[Official: Wrestlemania 26 Discussion]

Ridiculous but I will give it a try.


I don't feel like doing an entire card right now, so I will just give the two matches I want to see next year.

WWE Championship
Kurt Angle vs. Randy Orton(c)

I don't know how this would happen, but I hope it does. If the rumors are true, Kurt may be leaving TNA soon and return to WWE. I hope it happens, they are so intense it would be great. They would get the match the deserved to get at Mania, but didn't get because of the fact they wanted Rey to win. It would be great.

World Heavyweight Championship
Undertaker vs. Cena(c)

Others have said it and I have been thinking about this for a while. To be specific, since when Taker won the Rumble and came to Raw that night with his entrance after a Cena match. Cena has had a feud with Taker, but it was a different Taker and a different Cena. It would be great.
I could definitely see Cena vs Taker happen. If a title is involved so be it I truly don't care. If it ends up happening I would bet serious money that Cena would finally end the streak. He's the WWE posterboy and they've been purposefully putting that match off and saving it for when Undertaker decides to eventually retire, which could very well be next year.

I'd like to see Jeff Hardy either going into and/or coming out of WM 26 as champion just because of how weak his first run was. Maybe CM Punk will wait to cash in the MitB and save it for a match between the two of them. Without a doubt they would tear the house down.

In terms of championships, I feel that both the WHC and WWE need to be united to recreate the undisputed championship. There can only be 1 champ. Maybe they can finally bring prestige back to the US and IC titles and actually have serious matches on the card next year.

And for god sakes get rid of the MitB. How about instead you bring back the old school TLC match for the tag titles involving 4 teams. That shits always the best.

Let's not forget about the ECW championship. Didn't see Swagger on the bill anywhere this time, thats pretty strange huh? I mean let's be real here if you're going to put money into the damn product at least have a serious title match. Since they brought back ECW, there's been only one match in the last 3 WM where the title was up for grabs, and it was Kane vs Chavo. 8 seconds right. Wow. Enough said.

I'd love to see any of the following have their 1 last match in any way shape or form: Randy Savage, Bret Hart, Hogan, Stone Cold, and The Rock. Stone Cold is most likely done thats for sure. Rock vs Cena maybe one day, not next year though I feel like that one might not happen so quickly. If Shawn Michaels has a retirement match like Ric Flair I can't see anyone more fitting to wrestle him than Bret Hart. Cmon that'll have been what 13 years in the making? If Rock vs Cena never happens maybe Cena vs. Hogan that would be great. Savage vs anyone would be great...

In general, the card needs to be planned a lot better than this year's. Honestly, there was basically 1 good match the entire time, although I loved the Hardy bout and MitB was entertaining until the end. I'm quite curious to see what happens.
ok i did this already but i dunno where it went.forgive me im new to the whole thread thing,what with this being my first.but now that wrestlemania is over and some of you think it might be to soon.but i want to start a thread on next years wrestlemania.WM26.i want to know if you guys had power to make next years card with the current roster.which would it be.you can add any stipulation you may, who walks in and out as champions and who picks up the victory

Money in the bank.christain vs evan bourne vs selton benjamin vs kofi kingston vs mvp vs rey mysterio vs john morrison vs kane.i like to see some more high flying action.with mvp picking up the win.by this time next year he should be ready to shine maybe

chris jericho vs jeff hardy.i just think these tow would have a great one on one match,with jericho scoring the win

batista vs big show falls count anywhere.one giant vs a man of pure strength i think it would be interesting to see who out lasts who.id like to see big show put down the animal

shawn micheals vs hhh.if next years WM is indeed the show stoppers last hhh would only make it a proper fit they always put on great bouts and this one would be no exception.this being the match of the night with hbk winning

if punk decides to wait and chash in mitb next year id like to see a 3 way with orton vs edge vs punk for the world title.edge walking in as champ with orton picking up a win and walking out as champion.be interesting to see

and finally undertaker vs john cena:i know this happend before but this time somethings have changed.for one last time cena was the heel.undertaker was in his american badass gimmick and 3 cena is on a whole new level than he was back in 2003.think about it the streak vs the champ with taker obviously picking up the victory

this is what id like to see at next years big event.what about all you guys.i want to know what kind of card you can come up with,thoughts?
Next year's Wrestlemania is definately going to have to top this year's....three things happened this year that i didnt like....CM Punk won once again and his personna is becomming similar to John Cena's, the same moves evry match and wins with the same boring finisher, don't get me wrong i like CM Punk but him winnning the MITB again come on! I was routing for Christian this year, but obviously Vince isn't going to let that happen unless he can find some sincerity deep down in his heart. So, next year I would like to see Christian pick up the MITB victory and featuring superstars like John Morrison, MVP, Shelton Benjamin, Mr. Kennedy, Kane, Kofi Kingston and Evan Bourne that would be pretty damn good although this year's was damn awesome they have to top it.

Another thing i did't like this year...Cena won again!!! like seriously is gettin to be complete bs I hate Cena because the fact he has to win the championship and he's "superman!" Let's face it he's boring to watch and is not a good wrestler. Something tells me Cena will be in it again but I would like to see Triple H vs Shawn Michaels, if it is indeed true that the showstopper is retiring for good.

The third thing I did not like is how Wrestlemania itself ended..I mean the Orton HHH match could have been a hell of a lot better considering it was the most hyped feud going on this year. And obviously would've been better if Orton won in my opinion because he's a damn good heel and they hyped hiim so much to win the Royal Rumble and now he doesnt win the title at WM?! A complete waste of time on the WWE's part. Anyways for Orton next year I'd like to see him in a title match with Edge I mean it's a match everyone has been waiting for and it would be best suited for WM.

I could care less what they do with Cena next year and for the second main event I'm looking at Batista and Cena as sad as it sounds, but something tells me that Cena will be main eventing next year :L. The Undertaker, theres lot to be done with him but they cannot end his streak I know it's been talked about having Ted DiBiase vs Undertaker and that wouldn't be too bad. I see a big future in front of Rhodes and DiBiase and they have to carry this company for the next generation and if they push him right this could be done. If not maybe Undertaker vs Jericho that wouldnt be bad to watch. It looks like Undertaker is running out of opponents lol. They could even do Cena vs Undertaker for the title and give the Deadman one last run. It'd be awesome to see Stone Cold to have one last match Undertaker vs Austin would be huge! and give more of an attitude era feel. I miss those days.

That's about all I can think of atm and it's really hard to say at this point what is going to happen next year. I just hope they have a better ending and don't put Cena in a title match!
WWE TITLE-Jeff Hardy V Jericho
sounds good on paper

World Heavyweight Championship-Randy Orton (c) Vs Kurt Angle
hopefully Angle does come back to WWE after his TNA contract expires.

HHH vs HBK HBK's last match in the wwe.

John Cena vs The Rock ive heard cena challenge the rock and hopefully. if not chuck him the the wwe title match
I see this as the WM 26
-HBK vs HHH- If he does retire we all know his BFF is going to do the for showstopper and I don't see a problem with that
-Taker vs Y2J- They have never fought I don't think and it would be a hellava match IMO; Jericho would be perfect to end the streak if Taker retires; Jericho has come to Smackdown to save us from the streak
-Cena vs The Rock its a pipedream I know but I think it could happen here
-Orton vs Batista WWE Title the two Evoloution members finally decide who better at grandest stage of them all
-Edge vs Christian vs Jeff Hardy WHC/ECW title in TLC triple threat; I see Jeff Hardy winning the rumble and ala Taker he challenges both Edge & Christian for there titles and in a TLC match like they used to do.
MITB-MVP,Kennedy,Rey,Benjamin,Kofi,Evan Bourne,Kozloff,Morrison- with Shelton winning I mean he's been in it every year give the guy a bone
Marsye vs Melina Unifications of both womens titles-They started that feud this year and what way to finish then at the next Wrestlemania
Kane vs Mark Henry in a Inferno match- Storyline Mark Henry damages Kane face so he comes back as the original Big Red Machine and tells Henry WM is in desert and he will make it like Hell in a Inferno match
If WWE want to avoid repeating matches at WrestleMania like they did last year, they need to look at each brand and see what their best match up is and save that for WrestleMania.

Raw - Cena vs Orton

Smackdown - Jericho vs Undertaker

Of course this won't happen. These feuds will be rushed in two weeks to get last minute buy rates for No Mercy, but then still used at WrestleMania anyway.

I know they run the risk of injuries and suspensions but they should have plans in place for WrestleMania very early. This years seemed so rushed together. If they keep Orton vs Cena aside until 'Mania they can tease it now and again, then drop it, before starting the proper build at the Rumble.
If the Undertaker/Cena match happens at WM26, I hope the title won't be involved. IMO, it would be a bad idea to have anybody end the streak and if it is Taker's last match and he wins the next champion will probably be considered as a paper campion. Taker v Cena would easily stand on its own and doesn't have to have a title on the line to make it any better. It'd be nice to have Orton hold the belt to add presteige to Legacy and have someone they've been building for a few months come and try to take the belt from him.
I am just putting this out there. Not that I did this or anything, but on Wikipedia, there is a Wrestlemania Page that shows the main events for the past 25 Wrestlemanias. But thats not what I am talking about, just look under the Wrestlemania 26, under the Main Event Catagory, it says John Cena VS Batista.
i agree they need to save the big matches for WM 26.
Cena vs Batista this will happen next year folks bar none sighned and done. for the WWE tittle.

HBK vs HHH easily going to happen as well this will be his last match and Hunter will be the one to bring that to him. good old wrestling match everybody

Taker vs Y2J Smackdown has got to know they need to keep these two apart till then. this is there biggest match.

Edge vs Christan World tittle this is going to happen as well. there already giving us hints and clues. this match will be a TLC match.

wow this card already looks better then Wm 25 and i have not included Legacy yet or others.
For next years Wrestlemania to work out better than this years, they need to plan ahead, and maybe go with my matches.

Cena Vs Orton (WWE Championship Match)- Never had a real one on one match without Cena going beserk and getting DQ'ed, if they push it correctly, this could be a great main event.

Taker vs Jericho (World Heavyweight Title match)- If Taker's streak is destined to end, then it should be ended by Jericho. Taker could win the title, then Jericho can do his complaining ways, and get a match at Mania, hell i could even see Jericho winning the Rumble next year.

HBK Vs HHH- No rivalry, no beef, just like the Ric Flair match last year, this match can be all about respect, and it doesnt even have to be career threatening. Shawn can retire on one condition, and thats if he gets a match with his best friend and favorite wrestler....Triple H.

MITB- Not sure how this would work exactly since the pushes this year can seem a little unpredictable. I can imagine this being Shelton, Morrison(if not pushes correctly this year), MVP, Kingston, or even Christian.

Jeff Hardy vs. Rey vs. Punk- Always a ramdom feud, and this could be it, if one of these guys becomes a heel, then this will be a pretty good match, all are over anyways.

Not sure bout tha rest but those are tha matches I can see happening
Hmmm, tis' always difficult too predict early on, but i'll give it a go anyway.

WWE Title - John Cena vs The Undertaker
This one doesn't need to be for the title at all, but I couldn't think of anybody else to put in this poisiton with the HHH/HBK match pretty much a given. anyway, would be pretty damn awesome, but Taker would HAVE to win too avoid a riot.

World Title - CM Punk vs John Morrison
Have Punk really run with his second Title reign and have him keep the belt all the way up until WM to make him look really strong. Gradually build up Morrison and either have him win the rumble or the chamber at NWO. Either way, it will be a cracking match between two men who are destined to be the future of the WWE.

Triple H vs Shawn Michaels - No titles, no hatred, just an amazing half hour match between two of the best, too give HBK the most appropriate send off possible.

Cage War - The New Legacy (Orton, Tyson Kidd, DH Smith and Natalya) vs Version 2.0 (Ted DiBiase, Cody Rhodes, returning Sim Snuka and Manu) with Dusty Rhodes and Ted DiBiase Sr.
Simple, Orton eventually loses his belt and whose too blame?? Ted and Cody of course, so Orton introduces the Hart Dynasty as the newest members of the Legacy, who then proceed to kick the crap out of Ted and Cody. Cue them returning a few weeks later along with Sim Snuka and Manu, to extract revenge (thus Version 2.0 is born.) Add a cage, and 2 legends and you've got yourself a nice bloody bloody brawl too end a slow burning storyline.

MITB - I would personally chuck Kofi and Rey in this, and obviously Benjamin...also could chuck..dont wanna have Kane and Henry in there again but duno where else too put them..might chuck Christian in again aswell, and maybe the Colons and another tag team too add a different dynamic to the match...would have Benjamin finally win and then have him cash in on SD! later in the year.

Obligatory Diva Match - Beth Pheonix vs Kelly Kelly
Just too get some divas on the WM card, as per usual.

Umm don't really know what other matches 2 have, but would personally have 9 altogether, meaning there would need too be three more. Umm, Edge and Batista need matches really, as well as an ECW Title match and theres you're 9 matches. Would be pretty decent if it actually happened IMO.
This is the way I want that things are going to go.
Cena vs Orton, wwe title. I think these to can put on a very solid match. If it's not this match it will probably be Trips vs Cena.

Edge vs Christian vs. Jeff Hardy vs Matt Hardy.TLC match to settle everything. I know Matt's on raw and all, but this would be an amazing match, if you get a feud between Edge and Christian. You already have Matt and Jeff's feud that never was properly finished. I think that it would be amazing.

Trips vs. Shawn retirement match. Just a good solid match to give HBK a nice send off.

Jericho vs Taker, I think that is could be a great match! Jericho calling Taker a hypocrite for something. I don't know what. It would be a great feud.

I don't know what else right now.
At the moment I see:

John Cena versus Randy Orton - by then it would be quite fresh. And it would be epic. Two titans of the modern era go head-to-head. No idea who goes over.

Triple H versus HBK
- time for Michaels to quit, and who better than HHH to send him off? Don't want him stinking up the main event again.
The Miz wins Money in the Bank - MITB should go to a heel. He's the most deserving. Current promo work is absolutely gold and is building a nice feud with Cena. By this time next year people will buy into a Miz title run.

That's RAW. On ECW, I see..

Jack Swagger versus Evan Bourne - it hasn't happened yet. I hope it does. On the biggest stage of them all. It would be fantastic.

Smackdown is a little harder to call, but I see possibly an Edge/Jericho grudge match, with Morrison/Punk being the title feud. But then what to do with Taker? Because after Umaga got fired, Y2J is surely the logical opponent. Or possibly have Hardy and Edge do a repeat, although how you follow from their recent encounter I'm not sure. Or maybe give Hardy the Taker match. Shit, they had an amazing Extreme Rules Match on TV a while back. That might actually be the best option. All will become clear in due course. O

Other stuff: the Hart Dynasty wins the tag titles. Natalya wins either the women's or the Divas championship. Christian fits in their somehow.
My predictions

Cena vs Batista II( wwe title)
Orton vs Rey World title
Undertaker vs Ted dibiase( taker loses)
HBK vs Cody rhodes(HBK loses and retires)
Matt hardy wins MITB
Christian vs Edge in a ladder match. IC title
Hart dynasty vs Primo and Carlito
Chris Jericho vs john Morrison vs Mvp vs Cm punk(1# contender for wwe title

Thank God you're not on the booking committee for WWE.

Dibiase going over Taker? Cody going over HBK? Yeah, two glorified jobbers are going over two of the most decorated superstars over the span of 3 decades (4 decades for HBK) in WWE history? Are you insance?
It seems to me that the card is already shaping up:

WWE Championship Match
Batista vs. John Cena

This one only depends on the fact that we don't know if Triple H or John Cena will be in another feud at the time, because Batista will be for sure in the main-event for the last time in his career (it seems he is going to retire)

World HeavyWeight Championship Match
Chris Jericho vs. The Undertaker

I think it makes sense to them to feud, and withouth Edge in the title picture at this time, they should face each other for the championship, Jericho walks out without the title.

ECW Championship Match
Jack Swagger vs. Evan Bourne

Evan Bourne second title match should be at Wrestlemania, stealing the show and the title from Swagger, so Swagger can be drafted two months later, being a 2 or 3 times ECW Champion what would be a first in the new ECW

HBK's Last Match
Triple H vs. Shawn Michaels

Its logical. Shawn Michaels last match has to be against Triple H and I want it to be Heel vs. Face, Triple H needs to be totally heel at this time at make a face turn at the end of the match after beating HBK.

Edge vs. Randy Orton

Edge should be a major face by Wrestlemania 26, this match can steal the show.

Money in The Bank
John Morrison vs. CM Punk vs. MVP vs. Big Show vs. Kane vs. Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin vs. Mark Henry

Throw 8 guys in here, it doesn't matter anything anyway, I guess Morrison and CM Punk could be the top contenders on this one

Tag Team Championship Match
Legacy vs. The Hart Dynasty

Face off between the two next generations teams in the WWE.

RAW vs. SmackDown! Divas Match
Mickie James, Beth Phoenix, Kelly Kelly and Maryse vs. Michelle McCool, Melina, Maria and Layla (?)

Just purely random.
This is far too early to tell, considering we don't even know when Batista, Edge, HBK, and Undertaker will return...and we don't know if Jeff Hardy will be here...and anybody could get injured at any random time and screw it all up....but, what the hell, might as well guess anyway right? There are typically 8 segments, but only a few staple things, so I'll break down what I can:

--We only have a few options on Raw. They BETTER not fucking do HHH in it. We've had HHH/Batista, HHH/Orton, HHH/Cena...we need something different. Now, I don't think Big Show is going to be in it, nor do I think HBK will be, nor do I think they'll give a spot to someone like MVP or Miz. I think we're looking at three options that they'll take. Either its Cena/Orton, Cena/Batista, or Cena/Orton/Batista. In all three scenarios, Cena takes the title or retains if he already has it at that time.

--If Hardy is still here, there's a chance they would do Hardy/Jericho, but I don't know if they'd trust him with that long of an important build. I don't think CM Punk will be champion or challenging for the title, and I HIGHLY doubt Undertaker, Kane, Mysterio, Khali, and 95% of the roster will end up being in this match. I think either Edge will return as a face and we'll have Edge/Jericho, or they'll push Morrison against either Edge or Jericho.

--Only a few choices, and they depend on the championships. Taker/Cena would sell very well. Taker/Jericho would be great. Taker/Punk not so much, but its a possibility. Taker/Kane is always a possibility but I think they should - and probably will - save that for when Taker wants to retire. Taker has nobody interesting to fight on the other brands outside of the Miz which seems like an odd pairing, especially when Miz is most likely going to be in the Money in the Bank instead.

--Too hard to guess even when they're doing the qualifying the matches. You can throw a huge list of names in here. Morrison would be the person I think has the best chance at winning it. Then there's Miz. MVP could be in it. Kofi. Bourne. Rhodes. DiBiase. Finlay. Big Show. Mysterio. R-Truth. Ziggler. Etc.

--Doesn't matter and nobody ever gives a shit about it anyway so it'll be a 5 minute random thing.

--HBK usually has a singles match. Does he faces Triple H in some sort of retirement thing, or does he face someone in a feud? If he goes for the feud option, I think the only possibilities are Miz, and Jack Swagger, and the off-chance that its CM Punk.

--Going by the roster that it is right now, there's only one match that they could have, and that's Christian/Shelton. Of course when WrestleMania comes around, they tend to have people switch brands for the hell of it, so we're not limited to that, but that's clearly the biggest match they could have, as I doubt they really want to have Christian/Kozlov or god forbid Dreamer/Kozlov lol.


So, just for the hell of it, I'm going to take a guess that this is the card, even if its not what I'd personally WANT to happen:

WWE Championship: John Cena vs. Batista vs. Randy Orton
World Heavyweight Championship: Edge vs. Chris Jericho
Undefeated Streak: Undertaker vs. CM Punk
Singles Match: Shawn Michaels vs. Jack Swagger
Diva's Match: Blah Blah Blah
Money in the Bank: John Morrison vs. The Miz vs. MVP vs. Kane vs. Rey Mysterio vs. Matt Hardy vs. Kofi Kingston vs. Bourne/Finlay/Ziggler/R-Truth
ECW Championship: Christian vs. Shelton Benjamin
Other Match: Triple H vs. Big Show? Idk. Neither are on the card yet lol.
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My card is the best one.

World Heavyweight Championship
Edge vs Chris Jericho (C) - Edge should come back as a super-face and win the RR to go on and challenge Jericho for the World Heavyweight Championship. Edge pins Jericho to win the title.

30-Minute Iron Man Match
Triple H vs Shawn Michaels - If this is going to be HBK's final WrestleMania, I want him to beat Triple H in the only type of match they haven't had yet: Iron Man. HBK should win in sudden death overtime with the final score 2-1.

WWE Championship
Batista vs John Cena vs Randy Orton (C) - Cena wins a #1 contender's match at No Way Out. Randy Orton defeats Batista at No Way Out. Batista gets into the WM match somehow. John Cena pins Orton to win the title. This would lead to a rematch with Orton at Backlash and a new Cena/Batista feud following that.

Undertaker's Final Match
Kane vs Undertaker - Kane defeats Undertaker in his final match and ends his undefeated streak.

Money in the Bank Ladder Match
Christian vs CM Punk vs The Miz vs Matt Hardy vs MVP vs Jack Swagger - Christian wins.

There would be other matches too but those would be the main ones. My card is so fucking epic, I know.
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