*Official* John Morrison Kayfabe Injury Thread

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If this is legit, then it's really bad luck that this happened. He isn't going to regain his lost momentum if he can't participate.

I foresee him being replaced in the Chamber with a generic large guy like Mike Knox, who had an impressive outing in last year's RAW Elimination Chamber. He has toss people around and look powerful before getting taken out by someone who needs the rub like R-Truth.

If he isn't back a few weeks before Wrestlemania, I doubt he'll win the Money In The Bank. I had my doubts about him winning anyway as his momentum has really slowed down recently, and with no opportunity to regain it along with possibly not being able to do the high risk spots the match is known for, he won't be the ideal competitor to participate in, much less win, the Money in the Bank match.
Although the injury could be real judging from what I just saw on Smackdown I'd say it is just part of the storyline...Will probably lead to HBK or something getting into chamber.

The only thing that does make me keep the "real" option open is due to how fast the match went where there was no late "planned" injury like we are used to...
So can anyone confirm that it is just a work? I'd hate to start saying that it's not a real injury and then find out that it's legit, I'd feel pretty terrible.

If it's legit, it's a real shame, and almost reminds me of somebody else who the WWE was trying to push...Mr. Kennedy.

If it's a work though, I'm sure it's just to open up a spot in the EC (Michaels, possibly Batista) to set up for a last second entry to catch everybody off guard and win the title. Obviously Michaels makes the most sense because then he'd win, Taker would want his title back, and it would set up a Title vs. Streak at WM. Morrison would also be back to compete in (and likely win) MitB at WM.

I hope it's a work...Morrison is way too talented to get Mr Kennedy'd.
I just saw it on Smackdown and no, it isn't fake. My brother (Tekkno Jonnie) broke his ankle before and it didn't look bad, but he broke it. How it will affect him? Well, Jon was in a boot for about a month and a half. So, if Morrison broke it in 3 places, which is worse than Jon's, than my guess is Morrison will probably be out for about 2-3 months, depending on how bad the breaks are. Chances are he'll be back in late April. It's a shame too, because I honestly thought he would win MITB, but it's almost a definite that he'll miss Mania.
LMAO, funny to see internet smarks buying into a storyline. This is a complete 100% work, everything is absolutely fake about it. He is working non-taped events in South America as we speak, this was reported yesterday. If it were legit you'd be seeing a hell of a lot more news about injury prognosis, time off, estimated returns, etc etc.

This is obviously building to a storyline where morrison plays the injured face that overcomes all from strength of will, kind of like what they have done with John Cena repetitively over the years (and for that matter, any wrestler that shows up taped up).

Also, if he legitimately broke his ankle, anyone that has actually had that happen to them would know that there is a hell of a lot more pain involved than grunting and making funny faces on the mat. He'd be writhing in pain, screaming, and would've been carried out on a stretcher (so as not to let any broken bones shift from gravity). This has happened to me when I played hockey, they wouldn't let me move until I was on a stretcher. Same thing happened to my father at work, and my cousin in football. Neither of them were simply grunting and groaning.... lol.

Good to know that kayfabe is not dead, though.
since it's obvious now that it was a work, maybe this is all an angle to turn Morrison into a heel that fakes injuries to walk out of matches, and he only competes in important ones. Time will tell.
So, a few of us expected HBK to replace JoMo in the EC due to his ankle injury...didn't happen.

Then we expected HBK to attack JoMo and take his spot in the EC a la Edge/Kofi...didn't happen.

So, where is this going? If he was really injured, they would have removed him from TV. So, clearly they aren't paving the way for time off. Typically, an ankle injury is not something you work through consistently. So, this is definitely worked, considering its mention during the commentary of the PPV. So, are they trying to paint JoMo as a fighting hero? Or are they setting up for something in the future? Or did WWE plan to do something with HBK but then decide against it putting JoMo's ankle angle in limbo? I'm perplexed.
Well there are rumors JoMo is turning heel, so maybe he is faking the injury or will continue to milk this injury down the road and setup a feud with someone like R-Truth or something. I'm not sure what they plan on doing with it, but I'm definitely interested in seeing where it is heading. Just as long as they don't over due it and have this going on for the next two or three months.
I thought at the time it'd be to make him more sympathetic. He's good looking, he's got hot abs, he get's all the girls , yeah he's like totally the most unsympathetic face on the whole roster.

I assumed he'd be the runner up in the Chamber and the story would've been that he'd have won if his ankle was 100%.
I for one am very interested in where this angle will go. I think I will go out on a limb and for the first time in my WZ career...make a prediction.

OKay, WWE is wanting to turn John Morrison heel, right? Well this maybe the best shot to get this done the right way IMO. He keeps on mentioning the "injured" ankle every week but never shows any sign of it until he is about to lose the match. He can try to do his Flying Chuck kick or whatever but land awkwardly and "injure" the ankle whenever he is about to take his opponents finisher forcing the referee to ring the bell and call the match a no contest slowly turning himself into a cheating heel in the process.
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