[Official] X Marks the Spot: Xfearbefore Xclusive Thread

That's one hell of a list dude, but you know HappyThankYouMorePlease has my endorsement. Red State should be available on iTunes soon as well, which is something I STRONGLY recommend.

Have you seen Hesher yet? I tried to see it at Sundance in 2010, but as you could imagine, I got locked out! A few other movies from the festival that I suggest checking out are High School (solid stoner comedy), Boy (coming of age comedy from New Zealand), and Splice, if you haven't seen it yet.

Nah haven't seen Hesher yet but it's on my to-watch list, looks pretty good. I'll write down those few you just suggested too. I've actually got Splice on my DVR, but figured it sucked. It was good?

Anyways, just about to finish this Brotherhood film and it's pretty fuckin' fantastic, if you like gritty realistic thrillers this shit is for you. A frat hazing prank goes wrong and they wind up accidentally sort of robbing a store and having a gunfight with the store clerk and it's all about a race for them to try and cover their asses. Good shit, I enjoyed it thoroughly. Good acting. Quick film too, only like 76 minutes or something.
Dude, Splice was AWESOME! The monster was one of the most terrifyingly real I've ever seen, and the ethical questions raised by the film were phenomenal. If you're in the mood for a scare and a bit of a mindfuck, check out Splice.
Барбоса;3352346 said:
X, add the Inbetweeners Movie to your list if you liked the first two seasons

Oh it's on my list man, laughed it up watching the trailer the other day. Has it even been released in theatres yet though? I fucking love that show, watched all of the series in like a week, that along with Peep Show are my favorite British TV shows. Nothing touches Peep Show, that might be the funniest god damn show I've ever seen in my life. No, it is.

I've just started watching the movie Havoc, with Anne Hathaway and Joseph Gordon Levitt. Apparently I've heard it sucks though. Everybody is doing a terrible wigger impersonation. Even JGL. It's weirding me out.
Going to see the Inbetweeners movie tomorow night cant wait! The holy trinity of British comedies is Peep Show, The Inbetweeners and Father Ted. Father Ted is top of the pile.
Y'know I've never actually seen Father Ted but I guess I should probably get on top of that. From what I've seen though, yeah, Peep Show is probably not only my favorite British comedy but probably my favorite comedy show period. I'll look into Father Ted.

Watching this Havoc movie, just kind of marked out hearing "I Got 5 on It" haven't heard that song in fucking years, that used to be THE JAM man. Reminds me of high school and shit. Movie is kind of lame so far though.
Inbetweeners came out today. Just got back from seeing it and it is well worth watching. Much more akin to the first two seasons rather than the third season that was dangerously close to jumping the shark. Glad the show is going out on top.

As for best British comedy, there are so many great ones but my Top 5 (this week at least) would probably be

5. Fawlty Towers
4. Inbetweeners
3. Father Ted
2. Peep Show
1. Blackadder
Father Ted is technically Irish comedy, it was just produced by a British production company and aired by a British television station. But the actors, writers, even the director were Irish.

Also, will be seeing The Inbetweeners Movie Saturday night, hopefully. Was planning to go today but last nights was my results night so I'm hungover like a mo'fo today. Can't wait to see the film though, should be good. Better be good.
I highly approve of this witty Irish banter in my thread. Yes, I'm one of those total cunt Americans with Irish ancestry who takes pride in such petty and stupid things.

So, started watching Season Four of The Wire again today. Best season I think.
I highly approve of this witty Irish banter in my thread. Yes, I'm one of those total cunt Americans with Irish ancestry who takes pride in such petty and stupid things.


Feck off
Love The Wire, kind of forgot about it after Season Two though; I believe it changed channel over here or something, or if not that it changed time on FX.

May just get back into it.
They used to show the wire over here on BBC 2 at like 9 every evening which made it impossible to watch every episode. Thankfully my brother got me the wire boxset for christmas 2 years ago. Me and my two brothers all ended up getting flu a week later and watched all 5 seasons back to back. Four really is the best season closely followed by the first season. I have an Uncle in Baltimore and he said that the way the schools are shown in season 4 in the wire is 100% how they are in Baltimore. Easilly the best TV series ive ever seen.
Oh god what have I done? I just started watching the first few episodes of the original Degrassi Junior High TV show, another series I've been meaning to check out since forever. God damnit I'm like 2 episodes in and I can already tell I'm going to be watching this shit religiously within a week. Fuck. I've gotten myself into another hole again. DAMN YOU FUCKIN' NOSTALGIC SHOWS OF YOUTH! DAMN YOU!

Such a great show. So sad how they ****e out the name with that "New Generation" show which seems awful from the bits and pieces I've seen. It must be, it produced that Drake kid.

Oh, and I'm contributing to a Best 50 Films since 1996 article on 411....can't choose my top fifty. Someone help me shave off eleven titles here....

1. The Dark Knight
2. Inception
3. Fight Club
4. City of God
5. The Matrix
6. Memento
7. American Beauty
8. Saving Private Ryan
9. The Departed
10. Requiem For a Dream
11. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
12. LA Confidential
13. Oldboy
14. Hotel Rwanda
15. Harsh Times
16. No Country For Old Men
17. The Rules of Attraction
18. Bottle Rocket
19. The Cooler
20. Traffic
21. Donnie Darko
22. District 9
23. The Hurt Locker
24. 24 Hour Party People
25. Adventureland
26. [REC]
27. Almost Famous
28. Scream
29. Boogie Nights
30. The Dreamers
31. Garden State
32. Martyrs
33. The Royal Tenenbaums
34. This is England
35. Brick
36. Mysterious Skin
37. Battle Royale
38. Punch-Drunk Love
39. Go
40. Mean Creek
41. Manic
42. Thirteen
43. Juno
44. Moon
45. 25th Hour
46. Adaptation
47. Nowhere
48. Into the Wild
49. Bully
50. Trainspotting
51. The Social Network
52. Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas
53. The Thin Red Line
54. Enter the Void
55. The Limey
56. Trees Lounge
57. Moulin Rouge
58. Half Nelson
59. Trees Lounge
60. High Fidelity
61. Irreversible

That's what I've gotten my list down to. Need to get rid of 11 more.
Start by moving Fight Club to #1.

Dunno that I can pick out 11 to take out but you might consider dropping District 9 or Traffic. Traffic really depends on personal preference, very polarizing film.

I'm intrigued by some choices you've already left off. Black Swan mostly. The Wrestler, Benjamin Button, and Slumdog Millionaire to a lesser extent.

Myself I would drop the Hurt Locker but I'm in the minority that didn't really care for it.
Start by moving Fight Club to #1.

Dunno that I can pick out 11 to take out but you might consider dropping District 9 or Traffic. Traffic really depends on personal preference, very polarizing film.

I'm intrigued by some choices you've already left off. Black Swan mostly. The Wrestler, Benjamin Button, and Slumdog Millionaire to a lesser extent.

Myself I would drop the Hurt Locker but I'm in the minority that didn't really care for it.

Oh dude it's not "in order" at all, no way, Fight Club is definitely not my number one film. That's WAY too fucking hard getting it into that order man, I'm just trying to get it down to 50 films before I start ranking them. Black Swan and The Wrestler were both on it, but I wound up cutting them off. And honestly, I STILL haven't fuckin seen Slumdog Millionaire, so I can't throw it on there if I haven't seen it.
Oh dude it's not "in order" at all, no way, Fight Club is definitely not my number one film. That's WAY too fucking hard getting it into that order man, I'm just trying to get it down to 50 films before I start ranking them. Black Swan and The Wrestler were both on it, but I wound up cutting them off. And honestly, I STILL haven't fuckin seen Slumdog Millionaire, so I can't throw it on there if I haven't seen it.

Fair enough. I'm only joking about Fight Club - it's one of my favorite films but I don't really think it's the best of the last 15 years. I can see cutting the Wrestler, though personally I think Black Swan ought to be in there. Upon further consideration Slumdog probably isn't worth top 50, though it's still good enough to see at some point.
So I decided on my top 50. I haven't ranked them yet though, not sure if I'll need to get on that today or not.

I just had to note the ironic juxtaposition between the two television shows I've been watching the last few days, which is season four of The Wire and season two of Degrassi Junior High. Both shows feature characters at the same age point (7-9th grade), trying to figure out the whole coming into your teens and later adulthood thing but it's just two totally different worlds obviously, one the gritty drug ridden urban streets of Baltimore, the other your typical suburban wonderland in friendly Canada. It's incredible how much your environment plays into your development as a person.

Been on a New Japan roll lately. If you haven't checked out my blog recently (by the way, here's the link: (X's Wrestling Review) I've posted a slew of reviews for all the New Japan shows from March and early April of this year, and I hope to be finished with this gargantuan pile of New Japan shows sometime in the next two or three weeks. After that I'm going to tackle all of the NOAH and AJPW shows I've missed since February, but I figured it would just be easier to do one promotion at a time to catch up, and New Japan by far has the best product so they win first choice pretty easily. I also need to get on the latest 2 PWG DVDs as well. Plus the last few Dragon Gate USA shows. I don't know, I might just drop DGUSA or PWG. Probably not PWG. Not sure yet.
Slumdog was surprisingly good. Maybe a top 50 for me. Black Swan is in there. I found the Wrestler to be well acted, but it's dialogue and such was...pretty rubbish.
Shame because I cut both the Wrestler and Black Swan unfortunately. I love Aronofsky but I've already got Requiem For a Dream on there.

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