[Official] Shawn Michaels will win. Again.

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Shawn Michaels ❤

Shawn Michaels - the man credited with kicking off the attitude era, the man who has held more PWI MOTY awards than any other, and the man who came back from a would-be career ending injury as if he'd never left.

  • WWF Championship x 3
  • WWF European Championship
  • WWF Intercontinental Championship x 3
  • WWF/E World Tag Team Championship x 4
  • World Heavyweight Championship
  • Winner of the First ever Wrestlezone Tournament

I could stop right now, that introduction and those championships speak for themselves. However, what those championships also gave Shawn was the title "First Grand Slam Champion", that being the first man to ever hold all of the major titles. Back in 1997, when Shawn completed his resemé by winning the European championship, he made a huge deal out of being the first man to do so - and rightly so.

Shawn's achievments also stray away from the singles division, with Marty Jannety he revolutionised tag team wrestling, with a style so new Vince McMahon himself didn't know whether to trust it to continue, shown by him never giving The Rockers a legitimate title win. However, looking at the division in it's more successful years with the work of the Hardy Boyz, the Dudleys, and Edge and Christian, their work, although more elaborate, had the foundations of what The Rockers set up all those years ago.

Shawn Michaels carried the comapny in it's hardest time, helping to make sure it kept it's neck above water, never giving in to WCW. However, shortly after, in 1998, a match with The Undertaker left Shawn in so much pain, he had to retire in a heartfelt match against Stone Cold at Wrestlemania 14. However, 4 years later a changed man entered the ring as part of the NWO. While his personality had changed drastically outside the ring, fans of the Heartbreak Kid knew instantly he was back, and better than ever.

Ever since his return Shawn has participated in amazing matches, always being the centre of attention at key events such as Wrestlemania. From 2004 onwards Shawn has been unbeatable when it comes to MOTY awards, winning all from then, making him the best. Every single one of his MOTY awards would be the match of the career for someone else, yet it's impossible to choose one for Shawn because he has so much talent.
Oh man. Good Job Becca. I shall be putting support to HBK for as much as I can. A true legend in this business. There are few who I would rank above him. Support is all I can give. Unless it comes down to Sting and HBK at some point. Then HBK is up shits creek without a paddle. Sorry, but I've said it before. Sting > HBK. Because while HBK was trying to keep WWF afloat. Hogan and Sting were doing a damn fine job of running them out of business. I'm just saying...
Shawn's got an impressive list of achievements, I'll give you that. So many belts that I honestly can't keep count - though they've dried up somewhat since his return, haven't they? You'll notice I refrained from talking about titles in my 4 (well, 3 so far) to vote 4. Lesnar had perhaps the most impressive rookie year ever, but I didn't mention it. People are currently complaining because Edge is bringing his title count up at a silly rate, but I didn't mention it. AJ Styles is very nearly a quadruple triple crown winner (currently a mere triple triple crown) in TNA, but I didn't mention it. In this environment, I think it's more what a wrestler is like in the ring than what he's won that's important.

Shawn's definitely no slouch in the ring though, is he? How would he have amassed that impressive Wikipedia list otherwise? The unfortunate thing is that Shawn is more famous for putting on great matches than winning them. That's unfair; he's won a fair deal of the classics he's put on, beating some greats as he's done so. There's definitely not a single wrestlers in this tournament you could put Shawn against where he wouldn't have a decent chance of coming out the winner.

However, his status as the first ever WrestleZone tournament winner will harm him. I'd actually think that Undertaker, the reigning champion, has a better shot of taking it. Personally, I wouldn't mind crowning the first double champion, though I'd prefer we got someone new.
Best matches

Here, I've done the slightly impossible task of picking Shawn's best matches. I say impossible, beause I could look at his MOTY record alone and pick any one of them out.

PWI Match of the Year 1994 vs. Razor Ramon - Wrestlemania X Ladder Match


The match which all ladder matches are compared to - a match which had everything. The crowd were so into this match, they could feel the excitement, and feel the heat between the 2, which was reaching breaking point.

Match of The Year 2005 vs. Kurt Angle - Wrestlemania 21


Not only the best match of both mens careers, but also the best match in Wrestling history. Incredibly underrated, both men show what a WWE match should be about. These are arguably the best men in WWE history, and this match shows why. From technical ability, to working the crowd, both of them know how to work.

vs. Vader - Summerslam 1996


Swaying from the norm here, I show you a match which proves beyond a doubt Shawn can work with the Super Heavyweights as well as those of a similar size to him, a task not easy for most wrestlers out there.
A great, great wrestler.

However, up against people such as The Undertaker & Bret Hart, Austin even, I don't see him winning.

They've just been bigger for the company, and I generally preffer them. Don't get me wrong, Shawn is fantastic. I think some of his classic matches should have been championship matches. Further enhance his legacy. I mean, quite a few were for nothing, which is fine. I think one or two could have been for more.
Nope. Perhaps the worst of the all time greats, his time on top was just bad. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Shawn is the greatest jobber of all time.
I have always been a life-long Shawn Michaels fan. He was my all-time Favorite Superstar, and the sole reason I even got addicted to Professional Wrestling to begin with.

From his days as a Rocker, to his turn as a Sexy boy. I will always cling to his initial Championship reign as Heavyweight Champion, but out of that I will say it deserved more than it was given. Without a doubt, my all-time favorite Championship match from 1996 would have to be against Vader at SummerSlam. With the King of the Ring match, against the British Bulldog pulling a close 2nd, and his No Holds Barred match with Kevin Nash (Diesel at that time) being tied practically right behind that.

But in the end, Shawn wasn't able to compete with the attitude that the n.W.o. presented on the rival program, and it took the equal attitude-filled Rattlesnake to turn the ship around.

Shawn Michaels, regardless of that, is still an Icon and a Show-Stopper in this industry though. As such, he'll always receive a vote from me, likely until the time comes that he may face Edge.
Nope. Perhaps the worst of the all time greats, his time on top was just bad. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Shawn is the greatest jobber of all time.

He stinks at being champion. That's true.

But he can put on world class matches.

Although, credit must go to his opponents too.
Shawn was in my top 16, and that is as far as I would push him, unless he is up against someone awful in the sweet 16. I can't see him winning again as times have changed and I think most people on here who will be partaking in a lot of the voting will realize there are many other greats out there to vote for.
I'll be backing HBK all the way. He is one of the best ever but he's not very popular here on WZ so I don't think he's going to get that far. Top 16 should be a breeze though. I think his current reign in the WWE is what is going to hurt him. If he would have stayed retired after he left the 1st time I think people would be more willing support.

HBK is solid all around including on the mic, in the ring, and his charisma has made him a fan favorite. He's able to get the fans involved in his matches and is one of the best if not the best sellers ever(Bret is also very high up there). He give's it his all in his matches and time after time puts out great matches. Winning the first ever tournament will probably also hurt him since people won't want to over reward him. I defenitly think he deserves to make it far regardless.
Becca I will support you

I like this part, so I may green rep you.

till he gets to Undertaker which we all know he will lose its just fact.

Excuse me if I'm wrong, you say this is a fact, but didn't Shawn beat The Undertaker to become the first Wrestlezone Tournament Champion? I believe he did. Therefore, what's stopping him doing it again? Shawn has what it takes, he matches or beats The Undertaker in almost every category.
He has my full support. No matter who he comes across, Because he makes all opponents look good. HBK, would have to be one of the most influencial wrestlers ever. And he will win.
Shawn has what it takes, he matches or beats The Undertaker in almost every category.

Strength? No. Agility? Aguably no. Submissions? No. Striking? Aw, hell no. Endurance? Nada. Versatility? Well, this is a bit of a cheat one, but nope. The Deadman will go 2-1, Becca. Unless, of course, you bring up the ol' "well, remember when Kane interfered and a semi-conscious, heavily bleeding Shawn somehow managed to get his arm across Undertaker?" argument. That one's a killer.
Strength? No. Agility? Aguably no. Submissions? No. Striking? Aw, hell no. Endurance? Nada. Versatility? Well, this is a bit of a cheat one, but nope. The Deadman will go 2-1, Becca. Unless, of course, you bring up the ol' "well, remember when Kane interfered and a semi-conscious, heavily bleeding Shawn somehow managed to get his arm across Undertaker?" argument. That one's a killer.

Agility - Shawn takes that one. Endurance - Yeah that's Shawns too, and it's not even debatable. What do you mean by Versatility anyway? Undertaker has like 500 million gimmicks?

Lol, that argument makes me laugh actually. There isn't a past match between the 2 you can really use for either - you have to base this on other factors. Shawn beat Undertaker in the first one, Undertaker beat Shawn in the second one.
Agility - Shawn takes that one.

I ain't ever seen Shawn walk the top rope, nor dive over it. I could do a diving elbow.

Endurance - Yeah that's Shawns too, and it's not even debatable.

You're kidding, right? Michaels is a mess at the end of his matches. Undertaker, on the other hand, just gets his hair a bit messy. Dude took a spear and was all "whatever - gon' choke y'all out, bitch!".

What do you mean by Versatility anyway? Undertaker has like 500 million gimmicks?

Each with a different wrestling style. His latest has been a combination of all of them, really. Big man that won't stay down, knows his submissions and technical shit, will punch your head off, will dive out of the ring into you and will gladly watch you bleed.

Lol, that argument makes me laugh actually. There isn't a past match between the 2 you can really use for either - you have to base this on other factors. Shawn beat Undertaker in the first one, Undertaker beat Shawn in the second one.

The best example is, oddly, the 2007 Royal Rumble. Though, otherwise, Shawn had his ass handed to him until a dozen guys - or, alternatively, Kane - came out and screwed 'Taker.

This'll keep until they face up, which they probably will. Just know I've got your number.

I ain't ever seen Shawn walk the top rope, nor dive over it. I could do a diving elbow.

Wow the vision of a faceless Sam trying that was fun. Anyways, agility is 'the power of moving quickly and easily'. Are you really trying to tell me The Undertaker is quicker than Shawn?

You're kidding, right? Michaels is a mess at the end of his matches. Undertaker, on the other hand, just gets his hair a bit messy. Dude took a spear and was all "whatever - gon' choke y'all out, bitch!".

I don't know which angle to go at this from. Hmm, when was the last time The Undertaker put on a great 60 minute match?

Each with a different wrestling style. His latest has been a combination of all of them, really. Big man that won't stay down, knows his submissions and technical shit, will punch your head off, will dive out of the ring into you and will gladly watch you bleed.

Shawn didn't need to change his gimmick millions of times - it's as simple as that. He's had one that works for a long time.

The best example is, oddly, the 2007 Royal Rumble. Though, otherwise, Shawn had his ass handed to him until a dozen guys - or, alternatively, Kane - came out and screwed 'Taker.

Lol, didn't The Undertaker win that after entering at # 30?

This'll keep until they face up, which they probably will. Just know I've got your number.


Wow the vision of a faceless Sam trying that was fun. Anyways, agility is 'the power of moving quickly and easily'. Are you really trying to tell me The Undertaker is quicker than Shawn?

He's either nearly as quick, as quick, or slightly quicker. Depends where you're looking at them. Michaels was probably quickest when he was a Rocker, whereas Undertaker's just really started utilising his speed in the last three/four years. There's no real telling. Considering 'Taker's superior size and physique, that's embarrassing for Shawn.

I don't know which angle to go at this from. Hmm, when was the last time The Undertaker put on a great 60 minute match?

When was the last time Shawn Michaels put on a great 60 minute match, he smugly retorts.

Shawn didn't need to change his gimmick millions of times - it's as simple as that. He's had one that works for a long time.

"Me have work for JBL now. Me so sad."

Lol, didn't The Undertaker win that?

Yes. Yes he did. Good observation.
He's either nearly as quick, as quick, or slightly quicker. Depends where you're looking at them. Michaels was probably quickest when he was a Rocker, whereas Undertaker's just really started utilising his speed in the last three/four years. There's no real telling. Considering 'Taker's superior size and physique, that's embarrassing for Shawn.

Embarrassing for Shawn..how? He's quicker than The Undertaker, that's all there is too it. I didn't even think it was debatable.

When was the last time Shawn Michaels put on a great 60 minute match, he smugly retorts.

Match of the year 2007? Or would you prefer Match of the Year 1996?

"Me have work for JBL now. Me so sad."

Eugh don't remind me.

Yes. Yes he did. Good observation.

If I remember correctly, Shawn's won it from #1 before. Of course I remember correctly.
Shawn Michaels is not quicker than the Undertaker now. As far as gimmicks go, I've always found Shawn's to be quite boring at times especially when he mopes around. The Undertaker has had the Ministry of Darkness gimmick, The American Bad Ass one which was underrated and he can put on great matches with anybody. If he and HBK are to meet again in this tournament I believe Taker because he has a few more tricks up his sleeve than HBK. He can go quick with HBK or use a submission style type of wrestling.

Endurance wise, I would say they are even. If Randy Orton hadn't threw a fit, you would have probably never seen that hour long-match HBK and Cena had. Undertaker hasn't wrestled any 60-hour matches because he doeesn't need to. Taker's in better shape than HBK so I believe he can go a full hour.
Endurance wise, I would say they are even. If Randy Orton hadn't threw a fit, you would have probably never seen that hour long-match HBK and Cena had. Undertaker hasn't wrestled any 60-hour matches because he doeesn't need to. Taker's in better shape than HBK so I believe he can go a full hour.

Lol. A 60 hour match would be the most boring thing in the world. But anyway..what do you mean 'he doesn't need to'? How is that possibly an answer or an explanation? It isn't. Plus, the truth is you have no proof The Undertaker can go an hour.
Someone tell me how Shawn is shit as champion. He deserved to be champion in the 95-97 era because WCW was taking over and he needed to step up , which he did. I fail to see how you can be bad at something when you aren't given the chance. Just like Matt Hardy who is somehow a bad champion and a better chaser. He vsed Mark Henry 5 times or something for the ECW title, how cna he do anything better when he is stuck with Henry? Anyways I will be supporting HBK along the way.
Lol. A 60 hour match would be the most boring thing in the world. But anyway..what do you mean 'he doesn't need to'? How is that possibly an answer or an explanation? It isn't. Plus, the truth is you have no proof The Undertaker can go an hour.

What I meant was his matches never went an hour but he has had plenty of 40 and 45 minute matches and based off what I've seen from them I believe he can go an hour in the ring just like HBK. So if they are to meet in an 60-minute Iron Man Match in the tournament, it's not a definite certainty that HBK will win. I'll still take current Undertaker over current HBK in pretty much any gimmick match (yes even the Ladder Match).
I'd like to see Shawn go far in the tournament. I grew up as a fan, and while he's far from my favourite guy these days, he put on some phenomenal matches back in his heyday. The guys will have my vote throughout the majority of the tournament.
He is a worthy top seed, and can in theory go very far, but in the rules of the tournament he may struggle in the hardcore arena. You have to take all kinds of factors into consideration, would the person he fights be able to use weapons better? Will they have someone to interfere on their behalf, whereas Shawn will not. DOn't get me wrong, he is a brilliant performer and can withstand a lot, but he would have done better in the WWE or WCW environment
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