NXT Takeover leaves Florida for the first time in August

Mighty NorCal



I don't think im especially a fan of this, as moving it out of the more intimate venues could hurt the atmosphere a whole lot. Not to mention, its going to look like shit if they only sell half the seats.

On the positive side, I guess during their live tour, it was evident to them that the demand was high enough to do this, and it IS an NYC crowd, so if any crowd other than Philly can maintain the intensity and fun, its this Brooklyn crowd.

It's very cool to see the NXT brand grow, but I feel like we've missed out on some televised events in other smaller venues. Brooklyn or not, I also worry that a large crowd will dilute the experience.

Anyone want to take any wild stabs at the main event? I'm calling Balor (c) vs Rhyno.
This is a really bold move, the day before summerslam, the same venue. I love it.

The bigger NXT gets the better it is for the network. Especially if it allows the WWE to trim down from 12 PPVs to 8. At least that's my hope.

I'm blown away, but they can't do this all the time can they? Talent is going to get called up, how quickly can you turn over a developmental roster and sell out 15000 seat arenas?

Interesting times.

edit -- looks like they'll be in barclay's theater which seats around 4,000 to 7,000. that makes more sense. But wow, NXT, Summer Slam and RAW back-to-back-to-back in Brooklyn.
Do they risk having a better show than the main roster, so while trying to expand one do you hurt the other? You also have the issue of moving NXT stars to the main roster and having the talent to replace them. I know Vince and HHH have big egos but the majority of the stars of NXT that advanced were experienced before they came through NXT supporting its growth but if that influx of people stops it becomes a weak product.
edit -- looks like they'll be in barclay's theater which seats around 4,000 to 7,000. that makes more sense. But wow, NXT, Summer Slam and RAW back-to-back-to-back in Brooklyn.

Were did you get that from? That is PHENOMENAL news if correct.......retains the NXT feel, but also upgrades it by being on the road in a larger venue (but not too large)

It makes much more sense, but Triple H's twitter post indeed reads Barclays Center, and its on the Barclays Center event calendar

Earlier this year, NXT's first big show outside of Florida, which was held somewhere in California if I'm not mistaken, was in a venue that seated around 5,000 and they sold out. While most NXT shows have been in small venues, they've never had problems selling out those that hold 2,000, 3,000 or 4,000 people so I don't think the Barclays Theater will be any real problem. NXT is ultimately becoming more than simply WWE's developmental territory, it's become sort of Alternative WWE with its own brand recognition.

If the NXT special turns out to be a better show than SummerSlam or Raw, it wouldn't be the first time NXT has outshined a main roster ppv or TV taping. During the big venue show in California I mentioned earlier, Vince was backstage and was said to have really, really enjoyed the show overall. However, it was noted that he became visibly upset at the "Better than Raw" and "Better than 'Mania" chants that the crowd was into; he didn't have a hissy fit or anything, but it certainly brought his ego temporarily down several notches. I'm of the opinion that the major difference in NXT and the main roster revolves around booking philosophies and strategies as nothing that's happening in NXT can't be reproduced on the main roster. Ever hear of the old adage "what's old is new again"? Triple H is using generally old fashioned booking philosophies that rely on simple logic, consistency and paying attention to all the various little details. A small example of this was last night during Ryback's match with Mark Henry on SmackDown; while it was a pretty decent match, all things considered, the commentators spent a lot of time trying to talk up the hype of whether or not Ryback could deliver Shell Shocked to Mark Henry and later Big Show at Battleground. That's all well and good but the problem is that fans already know Ryback can because we've seen him do it; he's had matches against Mark Henry in the past where he's delivered the move and he delivered the move to Big Show on Raw during the MizTV segment a few weeks back. If Vince wants to build up some sort of suspense as to whether or not Ryback can deliver his finisher to a 400+ pound man, then wouldn't it make sense to not have him delivering said finisher to said 400+ pound man already? It's almost as if Vince believes that every fan has the attention span and memory capacity approaching that of the average goldfish while fans are given a little more credit by NXT.
Were did you get that from? That is PHENOMENAL news if correct.......retains the NXT feel, but also upgrades it by being on the road in a larger venue (but not too large)

It makes much more sense, but Triple H's twitter post indeed reads Barclays Center, and its on the Barclays Center event calendar


the "theater" is essentially a curtain that cuts the arena in half or so. We'll see what happens August 22nd.

the "theater" is essentially a curtain that cuts the arena in half or so. We'll see what happens August 22nd.


AHHHHH I gotcha. Perhaps they decide a configuration based on ticket sales? Going with the theatre configuration wpuld be be for the best right off the bat. I hope so.
This is awesome news. It is a massive opportunity for NXT to get to be in a setting outside of Florida for a Takeover event, let alone the same place that both Raw AND Summerslam will be held at. Those fans are in for a treat. Now with that being said, I know it's not guaranteed that the NXT show will do amazingly well. That's why this is a good test for the brand. Will everyone who is over be as over in a much larger crowd? Imagine all of the fans in there chanting Enzo's entrance line with him. Or the great reactions I picture both the NXT Championship and Womens Championship matches getting. While not guaranteed to be over the way they are at Full Sail.... it is quite possible. We are getting closer and closer every single day toward NXT becoming the next Smackdown. One day it could very well be its own brand thanks to its growing fanbase. Can't wait for this show.
This is great news for wrestling fans. For fans that either can't get tickets for Summerslam, or who maybe can't afford them, this is an excellent alternative.

Actually given the choice, I would probably rather attend the NXT show. I've watched all their specials, and they've never disappointed, unlike the many times the main roster has.

I'm sure they will sell this out, and the New York crowds have always been good ones. Can't wait to see this on the Network. Hopefully they'll come to Toronto one of these days. With the amount of Canadians in NXT, Zayn, Breeze etc., they would do very well here.
Actually given the choice, I would probably rather attend the NXT show. I've watched all their specials, and they've never disappointed, unlike the many times the main roster has

Funny you mention this, as I had zero discussions with my usual wrestling crew about going to Summerslam.....my thoughts being fuuuuuckkkk going to Brooklyn for Summerslam....

But when Takeover was announced my entire contingent of wrestling fans I go to live events with (over ten people at this point) ALL universely confirmed we will be waiting for the second tickets go on sale.

When I went to the NXT house show in Philly, it was probably the most fun ive had at a show.....this one could blow the doors off of everything.
This is great for NXT and the growth is truly tremendous. Triple H has done some great work in developing NXT.

I do wonder if Owens will appear at both Takeover and Summerslam. Something like Balor/Joe/Owens would be an amazing main-event. The thought of Enzo and Big Cass winning the championships in New York is pretty cool. I'd guess (and kind off hope) there will be something with Taz and maybe Corbin.

The expectations are ridiculously high for all of these events. The last one was arguably the worst thus far with Joe's debut and Banks/Lynch the only things of note. Let's hope this one can live up to the hype.
NYC is a gigantic market. It will sell out, it will be loud. It will work.

The indie fan in me was hoping it'd be held at Hammerstein or the Manhattan center. But I'm sure there's economics to it (1 ring, 1 venue, etc)
NYC is a gigantic market. It will sell out, it will be loud. It will work.

The indie fan in me was hoping it'd be held at Hammerstein or the Manhattan center. But I'm sure there's economics to it (1 ring, 1 venue, etc)

Not to mention, as ive seen/heard discussed in various places, that Hammerstein's rent is so high that its almost impossible to turn a profit with the sort of product you would put in the building
Not to mention, as ive seen/heard discussed in various places, that Hammerstein's rent is so high that its almost impossible to turn a profit with the sort of product you would put in the building

Yeah, like $30 grand a night I think. It's the reason ROH stopped doing shows their & moved to the shitty Terminal 5 instead, meanwhile TNA continued to run their & not be able to pay their talent on time:lmao:
I think this might be detrimental to NXT's overall product. I think it works best in a smaller venue and is in danger of being overexposed. NXT is so good right now because it's a developmental territory in front of less than 5,000 fans 1 hour a week. Could this be a great idea? Absolutely. NXT is great and if expanded could be even better.

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