[Official] TM Presents tdigle's Haus Und Hof

When do we get these questionnaires?

If you are on MSN, I would prefer to do the interview that way. But, if you aren't, then I'll send you one this week (I think I've already said that before, but I really am doing it this weekend, as I need to get production started on this bad boy).

Jake's and IrishCanadian25's interviews are already done, even though I never actually interviewed them (this is going to be good).

Also, Wes will be Deadman's replacement. Milenko, I haven't forgotten you though...you will be headlining one of the nights for the next Haus Und Hof. Even if this one bombs, I will do a part two to keep my promise.
Can I be in this?

This one is full, bro. But, you are way too interesting to pass up. So, you'll definitely be in the sequel.

I'm on MSN, but with me working the next few days, I'll only be on overnights. If that works for you, then hit me up whenever.

Sounds good...I'm going to read over some of your early stuff on here tomorrow night to get an idea of what questions I want to ask you. Look for me to hit you up sometime on Thursday night. Are you generally free to talk around midnight or 1, at work?
Sounds good...I'm going to read over some of your early stuff on here tomorrow night to get an idea of what questions I want to ask you.

Great. So I get to look like a smut peddler again :lmao: My early stuff was only NorCal's thread and OCW.

Look for me to hit you up sometime on Thursday night. Are you generally free to talk around midnight or 1, at work?

Yes I am.
If you are on MSN, I would prefer to do the interview that way. But, if you aren't, then I'll send you one this week (I think I've already said that before, but I really am doing it this weekend, as I need to get production started on this bad boy).

Jake's and IrishCanadian25's interviews are already done, even though I never actually interviewed them (this is going to be good).

Also, Wes will be Deadman's replacement. Milenko, I haven't forgotten you though...you will be headlining one of the nights for the next Haus Und Hof. Even if this one bombs, I will do a part two to keep my promise.

I'll be on windows messenger later.

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