[Official] Vote For Tenta Thread'


The Shark Should've Worked in WCW
Well ladies and gents, you got three things you can vote me on. The first, of course, is Rookie of the Year. Please, vote for me with that!

Then, feel free to support the JTMFTG, as it's currently tied with KB for the Best Non-Spam Thread.

Finally, though you could vote me most improved, I've decided to give me backing to ST. So vote him for that!

Remember, folks, a vote for me is a vote for puppies. And a vote against me is a vote for Satan
another tenta is overated thread? cracking.
If you are the most improved, you wouldn't be asking for it...

I'm really not, Phoenix. I said I'd like a vote, but realize that Savagetaker deserves it more. Thus, I gave my backing to him.

Guys, all this amounts to is campaigning. Nothing more, nothing less.
Seriously, can I get the name changed back on this thing? It's not like I'm the only one fucking doing this. D-Man is, Lariat is, and I don't see any reason why I should get any more shit than them
its because every time i come in the bar room theres some random thread about tenta at the top, im sure you can find one of them and bump it
its because every time i come in the bar room theres some random thread about tenta at the top, im sure you can find one of them and bump it

For the record, most of those exact same threads aren't even started by me man. Plenty of people have threads about Lariat. You don't change any of his threads.

Seriously, what the fuck's your problem with me, Lee?
Look, folks, it's a campaign. If you're going to take it so seriously, then that's your call. I just don't understand why you'd take something so damn personal
wow if monkeys telling me to calm down I better seek anger management ASAP.
Lee, I don't understand what's the problem here, man. Yet, you seem to have a need to go out of your way to attack me.

They have a word for that. It's called trolling
A) I'm joking sheesh

B) FFar from trolling if it was the first thread I saw in the bar room

C) Nate - Great to have you back.
A) I'm joking sheesh

There's joking, and then there's attacking someone. Big difference. And if so, why haven't you changed the title back?

B) FFar from trolling if it was the first thread I saw in the bar room

And yet you also went to the trouble of posting your thoughts that I'm overrated? Perhaps it was the first one you saw. But it was still a shot at me.

C) Nate - Great to have you back.

wow if monkeys telling me to calm down I better seek anger management ASAP.

Well, quite frankly Lee, Tenta has a hell of a point, now i know you and you could be doing this for Shits and giggles. But come on man, if thats the case dont target one poster.

Edit: NVM saw your other post. I <3 Lee.
Lee, thank you for changing it back.

Anyway, if we can get back to business:

Vote Tenta for ROTY.

Vote Savage for Most Improved.

And vote the JTMFTG For best thread.

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