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[Official] Christian is the new World Heavyweight Champion!!

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Nate DaMac

Fuck erbody but me
No, I'm not as excited as the thread title would indicate, but I'm sure a lot of you are. I loved the way the match was booked and as a long time fan, I am happy Christian is getting another shot. But doesn't it feel like this moment has been cheapened by the way he lost the title last time? I lost it when he won the title for the first time, it's still one of my favorite feel good moments of all time. But this one just doesn't compare.

How hilarious would it be if either Orton gets a rematch and wins it right back on Smackdown? Better yet, how awesome would it be if DB cashes in this week? Christian's got to be hurting from the post match beatdown, maybe DB takes advantage. Eh, but maybe they should put it for a while. No use blowing our whole load in one week.

So yay, Christian is champion again. You excited? Do you feel that it has been cheapened by the previous reign? Did anyone actually notice that Christian won the World Heavyweight Championship?

Keep it all in here.
I'm personally glad he's the champion at the moment because it keeps the story fresh. Also Christian is now a heel therefore his title wins are hot meant be feel good moments. The way he won the title is great fuel to this story's fire and Orton's going to be red hot and will make it his mission to the win the title back ASAP however it might actually make it to the next pay-per-view (that being SummerSlam) this time.

He's a great choice for a heel champion and I will love to see how his reign will start out this Friday night. Should make for some quality television. The programs the WWE have going for them right now simply have me hooked as a fan they're doing great this summer.
Have to think that if DB was cashing in quickly (and winning) he would have cashed in after the beatdown. Can't see a way to have Xian come back from the beating and take out Bryan tonight. Because that didn't happen, I think that DB will hold off to a time fairly far in the future.

I'm not crazy about the way he won the title. I've liked Xian since he was a vampire. Getting his title by spitting in Orton's face was pretty disrespectful. I enjoyed the chair maneuver, but spitting is really low. However, with all the emphasis that was put on the DQ clause, everyone watching knew it would come into play.

I would like to see him hold onto the title with at least a successful defense against Orton and I'd love if he stopped the Henry push. I think the short reign the first time set up his insatiable desire to reclaim the belt and gave us some very good matches.
Christian won this in perfect fashion. This was the perfect example of how a dirty finish should go down.

I was beginning to think this would be the last PPV match between these two for the WHC, but I think I was wrong. This feud just became much more personal, and Orton looked as though he was ready to kill Christian. As in, tear him limb from limb. Really solid stuff here, very entertaining.

I think it's possible Sheamus becomes involved, making the WHC match at Summerslam a Triple Threat. Is that necessary? No, but Sheamus needs something to do. Personally, I'm hoping for one more one-on-one match between Christian and Orton, preferably a gimmick match (Cage, Street Fight, Iron Man, whatever).

Glad Christian won the title, as I find Orton more interesting when he's chasing the title.
Also Christian is now a heel therefore his title wins are hot meant be feel good moments.

Well yeah I know that, I'm just talking about my personal perspective. If Christian were heel when he won his first title I would have been just as ecstatic as I was when he was a face.

Christian won this in perfect fashion. This was the perfect example of how a dirty finish should go down.

I was beginning to think this would be the last PPV match between these two for the WHC, but I think I was wrong. This feud just became much more personal, and Orton looked as though he was ready to kill Christian. As in, tear him limb from limb. Really solid stuff here, very entertaining.

I think it's possible Sheamus becomes involved, making the WHC match at Summerslam a Triple Threat. Is that necessary? No, but Sheamus needs something to do. Personally, I'm hoping for one more one-on-one match between Christian and Orton, preferably a gimmick match (Cage, Street Fight, Iron Man, whatever).

Glad Christian won the title, as I find Orton more interesting when he's chasing the title.

Completely agree here, well except for the Sheamus part. I suspect he'll end up feuding with Sin Cara or Kane after the PPV but he'll probably be interjected back into the main event scene after Summerslam, where Christian and Orton will(should at least) have their final encounter. It does have to be a gimmick match of some sort I think. This feud has finally reached that "Personal" level and it would be a letdown just to have a standard one on one for the 4th PPV in a row.

Logically, it would end at Summerslam with Orton likely coming out on top in either a Cage match or maybe a Last Man Standing match, though I have to say I've had my fill of Orton in the latter. Seriously, who has been in more than him?

Intriguing television is sure to come from this point forward, that's for sure.
Christian won this in perfect fashion. This was the perfect example of how a dirty finish should go down.

Nick's hit the spot there. Christian won it well and took everything that came too him at the end of it.

I'm very glad indeed that Christian is now the World Heavyweight Champion, but I'm hoping he doesn't end up losing it this Friday. If he does, I can tell you that many people will be very unhappy. It's gonna be a pain, but I think we're gonna see Christian vs Orton again at Summerslam. I hate it as much as you do, but you know, rematch clause and all that. Unless there's the possibility that Long refuses to give him his rematch because of his post-match attack. Anyway, I really do hope Christian picks up a new feud with someone, although I don't know who it might be. Orton seems like the only decent face at the moment. With DB on the case though, with MiTB, he could also be a possibility of having the next reign.

Who know? But I think Christian better hold it for a while.
You excited? Do you feel that it has been cheapened by the previous reign? Did anyone actually notice that Christian won the World Heavyweight Championship?

Of course I'm excited, but that's just me. Christian could magically go on to win the World Heavyweight Championship twenty more times in his career and I'd be just as excited for each and every one.

Is it a bit cheapened? A little. Then again, all heel reigns/dirty wins feel cheapened - because they're supposed to. I would've loved Christian's first reign to be long and healthy. The fact is this time around, with him as SmackDown's top heel, is a much more important time in his career. Christian will never be a top face in the company - not as long as Cena and Orton are around. He does have the opportunity to go over as a top heel in the last portion of his career though. That's why him getting this championship now is huge.

Did people notice? Sure, I guess. Fact is that everything that happened at Money In The Bank will be forgotten in history compared to the Punk-Cena match. Christian winning the title from Orton via DQ certainly won't be a moment that lives on in lore. It will however have a big impact in the here and now. We know this feud has to last until SummerSlam. How could it not? An interesting question is how long it keeps going from there and whether or not Christian can walk away from the feud as World Heavyweight Champion. My gut feeling is no because as things stand, there is no other major face beyond Orton on SmackDown other than maybe Sin Cara and Daniel Bryan.

A few other things to note:

As for Sheamus, my gut feeling is that he's done being in the picture. I actually think we may be seeing a budding feud between him and Sin Cara. Cara beats Sheamus on SmackDown and then Sheamus single handedly takes him out of the ladder match. I'll be looking to see if they continue with that.

Finally, does Edge play a role in the Orton-Christian feud next month? We already know Edge will be part of the SummerSlam All Axxess program. It seems a little odd to have him around yet be nowhere near this story. Right now, Edge continues to support Christian according to a recent WWE.com interview (in storyline. Not that he wouldn't in real life). Could he help Christian retain at the summer classic?

Those are just my thoughts. Truth be told, any kind of title reign that lasts past this Tuesday is a step forward... Literally.
Orton and Christian have great in ring chemistry together. They have had 4 excellent matches.

I thought this was perfectly booked. For weeks Randy has been saying he has anger management issues. With Christian talking about Randy's family on smackdown, and now spitting on him. Orton went crazy post match. This feud has gotten a lot more personal.

If Orton does get a rematch at a ppv, I hope they add a wrinkle to it. Maybe a steel cage match or a street fight.

Christian is now the top heel on smackdown. This program with Orton has been great for him. I dont see him losing the belt on tuesday. If he did I am 100% sure Vince is purposely just trying to piss off the Christian marks. :lmao:
I'm so happy that Christian won, and hopefully this time the guy will actually have a decent reign and not one that will just last just 5 days. The finish to the match was perfect, it didn't make even man look weak, and now Christian can cement himself as the #1 Heel on Smackdown.

I must admit, i was waiting for a Daniel Bryan run in, but Christian was outside the ring so i thought ok, maybe DB won't cash in tonight, but it was still a fun and enjoyable match, and now Christian is your new World Heavyweight Champion.
I LOVE it. With Christian being my favorite superstar, I am really pleased with this.

Big Nick hit the nail right on the head, the way he won was nothing short of perfect not only does it solidify Christian as SD's top heel, it didn't make Orton look weak. I do believe however that Christian was made to look weak after the beating he received after the match, but I can understand why and it'll probably elevate Orton to being more "psychotic" than usual.

I really hope this reign lasts 6 weeks at a MINIMUM otherwise it's just another bullshit run and Jason Reso really does deserve better.

Long live the pontiff of the peepulation!
I've been likening it to Wile E. Coyote vs. Road Runner. Orton was always simply too good for Christian to beat. He couldn't get it done, so he resorted to the dirtiest, nastiest way to win possible, and somehow it worked. Sure he got totally and utterly destroyed, but it worked. That has to be the first time that stipulation ("If they get DQ'd or counted out, they lose") has actually worked. I must admit I am pretty damn surprised. Christian winning though was needed to give us a change of pace. It allows him to relish being champion for a little while as Orton uses his rage to regain the belt. This one should be excellent heading towards SummerSlam.
Again, I have to side with Nick, it was a great match and the ending was perfect. But, I couldn't help thinking we were about to hear the ''Rise of the Valkyries'' on the sound system with DB coming out and cashing in his MitB contract. Thank god they didn't. I hope Christian and Orton continue their feud with Christian winning dirty every time until DB finally does cash-in at a later date, say Hell in a Cell.
The feud up until yesterday had been great, however, last night it turned into gold. Randy's intensity and Christian's cowardice really shone through and made for great TV. It would have stole the show if it weren't for Punk.
On another PPV, this result would have made the entire IWC orgasm. But today, it just feels like one of those things that just happened. Perhaps a bit more important than Kelly Kelly's title defense but still way insignificant as compared to the main event of the show. Well, that's Punk for you.

This match was actually quite nice. I liked how they countered almost everything which was understandable considering how many times they had wrestled each other. There were lots of nearfalls too the best one being when Christian hit the Killswitch and the ending, as Nick has already mentioned, was perfect. It and the beatdown that followed showed that Christian had managed to get under Orton's skin and that could be a great storyline as Orton is at his best when he is mad.

I'd love to see a Streetfight at Summerslam between the two. That would be the perfect match to finish off the feud. Or better still, you can have Christian win that somehow leading upto a cage match at the next PPV where Orton wins. What would be really great to see immediately is Orton using his rematch clause on Smackdown this week and Christian running away to give Orton the countout victory. That would show that Christian has learned from his mistakes and would also highlight the difference between heel Christian and face Christian pretty effectively.
I've never been a huge Christian fan. But this win really hit the spot for me. Hell, this entire angle has hit the spot for me.

That swift kick to the balls was very sudden and a perfect way for Christian to win. This match was all about Orton's pride and anger getting the best of him. He wanted to shut Christian up once and for all. Even if that meant accepting the new rules that Christian decided on. And while his pride led him into the match, that old Orton chestnut of anger led him to lose. It's a simple story, but beautifully told by Orton, Christian and WWE.

Then the aftermath was brilliant, too. I loved Orton just going crazy and Christian looking like the cowardly heel that he is. I (like I'm sure everyone else) was expecting/hoping for a Daniel Bryan appearance. Of course, it was never going to happen. Bryan needs to be built before cashing in. But I guess it was my smark instinct.
It was a great match and a very good ending. I was very happy to see Christian win the WHC once again. I really hope Vince gives him a lengthly title run but i dont see this happening. I would be even more pissed than the last time Christian lost the WHC if somehow, Christian loses the title on Tuesday at the Smackdown tapings.

Was it just me or was anyone eles sure than "D Bryan" was going to run out and cash his MITB title shot when Orton battered Christian after the match ? That would have took the piss . . .
Not been a great Christian fan and I'm still not but I was definitely happy for him because he's deserved this success. He's played the heel really well in this feud even if he gets cheered more then booed.
I'm glad Christian is the Champion again and he's been given the chance to run with this. It could be a great heel run.
I prefer Orton chasing the title over him being the Champion. There's just something better about the angles when the Heel is Champion.
I couldn't be happier. I didn't think they'd ever let him have it again after the way he lost it in two days and everyone was writing it off as it being a final shot at wrapping up Edge's legacy. I thought it was good that the low-blow didn't immediately following the spit, because the referee forcing him to break the beatdown before a five-count made you think for a minute that Orton would keep his cool. Nope! Instead, he made me and a lot of other people happy. Punk and Christian holding world titles in WWE at the same time is like a dream come true. I just hope they let Christian have it for a few weeks. He deserves it.

In response to Funkay, the DQ title change has worked before. Off the top of my head, the earliest one I remember was the Steiners dropping the tag titles to the Quebecers via "Province of Quebec Rules". I'm sure there were others.
ur damn right hes the world heavyweight champion. im excited that he won the title back. not to big on how he won it but as long as hes champion im gona be glad GO CHRISTIAN
Im glad Christian is champion again. Hopefully WWE gives him a longer reign then last time. He deserves that at the least because his feud with Orton has been pretty hot.
Man the way that fnish went down, I have a new outlook on Christian....in todays day and age where you rarely see someone spit at someone, much less spit in their freaking mouth, Christian just took it up a notch....I think Christian has a little ultimate opportunist in him from someone else...but besides that it brought a new level to Christians character, and made Randy look more vicious than ever....highlight of the night besides Punk and Cena
Myriad has a good point. The latest Orton-Christin confrontation was unfortunately overshadowed by exceptional events at the same PPV. Who has the energy to get excited over Christian finally stealing the belt with the CM Punk situation being what it is?

But on the whole I really love how the whole Christian-Orton angle has panned out, beginning to end. (Well, not end, since it's clearly not over yet.)

Christian winning the title for the first time was just awesome, despite him being miscast as a babyface and he clearly only won it because of Edge's retirement.
Orton beating him a couple of days later pissed me off to no end. But after the initial anger passed I realized that I should be glad the WWE still sometimes manages to stir my emotions like that after all these years. And then it became apparent that Orton beating him so soon was all part of a long term plan that involves Christian's heel turn.

And now heel Christian won the title "for real" and in the most cowardly, lucky, heelish fashion imaginable. I LOVE it!

I totally expected Daniel Bryan to cash in that very night when Orton beat the snot out of Christian after the match. Kept waiting for his music to play. Never happened. That was a relief.

Now I'm holding my breath for Christian to survive the next episode of Smackdown. I'm hoping he holds the title at least till the next PPV.
Christian is new WHC. By DQ.

I give this title reign two weeks. Tops.

Why? Randy Orton is now in what I called "Pissed off cobra mode". And we all know what happens when he goes to that stage of anger.


No, seriously. This is the dude who said he'd punt his grandma to keep a title.

My advice to Christian: RUN!!!
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