[OFFICIAL] Heath Slater / Christian Thread


Gone but never forgotten.
Christian is a former multi-time tag team champion, former WWE Light Heavyweight Champion, former Hardcore champion, former TNA/NWA Champion, former Intercontinental champion, and former ECW Champion. He's also the newest member of the Raw roster.

Heath Slater is Christian's new rookie. Heath is the self-proclaimed "One-Man Rock Band". His long hair and in-ring energy is what sets him aside from the other competitors in the first season of NXT.

Feel free to discuss these men (as they pertain to NXT) in this thread.
Heath Slater is by far my favorite of the NXT rookies. Him and Christian make a pretty solid pair, as Heath reminds me of a Christian like superstar. I seem to always be laughing at Heath whenever he gets on screen. Whether it is his ridiculous ring entrance or his crazy hillbilly accent, I couldn't tell ya. I laughed my ass off after Carlito spit the apple in his face and Heath replied with "That's cool? That's cool? You're gonna walk away after that's cool??". It amused me. I don't think Heath will win, but I can see him having a solid career after NXT.
It pains me to say that I completely disagree with you Theo. Slater absolutely reaks of trying to hard. He has a generic ''rock'' look to him. The kind of dude that tries really hard to make sure everyone knows he's a rocker. He's got the shit tribal tattoos, the ugly rocker hair and I'm pretty sure I saw some generic ass piercing. He's by far my LEAST favorite rookie. Something about him just screams developmental guy. And yes I know they were all in developmental, but guys like Wade Barrett and Bryan have something about them that makes them believable as WWE superstars, Slater doesn't.
It pains me to say that I completely disagree with you Theo. Slater absolutely reaks of trying to hard. He has a generic ''rock'' look to him. The kind of dude that tries really hard to make sure everyone knows he's a rocker. He's got the shit tribal tattoos, the ugly rocker hair and I'm pretty sure I saw some generic ass piercing. He's by far my LEAST favorite rookie.

I couldn't agree more. He just seems very generic and bland. I really see no star power out of him. The hair-flippy thing he does is "try-too-hard" annoying, along with his arm-waiving.

He should just stick to smiling, being energetic, and making his in-ring work do the talking.
Quite honestly I must say there's something odd about Slater, he seems too much over the top excited, as a gimmick too! I mean at some point had it been a complete shoot the fact that he was incredibly excited about his debut on NXT, we couldn't really blame him, because imagine being in his situation, but it's not a shoot, and the backstage segment with Christian didn't strike me as anything interesting at all.

There's quite a few people that Christian could've probably been paired better with, Slater might be a fine choice in the end, but there's just something about this pairing that seems wrong to me, Christian being a very calm respected guy, mixed with a well rookie, that is too hyper for my taste, his energy reminds me of Yoshi Tatsu a little bit, with the ability to speak english, and long red hair.

And I've expressed my dislike towards Yoshi Tatsu before, and I must honestly say, its likewise towards Heath Slater right now, hopefully he'll change, anyelse I'm sure as hell not even putting him in the top 5 of contenders for the contract.

So quite frankly, I would've seen Christian better fitted with a bigger more calm guy, actually I think Christian and David Otunga could've been a good mix.
Meh...I'm not really digging Heath Slater. I prefer him to Darren Young, but there's something about him I don't like. Or rather, he's lacking that certain something that makes me like him. However, i'll give him the benefit of the doubt. He's new, after all, and if he keeps developing I'm sure he'll figure it out eventually.

As for him "trying too hard"...I think he isn't trying hard enough! I'd love for him to become a loveable, goofy rock star character, being over-the-top and crazy. He'll have to work on his personality first, though, and Skip Sheffield may already have the loveable goof spot filled up if Regal doesn't change him.
It pains me to say that I completely disagree with you Theo. Slater absolutely reaks of trying to hard. He has a generic ''rock'' look to him. The kind of dude that tries really hard to make sure everyone knows he's a rocker. He's got the shit tribal tattoos, the ugly rocker hair and I'm pretty sure I saw some generic ass piercing. He's by far my LEAST favorite rookie. Something about him just screams developmental guy. And yes I know they were all in developmental, but guys like Wade Barrett and Bryan have something about them that makes them believable as WWE superstars, Slater doesn't.

Totally understandable Armbar. While Heath is my favorite (and I know I'm in the minority, hell I might be the only one) I do not think he will be a star in the WWE. If he does make it after NXT I think it will be nothing more than a midcard run. I can see the hate for Slater, as he does kind of comes of as annoying. But I find him entertaining and that's all that matters to me.
Heath Slater is my favorite rookie so far because his rockstar look is cool and I like his enthusiasm. I don't get why people don't like him. The enthusiasm is a good thing, he's excited to be given this chance on NXT. Also.... him being paired with Christian is perfect because he looks like a very young version of Christian's former partner, Edge. Am I the only one who noticed this? Theo, you're not alone. I think Slater is awesome. When I first saw Heath Slater I thought to myself "That guy's gonna be a star someday". So far he and Daniel Bryan are the only ones who have given me that impression. He could obviously use some improvement, but he's on NXT for a reason.
I really can't get into him, I think the promo he cut on this week's NXT was absolutely terrible and his in ring wasn't impressive enough to make up for it.

But I have only seen him once (only getting to see this weeks NXT of the first three, though I did love the ep, so I wont be missing anymore :p)

So I am hoping that he will show some improvement or maybe show that I just caught him on an off day.

Just My Opinion
Lets just say, that the partnership of Christian and Slater are great. Slater's style is a little choppy, but still decent, he can move around the mat well enough. He isn't great on the mic, but he has a great look.

He got a big win after the night off last week. Carlito is still a big win for a rookie, right? Anyways, it this feud could be great, if he goes against Tarver a few times, as both rookie and mentor in that pair off have a good relationship. We haven't gotten to see Tarver yet in the ring since week one, but I hope Mr. 1.9 gets in there.
It pains me to say that I completely disagree with you Theo. Slater absolutely reaks of trying to hard. He has a generic ''rock'' look to him. The kind of dude that tries really hard to make sure everyone knows he's a rocker. He's got the shit tribal tattoos, the ugly rocker hair and I'm pretty sure I saw some generic ass piercing. He's by far my LEAST favorite rookie. Something about him just screams developmental guy. And yes I know they were all in developmental, but guys like Wade Barrett and Bryan have something about them that makes them believable as WWE superstars, Slater doesn't.


I strongly dislike Slater. His spastic flailing of the arms and waving his hair around does nothing for me. Micheal Cole telling me he's charismatic doesn't make him so. The whole thing feels very forced. He hasn't impressed me at all.
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I liked Slater tonight, he was quick paced around the ring with the more muscular Tarver tonight, taking on the rookie whose pro spit on his face, and than was pinned the next week, last week.

He did well, he moved himself to 3-0, and will be getting some votes come next week. He sold a lot of punishment, is very vocal in the match, maybe a little too vocal, but sells well.

His stock for me really went up, a great match tonight, with another great rookie. I have big hopes for these two, so I hope a feud betweent hem helps them out.
Ok let's be honest here, with maybe the exception of Wade Barrett, none of these guys are really going to be WWE main eventers. And yes I'm including Daniel Bryan. But that is just my opinion.

Now unlike others in here, I've seen Heath before he was signed by the WWE. In fact he was selected as Wrestler of the Year in the state of GA a few years ago by other wrestlers, folks like me who cover wrestling in the state of GA and by the fans. I believe he won Heavyweight Wrestler of the Year also, but I'm not sure. I know he won another award, but not exactly sure what it was.

He trained at one of the best wrestling schools in the US. This was the same school where folks like Jimmy Wang Yang, AJ Styles, Chuck Palumbo and many others either trained or enhanced their skills.

Now I thought Slater was great as a heel in FCW and they should have stuck with it. I believe Slater can be a star in the WWE, although I don't see him a future main eventer. I can see him in maybe a tag team specialist situation.
Heath Slater is BY FAR my least favourite of all the NXT rookies.

For starters, he looks like a weird hybrid of Owen Wilson and Triple H (circa 2003) which creeps me out. Then we've got his "Look at me! Aren't I charismatic & exciting?" arm flailing that he does. Now that REALLY bugs the piss out of me! I think he's trying too hard to be charismatic and be a stand out, and in turn it's making him look ridiculous.

I feel sorry for Christian getting lumbered with this goof.
Personally I think Slater is amazing and should have been called up to the main roster months ago. His wrestling and mic work are both top notch. I think the only thing that holds him back is his gay little post-dance arm flailing and hair flapping lol.
While Slater is by no means my favorite NXT rookie, he sure isn't my least favorite. I enjoyed watching Slater on last night's NXT. He's really grown on me over the past few weeks and I can only see him improving. I think it's safe to say that he will be high in the NXT rankings given his undefeated record.

However while I like his in-ring work, he really needs to get rid of that stupid dance. I'm not buying his "one man rock band" gimmick. But other than that, I find his in-ring work entertaining. I see him going far in the competition.
Heath Slater is BY FAR my least favourite of all the NXT rookies.

Wow, what? Slater is my favorite of the rookies. I don't see why people don't like him.

For starters, he looks like a weird hybrid of Owen Wilson and Triple H (circa 2003) which creeps me out.

Alright, now this made me laugh a little. That's pretty funny. However, he resembles a young version of Edge or Christian in appearance to me.

Then we've got his "Look at me! Aren't I charismatic & exciting?" arm flailing that he does.

What's your problem with his pose? Slater is trying to get over by striking a pose for the fans. He's trying to get you to like his character. The same can't be said for most of the other rookies. Slater's the best of the bunch at the moment other than Daniel Bryan.

Now that REALLY bugs the piss out of me!

What really bugs ME is when people make posts like yours. Your biggest problem with Slater is that you dislike his pose? At least he's trying to get over, I'm beginning to find most of the other rookies boring and they aren't trying nearly as hard to get over with the fans as Slater is.

I think he's trying too hard to be charismatic and be a stand out, and in turn it's making him look ridiculous.

COME ON! Give the guy a chance. He might be nervous or something, and perhaps it helps his confidence to strike the poses for the fans. It's a good way for someone to get over because people associate some wrestlers with their poses. NXT is a big opportunity for these rookies. You better get used to seeing Slater on WWE shows, that guy's gonna be a star one day.

I feel sorry for Christian getting lumbered with this goof.

Slater's not a goof. He's an underrated rookie who could go far in the WWE in the future. If you're going to feel sorry for a pro for ending up with a goof, then feel sorry for Regal instead.... HIS rookie is the goof. Slater is awesome and he's doing a good job because "the one man rock band" stands out from the other rookies right now, who are all more generic in their characters at the moment. He can only improve, and his poses will help that, whether you like him or not.
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Wow, what? Slater is my favorite of the rookies. I don't see why people don't like him.

Probably because he's not as good s you think.

Alright, now this made me laugh a little. That's pretty funny. However, he resembles a young version of Edge or Christian in appearance to me.

I think that's an insult to Edge and Christian.

What's your problem with his pose? Slater is trying to get over by striking a pose for the fans. He's trying to get you to like his character. The same can't be said for most of the other rookies. Slater's the best of the bunch at the moment other than Daniel Bryan.

The shaking of his head just looks stupid as hell. The way he flips his hair around, he looks like someone trying to be someone they're not. His gimmick just doesn't fit him. He's got a surfer haircut and he's a fucking redhead, yet he's acting like a "rock band without the instruments"?? Seriously? Thats like putting mag-wheels on a dump truck.

I'm beginning to find most of the other rookies boring and they aren't trying nearly as hard to get over with the fans as Slater is.

You're right, but Slater is in this category. Bryan and Otunga are the only ones that are over right now. Not enough focus has been given to the other rookies yet, and obviously, their gimmicks are not doing them any justice on their own.

COME ON! Give the guy a chance. He might be nervous or something, and perhaps it helps his confidence to strike the poses for the fans.

Not really. He said it himself in his first interview, he tries to act like a human version of a live rock show. The only problem is that he fails miserably.

It's a good way for someone to get over because people associate some wrestlers with their poses. NXT is a big opportunity for these rookies. You better get used to seeing Slater on WWE shows, that guy's gonna be a star one day.

You're right... poses help wrestlers. POSES. Not standing on a turnbuckle or leaning on a rope with your head tilted back as you shake your head and flip your hair and arms around incessantly. He looks like an idiot.

Slater's not a goof. He's an underrated rookie who could go far in the WWE in the future.

That's one opinion. Another opinion would be that he sucks. I'm sticking with mine.

If you're going to feel sorry for a pro for ending up with a goof, then feel sorry for Regal instead.... HIS rookie is the goof.

Wait a minute... you're saying that the rookie with (arguably) the largest build and physique and a proven personality on the microphone is the "goof"? After Sheffield has his microphone time and interview, he was the talk of these forums for almost two weeks. Last I checked, you're the only one that's really been posting their praise of Heath Slater.

Slater is awesome and he's doing a good job because "the one man rock band" stands out from the other rookies right now, who are all more generic in their characters at the moment. He can only improve, and his poses will help that, whether you like him or not.

I view him as a guy that's trying to hard with a shit gimmick. I really feel he could take his "rock band" gimmick in a million other directions than what he's currently doing with it. He's average in the ring and bland with his personality. I believe this is a big reason why he's getting the second to least amount of TV time behind Michael Tarver at the moment.

Sorry Dagger... as much as I respect your opinion, I think your radar is way off on this one.
Probably because he's not as good s you think.

Perhaps he might not be.... but can't that same argument be made for just about any wrestler? Nearly all of them have fans who think they are great while others sit around saying "oh he's not as good as you think".

I think that's an insult to Edge and Christian.

I don't really see it that way. I think Edge and Christian would be flattered that someone who resembles a young version of them is on the roster. Then again, that's just my opinion.

The shaking of his head just looks stupid as hell. The way he flips his hair around, he looks like someone trying to be someone they're not. His gimmick just doesn't fit him. He's got a surfer haircut and he's a fucking redhead, yet he's acting like a "rock band without the instruments"?? Seriously? Thats like putting mag-wheels on a dump truck.

I'll admit the "pose" isn't exactly the best one out there, but I give Slater massive props for trying so hard to get over. Determination can take someone far. Maybe he will find something cooler to do, and I admit it's a little cheesy. I think his "one man rock band" gimmick can work for him. The better option might be to turn him heel in the future so that confidence can be turned into arrogance.... not really sure. The bottom line is that I think he's been doing a good job compared to most of the rookies.

You're right, but Slater is in this category. Bryan and Otunga are the only ones that are over right now. Not enough focus has been given to the other rookies yet, and obviously, their gimmicks are not doing them any justice on their own.

I'd argue that further and say only Bryan is over right now. Slater's trying, and he is trying harder than the others.

Not really. He said it himself in his first interview, he tries to act like a human version of a live rock show. The only problem is that he fails miserably.

I wouldn't say he fails miserably.... They just need to find a way that's a little less cheesy, but what he's doing right now works currently since he is just a rookie. If/when he makes it onto a bigger brand, that's when they will need to develop his character quite a bit.

You're right... poses help wrestlers. POSES. Not standing on a turnbuckle or leaning on a rope with your head tilted back as you shake your head and flip your hair and arms around incessantly. He looks like an idiot.

I've already admitted that I think it's somewhat cheesy. Once again though, at least he's trying. He'll find something cooler to do.

That's one opinion. Another opinion would be that he sucks. I'm sticking with mine.

Fair enough. You're 100% entitled to that opinion. I still disagree with it though.

Wait a minute... you're saying that the rookie with (arguably) the largest build and physique and a proven personality on the microphone is the "goof"? After Sheffield has his microphone time and interview, he was the talk of these forums for almost two weeks.

Sheffield is indeed the "goof". It's like they took everything that sucked about Cade and combined it with everything that sucked about Murdoch, to make the character of Skip Sheffield. The guy has an impressive build, but his promo/interview made me cringe more than anything in recent memory. I went from "this guy seems alright" to immediately having thoughts of "I cannot STAND your character or your terrible catchphrase!".... None of his promos since that first interview have been as bad, but he's terrible on the mic.... and boring in the ring.

Last I checked, you're the only one that's really been posting their praise of Heath Slater.

Theo is too. I guess we are the only ones who see Slater's potential.

I view him as a guy that's trying to hard with a shit gimmick. I really feel he could take his "rock band" gimmick in a million other directions than what he's currently doing with it. He's average in the ring and bland with his personality. I believe this is a big reason why he's getting the second to least amount of TV time behind Michael Tarver at the moment.

Exactly, he's trying hard to make things work with a gimmick that could be better. They probably won't take the gimmick in any of those million other directions until he makes it to Raw/Smackdown. In the ring he can only improve, and I don't find his personality bland. As for the tv time argument.... they are hyping his 4 wins, maybe their view is "Slater's got the best win/loss record right now, he doesn't need as much tv time as the others for a while". Tarver gets even less because.... well.... he sucks.

Sorry Dagger... as much as I respect your opinion, I think your radar is way off on this one.

Fair enough. I respect your opinion as well, D-Man! I'll debate this further if you still disagree.
Perhaps he might not be.... but can't that same argument be made for just about any wrestler? Nearly all of them have fans who think they are great while others sit around saying "oh he's not as good as you think".

Actually, Bryan, Otunga, and Young have proven themselves to be "as good as I thought" they would be ;) I think Slater's fallen short of that.

I don't really see it that way. I think Edge and Christian would be flattered that someone who resembles a young version of them is on the roster. Then again, that's just my opinion.

Mucho respect.

I'll admit the "pose" isn't exactly the best one out there, but I give Slater massive props for trying so hard to get over. Determination can take someone far. Maybe he will find something cooler to do, and I admit it's a little cheesy.

Jimmy Wang Yang seems determined, too. I'm just sayin'...

I think his "one man rock band" gimmick can work for him. The better option might be to turn him heel in the future so that confidence can be turned into arrogance.... not really sure.

I couldn't agree more.

The "rock star" gimmick really doesn't seem to work for wrestlers unless it comes in a heel format. I mean, just look at how badly Jericho's return to the WWE fizzled when he used that gimmick. No one really caught onto him again until he turned heel. Slater is in the same boat. Once he stops flipping his head around like a kid with tourette's syndrome and worries more about his actual "character", I'm sure he'll improve tremendously. But as of now, he's stale as 6-week old bread.

The bottom line is that I think he's been doing a good job compared to most of the rookies.

Eh... compared to most? I'd disagree. He's certainly done better than Tarver, Sheffield and Barrett. But he's been totally outshined by Daniel Bryan (for obvious reasons), Darren Young (his pairing with CM Punk is getting him a lot more attention), David Otunga (his look, mic skills, gimmick and in-ring prowess have been the talk of the town), and Justin Gabriel (his 450 splash is getting a lot of chatter).

I guess you need o ask yourself, besides getting an apple spit in his face, what has Slater done that is truly memorable, so far?

I'd argue that further and say only Bryan is over right now. Slater's trying, and he is trying harder than the others.

Unfortunately, in this business, trying only takes you so far. If you can't connect with a crowd, you're lost.

I wouldn't say he fails miserably.... They just need to find a way that's a little less cheesy, but what he's doing right now works currently since he is just a rookie. If/when he makes it onto a bigger brand, that's when they will need to develop his character quite a bit.

This sounds like a contradiction. You're saying he's cheesy, yet what he's doing "works right now since he's just a rookie". Like I said earlier, Otunga, Bryan, and Young are rookies, too. But they're getting noticed more.

But I also blame the WWE's writing team most of all for not giving Slater anything to work with. However, they don't seem to be giving much more to anyone else besides Daniel Bryan. That's why I can't put full blame on the writing team and I have to point the finger at Slater. It's his job to take whatever the WWE gives him and get over with the crowd.

Sheffield is indeed the "goof". It's like they took everything that sucked about Cade and combined it with everything that sucked about Murdoch, to make the character of Skip Sheffield. The guy has an impressive build, but his promo/interview made me cringe more than anything in recent memory. I went from "this guy seems alright" to immediately having thoughts of "I cannot STAND your character or your terrible catchphrase!".... None of his promos since that first interview have been as bad, but he's terrible on the mic.... and boring in the ring.

While I agree with some of hat you said, somehow this guy brings a smile to my face when he's on a mic. He and Regal are such polar opposites. And even though he makes himself out to be a dumb country bumpkin hick, it cracks me up because a guy of his size is actually letting loose with his personality. I'm not saying he's great, but I definitely don't DISlike him.

Exactly, he's trying hard to make things work with a gimmick that could be better. They probably won't take the gimmick in any of those million other directions until he makes it to Raw/Smackdown. In the ring he can only improve, and I don't find his personality bland. As for the tv time argument.... they are hyping his 4 wins, maybe their view is "Slater's got the best win/loss record right now, he doesn't need as much tv time as the others for a while". Tarver gets even less because.... well.... he sucks.

He's a rookie that's trying to impress a cold audience. The guy needs to make changes to his gimmick NOW, not later. He's got four wins but very mediocre TV time. Remember, these guys don't make the call as to how many matches they win or lose. This business is all about getting over with the audience. Slater just seems to get little to no reaction with anything. The crowd doesn't even pop hard when he wins his matches... and that says a lot.

And yes, Tarver does suck big, fat, hairy, elephantitus moosecock.

Fair enough. I respect your opinion as well, D-Man! I'll debate this further if you still disagree.

I do, and deate more if you wish, but I think both our points have been made. No one is gonna win this "debate" because its based on 100% opinion.
Well I'm a big Heath Slater fan, I think the problem is is the gimmick that they gave him for NXT. He has the dumbest one of the bunch. I mean seriously a rock band without the instruments. What is he suppose to do to put that over? Drink booze and snort coke off of a naked groupie?

It seems that most everyone's problem with Heath is that he tries too hard, don't know when that actually became a problem in society. Well if I'm not mistaken there are currently two guys that has WWE dark match experience out of the 8 that I know of, one is Bryan Daniel, the other is Slater. Not saying that counts for anything.

A great record going into the superstar poll to determine who is at the top of the game. Slater still has not impressed me much at this point, I hope he can pull of a better match at one point. Hard to show a good match when he had to work against Barrett and Sheffield, neither of which are very versatile. He put on a better match than Gabriel this week, which should make many happy.
Well what alot of you don't know is that Garbriel, who recently lost the FCW title to Alex Riley, defeated Slater in a 2 out of 3 falls match to win the title in a pretty good match.
I can see this guy being eliminated first. I mean all the other rookies have something, Jericho with him praising Barrett, Otunga and his troubles with Truth, Bryan and his feud with The Miz with him finally winning the US title, CM Punk wanting Darren Young to join the Straight Edge Society, Justin Gabriel got the 450 and Tarver would be eliminated second.
The WWE obviously sees something in Heath Slater the guy is 5-1, and that is the best record for a rookie so far. Heath is my favorite he is talented, he's got great charisma, he's cute and he is just a guy I want to watch every week. Yes I did say that he was cute and I know that has nothing to do with wrestling.

He also has by far the best pro Christian. Christian is underrated in the WWE, but I think that his time is coming and that he is going to help Slater to win NXT.

So as I said before the WWE obviously sees something in Slater they use him every week and they let him win that keg contest. He is by far the most talented as well. As for this Daniel Bryan guy I don't get what people see in him he has horrible mic skills and whenever he is wrestling I just don't watch it I mean the guy is 0-7 or something like that. So I think Heath Slater will be the one to win NXT what do you guys think?

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