*Official* John Morrison Kayfabe Injury Thread

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City Dweller, Successful Fella

UPDATE: 02/12/10 ; 10:11 PM

partial source: PWInsider.com

- John Morrison worked the SmackDown/ECW live event last night in Ecuador, teaming with Matt Hardy in the first match of the night. Morrison and Hardy defeated The Hart Dynasty. Morrison appeared to be fine as his injury reported earlier this week is obviously a work, as Michael noted here on LOP earlier.

Sources report that yesterday when Morrison talked about his ankle being broke in three places on his Twitter page, he was simply "joking" and "playing with the fans."

Well I read the news, and since no one else has turned the topic into a thread, I might as well do so myself. During the SmackDown tapings this week Morrison received a kayfabe injury. Now this injury has ben confirmed to be used for storyline purposes.

Now the question I ask, how will this storyline be utilized? Will it allow for someone to fill in the chamber for him? Such as HBK or Batista? Or will he still compete in the Chamber despite this?

I imagine that this will most likely end up with him not competing in the Elimination Chamber. Why?, because I believe they may be doing with what they did with Kofi Kingston last year. The upper-midcarder booked for the match, ends up being taken out. Then another big star fills in for him. HBK seems to be the one who may replace, as a way to further the storyline between himself and The Undertaker.
Honestly, I would hope that he can get back by Wrestlemania to be in the MITB but that seems highly doubtful. Damn, this sucks for him. It looked like he was going to finally start getting his Main Event push and of course this happens.
I feel really bad for the guy. He was becoming one of my favorite superstars on smackdown and I hope the WWE keeps him out of EC in order to try and heal him up for WM but keep him doing some sort of promos to keep him fresh in everyone's mind
With Johns unfortunate accident on smackdown, I don't think he can make it to WM, Even if he is in the EC which is coming up shortly, he'll probably enter in at number 6, he won't win it and the guys in the Chambers will go easy on him! I hope he does the right thing and don't enter the chambers so he'll heal properly and make a good return!
There's pretty much no chance of him making Wrestlemania. A standard bone break would take between 6-8 weeks to heal if you're a normal person. For an athlete, and especially one like Morrison who is throwing himself around a lot, it'd take an extra couple of weeks on top of that before he could wrestle again without significant risk of a rebreak. I'd expect him back just after Backlash.
From what a friend is telling me, there's no way he can put any pressure on his ankle, meaning his chances of returning to the ring anytime soon are slim to none. That means someone has to replace him in the EC match and he won't make it to Wrestlemania, which really sucks.

I just hope he'll be able to wrestle his style once he does return. I remember an ankle injury having a lot to do with Brian Pillman's career never being the same, so I hope this isn't the case with Morrison.
Do we even know if him breaking his ankle is legit? The reports on the main page don't explicitly say that the guy broke his ankle, and I didn't think his twitter update was serious. I took it as a joke since there really would be no way to walk off an injury that involves your ankle being broken in three places.

If it's just a sprain, then I think we're jumping the gun by calling him out of the EC already.

If it is legit then I don't know. I think they would have another qualifying match to fill his spot since that's how everybody else "earned" their shot.
Huh. If it's not legit, they obviously did it for a reason, to get him out of the EC match... I imagine Michaels would win a qualifying match to get in, instead, or something..?

If it is a real injury, then, yeah, I definitely hope he stays off it...
Huh. If it's not legit, they obviously did it for a reason, to get him out of the EC match... I imagine Michaels would win a qualifying match to get in, instead, or something..?

If it is a real injury, then, yeah, I definitely hope he stays off it...

Nobody is questioning that he got injured. All that people are questioning is the extent of the injury. Nobody was saying that the whole thing was fake, and that there was some purpose behind it, booking-wise.

All we can do is wait until the news comes out so we can find out how serious it is. We'll see what WWE has to say about it, and maybe it will be addressed on WWE.com after Smackdown airs this Friday. Chances are, they aren't going to edit anything in post production about it, as that is likely mostly finished.

If he is injured with an actual broken ankle, like he posted on his Twitter account, then we can expect to see someone like Big Show get thrown in the Chamber, as he is an Upper Midcarder and an established name.

And he'll obviously miss Mania, which is a shame, as he was likely a contender to win MITB this year.
I've broken my ankle before, probably not to this degree (1 break instead of 3), but it is definitely not fun. As to healing time, a good 2 months would be contributed to the full healing process. However, someone did mention that Morrison is an athlete, and as such, will have to rehab and retrain himself to get back in the ring.

Whenever someone takes a hit like this, they normally overcompensate with the other leg. They get used to walking putting more pressure on one foot than the other, and it takes a while to get used to walking normally again. This is also just for a regular person; Morrison would have to do a bit more to get used to his in ring style again. "Ring rust" would obviously be a factor.

It does suck that he will almost 100% miss Wrestlemania, as many have pegged him to win Money in the Bank. Also, we now have lost one of the better workers in an Elimination Chamber match, and I don't know how they are going to fill the void. Obviously, there are other options, but I hope changing plans so quickly doesn't pose a problem for the WWE (which I doubt, but they have made rather dumb decisions before).

Best of luck to Morrison on a speedy recovery, and it will be a shame that he won't be at Wrestlemania. This could be a huge opportunity for someone else to step up in the midcard on Smackdown.
Just because I don't know the details of everything, I would have to question if this is storyline or real. I would hope that it was storyline because I don't think this would be a good time to get an injury of that nature. I think he has built up a nice head of steam as of recent and has been gaining ground.

A lot of times people like to gauge how over a guy is by the reaction he gets from the crowd. There is always the comparison of people getting either generic heel/face pops, or getting legit pops because they are so good at getting a response and a million other things. This is generally in reference to their A. their entrance and B. the responses they get or don't get during a match. If I were to gauge the responses John Morrison has been getting from the crowd, I would have to say that he has been getting a lot more out of the crowd as of recent.

Not too long ago I recall this being debated and the consensus on the matter was that JoMo was only getting generic face pops. I'd fervently argue that the scenario has changed for the better. Every time I have seen him on Smack Down he has got bigger and bigger responses week by week. It looks to me as if the crowd is starting to really like him, and get into his matches. Not just pop for him because he's being shoved down their throats as a face.

One thing I have noticed is that he hasn't had as much mic time either. Could that have something to do with it? He isn't exactly the best mic worker in the business or anything. I think he is decent, but he obviously has some ways to go. Maybe since that vulnerability hasn't been spotlighted, people are paying more attention to what he does in the ring. That is where he is really good, and if you can get a persons attention on that instead of their weaknesses, odds are it will speak for itself and the fan ends up liking him more.

I don't think he has even reached the peak of his ability either. That's part of what I mean when I say he has a ways to go. He may not be really great right now, but I think he definitely has the stuff to be really great. As is he is very entertaining, somewhat charismatic, and progressing in a nice timely manner. Keep in mind that some of the things he lacks will naturally develop over time. I think the charisma factor is also partially due to exposure and how good the storylines you are apart of end up being.

For all these reasons I'm going to go ahead and say that if his injury is not a work, he might not make it to the level he is capable of. I don't mean to speak gloom and doom, but I don't know that he can really afford any kind of road blocks right now. Especially with all the success The Miz has been having. How bad is that making Morrison look? Especially considering that Morrison is the veteran to Miz. Is it going to take Morrison going to Raw via the draft for him to claim his place? Is this really nothing? Is the WWE pulling our chains? Does this mean HBK is getting in the EC? And does that mean he will win it? Very possible.
It depends upon the overall extent of his injury. In the past, the Undertaker has wrestled in matched despite having a few broken bones in his foot but if Morrison is unable to put any pressure on his ankle, then the odds are very good that he's not only going to be out of the Elimination Chamber but he'll also probably miss WrestleMania.

It's a shame because his presence would only serve to make the MITB match better. If there's a bright side to this, it's that someone else might get an opportunity to advance their career. It does suck because Morrison is talented, but it's just one of those things that happens in wrestling sometimes.
SpoodBeest™;1803682 said:
The question I propose to you is what will become of Morrison, and how will this recent injury affect him at this point in time?

This is so disappointing. Hopefully it's not as serious as it sounds. He might not make it to Elimination Chamber now, and if that's the case then some random member of the Smackdown roster will get his spot, probably Batista. The worst case scenario would mean that he'll miss Wrestlemania too and that would be terrible because the time is perfect for a big Morrison push as he could win MITB or something. I hope that the injury isn't all too severe and that he will still make it to Wrestlemania. There will be future opportunities for big pushes, but this injury is coming at one of the worst possible times. If it's as bad as it sounds then I wish him the best of luck and a speedy recovery.
I believe he was going to get a main-event push by Wrestlemania (possibly winning Money In The Bank) however if this injury is legit, his push will be halted until possibly Summerslam. Im disappointed because I wanted to see what Morrison could do in Elimination Chamber ah well, hope he gets better.
If it's all true and he's broken his ankle in three places, missing out on EC and WM26, well... then...



Hopefully, though, it's just a sprain or something to that effect. JoMo's been one of my favorite performers over the past year or so and it'd suck if he got injured just when his push into Upper-Midcard seemed to be about to commence.

It kind of depends on how he broke his ankle, though. I mean, it could be broken in three places that are not necessarily the places taking the load of his body, so he could potentially work through it taped-up (real tight) and on serious pain-killer shots, I suppose.
Well hopefully he gets better and he returns by Wrestlemania.But the tweet that he had send he clearly said that he was going to try to walk it off.i really dont know if that meant that he was going to continue wrestling ingured.Or if he was just going to walk it off until he gets to the doctor.JoMo is actually in the EC if im correct cause usally i dont watch SD alot.........mmmmmmmmm sorry to get out of topic but this could be a great chance for HBK to get in the SD's EC.
I'm not so sure how serious it might actually be. If it is serious then it will be edited out of smackdown on friday, that is what will show us if he is lying or not. However the fact he said he is walking it off, could mean it is to do with an angle or something coming up, possibly turning heel, as suggested in a rumour on the news reel not too long ago.

Maybe I am just reading into it too much.
Smh... this is a shame. Truly, if this is a legit injury, it deffinatley is a SHAME. John morrison imo is the very best of the future of WWE, along with a few others of course, and it would deffinatley halt any momentum going ahead. This injury is a particulary painfull one, seeing as I had my ankle broken in '98, but not in 3 places. This is going to take months of rehab and HARD work. I just hope this isint a work. I just hate the "injury" angle as sooo many ppl have worked off of that storyline. Granted, it does make for compelling tv and ratings when the superstar makes his/her triumphant return, but after that, its all the same imo. But I truly hope that morrison is ok.
Personally, I believe the injury to be legitimate. If so, forget him appearing at WM26, he'll need more time to heal and rehab an injury of this nature than that, and he'd never be ready in time without risking a more serious and longer term injury.

I don't consider this to be a work, but you can rest assured they'll build it into a storyline to explain his imminent absence. This can be done in a number of ways, but either way, I expect to see him in the Elimination Chamber, but with a hasty and cautious exit.

It is now when we'll finally find out if HBK vs Taker will happen again this year at WM26 (I really hope not). Perhaps HBK takes out Morrison and tries to take his spot in the Chamber. If Long allows this, something could transpire in this match to set it up, possibly for the belt, possibly not. Maybe HBK wins the Chamber, becomes champ, and offers Taker a re-match at WM to re-claim his title. Or HBK doesn't win, but costs Taker the match somehow. Someone else becomes champ, Taker gets pissed off, and they fight at Mania but not for the title (more likely).

If Teddy doesn't allow Michaels in, he flips out and takes his anger out on someone else, such as HHH (backstage or at ringside) , setting up the HBK/HHH match at Mania.

Either way, I fully expect to see Morrison at EC in some capacity. He obviously won't win the EC, he'll likely go out quickly, he won't be at WM, he therefore won't win the MITB match. Could produce a heel turn (where he belongs) when he returns, either in singles or teaming up with the apparently returning Joey Mercury. Or maybe he remains a face, Mercury is the one costing him his spot in the Chamber, and they feud upon his return.

The possibilities are endless, but either way, kiss a MITB victory at WM26 goodbye. Unfortunately, as I personally had high hopes of him becoming WHC later this year. He's ready.
According to someone I know on another board, a hockey player who breaks his ankle is back on the team in 6-8 weeks. Which means that there's a slim chance of John Morrison returining in time for Wrestlemania, preferably in the MitB match. However, whether this will be the case, I sont know. Mainly because I'm not sure how well hockey transferrs to wrestling (in the sence that they arent all that similar), but I'll hold out hope none the less.

In the long term this will barely effect him. He's boing to break through into the main event eventually, and this is but a speedbump in his road to glory. Hell, if creative wangles it it could even turn into a benefit for Morrison (say if HBK gets his spot in the chamber, and Morrison screws HBK out of the win, leading to a feud between the two). In the short term, it's almost certainly going to be a downer for Morrison (especially if he misses 'Mania).
aparently the ref didnt give the 'x' for the injury, I dont know if the injury is legit it could be a work for michaels to get in to the chamber, and morrisons twitter could be part of the work as im sure wwe are aware that fans have access to the internet, just really hope its not a legit injury, however if it is it might be what morrison needs for wwe to give him that big push to the title, like edge cena and hhh. he may even get traded to raw in the process to take on miz in a few months to push both into a bigger title picture.
I can confirm that Morrison's injury is a work. You heard it here first.

But IF it was legit he'd be out for 3-6 months, especially with a break of that nature, and that would be gutting because he is usually a star in the MITB match and would be a favorite to win it.
I read on another site that Morrison's break is in fact a work and it doesn't surprise me considering he said he would "walk it off". You don't walk off a break especially in the wrestling buisness.
If this is isn't legit, why not replace someone else like R-truth? I don't see a good showing from him in the chamber anyway. His finisher won't eliminate anyone, and he'll probably be gone first.
It does suck that John Morrison is on the sidelines for a little while. And right before wrestlemania 26. This will be the first wrestlemania John Morrison will miss while as a singles star.

Not to mention the elimination chamber which John Morrison is already in.

But maybe it is time for a rest for Morrison. And by the time he returns he can start that heel-turn we've been hearing about? John Morrison does work better as a heel. the "Jim/John Morrison charactor" is suppose to be dark, not shuve. He could lead his own stable when he returns from injury. Hopefully the draft will have happened by then to get the right type of wrestlers on it?

He can past over as the new "Raven" much like CM Punk is doing now on Smackdown! Be a cult leader-type wrestler, and bring in his "refugges" into the palace of wisdow. But for the most part. John Morrison will probraly be world champ this year.
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