Official Unoffical Wrestlezone Tag Team Tournament 2 Discussion Thread

It's Sly. The latter, obviously. Although I wouldn't say it's nearly as extreme as him "trying to fuck with people." For those occasions, he merely states Becca is unattractive or we're all not mean enough.
It's Sly. The latter, obviously. Although I wouldn't say it's nearly as extreme as him "trying to fuck with people." For those occasions, he merely states Becca is unattractive or we're all not mean enough.

You know what they say, misery loves company

Can't you guys ever play along with a joke? I mean, how great would it have been for IC25 to get that PM, and wonder what the hell was going on?

We could even make it a "thing" around here.

I'm surprised by a few teams not having some support in here. Kane and X-pac have been mentioned a few times, but I was pretty entertained by them while they lasted and certainly more so than by Spark Plug and 1-2-3. I especially remember their first match together when Kane grabbed X-Pac by the throat (as it he was still his brooding monster at the time, the fear was that he didn't like the idea of teaming with Pac), and gorilla pressed him onto someone or other for the win. As a young teen I loved this team. Stick Bob with Crash and Waltman with Kane.

Also, I wanted to mention the Varsity Club of Rotunda and Williams as a team that doesn't get the love that I remember having for them. I was flat out afraid of Dr. Death when I was a kid. I remember when they faced off against the road warriors and for the first time in, well, ever at that point, I thought someone was going to kill Hawk and Animal not the other way around (as an aside, Williams really should have seen more success in North America - his backdrop driver looked like it could kill a man).

Thirdly, whats with the lack of attention being paid to the Freebirds? Check out their matches against the Road Warriors if you haven't seen them. If people think that the Hollywood Blonds are underrated, the Freebirds are down right forgotten.

LAX and MCMGs are fantastic and I'm glad to see them getting a lot of attention in here and I don't really have anything new to say about them either, but they should surely be involved in this whole thing.

I loved tag team wrestling as a kid, and it pains me to see it so neglected these days. Why do you think that is?
LAX and MCMGs are fantastic and I'm glad to see them getting a lot of attention in here and I don't really have anything new to say about them either, but they should surely be involved in this whole thing.

LAX is already in...and so are Miz and Morrison..shameless plug
Yeah, I saw. I thank Sam for that, I just wanted to voice the fact that I, too, am a fan - though as an ROH mark, I almost have to be. I was terribly afraid that Homicide would be wasted on a bigger stage - thankfully that hasn't been the case.
Yeah, I saw. I thank Sam for that, I just wanted to voice the fact that I, too, am a fan - though as an ROH mark, I almost have to be. I was terribly afraid that Homicide would be wasted on a bigger stage - thankfully that hasn't been the case.

You're my new favourite.
Yeah, I saw. I thank Sam for that, I just wanted to voice the fact that I, too, am a fan - though as an ROH mark, I almost have to be. I was terribly afraid that Homicide would be wasted on a bigger stage - thankfully that hasn't been the case.

I have only seen like one ROH match I didn't enjoy this match much. It was Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs Brian Kendrick and i don't even remember who...they just scream spotfest to me. I'm not a big fan of indy promotions I like the WWE style bc there is more story to the match.
im so confused right
If you want to be a mod, just PM IrishCanadian for an application.

That's about as simple as I can make it.

I'm surprised by a few teams not having some support in here. Kane and X-pac have been mentioned a few times, but I was pretty entertained by them while they lasted and certainly more so than by Spark Plug and 1-2-3. I especially remember their first match together when Kane grabbed X-Pac by the throat (as it he was still his brooding monster at the time, the fear was that he didn't like the idea of teaming with Pac), and gorilla pressed him onto someone or other for the win. As a young teen I loved this team. Stick Bob with Crash and Waltman with Kane.

Also, I wanted to mention the Varsity Club of Rotunda and Williams as a team that doesn't get the love that I remember having for them. I was flat out afraid of Dr. Death when I was a kid. I remember when they faced off against the road warriors and for the first time in, well, ever at that point, I thought someone was going to kill Hawk and Animal not the other way around (as an aside, Williams really should have seen more success in North America - his backdrop driver looked like it could kill a man).

Thirdly, whats with the lack of attention being paid to the Freebirds? Check out their matches against the Road Warriors if you haven't seen them. If people think that the Hollywood Blonds are underrated, the Freebirds are down right forgotten.

LAX and MCMGs are fantastic and I'm glad to see them getting a lot of attention in here and I don't really have anything new to say about them either, but they should surely be involved in this whole thing.

I loved tag team wrestling as a kid, and it pains me to see it so neglected these days. Why do you think that is?

Brothers of Destruction > Kane and X-Pac

I already mentioned the Freebirds
I have only seen like one ROH match I didn't enjoy this match much. It was Samoa Joe and Jay Lethal vs Brian Kendrick and i don't even remember who...they just scream spotfest to me. I'm not a big fan of indy promotions I like the WWE style bc there is more story to the match.

I've become less and less a fan of the ROH style as of late. Regardless, I think it'd be a cool idea to have ROH be represented by at least one team in the tournament. I nominate the Briscoes.
Sam, the Brisco's are hella old, didnt they wrestle down in florida back in the 70s or some shit?? No one would know enough about them to vote for them...

Didnt know they still worked shows for ROH tho, thats pretty hardcore
You're my new favourite.

You're MY new favorite.

As for the Briscoes, I caught them v. The Age of the Fall here in Toronto last month for Mark's return. They are, in my opinion, the best tag talent unsigned on the indy scene. They should be in.

And, as an aside I never liked the Brothers of Destruction. Ooooooh. They're big. They do double choke slams. big whoop.

Kane X-Pac > Brothers of destruction < Mankind and Vader
Sam, the Brisco's are hella old, didnt they wrestle down in florida back in the 70s or some shit?? No one would know enough about them to vote for them...

Didnt know they still worked shows for ROH tho, thats pretty hardcore

Good work.

Jack and Gerald Briscoe FTW!
Ah. the both of you, seem to want to walk the razors edge here.

Mars. I would imagine we are worse than the rockers. well because the rockers are one of the best tag teams in the history of wrestling. So thatmakes sense.

your a good kid.
I think it'd be a cool idea to have ROH be represented by at least one team in the tournament. I nominate the Briscoes.

After thinking on it a bit, there are only a couple tag teams that could/should be included from ROH aside from the Briscoes; The Rottweilers (Reyas and Romero), and Generation Next. The question is Aries and Strong or Strong and Evans?

Others like AoTF or Jacobs and Whitmer just aren't that good IMO.

Oh. Here's another one; The Second City Saints. Made up of arguably the two most popular performers on the indy circuit at the time, Cabana and Punk were over, cohesive, and just plain neat to watch even if it felt a little like the CM Punk show with special guest Colt Cabana. They had some fun tandem moves like the double camel clutch and they won some titles while they were at it. Punk was at his best in the indys with a little more freedom and a little less fear, and Cabana was a great foil for them.

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