Official Legends Tournament Discussion thread

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Alright Denny. I know I said that I would not participate in this. Now I feel bad. This is a great tournament and I give you kudos for starting it. From now on I will participate in it. No questions asked my man. As a matter of fact, I think in the back of my mind I was joking anyways. Kudos to you though big guy.
Thanks MMM. I love old School Wrestling and while I don't know everything I now enough to want everyone to love it as much as I do. I like the Superstars of Today but without the guys in this tournament Todays Pro Wrestling would be drastically different.
Agreed. I find myself in my spare time watching stuff from way back. By that I mean stuff back in the 60's and even 50's. If you look hard enough you will be able to find the stuff. Which is why I encourage everyone who hasnt heard of these legends. PLEASE CHECK THEM OUT. Don't vote based on name alone. Do some research. You'll be shocked at some of the gems you shall find.
I am switching out El Canek for Santo, el Enmascarado de Plata. El Canek is still a semi Active wrestler which means he can't be in under the no active wrestlers rule. I took out RVD under the same rule and i am not going to bend any of the rules. Sorry to IC25 who wanted him in but rules are rules and even though I can do whatever I want I'm not going to break any of the rules I set up. On the bright side now the three Legendary Wrestlers who innovated Pro Wrestling in there Countries are in this Tournament. (Rikidozan is out though :GRRR: )
Well unless about 7-9 people vote in each thread we have the winners. Here they are (Unofficial Until the Polls Close Tomorrow)
Billy Graham def Razor Ramon 10-4
The Rock def 'Mr. Perfect' Curt Hennig 14-7
Bret Hart def Sgt. Slaughter 16-2
Ricky Steamboat def Bob Backlund 14-1
Verne Gagne def Tully Blanchard 9-3
El Santo def Gene Kiniski 10-2
Stan Hansen def 'The Original' Sheik 7-3
Giant Baba def Pat O'Connor 9-4
This is how everything stands at this moment. If you have any interest in this Tournament and haven't done it yet, you still have time. The last poll closes 11-25-08 around 12:30 AM
So with Thanksgiving being this Thursday I'm going to wait Until next week to start this up again. So until next monday or Tuesday feel free to keep up the discussion in here. The round 2 match ups we have so far are sick!
The first 3 matches of the last Round are up. I'm at school right now and have to go home soon so I'll put the rest of them up when I get home. Round 2 starts next week so go out there and vote.
I would like everyone to welcome Rusty to the Legends Tournamant "Staff". He's putting up the last 3 round 1 matches and he will help for the rest of the tournament. WIth me being a procratinator Rusty will be able to take the reigns if I slack off to much. (Like i did here. These were supposed ot be up yesterday. :( Sorry)
I'm glad to help. I'm not a tournament person, but I'll do whatever I possibly can to make this tournament successful.
OK Round 1 is Finally done. Form now on the polls will be up for 5 days instead of 7 to make it go a little faster.

WWE Bracket Round 2 Matches said:
1) Bruno Sammartino Vs Hulk Hogan (Winner: Hulk Hogan)

2) Steve Austin Vs Andre The Giant (Winner: Steve Austin)

3) 'Superstar' Billy Graham Vs The Rock (Winner: The Rock)

4) Bret hart Vs Ricky 'The Dragon' Steamboat (Winner: Bret Hart)

5) Rick Rude Vs Killer Kowalski (Winner: Killer Kowalski)

6) Jake 'The Snake Roberts Vs Freddie Blassie (Winner: Freddie Blassie)

7) 'The Milion Dollar Man' Ted Dibiase Vs 'Rowdy' Roddy Piper (Ted DiBiase)

8) 'Macho Man' Randy Savage Vs Pat Paterson
NWA Bracket Round 2 Matches said:
1) Antonio Inoki Vs 'Nature Boy' Ric Flair (Winner: Ric Flair

2) Harley Race Vs Lou Thesz (Winner: Harley Race)

3) Verne Gagne Vs Santo, el Enmascarado de Plata (Winner: Verne Gagne)

4) Stan Hanson Vs Giant Baba (Giant Baba)

5) Terry Funk Vs Dory Funk Jr. (Winner: Terry Funk)

6) 'The Original Nature Boy' Buddy Rogers Vs Nick Bockwinkel (Winner: Buddy rogers)

7) 'The American Dream'Dusty Rhodes Vs Big Van Vader (Dusty Rhodes)

8) Dynamite Kid Vs Arn Anderson (Winner: Arn Anderson)
There you have it Round 2.

Note about Ties: In the event of a tie the Legend who has the most replies supporting them goes on to the next round. If they have the same amount IC25 gets to choose. The moral is, if you want someone to go through to the next round be sure to reply because you never know if it will make a difference.
Here's round 3

WWE Bracket Round 3 Matches said:
1) Hulk Hogan Vs 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin (Winner: Hulk Hogan)

2) The Rock Vs Bret Hart (Winner: Bret Hart)

3) Killer Kowalski Vs 'Classy Freddie Blassie (Winner: Killer Kowalski)

4) 'The Million Dollar Man' Ted DiBiase Vs 'Macho Man' Randy Savage (Winner: Randy Savage
NWA Bracket Round 3 Matches said:
1) Ric Flair Vs Harley Race (winner: Ric Flair)

2) Verne Gagne Vs Giant Baba (Winner: Giant Baba)

3) Terry Funk Vs 'The Original Nature Buy' Buddy Rogers (Winner: Terry Funk)

4) 'The American Dream' Dusty Rhodes Vs Arn Anderson (Winner: Dusty Rhodes)
Here's Round 4. The winner of these matches goes on to the Bracket Finals and moves one step closer to becoming Wrestlezone's Ultimate Legend.

WWE Bracket Round 4 Match Ups said:
1) Hulk Hogan Vs Bret Hart

2) Killer Kowalski Vs Randy Savage
NWA Bracket ROund 4 Match Ups said:
1) Ric Flair Vs Giant Baba

2) Teryy Funk Vs Dusty Rhodes
Here are the Bracket Finals.
WWE Bracket Final said:
Bret Hart Vs Randy Savage
NWA Bracket Finals said:
Ric Flair Vs Dusty Rhodes
I would like to thank everyone who had voted so far and the last 2 sets of polls will be up for a week each to give as many people as possible a chance to vote.
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