
Via Armbar

Has a pretty good dick.
First fight on January 22 against a gentleman named Raul Mendoza. Met the guy, pretty cool dude. He has 4 amateur fights with 3-1 record with his only loss being his first fight. I trained with him at VC Muay Thai Academy until I left to go to Paragon Gym. I wanted to fight first at 155 but I was offered this so I took it at 170.

Tell me I'm going to lose here.
Your going to least according to yourself. I personally know nothing about Muay Thai except that this man is an expert in it:


So best of luck.
Edit: Do NOT thing you're going to lose. Believe me. You probably should meditate on your victory before the fight. That's what martial experts will tell you to do. They will also tell you to visualize your strategy before the fight as well. Visualization works. Trust me. :D
D: I don't want to kill the guy.

FunKay: I just expected some jokers to come in here and tell me I'm going to lose. I have been doing Muay Thai for about 13 years but left my previous gym for a place with a better group of more well versed trainers. I can do my Muay Thai and Ju Jitsu in one place now with better trainers.

I fully believe I'm going to pull this off. I've trained with the guy and I know I have reach, strength and speed on him. He transitioned from boxing when he couldn't cut it there so I don't see this being any easier at all especially I have a decade more of muay thai on him.
Good luck, What do you think are your strengths and weaknesses

Call it supreme confidence but I honestly feel like I take him in every place the fight can go. For someone who trained in boxing for a few years he has very average handspeed, doesn't work angles which is something I love doing and mixing my muay thai into it. If he had one advantage it might be cardio. That's only a guess though. I have no problems with my gas tank at all but I know his is endless. So as long as I don't let the adrenaline dump of my first fight get to me I should be alright.
Armbar, then you need to dominate him in the first round. Find angles to take him down and ground and pound the shit out of him.

and yes... kill him.
You should gimmick it up and come out to Real american, dressed and acting like Hulk Hogan, just to put him off his guard.

Not really, you should just go kick his ass.
You fight Muay Thai? Sweet, I've been training in it for a few months, but not overly seriously. Good luck to you in the fight dude, his ex-boxing ass will be no match for your superior Muay Thai training.
Good luck to you, sir. Can we expect the fight to be uploaded to Youtube/posted on this here forums after it's conclusion (which will no doubt end in a victory for the Armbar.

Oh, and you better win via armbar....

EDIT: Crock beat me to it, but it still stands, win via armbar.
Armbar, then you need to dominate him in the first round. Find angles to take him down and ground and pound the shit out of him.

and yes... kill him.

He was always a bit whiny during sparring. I have a feeling he doesn't like being pressed so I'm definitely going to keep him on the defensive right away. If I feel like he has my range figured out standing I'm definitely going to take him down and try to submit him.

And as much as I would LOVE to tap him via armbar, I actually catch more guys in triangles during sparring. If it presents itself I'll go for it but I'm not going to risk losing just to pull of an armbar haha.

And yeah if I'm able to get it filmed I will definitely upload it.
Ok first things first: we need a bus. We need a big bus with Fedor, Valazquez and GSP all cowering in fear before you. Then we'll need a white top hat, a suit and a cane (I'd recommend the big red machine). We'll also need to hire an army of trumpet playing midget acrobats. This is going to be my greatest production since Backdoor ****z 19.
Whatever you do,don't get hit in the face. Idk what I would do if someone hit me in the face...
Ok first things first: we need a bus. We need a big bus with Fedor, Valazquez and GSP all cowering in fear before you. Then we'll need a white top hat, a suit and a cane (I'd recommend the big red machine). We'll also need to hire an army of trumpet playing midget acrobats. This is going to be my greatest production since Backdoor ****z 19.

You have the money. MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!!!!
Good Luck Man! Knock the fucker out! and then take his money!

Wait I'm thinking of a different fight...

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