Obama Preparing for War With Iran

So you have been so wrong on every point that all you have left is to attack my spelling and my degree? Are you a tea party member? You can point out all the spelling mistakes you want, but wrather you spell it "obstained" or abstained, it doest change the fact that what I said s correct. You have nothing left other than to attack me personaly B/C you have lost the real debate.
Except I kind of haven't. Not that I've asked them, but I have a hunch that pretty much everyone reading this considers me to be right, and you to be an idiot. Given that the purpose of a debate is to influence the people reading it, I'd call that a victory for me.

And just to keep banging the drum, your degree is made up and your understanding of the English language either proves that you are lying about your age, or that you suffer from rather potent learning difficulties.
The Arab league voted 21-0 for the UN to enforce a No-Fly-Zone. The Security Council voted to aprove it, and with so much Arab support, Russia and China obstained.

As I will below, I want you to show me a source of your information that I can either read, or watch that has NOTHING to do with Fox News.

Actually, the Arab League was insisting that the International Community NOT to do a military intervention in Libya's Civil War but use peaceful and diplomatic actions, sorce: http://arabnews.com/middleeast/article293526.ece.

The proposed No Fly Zone was not requested by the Arab League, but was outlined by France, Lebanon and the United Kingdom.
So you have been so wrong on every point that all you have left is to attack my spelling and my degree? Are you a tea party member? You can point out all the spelling mistakes you want, but wrather you spell it "obstained" or abstained, it doest change the fact that what I said s correct. You have nothing left other than to attack me personaly B/C you have lost the real debate.

And i know spelling is NOT my strength, but politics and geo-political knowlege are.

and another thing you need to know; you can not go into the pentagon, or even west point, and NOT see an Egyption millitary officer. Thats how close we are with the millitary learders of Egypt.
So your understanding of our relationship with Egypt is disgusting. It's been tight since the 1970's.
As I will below, I want you to show me a source of your information that I can either read, or watch that has NOTHING to do with Fox News.

Actually, the Arab League was insisting that the International Community NOT to do a military intervention in Libya's Civil War but use peaceful and diplomatic actions, sorce: http://arabnews.com/middleeast/article293526.ece.

The proposed No Fly Zone was not requested by the Arab League, but was outlined by France, Lebanon and the United Kingdom.

Please somebody put him out of his missery. The Arab leage kicked Lybia out for God's sake, just to fuck them. The Arab League voted 21-0 requesting that a no-fly-zone be enforced. That is declaring war you idiot. Do you know what it takes to enforce a No-Fly-Zone durring an uprising over a dictator? It is meant to give Nato, Arab cover to bomb Lybian government forces, while supporting the uprising. Lybia tried to assasinate the Saudi King in '04 for god's sake. Common Scence!
And i know spelling is NOT my strength, but politics and geo-political knowlege are.

and another thing you need to know; you can not go into the pentagon, or even west point, and NOT see an Egyption millitary officer. Thats how close we are with the millitary learders of Egypt.
So your understanding of our relationship with Egypt is disgusting. It's been tight since the 1970's.

Except Egypt refused to send troops to Afghanistan both during and after the war. Egypt opposed US intervention in Iraq extremely vocally and refused to sent troops after the war, even under the UN umbrella.

You really have no clue what you're on about.
Except Egypt refused to send troops to Afghanistan both during and after the war. Egypt opposed US intervention in Iraq extremely vocally and refused to sent troops after the war, even under the UN umbrella.

You really have no clue what you're on about.

I called Iraq an illegal war in my analysis. That is a stupid argument to back your point. The argument was over Egyption OVERT support for Lybia. You are proved wrong so you use some stupid example that no-body argues. Hear it is CNN: go learn something and quit talking B/C everytime you do, your losing even more.

Link: http://articles.cnn.com/2011-03-12/...e-libyan-people-opposition-forces?_s=PM:WORLD
Please somebody put him out of his missery. The Arab leage kicked Lybia out for God's sake, just to fuck them. The Arab League voted 21-0 requesting that a no-fly-zone be enforced. That is declaring war you idiot. Do you know what it takes to enforce a No-Fly-Zone durring an uprising over a dictator? It is meant to give Nato, Arab cover to bomb Lybian government forces, while supporting the uprising. Lybia tried to assasinate the Saudi King in '04 for god's sake. Common Scence!

Yes, please, someone put this idiot out of his misery. SHOW ME YOUR PROOF! I showed you mine that disproved the Arab League giving any permission to military intervention. For someone with a BA in PoliSci, you don't know what a declaration of war is. A declaration of war is a public announcement of the intent for aggressive action against nation(s). The UN does not "declare war" on nations, as it's purpose is to prevent war. No outside nation declared war upon Libya, what Libya had was a civil war. Now, a Civil War does not need a formal declaration, as it is not any form international conflict. Enforcing a No-Fly Zone is not a Declaration of War. The UN struck at airbases to weaken Gadaffi's air force. Outside of that, there was no conflict between the International Community and Gadaffi's forces. The conflict in Libya was contained to the citizens of Libya.

Now, show me proof of your claims and your research that I can read or watch online. It's not that hard if you are so informed.
Yes, please, someone put this idiot out of his misery. SHOW ME YOUR PROOF! I showed you mine that disproved the Arab League giving any permission to military intervention. For someone with a BA in PoliSci, you don't know what a declaration of war is. A declaration of war is a public announcement of the intent for aggressive action against nation(s). The UN does not "declare war" on nations, as it's purpose is to prevent war. No outside nation declared war upon Libya, what Libya had was a civil war. Now, a Civil War does not need a formal declaration, as it is not any form international conflict. Enforcing a No-Fly Zone is not a Declaration of War. The UN struck at airbases to weaken Gadaffi's air force. Outside of that, there was no conflict between the International Community and Gadaffi's forces.

I have a cordless keyboard that is guided by a USB devise so sometimes i type too fast and skip letters.

So we got 21 ARAB nation support, OVERTLY.

And Saudi Arabia just re-enstated full diplomatic relations with Lybia, recognizing what we did as legit.

You just continue to make your-self look uninformed.

I missed ONE detail, and i already knew it. But I can't edit. I confused Mahmouds '05 "Election" with '03. But If that is all you got considering the 9 or 10 page analysis I wrote... You are PATHETIC!

We didn't do anything but enforce a No-Fly Zone. With Saudi re-instating diplomatic relations with the new Libya under the National Transitional Council is proof of what the Libyan Rebels did, not the international community. Overall, we did very little but protect the non-combatants.

And I was posting my last response when you posted that link in a reply, which is why I didn't see it until after. That works.
I think he knows exactly what he's doing.

Am I the only one who thinks Ryan is completely full of shit? He's trolling. I don't think he's anywhere near as stupid as he's pretending to be. Probably an alt.

im not trolling. we are having a spirited debate on geo-political issues. i have been nothing but accurate on substance. my spelling isn't great but im having a debate with other smart debaters. and we all are leaning from a debate on important issues.
He's trying too hard to sound idiotic. The spelling mistakes seem forced.

Convinced, I stand.

Agreed. As someone who understands the strong writing abilities required to pass a discipline like Political Science, the volume of writing that is required, there is simply no way in hell I believe that ryan ever graduated college with a degree in it. Even if his college has the poorest academic standards ever, there is just no way in hell. With spelling like that, I would have flunked 6th grade social studies, no chance he got through college spelling like that. Total troll. But, sometimes he is amusing to observe.
Oh the degree is absolutely a lie. He said it was from UT Austin, who don't appear to actually offer a degree in Political Science. They do one in Government instead, but I would guess that a person who has studied a degree for four years would know what it was called.
Oh the degree is absolutely a lie. He said it was from UT Austin, who don't appear to actually offer a degree in Political Science. They do one in Government instead, but I would guess that a person who has studied a degree for four years would know what it was called.

This is phenominal
And my god have you ever even attended a 4 year university?

It's universaly known that the degree is technicaly a Bachelors of Arts. Many non-specialized degrees will not actualy say your course field you idiot. The degree plan was the studdy guide based on political science when you chose a government major.

You just really make yourself look like an ass. How the hell can you tell me about my own damn school? You dont even understand the universal lingo used by college majors. SO SOP IT... ESPECIALY IF YOU KNOW, THAT YOU DONT KNOW BETER.

As posted 4 pages ago... Next you will say i must have taken Art as my course study to get a bachelors of arts...

No matter what you guys say and how you try to undermind my degree and spelling, it's just B/C you all have lost the real argument... so your changing it. Now who is doing the trolling?
Agreed. As someone who understands the strong writing abilities required to pass a discipline like Political Science, the volume of writing that is required, there is simply no way in hell I believe that ryan ever graduated college with a degree in it. Even if his college has the poorest academic standards ever, there is just no way in hell. With spelling like that, I would have flunked 6th grade social studies, no chance he got through college spelling like that. Total troll. But, sometimes he is amusing to observe.

I have won the Geo-Political argument on substance. So you turn to spelling ad attacking my degree. If you guys were not busy losing the politics of the arguemnt, you wouldn't be attacking me perosnaly. That is trolling.
I have won the Geo-Political argument on substance. So you turn to spelling ad attacking my degree. If you guys were not busy losing the politics of the arguemnt, you wouldn't be attacking me perosnaly. That is trolling.

I don't recall commenting on your argument either way, what is this "you guys" business? I challenge you to find any comment where I either agreed or disagreed, I am only mocking your spelling because it amuses me to do so. Has nothing to do with your argument about an impending war with Iran, I couldn't give a shit or two about that.

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