NXT Season Three

Magic Mark

Former WCW TV Champion
I really should of saved this for tomorrow, but whatever, I'm in the mood to do this! So as you all may know, NXT 3 was different because it involved all Divas. And because CM Punk did commentary on one episode (#VintageMaxine). So, was the show any good? Hell no. The matches were just, bad. The matches had zero intensity and the only feud in it was Maxine-AJ which was VERY generic. But hey, we all start from somewhere. Let's checkout the contestants.

Kaitlyn (WINNER)- Kaitlyn first got a bit of internet fame when people compared her to Seth Rollins (Hair wise, that is). She was good on the mic, awkward in the ring, but had a great build. After NXT, she feuded with the likes of Eve and Askana, and then onto AJ. Knowing that she is a former Diva's champion, and the fact that she has slowly improved over time, I consider here a BOOM!

Naomi- The runner-up. Naomi was a generic African-American with "GIRL POWER!". Very generic and I never really gave a shit. But hey, she's a funkadactyl, so I guess she is useful.

AJ- AJ was interesting from the start. During her tenure in NXT, she began a relationship with Primo, which made sense since both AJ and Primo are Puerto Rican. She had a nerdy gurly gimmick that actually fitted well with her actual personality. I don't know why but WWE really did put a lot of effort into the making of AJ. Anyways, after NXT, she was in Diva limbo until she became a valet for Daniel Bryan. Then everything just skyrocketed for the... "Pocket Rocket"? was that seriously her nickname? Dayum. Back to the point, AJ became MEGA-OVER during her various relationships with Kane, D-Bry, CM Punk, Cena, Dolph, and maybe some other dudes. Definite BOOM!!!

Askana- OH...MY...GOD. This woman couldn't cut a promo even if her life depended on it. Never saw her in the ring, never plan on it. Askana was doomed from the start. Maybe she can be a fourth wheel to Colter's Militia?

Maxine- The only time I saw her wrestle was in that one tag-team match that CM Punk commentated (the only reason I watched that shitfest), and as you can tell, It was bad. Funny (Thank you Punk!!!), but bad. Wouldn't want her back in the WWE without a doubt. BUST

Jamie- Generic name, butt-dump caliber, Will never be missed.

When comes to NXT Season three, there was as many BOOMS!!! as there was busts. What did you think of the All-Divas NXT?
I'll always remember this season for one main reason- Michael Cole shitting all over everything. I mean everything. These girls could have stripped naked and shook their tits in his face, and he'd have had something snarky and critical to say. I didn't mind it when it was warranted. There was a lot of bad in NXT Season 3, but after a while it just ruined things and buried the girls. The fact that he carried this shtick over onto the main shows just chagrined me more.

As for the actual competitors, AJ and Naomi were my favorites from the start, so it was no surprise that they had the best match of entire season, and arguably the best Diva's match of the last 3 years. AJ's energy was infectious. You could tell she really wanted it. Naomi was hands-down the most athletic and best wrestler of the bunch. Poor girl was barely passable on the mic, but she made up for it every time there was a physical challenge or match. Kaitlyn was funny, and her relationship with her pro Vickie was entertaining. She was terrible in the ring, and it's to her credit that's she has come as far as she has in that regard. I was amazed that she won, though, and am still a bit confused as to why the powers that be continue to push her so strongly, but whatever. All three have found their place on the main roster, and hopefully they'll lay the foundation for a revitalization of the Diva's Division.

Maxine and Aksana weren't without their charms, however most of that was due to them having great bodies. I did like Maxine's attitude. It made her stand out, and I think that she should have stuck around with WWE. Aksana's bad English put her at a disadvantage promo-wise, and while she is clearly athletic, she's just not a good wrestler. Her main roster debut with Teddy Long was stupid, but she's settled into a spot as a jobber Diva so good for her. I forgot about Jaime.

Like I said, to me this season's legacy was the WrestleCrap award winning heel announcer it spawned. These girls were going to get a shot at the main roster with or without NXT. It was made to fulfill an obligation, and nothing more. It did feature a superb wrestling match between two talented girls, and I enjoyed it for what it was, as I do with all wrestling programming I watch. Now let's never speak of it again.
I didn't watch this season in its entirety. I gave it a chance but knew going into it from day one that an all divas show was doomed to be a failure. Despite these low expectations, some successes have come from this season.

Kaitlyn was a success. She won the contest and made it to the Divas Championship. I don't expect that to be her only run with the belt. She's also one of the better divas on the main roster today.

She hasn't done much of relevance since NXT Season 3 but she is one of the Funkadactyls, she's better off than half of the contestants.

We all know who AJ is. Easily the most successful alumni of NXT Season 3. AJ is the future of the Divas division and I look forward to several Divas Championship reigns later down the line as she very likely will become the focal point of the division on a more permanent basis.

HORRIBLE. How is she still working for WWE?

Failure. She didn't accomplish anything. Way better than Aksana at least.

Another failure, but still better than Aksana.

This season gave us Kaitlyn and AJ, but other than that.... It was honestly a waste of time and the downfall of the NXT brand's contest format. The show never recovered after this season. Kaitlyn and AJ both could still have made it without this show.
Kaitlyn (winner)
ok, this should be fun. first the winner. i thought her promos werent bad. some good, some bad. her in ring skills were also the same, some good, some bad. so all in all, not a bad winner. she's a boom
Naomi- The runner-up.
eh, she isnt the best at promos, she's not bad in the ring though. as for today, i dont like her paired with the Funkadattyle gimmick, but it's fine with me for now i guess, she's in between
she is my winner and i always was a fan of her. she can seriously go in the ring and her promos are great and of course she's great for eye candy. she's one in my book who had the whole package, is she perfect no, but she's the best that came out of NXT 3 in my book. clear boom
She was just brutal in all aspects. her matches werent great and her promos were full of awful. she seemed to stumble on words at times and her saying WWE universe seemed to take longer for her to say than anyone i heard say it. i like her new look (as she comes off as darker and meaner), but i still dont think she's much of a promo cutter. WWE seems to be ok with her, but in my book, she's a bust.
i thought her promos werent bad and her in ring skills werent bad either. she did draw decent heat, i didnt hate her, but because she hasnt done much since then, she's a bust for now.
she is just too bland for my liking and just annoyed me when she was supposed to make us cheer for her. in one promo on nxt she cut a promo that just sounded like something every diva wanting a job would say and in the ring, she wasnt that good. bust in my opinion.
What did you think of the All-Divas NXT?
not a great show. too many slow matches, alot of bad promos with some exceptions (see AJ's natural dynamite promo), not alot of great feuds and of course it didnt help that the announcers trashed the show to the point that even Matthews (a face) was bashing it. so the show was a bust.

I think this deserves to be put here. Definitely a "boom." Easily the best thing to happen on that edition of the show, IMO. Watching it earlier was the first time I'd seen this match in over two years. Like I said, the argument could be made that it's the best Diva's match over that stretch. It got decent time, was well paced, they sold well, and they exhibited a fine use of grappling, transitions, and submission holds. Plus Josh Matthews' JR-esque call of AJ's finisher was hilarious.

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