Eddie Guerrero vs Shawn Michaels.


Dark Match Jobber
Survivor Series 2005 is approaching and SD vs RAW is on. Eddie Guerrero then cuts a promo

Eddie start talking about how, in the '90s, he was one of the best damn in-ring performers in the world. He was supposed to talk about his time as a star in Japan and how he was (along with Art Barr) the hottest wrestler in Mexico for a time. He was supposed to talk about how he was held downand how he let himself get addicted to drugs. He was supposed to talk about his attitude problems, how he almost lost his family, and his personal demons. Eddie would also talk about a man in America who was doing pretty much the same thing he was doing through it all. Eddie would talk about how he'd battled his demons, overcome adversity, fought through politics, and emerged as a World Champion but still the fans booed him while a man who had battled to his demons, overcome adversity, been a multi-time World Champion, and was one of the worst politickers he'd ever seen but today the fans treat him like gold. That man - Shawn Michaels.
And with this he challenges Shawn to a match at Survivor Series.
They keep feuding and its Survivor Series, Madison Square Garden. Eddie and Shawn close out the show, the match ends with Shawn tapping out to the Lasso from El Paso. After the match ends, Eddie gets a chair and destroys Shawn's back thus 'ending his career'. Eddie then follows the friendship angle with Batista and he wins the title at Armageddon, Teddy Long grants him the title oppotunity because he was the only member from Smackdown that won at Survivor Series.

At the Royal Rumble, Shawn comes back from the back injury and he costs Eddie the title. Later in the rumble Shawn is a entrant and its last three Shawn, Orton and Triple H. Eddie interfears and eliminates HBK while Orton goes on to win the rumble. The next night Shawn cuts a promo:

You know, 6 years ago when i broke my back in 1998. I thought that was it for me, hell, a lot of the critics and a lot of my friends backstage thought it was over for me too, i thought that i had to leave a part of me behind. A PART, that i thought i could never recover, so i started going down a wrong path, a path to my own self destruction. But the injury turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I got the chance to turn around and prove everyone even myself wrong by coming out of a 4 year retirement. I proved everyone wrong again and returned from injury once again. So Eddie, i want one more shot against you at Wrestlemania, but this time i want to push you to the limit, in a No DQ Match.
Later at No Way Out, Shawn is in the No Way Out, he's the last man left with Edge in the EC match. Then the referee accidently gets Speared, this causes them to open the door, while the door is open, Eddie comes with a chair and destroys Michaels and Edge picks up the win.
The two cut promos and they make it a rematch for Wrestlemania 22, this time a No DQ Match. They fight, Michaels does the elbow straight through the windshield of the lowrider. Michael drags him back but the ref is knocked out from Michaels accidently kicking him. A New ref comes 1...2..Nooo, Eddie kicks out to a massive ovation. Shawn tunes up the band, but Eddie reverses into the Lasso from El Paso, shades of Survivor Series. Shawn makes it to the ropes. The end comes when Shawn kicks Eddie when Eddie catches his leg and spins him and he kicks him while in a spinning motion. This ends the feud.

Would you rather their feud start at Survivor Series and end at WM or the feud to start at WM and end at Summerslam? And should their second match be a Street Fight or just a No DQ?

Would that Windshield spot be too big?
wait...im confused...could you like explain what you are talking about...is this like theoretically speaking? like a what if type of thing? cause i dont remember any of this happening lol....if thats the case, the match should start Survivor series and end at Mania...because of the fact it could have been one of the best matches at mania...and starting it at Survivor Series just makes sense, cause it leads up to a huge match at Wrestle Mania..
Ohhh sorrry, this is a fantasy feud that i came up with when i was bored. HAHA, if they feud started at Wrestlemania, then it could have gone on for a 2/3 Falls at Extreme Rules and then a Street Fight or a No DQ at Summerslam but me personally i like it starting at Survivor Series too.
Not bad, but that's very much a FANTASY feud. Even if Eddie didn't die, most of that wouldn't have happened. A feud between HBK and Eddie wouldn't last that long.

I think it's funny because there is a stereotype of IWC "noobies". They all have feuds/matches along the same template (feuding from Survivor Series-WM; WM-SummerSlam;etc.) and also everything has to end in a No DQ/Street Fight.

Here are some historical faults in your storyline though:

Where's New Year's Revolution?
Elimination Chamber wasn't at No Way Out until 2008.

Also, the windshield spot is just a little too much, buddy.

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