NXT LD will kick your fucking head in 3/02/10

The Doctor

Great and Devious
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Welcome to the Big Leagues.
After a great five-minute match with Chris Jericho, Daniel Bryan looks to be taking over this show. During the Jericho match, Bryan took a sick bump into an announce table. After the match, his mentor, The Miz, laid into him with some stiff shots. How will this injury affect Bryan tonight?


The A-Lister
David Otunga made a huge impact last week, defeating Darren Young in under 40 seconds. Will his dominant streak continue tonight?


Justin Gabriel debuts!

Tonight, we will see Justin Gabriel, Matt Hardy's protoge, debut. Gabriel is the current FCW Heavyweight Champion. How will he perform on the big stage?

Find out answers to these questions and more as NXT kicks off at 10/9c on SyFy!

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Is it bad that I really do not care how Gabriel performs and actually want to see the man with the smallest cowboy hat in professional wrestling botch at least 4 times?
Tiny Cowboy Hat's Twitter is amazing.


Wham bam slam just had a great workout now eating a footlong wheat steak sub n feelin good! Gonna unleash the horns tonight on NXT yep yep!

Q: Skip did you go to college? A: Yes UNLV in Las Vegas n while I did not graduate I did leave with 2 PHD's..... 2 Pretty Hard Delts yep yep

Does anyone know how to get a voice back shoooot I lost it last week n I sound like a frog but I aint tryin 2 date miss piggy so wut it do?

Roses r red violets r blue waiting in line at the dmv is like smelling poo at the zoo 10:57 AM Feb 26th via web

Guy at dmv comes up n says aint u that big guy on that NXT so I go heck yeah I am! I just got to cut 2 hrs of people n got a new license! 11:14 AM Feb 26th via txt
I really wish I had cable just to see the debut of Gabriel. The hype I'm hearing around this man is amazing.
I read his wiki page and it says his finisher is the 450. I love spot monkeys.
Hopefully he won't be a spot monkey and show us some psychology and logical progrssion.
I missed the first show, but it sounded pretty fun from the results. I'll be tuning in tonight.
Spot Monkey's rarely wear tighty-whities. Excluding Shelton of course. And, Gabriel doesn't look too special. He was left off the show. He couldn't have been THAT good. And he doesn't have the look of a champion. You look at guys like Barret, Otunga, Tarver, Sheffield, and hell, Darren Young, and they look like champs. Sorry Daniel Bryan, you don't look like a champ. You're pretty small. But, I HATE Heath Slater. HATE him. But looking at Gabriel, I don't like him either. And I didn't like DJ Gabriel. And I got in a fight with this kid named Gabriel in 7th grade. I kicked his ass, yeah. And I had this girlfrined named Gabrielle, but I dumped her crazy ass.
For those of you who don't know or don't remember, Skip Sheffield is actually "Silverback" Ryan Reeves from the final season of Tough Enough.

I may join in tonight, if I can stay awake. I've been really tired lately, and I may even have trouble staying up for LOST.
lol, next on SyFy, ECW....

I'm here. Looking forward to having an ND with more then just 1 other person, unlike the RAW LD.

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