[Official] Orlando Jordan is a Creepy MoFo Thread


iMPACT! Player From The Start
-- Backstage reaction to the Orlando Jordan segment that aired on this past Monday's episode of iMPACT! was largely negative amongst the wrestlers in the locker room. However, sources say the two people who seemed to enjoy segment were Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo. Several people have noted since the segment aired that his character was inspired by musician Lady Gaga.

Can't say that I'm surprised. The whole thing was just weird. I didn't get it and I have no idea where they are going with it. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Like stated before though if he is a heel who happens to be bisexual there is no issue, but if he is a heel BECAUSE he is bi then this isn't going to help whatsoever.
Yeah, I thought it was weird too. First of all, I don't understand what police tape has to do with being bisexual? Because as far as I know, his gimmick consists of nothing more than his sexuality.

Also, even if that segment wasn't as strange as it was, it was still a waste of time. Jordan comes down from the ceiling and then just walks over to a different area to sit down. Very pointless, not exactly the kind of thing that would hold viewers. He didn't even cut a promo or anything. I can see why people would have a negative reaction to it. I would have personally thought that time could have been better used for somebody cutting an actual promo or something.

I will say this... at least they are trying to make him interesting. Though, I personally did not find it entertaining.
I actually liked it...but only because I thought the new music was decent. I like how the Hogan-era TNA has better theme music (except for the ruining of Abyss' theme)...

...oh, the actual gimmick? Eh, we'll see where it goes. I don't know what's next for it, which is something I like.
I for one agree. I don't know what this gimmick has to do with wrestling, or with any of the storylines that are going on right now. Even as far fetched as some stories have gone in pro wrestling today...how would his character's stable fit into the mainstay? Granted, I'm all for equality for people no matter what their sexual preference. But I'm not sure that the Lady Gaga type gimmick will work for everyone. To me, I was among the people who share the backstage's creeped out feeling, my husband was wrestling with why he even watched that and lost those minutes he
Read that also

Does not surprise me at all, I can't believe they get rid of guys like Creed and push Lady Gaga. Seriously... I by no means discriminate against bisexuals... but it has never worked in Wrestling.. maybe the only time i remember it working was with Billy and Chuck and that was just funny.
Its a weird angle for sure. Its going to be uncomfortably weird for many people out there. Even if this were the Attitude era, it would receive the same mixed reaction. The Attitude era has been dead for so long that wrestling fans have gotten used to not seeing this sort of thing.

The only kind of heat this angle is going to get is the wrong kind of heat. Fans dont like it when wrestlers' sexual preferences are shoved down their throats regardless of the orientation. Gay, straight, or bi, it doesnt matter; if the only talking point a character has is about their sexual orientation, it gets old real quick. Nobody cares where you like to stick it because we all like to stick it somewhere so give us something more than just that.

I will say though that Jordan's execution of the segment was virtually flawless. In fact it became evident to me that Jordan can actually work a gimmick, which was one of the big reasons why he never got over in the past. I dont like his gimmick now, but I can tell he's really into it.

Its going to be interesting to see what becomes of it. Hopefully they wont beat the bad "cross the line" puns to death. I think Russo and Bischoff are happy with the angle because of Jordan's execution and it makes you want to see how it develops, like a morbid curiosity.
I liked the character more when he was Goldust....;)

This is a dead-end gimmick simply to cause controversy in an attempt to get some publicity and free advertising. It will last about as long as the Berlin gimmick did in WCW.
Yeah, I thought it was weird too. First of all, I don't understand what police tape has to do with being bisexual? Because as far as I know, his gimmick consists of nothing more than his sexuality.

The police tape says "Cross the Line" on it. Tazz pointed that out. I think in that respect it makes a lot more sense to why he was wearing it.

I think it's something new. There have been guys like Goldust and Adrian Adonis but they were so over the top in make up that the "bisexual"/"cross dressing" perspective was almost over looked. Orlando Jordan is more or less just being himself. He obviously won't be wrestling in the Cross the Line tape, and his outfit is normal. And I think that'll be what makes everyone most uncomfortable, the fact that he's just like all the other over-masculine wrestlers in the back, but "not".

Flair's reaction to that guy is absurd, and exactly why this storyline needs to continue, even if it ends in a bust. People need to realize that being gay or bi in the world isn't anything to get all crazy about. They aren't stereotypical cross dressers as portrayed by Adonis and Goldust. This seems to be the first "accurate" portrayal of homosexuality or bisexuality in wrestling (as far as I know) and it should continue because, at least in America, the ignorance and hatred that exists towards these groups of people is absurd.

Heel or face, it doesn't matter. He's going to be a tweener. Heck, he may even attract a new fan base who doesn't care all that much about the Knockouts/Divas. Have him go out there and try kissing some of the guys in the front row, and he'll get heat by the bigots, but over time it'll play to his advantage. He can be like Bashir, who was pro-America but anti-Americans, and address actual concerns in society.

Hopefully this escalates to the point where Jordan is put against AJ and Flair. Let Flair's bigotry shine, and it should be one great promo. The bigotry will take heat away from Flair and make him look like a bigot, and Jordan will start being cheered for his bravery of not trying to hide who he is.

Pun intended, they can go either way with this and it has the potential of being a success.
the segment was odd and didn't seem to serve much purpose. Whats up with his entrance music. His old music was kinda catchy. Don't believe the hype about backstage heat, just him recycling goldy's gimmick would have been enough, but him actually being bi is a heat magnet. Good move by TNA but here's hoping they don't get too over the top, but maybe that would be awesome.

Well, I'd get lols out of him bitch smacking people in the back(especially Pope for calling him Whoppi) since he's looking a little like Rick James right now so maybe they can work that in... "I'm OJ bitch"
I think it was supposed to be creepy, and he is going to have that attitude era goldust like quality to him. Perhaps he will be a heel as goldust was when he debuted? I think the police tape was just something for him to wear to show a male character with some feminine sexuality to get over that he is bisexual. The eyeliner probably helped too. Oh, and also the GIANT male symbol with a male and female symbol linked with it and the fact that he crawled into a bed next to a man and a woman.
What pissed me off the most is that TNA hasn't had Sting drop out of the ceiling yet we have Orlando Jordan doing so? ESPECIALLY WHEN STING WASN'T EVEN ON THE FUCKING SHOW.

He could have just as easily walked through the crowd and not been charged with gimmick infringement.
the real question is will TNA be able to financially handle the almost inevitable sexual discrimination suit headed its way and will Spike keep them on the air should said lawsuit be filed. the ric flair incident could be enough alone if jordan's companion finds it a hostile work environment (sounds like he does too).. obviously some major work on TNA's part is needed to fix this and to keep it from happening again. I really don't know if they will be able to though. Funny thing is it is ric flair complaining (one of the hogan crew) i'd have thought for sure it'd be a TNA original who may be against the angle being used as a cheap way to get attention rather than wrestling again. I think if they don't get this smoothed over... this could be a huge nail in TNA's coffin when it comes to TV similar to mass transit for ECW
I can see why many people backstage would have heat with this angle. I didn't see the point in it. Yes it had the creepy factor, but so did Golddust 14 years ago. Do we really want to see that again? Dustin Rhodes wanted to get out of the shadow of his father. So he took a very bizarre gimmick and made a name for himself.

What's the reason for Orlando Jordan doing it? He couldn't get over to save his life. Since he's Hogan's buddy they try this pathetic attempt at the shock value to get him over. It's not going to work I turned off Impact right after that segment. I agree with the last post this could be a p.r. nightmare for TNA. If Jordan's boyfriend sues Flair and TNA for hostile work environment. GLADD will be all over it. TNA will probably not go out of business over it, but it will hurt them in the long run.
-- Backstage reaction to the Orlando Jordan segment that aired on this past Monday's episode of iMPACT! was largely negative amongst the wrestlers in the locker room. However, sources say the two people who seemed to enjoy segment were Eric Bischoff and Vince Russo. Several people have noted since the segment aired that his character was inspired by musician Lady Gaga.

Can't say that I'm surprised. The whole thing was just weird. I didn't get it and I have no idea where they are going with it. Guess we will just have to wait and see. Like stated before though if he is a heel who happens to be bisexual there is no issue, but if he is a heel BECAUSE he is bi then this isn't going to help whatsoever.

The fact is Orlando Jordan's gimmick is giving TNA some media attention outside of professional wrestling, and it's positive attention also.

I know alot of the wrestlers are confused and a probably angered by his gimmick but its their own ignorance that isn't helping the matter, we are at a day and age where people are allowed to act freely no matter what their intentions are as long as they are not threatening to harm anyone, I don't see what the major deal is hes just working a gimmick that plays upon his own life and for me its a good idea, isn't this what most of the guys who main evented the attitude era have done?, why not give the gimmick a chance?.

As for those who are offended they can do what Scott hall did back when Golddust was entering the company fold with his rather confused gimmick and thats just move on, if they have an issue just get yourself out of your contract and go work somewhere else, there are other options.
No matter how you felt about the segment I would wager you were watching to see what would happen next. To me that makes it successful. I also would not be surprised if this Flair thing is just a work to get some publicity and/or put the gimmick over.
Flair's reaction to that guy is absurd, and exactly why this storyline needs to continue, even if it ends in a bust. People need to realize that being gay or bi in the world isn't anything to get all crazy about.
Hopefully this escalates to the point where Jordan is put against AJ and Flair. Let Flair's bigotry shine, and it should be one great promo. The bigotry will take heat away from Flair and make him look like a bigot, and Jordan will start being cheered for his bravery of not trying to hide who he is.

So it couldn't just be that he doesn't like the guy? Oh sorry, of course not. I'd forgotten, if a straight guy has a barney with a gay/bi guy its a homophobic attack; If roles are reversed, then nothing is generally said. It's that all-encompassing threat that I've seen so many times. Can someone remind me how many blow ups Flair had with Pat Patterson, Mideon, and any number of other wrestlers who were openly gay? Mmm, real bigot. As I said to start the post, maybe he has just taken a dislike to the guy? We all do it, meet somebody and immediately think "What a Prick".
No matter how you felt about the segment I would wager you were watching to see what would happen next. To me that makes it successful. I also would not be surprised if this Flair thing is just a work to get some publicity and/or put the gimmick over.

if you didnt notice not many ppl even watched TNA. and im sure his segment didnt keep ppl tuned ppl into it. I doubt it will be successful. He is bi ok whatever but does TNA really have to push it down our throats. Are they really gonna try to make this guy a heel using his real sexual orientation. Like i said Spike tv claims to be a channel for men. Im sure any straight man or boy that saw this werent really excited to see what happens next or next week
if you didnt notice not many ppl even watched TNA. and im sure his segment didnt keep ppl tuned ppl into it. I doubt it will be successful. He is bi ok whatever but does TNA really have to push it down our throats. Are they really gonna try to make this guy a heel using his real sexual orientation. Like i said Spike tv claims to be a channel for men. Im sure any straight man or boy that saw this werent really excited to see what happens next or next week

What I am saying is that no one thought now is a good time to change the channel while that was going on even if they had an adverse reaction to it. You were curious where this was going because it was so different. Just look at how much discussion the combination of this and Flair has got. I doubt many men are "excited" by it but that is not the only reason people tune in or talk about something.
What I am saying is that no one thought now is a good time to change the channel while that was going on even if they had an adverse reaction to it. You were curious where this was going because it was so different. Just look at how much discussion the combination of this and Flair has got. I doubt many men are "excited" by it but that is not the only reason people tune in or talk about something.

Sorry to disagree, but the OJ segment was part of the lowest rated quarter-hour segment of the show. According to prowrestling.net:

"Q3: 0.46 rating - The Pope promo, Samoa Joe video, Orlando Jordan weirdness"
Sorry to disagree, but the OJ segment was part of the lowest rated quarter-hour segment of the show. According to prowrestling.net:

"Q3: 0.46 rating - The Pope promo, Samoa Joe video, Orlando Jordan weirdness"

so what i was saying was right. Spike is a channel for the average man supposedly. The average guy is staright and when they see this they will no doubtchange it. I really think only women would really be like hey lets continue to watch it to see where it leads. and if u did continue to watch it im sure many of u were upset. nothing happened. And my friend who is a TNA diehard says TNA is an extreme show with more action. If this segment comes up what do u think they are gonna do. I just cant wait for my friend to see this and see what he says.
I didn't mind it, It wasn't bad, it just took too much time, it will be interesting to see how this goes. It was extremely odd though. and If it didnt take so long, I think it would've been better.
I am now just waiting to find out how this storyline goes, what it will lead jordan to, Feuds, Championships, hell maybe even a tag team. who knows?:shrug:
Sorry to disagree, but the OJ segment was part of the lowest rated quarter-hour segment of the show. According to prowrestling.net:

"Q3: 0.46 rating - The Pope promo, Samoa Joe video, Orlando Jordan weirdness"

That is only part of the story and I do not see how Jordan is responsible for the whole quarter hour as his segment lasted about two minutes (as far as channel change I am only talking about those two minutes and not about total viewers in general). It is also possibly telling that it was the last segment of that quarter hour and the next one spiked significantly albeit probably mostly because of the knockouts but to know they were coming you would need to be tuned in.
That is only part of the story and I do not see how Jordan is responsible for the whole quarter hour as his segment lasted about two minutes (as far as channel change I am only talking about those two minutes and not about total viewers in general). It is also possibly telling that it was the last segment of that quarter hour and the next one spiked significantly albeit probably mostly because of the knockouts but to know they were coming you would need to be tuned in.

it could also be very likely that after ppl say this segment they changed the channel either to raw or something else and stayed there until some sort of commercial. When a really bad segment happens and u change the channel something else could possibly catch ur eye and draw u away from TNA:shrug:
Well, the segment is garnering attention to TNA from some other media sources, so that in and of itself is a positive thing. I didn't particularly care for the segment because I just kept getting a feeling that the segment was booked as weird just for the simple sake of being weird. The segment in and of itself was little more than a ratings ploy and it fell flat.

Now, does that mean that TNA should stop it? Not really, if there's actually a point to it other than simply having a guy state that he's bisexual without actually coming out and saying the words. Were some viewers potentially turned off because of Jordan's open bisexuality? Sure, it's entirely possible. Were some viewers turned off because they simply thought it was a lousy segment? I don't see any reason why not.

TNA tried to do something different Monday night and it failed. However, that's no guarantee that it might fail again or that they should just can the bisexual angle altogether.
I enjoyed Orlando Jordan's apperance on Impact. Sure it was different and weird, but thats not necessarily a negative for him or TNA.

TNA accomplished what they wanted to for his first appearance; they got people talking about it. That's all he needs to do for now, get people talking about the product.

I hope for the next several weeks, we don't see OJ in a match. I don't need to see him decend from the ceiling again, but at first have him just sit in his lounge and enjoy Impact. Eventually he'll cut a promo from that area. I can even see TNA turning that into their version of a talk show like the WWE does.

If you watch his apperance, you can clearly tell that even the audience isn't sure what to make of him. Its obvious when he walks though the crowd to get to his seat. The looks are priceless. Even with that, to say that TNA received its lowest rating of the night because of Orlando is absurd. Nobody here turned the channel when he did his thing so you can't say that the rest of the world did.

I like Orlando Jordan, dispite him never really having done much in his career. But him gimmick in TNA is a welcome addition to a company that has no other big gimmicks. Aside from Jay Lethal, who else has a gimmick?

I support TNA and Orlando Jordan and look forward to seeing where it goes from here.

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