[OFFICIAL] Darren Young / CM Punk Discussion Thread

"Cool Guy" Jensen

Undertaker for Champ!
As I was re-looking at the new rookies and the pros who will make up this season of NXT, this idea popped in to my head. As C.M. Punk is straightedge, he is on a mission to "save" the WWE Universe to help them live "the right way". With his mindset, he was able to "save" Luke Gallows and Serena, not to mention two guys from the crowd James and Trevor.

If C.M. Punk will be on NXT mentoring Darren Young, could who be seeing another member of the straightedge society? I am not insisting that WWE should create a storyline involving Darren Young being a drug addict or weed smoker or anything like that. I'm just saying that as a possibility, in storyline, could Punk fill Darren Young's mind about being straightedge and how it makes you better than everyone else? As a result, if and when he graduates and gets promoted, he can take what he learned from C.M. Punk and do the same type of preaching that C.M. Punk has done over the past several months.

Any thoughts? Good idea? Bad idea? Too far-fetched? Any of your input would be highly appreciated. Thank you!
I really dont think that the SES needs a rookie as a member.And honestly i really dont know who Darren Young is.I know all of the '"cast",The only member that i dont know is Darren Young.

But if WWE thinks that by putting him in the SES,Will be a good think for him.heck i dont make the Calls here.The one star that will fit in the SES as a rookie which he is not a rookie is Daniel Bryan.
I think it could well happen, purely because it will make Punk look more manipulative and he can do promo's about his new protegé on Smackdown as a way to promote NXT.

Honestly, I would love to see this storyline because it can only add to Punk's heel status.

The only problem is- Darren Young? That hair is way too cool to cut off. I mean, haircuts and professional wrestling storylines really shouldn't matter. But he's got such a unique look with that hair, that I really don't want to see it cut.

I can only guess that this might actually be a conflict on the show. Why else would they team Punk up with someone with AMAZING hair. Simply put, Punk will want him to shave it, Darren will refuse... bust-up.

I don't know if Young will shave his hair but what I do see happening is Punk at least trying to recruit him to the SES.
That hairdo of his is begging to be shaved, that's for sure.

I could see Darren Young having some resistance to joining Punk's SES. He looks like someone who is probably a face, and I think NXT is going to be heavily built on conflict between the mentor and protege. I think that Punk will continue to hound him to join, and after he realizes that he's a tough nut to crack, Punk goes ahead and will have Luke pin him down and shave his head. It would be a good way to really make him a strong face and drive interest in the fans wanting to see Punk get his comeuppance at a later point.

Of course, I'm imagining the following exchange:

Punk: Okay, Darren. First order of business, Luke and I are going to give you a haircut.

Darren: I will not join your Straight-Edge Society!

Punk: There are no cameras around. I'm being serious here.
Darren would look good bald and with Xs on his wrist tape. Plus then it would open up some opportunities in FCW for him to be partnered with Serena, who just lost the Queen of FCW crown on Sunday. It'd be a good opportunity for Darren to get a push in FCW AND WWW, plus Serena could get he QoFCW crown back!

I like it! :D
Off topic: He kinda has the same hair as Sheamus which gives me hope for the tag team Ebony and Ivory.

On topic: This CM Punk, Darren Young pairing is strange. I think they are going for a young guy wanting to learn but not getting anything out of Punk due to his supposed disinterest in NXT I kinda like this guy. He seems to have some serious energy and he's got a cool look. Hopefully that match was a fluke as it looked like someone messed up big on that move. Anyway I don't see any type of conversion but there will definitely be some clashing based on the party boy thing Young has going on
Well, judging by tonight's episode, Darren Young is in for some major schooling by Punk. I foresee him joining the Straight Edge Society. After that embarrassing loss to Otunga I can only imagine Punk berating and beating some sense and discipline into Young. It's possible Young may join willingly as he saw that his current strategy didn't work so well. It will be interesting to see how things progress as the weeks go on.
Well, judging by tonight's episode, Darren Young is in for some major schooling by Punk. I foresee him joining the Straight Edge Society. After that embarrassing loss to Otunga I can only imagine Punk berating and beating some sense and discipline into Young. It's possible Young may join willingly as he saw that his current strategy didn't work so well. It will be interesting to see how things progress as the weeks go on.

That was exactly my thoughts, a load of the comments on youtube were OMGZ YOUNG IS JOBBIN ALREADYZ but when you think about it logically that's the direction it will go. That in turn doesn't hurt his character whilst putting his opponent over. I loved how well the SES and Young worked together during the entrance of Young. This is one of the more interesting partnerships.
Wait...is this guy black or white? He's from the Jersey Shore, I'm thinking he just tanned his ass off. That complexion is something I've never seen before...it's a dark Sheamus.

He's annoying, but I think he is supposed to be right now. I like the foreshadowing. Punk won't mentor him unless he becomes straight edge. Perfect premise to get this guy way over. NXT is the shit.
This is the oddball pairing of NXT. I imagine they will be a humorous team. Darren's gimmick is a party boy and obviously Punk hates party boys. I got a few chuckles out of Mr. Young last night when he was trying to get all close with Serena and Punk just moved her away. I can see NXT showing us some clips with Young partying and Punk trying to slap some sense into him and make him join the SES. In the end I see him revolting and Punk and crew forcefully shave off the Orlando Jordan esque hairdo. I'm not so sure what the future holds between Punk and Young. Maybe he joins the SES and we later learn he hasn't accepted Straight Edge into his lifestyle and the SES takes him out.
You can already sorta tell Young is going to start off losing his first few matches and CM punk is going to HEAVILY play the "straight Edge will make you a champion" type thing.. This is gonna be REALLY interesting and definitely one of the storylines I will be keeping my eye on throughout NXT Season 1...

The most interesting part of this particular fued is the MORE Young looses the more pressure CM Punk can put on him to join the Straight Edge Society.
This is an odd and interesting couple, but I love it.

Now Young basically jobbed his first match to Otunga who of course botched his only move of the night, but that is for another thread.

Young seems to be placed as the weak link to start off the show and CM Punk as his mentor will probably make him go straight edge and get rid of that haircut of his, and make him stop being a party boy.

Young has some nice charisma and he looks like he is going to be a good fit for the future.
Get this guy a girl with big titties out of FCW to play his GF, and make him a tag team with Zack Ryder. This is so plainly and clearly obvious, I have no idea why he needed to go through this NXT thing anyway. Simular looks, simular attitudes, and Punk will overshadow him badly.

I suppose a short back and forth thing with Punk, concluding with him going on with his own lifestyle, joining up with Ryder later would be fine.

But yea, will likely loose a lot, and have lots of funny facial expressions from CM Punk involved in his segments. Dig it.
I like this guy. I don't think he'll win alot of matches, but I like him. He shows good charisma, and has a good look, especially the hair and strange burnt orange skin tone, but he won't win too much. Just like Norcal said, pair this dude with Ryder. It would be a pretty good team. And also like Norcal said, give him a hot manager. They could be called Hot Chicks with Douchebags. It's a website. www.hotchickswithdouchebags.com. But, I thought him and Otunga would at least have a decent match, but he got fucking squashed. I was disappointed in that. I mean, yeah, they made Otunga look like a beast, but we all know he was on "I Love New York 2". But, Vince seems to like guys from reality shows. Morrison was on Tough Enough (Does that count?), and Miz was on The Real World. Look at them.
I think Darren is gonna lose a few more matches before Punk tells him that if he turns Straightedge, he'll become unstoppable (or something like that). Then we'll see Darren get his haircut and turn heel.
I like this pairing. It is great for TV. But I really dont like the idea of Young joining SES. That hair makes the character. Now- I must admit: I know nothing about Youngs character besides what I saw last week in NXT. I do know from these forums that hes a "party boy" from South Beach.

Just goes to show how much Vince really hates tag-teams I guess. Since Young was in a tag-team in FCW- but now its looking like: he will lose the party boy look & his hair(which is fantastic) -so that kinda blows!!

I guess we'll all find out together
Well this pair is interesting now. It seems that SES still hates Young's guys, but gallows was interested in taking on R-Truth, and CM Punk did help his protege. in his match. Young is sitting on being a tweener, and I am glad he is actually pretty good in the ring. I would like to see him wrestle someone like Bryan to see him against a bit of a more skilled opponent. His points shot up ten fold over the week.
Young and Punk seem like an odd pairing because they have such contrasting characters. Young has the look of a partier. I don't think that he will join the Straightedge Society, I just can't see him doing "straightedge means I'm better than you!" promos, although it's only been two weeks and anything could happen. It would make more sense for conflict to keep building between the two. I like NorCal's idea of pairing him with Ryder, those two would make an interesting tag team since they have similar looks.
. I like NorCal's idea of pairing him with Ryder, those two would make an interesting tag team since they have similar looks.

Anyone notice how he is billed as being from New Jersey? Juuuuuussst like 1 each Zack Ryder. Im tellin ya, it would be epic. They get him some hottie out of FCW, and they could have a mini "Jersey Shore" like stable going on. If only the WWE had a tag division. If only.

Anyways, awesome dynamic developing between these two, with Punk helping hin get the win this week. I really like the way they are playing the angle between them up. Darren Young kind of sucks, something I found out this week. What an atrocious finisher as well. Ah well. Least he won this week.
This pair just keeps getting better every week, as now the seeds are getting planted for Young to start to change his ways.

There is no doubt that Young is not going to win NXT, however, the future for him is as bright as anybody else in NXT. Young is going to go through a gimmick change and join the Straight Edge Society in order for Punk to mentor him, and eventually we know he will change his ways throughout his career and go back to The South Florida Party Boy.

This is my favorite pair right now in NXT, and I can't see that changing for the rest of the season.
The sick thing about Darren Young is that I've actually met him and worked with him before. He started as a wrestler in the IWF (Independent Wrestling Federation) in West Paterson, NJ where I trained for a while.

Something about him looked familiar since day one, and I couldn't put my finger on it. But once I heard that he was billed from New Jersey, it clicked in my head. And I'll be honest, he was always a big guy (and was nowhere NEAR as ripped as he is now) but he lacked charisma. His mic skills back then were sub-par. But it really goes to show how much these guys can improve over a short period of time.

Young (Sampson) was always a nice guy that was willing to help out the new students and was very solid in the ring. And because of my personal feelings about him, I really hope he succeeds in the WWE.
I enjoy Darren Young. He is a good wrestler and has a GREAT mentor, I'm hoping his toryline with CM Punk and the SES keeps up. If so he will have character. he does have a character now, but a Straightedge character would be great for him, just look at luke gallows
They had a good week this week as a team, picking up the win over Hardy and Gabriel. The teamwork that this team possessed was incredible, with the blind tag, the capitalization on the mistakes of Gabriel, the contact tagging in and out. Really a good team, and Punk really seemed like he wanted his rookie to succeed.

But to succeed you must be straightedge, and as Young hasn't accepted that style of life yet, he paid dearly, as Luke Gallows gave him the Gallows Pole. It helps the storyline, you know who is in charge there, and what choice Young must make.

Wow, I cant beleive this guy is 3-1 now. CM Punks leadership is really helping out. The entire Straight Edge Society has accounted for the wins, like this week with Gallows tripping up whoever in the ring, than distracting Tarver.

He had a good match, song the beatdown at a point well, took submissions well, what can I say. I am really starting to like this kid. He was hard to like at the beginning, but damn he has sure come around. He might get a vote, but really, not a big shiny talent like Otunga.
I would have darren young saved by punk and be the new member of the ses just to get rid of that hair and maybe he can be taken a little more seriusly

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