[OFFICIAL] Daniel Bryan returns to the WWE

:worship: at WWE for actually fooling most of us. When I heard that he'd been released I expected to see him the next week or something. After I heard he started taking bookings I gave up. When Team WWE needed a 7th member I thought Triple H or The Rock(I know he's not coming back). Ironically, he appeared at a signing and when it was my turn I asked him about it and the possibility of him going to TNA. He said he'd have to wait and see when the 90 days were up and gave the exact same reasons as reported. When Miz said he accepted the offer I already started Marking Out because I actually thought he was coming back. I leaped up when Cena said there was a different guy. When he said Daniel Bryan I first thought, WTF!?! Call him Bryan Danielson damnit! Then I officially went nuts. Also, they made him look like a BEAST in the ring! And he didn't get eliminated clean and can finally have a real fued with The Miz! BIG props to WWE for giving us one of the best booked storylines in WWE History as far as realism goes in a long, LONG time!
Daniel Bryan's return was the single-most exciting moment of the PPV. Not only did he get the privilege to eliminate two guys, but the length of time that he was in the match outlasted all the others on his team (except Cena). That's quite an impressive comeback for him and the crowd was behind him with those chants. Matt Striker was funny with his "Roll him over! Come on, Cattle Mutilation!" or something along those lines. Those kicks looked brutal and I love his cobra cross face variation. Now that the Miz has interfered, I couldn't ask for a better opponent than in Daniel Bryan. Hopefully the Miz can drop the US title to him before ascending to the WWE Championship. All I know is that I'm anticipating great things because of these surprising events.
Ok, first of all, before I get to my main point, I'd like to take this time to say "I FUCKING TOLD YOU SO!" to all of the people who thought Danielson would go to TNA and totally dismissed the idea of him returning to WWE. I'm sorry, but from when he got fired, I thought it was obvious he was going to come back to WWE; if you want any kind of proof on that, look at how respectfully he talks about WWE post-release. He was released because of protocal, and besides, the only reason he was in NXT and not up on the roster straight away was because he ASKED to go to FCW because he felt he wasn't sharp enough. WWE want him big time and they wouldn't throw that away because of a technicality.

Sorry. Bit of a selfish way to start a thread. And I'm sorry if anyone feels hurt or offended by what I just put, but hey, I feel vindicated!

ANYWAY, moving on. As we will have all seen/read/heard by now, Daniel Bryan has returned to the WWE against Nexus. Now, my question to you is, where does he go now he's back? What path does he take?

Personally, I think he's the one who takes the US title from Miz. It has to happen sooner or later and they might fight for it over a couple of months with Bryan getting 'One Last Shot' which results in him winning it.

Who knows?
When Danielson was released, I was absolutely furious... I felt annoyed & despaired that WWE would let go of one of the best wrestlers on the planet. After hearing he'd taken up bookings for the indies, I lost all hope of him returning... I NEVER in my wildest dreams thought what happened last night at Summerslam would happen.

After Miz's promo last night I was actually looking forward to seeing him in the match, but when Cena said that there was gonna be a new 7th member I cycled through the names I could conjure up at the time (Triple H, The Rock, Mr. McMahon), then I thought it had to be Danielson. When Cena announced his name the reaction I had is one I haven't had watching wrestling in a very long time, I was jumping around my room screaming with joy & almost crying with happiness. The last time I reacted like that was seeing Benoit make Triple H tap out at Wrestlemania XX, has it really been that long?

If Danielson's release was really a work, me & many were fooled & WWE did a fine job of keeping this low. I was also very pleased at how Bryan was put over in the match, lasting longer than established WWE Wrestlers (Morrison, Edge, Hart & Jericho) & showed the people who doubted or never saw his ability what he is made of. Eliminating 2 members of Nexus in the process & bringing back the Crossface in a brutal way, although I would have loved to see a Nexus member wrapped up in Cattle Mutilation though.

Even though Super-Cena winning ruined the end of the match for me, WWE you made me an extremely happy person with the return of The American Dragon & I am looking forward to seeing how this Miz/Danielson fued pans out over the next few weeks.
you could say I'm a mark for the man

Understatement of the year? Between you and RVDGurl, there is a hell of a lot of DBD love.

I too though, was more than estatic to hear that Daniel Bryan had returned to the WWE on Cena's side, and that creative did not turn him heel, or have Cena turn heel and feud with him. I also believe that he will have a good feud with the Miz, most likely over the US title, but if they want to drag it on, it could even potential be for the Money in the Bank briefcase, because its not like it would be that much of a stretch to believe that Bryan could be a contender for a World title. Who knows what will happen, but hopefully the creative team will take the ball and run with it, and use this talented individual to the best of his ability
Honestly, he has to win the US Title i think. Miz interfered with him last night if i remember correctly, and given their history, i think that would bring things full circle. I'm still a bit shocked about Danielson returning, though very happy about it, and if this was a work, then WWE really outdid themselves, having him take indy bookings and everything, the best kept secret ever. However, it remains to be seen if this was just a one off thing, or if it is permanent. I'm really interested to see where this leads.
I never thought of myself as a DBD mark. I thought he was a great wrestler and I really enjoyed his in-ring work but never thought of myself as a mark for him...until last night. I have never marked out like that for a surprise return...EVER. I would say I'm a mark for him now. He came out of the match looking strong, hell the Nexus even had to have the Miz interfere to pin him. Of course, this all points directly to a feud with The Miz. It's the correct way to go and it makes sense amongst other things. He could well be the man who takes the U.S. Title from Miz (possibly even as early as next month at Night of Champions). Mixing it up with Nexus is also a possibility, but I don't see them dragging that out for too long. Big thumbs up to WWE for that return and that match.
L-O-L at the guy who made a thread I think it was yesterday, claiming to have talked to Bryan D's brother, and that Bryan said personally he was NOT going to be there, big fail on that dude.

Anyways, I marked out.. as much as I could lying in bed at 2 in the morning, lol. I knew it wasn't going to be Miz, since he even mentioned it, but I wasn't expecting Bryan. They should of had him win though, if he wasn't going to win, Nexus should of went over. When Gabriel missed that 450 and Cena went all OMGATTACK I was kind of pissed, but whatever the PPV showed some good suprises, I enjoyed it, but for some reason I always find myself more excited for the RAW following the PPV, probably because I really wanna see how all of this turns out.

Also, just to throw in, they obviously were not going to turn Cena heel, he got a new purple shirt, yayyyyyy?lol. Better than the orange one though, by a long shot.

Bryan is back! He needs that crossface for his finisher, goddamn it looked like he was breaking Slater's arm when he put him in it. Overall good PPV for the second half, first half blew though. Can't wait to see what happens tonight.
Got to love the way WWE kept us guessing on the Bryan question, to the point that we may never really know whether:

--The company fired him for real
--They suspended him but told us he was fired
--They were trying to comply with some industry standard concerning improper behavior on the part of their employees, while not truly getting rid of the employee for good
--There was an unnamed factor that caused them to want to get rid of him......but only for awhile.

Adding to the suspense was the appearance of the Miz on the entrance ramp. I had really hoped that Bryan would be returning, but they fooled us again by having Miz accept Team WWE's offer to be the seventh man. At that point, I figured Bryan was gone for good.

Seeing Bryan again was a spectacular turn of events, especially with that last minute Miz ploy. Seeing Bryan wrestle again was even better; he's a unique, innovative performer with a repertoire different from anyone else.

Great job of bait and switch by WWE.
I must admit that I thought that was a completely badass move to make by the WWE and I have a feeling that it is really going to pay off. Not only because Daniel Bryan looked to be at his absolute best last night but also because he looks to be getting put back into his feud with The Miz and if that is the case, I think we can all be thankful for what we are likely to see.

Last night might be an indication of where the WWE intend to put The Dragon and if he is going into the feud with Cena and the Nexus, then I think we can all appreciate the fact that he is going to be a very big deal over the next couple of months (at least). The one thin that I thought I was going to be hesitant about was the flimsy excuse that was given to the WWE fans after he was released. The excuse that he had displayed some remorse in regards to what had occurred during the very first invasion. So, let me get this straight… He was seen choking a man with a collar tie and then suddenly showed remorse for what the Nexus did? I wasn’t buying it!

Fortunately for me, I basically forgot about all of that when I saw him appear last night. Honestly, the idea of Daniel Bryan was completely out of my head last night and with all the talk of John Cena turning heel and Triple H returning as the leader of The Nexus, I completely forgot that he could have returned for the WWE. I am very glad that he is back and that his push (that he deserves) is on it’s way. I fully expect him to feud with The Miz over the next couple of months and this also allows The Miz to settle in with the Money In The Bank briefcase.

All in all, it was a very good reveal and throwing the Miz in there for a massive swerve worked pretty well. Very enjoyable and makes me very optimistic for Raw tonight.
I was hoping that no name would have been given, but we hear "The Final Countdown", and Bryan being introduced as Bryan Danielson. Kind of how they were leading towards the end of NXT with him. I bet his return has to do with the GM. The GM signed him at Summerslam.
That way the main 2 RAW storylines come together with Bryan.
This one moment basically saved the show for me. I went to bed just thinking of what a great return I had just seen. I really don't know if me or my brother who I was watching the show with marked out as much as we did last night before. I certainly don't recall ever marking out that much. It was a shocking yet flawless return. Also the crowd was into him from the moment Cena said his name. He also worked his ass off during the match which absolutely stunned the crowd with amazement and appreciation. Great in ring work, great intensity, and it just gave the main event match a bigger and better feel to it.

I must say this return as great as it was, may be even more brilliant than we think. Was Danielson really released from the company? If he was, then that was most certainly not ninety days he waited out. As it was only mid August when he returned and he was "released" at the beginning of June, so that makes me question if his "firing" was actually legitimate. If it was just a huge work to throw off the IWC, then props to WWE for making all of this seem as real as possible.

He was the last person on my mind when it came to filling the last spot on Team WWE and he came out it made my night definitely. Great move by WWE and it will be great to see what Danielson's involvement on RAW will be tonight. I'm sure he will continue his program with The Miz and Michael Cole, so that should be fun to watch. I'm also sure that the match for the US title at Night Of Champions will be Miz defending it against Danielson. Which in the end I think (and hope) Danielson will win the belt and actually make that mid-card title important again by defending it regularly.
Wow. That was an incredible return. I was watching it with my brother and we are both big Danielson marks. When Cena said Daniel Bryan, we both yelled. I marked out so hard for the next 5 minutes, I missed the beginning of the match. I tried to text a friend, but I couldnt because I was shaking from marking out. It was crazy.

Now to more serious matters. He looked great in the match. I think he started it off and just dominated Darren Young, eliminating him with a crossface. He used the maneuver later on as well and it looks like it could become his finisher. I kind of hope thats not the case, as I hoping to see a Cattle Mutilation. Matt Striker even mentioned it, but nothing happened.

I also love how they had The Miz come after him. This could set up the feud that we have been expecting, between Miz and Danielson. I can definitely see Danielson taking the belt off Miz. On a smaller note, I would really like for him to get music at least close to "The Final Countdown". I'm pretty sure the music he came out to last night was the Summerslam theme song, but I'm not sure.
Last night was amazing to see Bryan Danielson excuse me Daniel Bryan return as 7th member of Team WWE i wen absolutly ballistic last nite I have watched Bryan Daniel in ROH and the restof the indys he deserved to be at SS last night and the way they set up last night i agree with alot of people on here i can see Daniel Bryan vs The Miz at Night of Champions for the US title Daniel Bryan wins then have Sheamus beat whomever he faces then HHH comeout and beat the crap out of him have Miz cash in MITB on Sheamus that way Miz gets his push and Daniel Bryan gets his push now that would be AWESOME
Yeah, I have to side with pretty much everyone else on this. It was a pretty impressive return. I got pretty excited when Cena announced his name (not a huge mark-out moment though, as all I have really seen of him is on youtube) but was still excited to see him come down.

Better than that was that he lived up to the hype by delivering in the ring. The submissions were nice and his dropkick off the top rope was pretty sick as well. Should be a good addition to Raw and like many before me, I hope he adds some significance to the mid-card title scene and has some good matches with The Miz, Morrison, DiBiase, Truth, etc.
This is one of the most well planned, thorough storylines in a while. The entire NXT concept is working incredibly. Pushing 7 unheard of guys into the spotlight, and letting the entire world see how truly great Bryan Danielson is. Spectacular.

Something I'm surprised no one has mentioned, Alex Riley is looking for an opponent tonight. Who better for Dragon to decimate tonight than the Miz's current rookie?\

Bravo WWE! I cant wait to watch Raw tonight!

My first post. Hello new friends
One thing that a lot of people are overlooking for tonight's Raw is that not only will DBD and The Miz be there, but a third party will show up and could make things interesting: The Miz's new NXT Rookie, Alex Riley. It will be Bryan, his ex-NXT Pro, and basically his replacement as Miz's rookie in Riley. It's going to be extremely interesting to see how/if Riley gets involved with Miz and DBD. Maybe a DBD vs Riley match? I'd mark the fuck out if that happened. Miz says "you were a waste of a rookie on NXT, and my new rookie is better than you could ever dream to be!" referring to Riley, then DBD and Riley go at it and set up for a match later tonight. That would be...no pun intended here...AWESOME!
I thought the whole main event was really good. Probably the best main event in a while. There was some great wrestling and a great story being told. For me personally I probably wouldn't have been so interested had Bryan been eliminated first or not in the match at all so thank you WWE for making me enjoy a PPV main event. I haven't as much in a long time.
I will say there were some events to leave me a little bored. I was a bit guessing, kept thinking, maybe HHH, or VKM as the mystery 7th. Even at one point thought "Longshot...Bryan Danielson...since he said you wouldn't see the last of him." But I was pleasantly surprised to see him. I will be the first to admit, I haven't always been his biggest fan. But he did impress me last night. I will give credit where credit is due. He did gain my respect last night. Am I his biggest fan? No. But much like my admiration for Cena, I do admire him for his drive and passion. He brings it 150% and you can tell the determination in his eyes. I was a bit saddened by the interference of Miz, but I can only see bigger and better for him by this new angle. I LOVED the incorporation of various submission techniques applied by him. That standing dragon type sleeper he used, and then the reversal into the crossface type, I just went nuts, and so did the people in the bar where there was a PPV party for it. I will say, I may not be his biggest fan, but he does have my respect, and he did do a good showing against the Nexus and I will most definitely be tuning in more to see him in his future works in WWE. Good job WWE, and great job Mr. Bryan. :thumbsup:
I have to admit, I did not expect this for a longer time than this. I can't say that I'm not happy. I felt that WWE NXT killed a bit of my hype for Bryan Danielson, however I must admit that this refueled it very nicely. Bryan performed a damn beautiful German Suplex last night (my favorite wrestling move) so obviously I got a lot of love back to him.

I can't help but think where this will bring Bryan, either it's a mid-card feud with Miz, which would open up for Miz loosing the United States championship. Or it will be a feud with The Nexus, either way I can't help but imagine it will be epic.
I have a feeling that Daniel Bryan will quickly find himself in a feud with The Miz and it'll get a kickstart tonight. Remember, The Miz's NXT Rookie Alex Riley is going to be making an appearance on Raw tonight. It wouldn't surprise me to see The Miz accompanying him to the ring, Michael Cole pissing and moaning about how Team WWE made a mistake in not having The Miz on board, both Miz & Riley cut good promos, Bryan makes an appearance and winds up in a match with Alex Riley.

Riley would get some needed exposure in such a match, The Miz would make his presence known in various ways throughout the match. In the end, Bryan scores a win with The Miz jumping him from behind before he and Riley give Bryan a beatdown, or at least an attempted beatdown before Bryan manages to get the upper hand. At any rate, that's what I look for to happen tonight, or at least something along those general lines.

As far as the feud with The Nexus goes, I'm actually wondering if Bryan will turn heel and join The Nexus at an opportune moment later on down the line. After all, Barrett has said that The Nexus has a much bigger picture in mind for things and what it part of that strategy to bringing that biggger picture into focus would be to plant a wolf, namely Bryan, amidst the sheep?

But if Bryan is going to stay face, then maybe it's possible that there could be something of a threeway feud for the U.S. title coming up. After all, The Miz has injected himself into the business of The Nexus, or has at least attempted to, so it's logical that such an act demand retribution. The Miz hates Bryan, Bryan hates The Miz and The Nexus hates both of them and vice versa.

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