Official Women Of Wrestling TNA Knockouts Thread

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Dark Match Jobber
Hello. Here is the Official thread to discuss and post pictures of the TNA Knockouts. Please be advised when posting pictures that there is NO NUDITY allowed on Wrestlezone Forums. So, please click on the Post Reply button to start your discussion and have fun.
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I'm a big fan of the Knockouts and women's wrestling in general. The knockout division get's alot of praise by critics and IWC alike. Even TNA's break down of the ratings show TNA's women can draw. They have great matches, and sign legit women's wrestlers(Cheerleader Melissa, Kong, Sarita, ect) instead of models and regular girls like the WWE.

So with the knockout ratings being good, matches being good, and the overall division being liked it seems like the Knockout division is a shinning star right now.

I mean you cannot go into a WWE diva discussion without hearing the words "Models, Suck, Shit, Worthless, Waste of time" ect. Thoes matches are spotty, and messy the majority of the time. So to the IWC the Knockout>Divas.

But from my years of being a women's wrestling fan I have found something out. Most men give two flying shits about women's wrestling period. Now I know many will come in here complaining that they love actually good matches and what not, but I'm saying the general fan could care less if it was Kelly Kelly Vs. Maria or Natayla Vs. Awesome Kong. '

So with that said I stand by this statement WWE Divas>TNA's Knockouts. They are prettier, more mainstream, and likeable. I'm telling you more people would probably watch a Kelly Kelly Vs. Layla mud wrestling match then a 60 minute Beth Vs. Kong match.

That being said I love the knockouts and think it's one of the bright points of TNA. Sarita, TBP, Tara, ODB, Kong, are all faves of mine. TBP are probably the best thing in womens wrestling since Lita/Trish and girls like Taylor Wilde & SoJo Bolt are hot as ice!
I think the Knockouts are refreshing compared to the Divas. I agree, TNA is more likely to sign a wrestler who knows what they are doing unlike WWE, who signs a model, and then sends them to development.
Wow... I haven't posted anything in here yet? Oh well, let's get into it. Well, with the WWE thread similar to this completely shot down & my Womens Of Wrestling thread in the GW Area sinking faster than Titanic, I think its time for some KnockOut's! I will have to agree to an extent that the KnockOut's are greater than the WWE divas.

Supporting Evidence:

The KnockOut's can wrestle, plain & simple. Pretty much all of the roster in the womens division that are used as active wrestlers have been picked from respected wrestling companies, with majority of contributing companies being all-women wrestling promotion. As I have mentioned in many threads, 6 or 7 female wrestlers at this point that are currently active members of the TNA roster have been brought in from SHIMMER women's athletes. Those some women are considered to be the best that TNA had to offer, bar Gail Kim if memory serves me correctly. Why? Because this SHIMMER company is considered to be one par with the male's wrestling division & by watching these gurls mix it up in the ring is simply a pleasure.

Rebuttal Evidence:

The women's division is sadly more of an appearance attraction rather than a wrestling attraction. For a female to make it in the wrestling industry, you need to have a considerable bod... with exception to wrestlers like Awesome Kong for obvious reasons. Once you have a bod, it does all the talking & you are past half way. Add some wrestling ability & you are a shoe-in. I am not knocking the KnockOut's here, but the WWE is on par with this philosophy. They have decided that they can hire girls who are beautiful & got an athletic look to them [hence the reason for Candice's release], then teach them how to wrestle. This will go a lot more smoother for management than doing the reverse by hiring girls who can wrestle & teach them to look pretty. I would also like to point out that 3 women on WWE's roster also came from SHIMMER, which I have said in other threads as well.

I like the KnockOut's division as it offers the wrestling most other companies cannot handle. If they can, I don't see them in the mainstream American spotlight. With saying this, I will rate my favourite wrestlers in TNA:

5) The Beautiful People. Yes, all three women... Love, Sky & Rayne. Just a great combination in my books & is the best women's division faction ever to exist in mainstream light. I am not that well familiar with other companies so I will leave my original statement as it is. But placing Love & Sky together, whom are on par with most of the WWE Diva's skilss, is great as it acts a support balance for the two. Adding Rayne who is one of the SHIMMER girls to the mix just sweatens the deal. Rayne's ability is very decent during some matches in SHIMMER.

4) Sarita. She remains at four due to the fact that she is very new. This is what happens if Lita & Evan Bourne had a lovechild. Just pure aerial, high-flying/high-risk lucha awesomeness packed into a great female bod.

3) Daffney. Soon to be overtaken by Sarita in my list, but her work for TNA so far has been decent enough. I see a great future for a girl of her talents, especially with her work with fellow tag partner MsChif. Wouldn't be surprised if she got brought up as well...

2) Awesome Kong. One of the best big female wrestler in the industry ever. She can sell for someone of her stature & can perform monsterous moves never seen in the women's division. Much like some of wrestling's biggest male wrestlers, just a marvel to see & a great experience to be apart of. Unlike most of wrestling biggest male wrestlers, she has a lot of talent.

1) Alissa Flash/Cheerleader/Raisha Saeed. What can I say really? All round great athlete. She is able to pull off any heel character at any given moment. She is pure evil that executes moves that sways the crowd [those that pay attention anyway]. Her match with Awesome Kong recently was epic. I will say that it is very close in surpassing the Trish/Mickie match at WM22. If these two get into a feud of epic proportions, I could eventually see a money-making KnockOut match on the horizon.

Honourable mentions:

Taylor Wilde. She didn't make the list as she still needs to work on her in ring abilities a little more first before I can consider her. I also don't like how she runs slow to start off with & picks up steam later on.

Well, that's all for now folks!
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