[Official] He's Currently The Best Guy On The WWE Roster So...Vote Mysterio

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I know it's not cool to like Rey Mysterio, but any modern face you pic is going to be pretty awful by comparison. Any modern heel you pick will be grossly overrated. And genuine old school wrestler you pick won't have faced anybody like him.

Chris Jericho beat Rey Mysterio? Didn't turn out too well for him last year.

Didn't it, though? Oddly enough, when I found this on google.. it said it was ON Wrestlezone.com. Interesting.
I'm not using all the prime arguments, I'm too whimsical for that. The WCW Rey Mysterio seems like the exact sort of wrestler who could run rings round Andre The Giant.
I'm not using all the prime arguments, I'm too whimsical for that. The WCW Rey Mysterio seems like the exact sort of wrestler who could run rings round Andre The Giant.

He was the Giant Killer in WCW. Defeated a lot of.. err, whats the word? Greats? no. World Champions? no, not really. Jake, little help?
He defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW, if you believe what people say on the forums he's one of the greatest of all time. And he was feuding with Kevin Nash just a few months after Nash ended Goldber's streak.
He defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW,

Perry Saturn defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW. Come to think of it, a lot of people defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW.

if you believe what people say on the forums

I try not to.

he's one of the greatest of all time.

Unofficially, so is everyone else in this tournament. Thats why its a tournament to crown the "greatest" of the greatest Wrestlers of all time.

And he was feuding with Kevin Nash just a few months after Nash ended Goldber's streak.

He lost that feud though. Didn't have a taser, obviously.
Perry Saturn defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW. Come to think of it, a lot of people defeated Eddie Guerrero in WCW.

If Perry Saturn had died in March-April 2000, he'd have his won DVD and everything.

I try not to.

I take it on board and dismiss it immediately. Like when my girlfriend speaks.

Unofficially, so is everyone else in this tournament. Thats why its a tournament to crown the "greatest" of the greatest Wrestlers of all time.

I thought it was just supposed to be a bit of fun!

He lost that feud though.

He battled gallantly.

Didn't have a taser, obviously.

But in the later rounds....
Surprised Mysterio doesn't get much love around here. I guess it is too mainstream to mark out for him. He should not be a favorite to win but then again this is a march madness style tournament so there have to be underdogs winning. If you take the pinnacle of his career as when he was the champion being the underdog that kept defying the odds was a big part of his character. If the shoe fits ... (hmm see cinderella). Mysterio proved he could hang with anyone in any style during this point in his career. He outlasted the hottest young star Orton in the rumble after being in there over an hour and subsequently pinned him in a triple threat winning technical god Kurt Angle's title. He then defeated brawler uber-heel JBL sending him to an extended stay in the announcer chair. Followed by wrestling Sabu to a draw in a hostile ecw type match. Never underestimate the crafty underdog with solid all around game. Not to mention this is the part of his career where he can summon the power of the Eddie simply by looking up for it. When he does that how can anyone beat him?
i like WCW ECW mysterio better than slow roided up WWE mysterio and why isnt juventud in the tourney if rey is in juvi should be in hell even la parka got in. malenko guerrero rey jericho psicosis and juvi kept the WCW together during the NWO period all of them should be in LWO anybody


damn thats a big ass picture

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