half hour. And I refuse to pay for anything until it gets better.) So as for Shark Boy's return, I have no problem with it at this point simply because even as absolutely HORRIBLE it is...Everyone in Immortal is always going to be worse.
Now if only they would bring back Curry Man and Super Eric.....

...and maybe Hogan could do his "Mr America" gimmick one more time too (what that was Hogan????)

PLEASE why do TNA persist with bad gimmicks when they have ample wrestling talent in the locker room......

That's right - Russo, Hogan and Bichoff think they are bakc in Atlanta in 1997 again...

Who's next GI Bro???
No problem with Shark Boy actually. He is much entertaining than Super Eric or This Shore gimmick. Boy can go in the ring as well even if he is in the Stone Cold gimmick.

Robbie E is meh, and I guess TNA thought they needed a storyteller and not glorified spot monkeys for the X-Division Title. Sorry TNA but it ain't Robbie E. They've f*cked up the X-Diviosn title real good. The last great and TOTAL X-Division was AJ Styles in my opinion.
This blows shark boy sucks. From his name to his mask to his mic work to his in ring skill. If wcw was still around this guy wouldnt even have a job! which brings me to the question...why does tna hold on to this guy! Release him for cods sake! pmsl sorry couldnt resist :p

it's pretty funny you say that line about WCW.. because go look on youtube, he's had a few matches on WCW Saturday Night.. here's one match for example :)


but i'm kind of glad he's back, i always liked Shark Boy.. he cracks me up.. can't wait to see where this goes, if it does turn into a feud because i'm sure Robbie E won't stand back and not let Shark Boy do that to Cookie.. i know i wouldn't, Cookie's hot and should be protected :)
I, too, like the Shark Boy gimmick. Yes, even the Austin one. It's light fun, it's funny as all hell (I mean shell) w/all the lines overlapping and working so good, and is pretty fresh if you ask me. Come on, a little cruiserweight w/a shark gimmick (which is ironic in itself since a shark is supposed to be this massive, fearsome killing machine) that is actually a good wrestler in his own right but also acting like SCSA? Hilarious. I've only gotten to see it on youtube because from about 2006-earlier this year I preferred not to own cable (I'd keep up w/wwe online reading about it) but I think it's classic. I mean, he does a damn good Austin impersonation! It's good to have light hearted things like that as long as they don't get out of hand. A little humor is good. And you have to give him props, he's a lot better than Gillberg. (Not by much, though, that was pretty funny too) "And that's the fishin' line..... cuz Shark Boy said so!"

(P.S. I'd pick an Austin impersonating Shark Boy over an annoying rip off of an equally annoying reality show any day of the damn week. The Shore sucks, both the gimmick and the actual damn show.)
Okay, I know this is going to piss off some people, but I am so tired of hearing people say that the X-Division has gone down hill and lost it's luster and such. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what people are missing about the X-Division.

Was it the fact that a million and one different same statured and styled wrestlers were paraded in and out weekly to put on what I have to admit were 5 star matches but that you could only tell apart by their finishers? Was it the fact that any wrestler lacking personality and charisma could be in and out of TNA on any given match without having one real inkling of how to pull off an interview or put in any real mic time? Was it the same tights, same flips and somersaults and putting body and safety on the line weekly with a few claps in return but nobody really knowing anybody's real name or really even caring?

Now I, for one, like that the TNA has built memorable characters in the X-Division. Not saying that bringing back the character of Shark Boy is going to be a world class moment of gold, but it's still entertaining. He's actually pretty funny and does a spot on impression of ole Stone Cold. Is this what pure wrestling fans want? Of course not. But wrestling is once again evolving to suit the paying viewers. I mean look at it. Curry Man got more of a reaction during the short time that he was in the ring than The Fallen Angel? And just look at ROH and how they have changed their presentation style to include more character development and storylines over just wrestling without purpose.

I'm sorry people but it's the new age of wrestling. And if that mean Sharky comes back for the little bit, then I say good for him. It will be a nice change for the division. Besides, nothing they do can be worse than putting the title on a midget...ever.
I think he has been brought in to be another guy Robbie E defeats and keeps the title on him longer.

I have no problem with Shark Boy, except I really do not like the Stone Cold gimmick on him. But I think he is strictly on TV to job to Robbie E and try to make it somewhat entertaining or interesting in the process.
Okay, I know this is going to piss off some people, but I am so tired of hearing people say that the X-Division has gone down hill and lost it's luster and such. To be honest, I'm not exactly sure what people are missing about the X-Division.

Was it the fact that a million and one different same statured and styled wrestlers were paraded in and out weekly to put on what I have to admit were 5 star matches but that you could only tell apart by their finishers? Was it the fact that any wrestler lacking personality and charisma could be in and out of TNA on any given match without having one real inkling of how to pull off an interview or put in any real mic time? Was it the same tights, same flips and somersaults and putting body and safety on the line weekly with a few claps in return but nobody really knowing anybody's real name or really even caring?

Now I, for one, like that the TNA has built memorable characters in the X-Division. Not saying that bringing back the character of Shark Boy is going to be a world class moment of gold, but it's still entertaining. He's actually pretty funny and does a spot on impression of ole Stone Cold. Is this what pure wrestling fans want? Of course not. But wrestling is once again evolving to suit the paying viewers. I mean look at it. Curry Man got more of a reaction during the short time that he was in the ring than The Fallen Angel? And just look at ROH and how they have changed their presentation style to include more character development and storylines over just wrestling without purpose.

I'm sorry people but it's the new age of wrestling. And if that mean Sharky comes back for the little bit, then I say good for him. It will be a nice change for the division. Besides, nothing they do can be worse than putting the title on a midget...ever.

Curry Man got more of a reaction than Fallen Angel? I seem to remember the crowd chanting "best match ever" during one of Fallen Angel's matches when it was XXX vs. AMW in a cage match. That's what people who might ever possibly watch TNA ever cared about. They had an alternative to WWE in that it promoted amazing matches that people WOULD never see and HAVE never see in the WWE. That's why people hate on the X-Division today and that's what people miss. Total Nonstop Action used to make sense as the name of TNA. And no one cared if they could cut a promo, because they were going to buy the PPV knowing that it was going to be incredible. Watch a TNA PPV from around 2005 or so and then watch what you think is the best TNA PPV from 2010. That should point out the difference. Maybe that's why, even without being able to cut a promo, I still bought the PPVs every month back then. Because I knew it would be incredible. Today, the promos still suck and the PPVs suck just as bad as those promos.
Okay Shark Boy is so bad that he makes Santino look like a main eventer. I've seen a few Shark Boy matches and promos and by god they were cheesy and bad, the SCSA impersonation got a chuckle out of me but that was it, he's bland in the ring and he looks like he's supposed to be at a kids birthday party.

Could they not have someone else instead like Kendrick?? Kendrick is good in the ring, okay on the mic and could do an unhinged gimmick if thats what they were aiming for.
Shark Boy's return didn't excite me at all. I have never been a fan of this guy, and his Stone Cold characteristics aren't funny at all. I'm not a big fan of Lethal either, but at least the guy can put a good match every now and then. Shark Boy VS The Fist Pumping Fool? Are you serious TNA? So this what the once highly praised X-Division has come to. Two comedy characters fighting over a title. That's just sad. I'm hoping these two don't feud, because this could be one of the most underwhelming and ridiculous feuds in current wrestling.
I marked out for sharkboy and the stunner. I liked that whole segment of the PPV for what it was. Can we please quit pretending the X-division fell from grace yesterday when in fact it was a long time ago. There is no need to try and build up the x-division with a bunch of flipping vanilla midgets. You might sell some tapes in japan with that but good luck going mainstream. Building up the other titles at the expense of that one is 100000000% the right thing to do. I also feel like I am on crazy pills because everyone cannot figure out that MCMG's are old X-division style wrestlers. Any of these matches with GenMe have been X-style. That part of what people liked about TNA isn't dead. It just isn't being wasted lower on the card anymore. Sharkboy was there for entertainment value and because of the action figure. If his presence sells you on the x-division's fall from grace then that is a plus as well because as far as I can tell that is precisely the reaction they want to get out of the shore title reign. The first person to say TNA is going to go broke from paying sharkboy to make a few appearances will get red rep. Oh shell yeah.
They're not losing money because of Shark Boy, SD, but you're out of your mind if you think the old X-Division was nothing but vanilla midgets.

Guys like Petey Williams, Christopher Daniels, Kid Kash and Jerry Lynn were far from vanilla – every one of them had a personality and every one of them could do more than just a few flips and spins with regard to entertaining the crowd — Daniels especially.

The "fall from grace" I refer to started with DPC performers like Jay Lethal and (Not So) Amazing Red. From that point it just grew incessantly worse and worse like a scar you keep picking at so it never heals, and Robbie E has done little to change that, albeit he's finally given the title a reason to exist, sort of.

Frankly, the division is too weak, and that's why it's suffering. Robbie E and Vanilla Lethal aren't enough. Guys like Shannon Moore belong there, as would Shane Helms, Brian Kendrick, etc. A little injection of talent would go a long way there, just like it did for the Knockouts with James, Tara and Katie Lea.
To be clear I am not bashing the original x-division although I do somewhat doubt its mainstream appeal. I am bashing on something I actually enjoy in moderation, flipping vanilla midgets, which is basically what the division was for quite sometime before Hogan and Bischoff came in. I am talking about once the fall from grace began as IDR phrases it. I still liked the flippy but boring x-division of last year but there was no money in those pointless clusterfucks. All I am saying here is that it takes effort to rebuild a division. Should TNA focus on establishing the TV title or rebuilding the X-division? To me it is obviously the TV title. They do not really have tv time to promote a strong deep x-division and thus it would be a waste to have one. I am also pointing out that the fall from grace happened when the talent they had there moved up the card. The style didn't die but it was pulled up the card with guys like AJ, MCMG and to an extent Joe. The original X-division was about so much more than spots. Pace, counters, creativity etc. It would be nice to see people recognize these elements in the other more important divisions instead of saying TNA needs to put a ton of effort, or more flippers, into the bottom rung of the ladder for nostalgia. Shore is a story, which is something the x-division has lacked for sometime. That is a step in the right direction even if it isn't "traditional."

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