NXT Invasion-Prison Edition

Well as I was watching Raw last week I wasn't paying much attention as I've not been high on Raw lately or wresting really at all. Then I look up as I see Wade Barrett coming out so I'm watching to see whats going on. Then they cut to a shot of Michael Tarver and I'm thinking oh what the hell. Then bam the rest of the rookies just come from no where and start beating down on SES. Cena is just watching and I'm thinking oh damn this is crazy. Just then they all start to look at Cena and they get in the ring. Cena is just watching them before starting to attack. At first he seems to be able to hold his on but they out number him and kick his ass like crazy. At this point I'm way into it and just on my feet watching. Then you they start causing havoc outside the ring at ringside. Knocking out the announcers and all that. Turning over the announce table and then the choke heard or well saw around the world. Danial Bryan or Bryan Danielson what ever you wanna call him chocking out Justin Roberts with Justin's own tie. I'm marking out like crazy here at this point. Then they go back to Cena just kicking his ass again and I'm like already excited for the next Raw and this wasn't over yet. They kick his ass while and Danial Bryan starts telling Cena he is better then him and then as it going off he spits on him.

Fast Forward to the Raw from this week. Right off the bat Wade Barrett is in the ring and I'm like alright lets see what we got. They have been told to apologize for what they did. So Wade calls out the rest of the rookies. At this point Cole,Lawler,Roberts,and others leave ringside. Wade goes down the line asking them to apologize and none of them will do it. So they start talking about it more and then Bret comes out and starts to talking about what they did was wrong and all this bullcrap. Wade then goes on to say how Danial Bryan felt bad about it basically so we won't be seeing him again and the rookies make there demands and Bret won't give in "firing Wade Barrett" and kicking the rest out.

Later that night Cena comes out and does his little speech thing he does anytime he gets his ass kicked or something happens to him. The lights are all dimmed while giving his speech. Then while talking the lights come on as the Rookies start coming thought the crowd. Lawler slides into the ring along with other Raw superstars as the rookies jump into the ring and a brawl breaks out with even Edge and Sheamus helping Raw. They chase NXT out of the building the show goes on.

Then Main Event time Bret Hart comes out and calls at the whole Raw roster so they come on out and we have the main event. So I'm guessing I missed it but Bret Hart I guessed went to the back. So match going on and then the lights go out and we cut to the back where NXT 7 is just breaking all type of shit in the back flipping things over and just causing havoc again. Then here they come dragging Bret Hart. They take him to the limo and toss him inside where the limo starts crashing all over the place. They open it and ask Bret do they get what they won't now. They close the door and the limo drives forward then comes crashing back into a car and they get Bret out and tell him he has until Sunday.

Now I'm pumped and I'm pissed I won't be able to see Fatal Four Way to see what goes on. I'll try to find me away to watch it anyway. But I'm pumped to see what happens next and its been awhile since I've had that feeling with wrestling.

What are your thoughts on this?
I like this angle, I think the WWE can go a long way with this and especially the seperate heat drawn from both Danielson and Barrett.

if they where smart they would capitalise on it from both kayfab and shoot perspective, they need to feature the nXT guys prominantly at the Fatal 4 way PPV and make sure the storyline takes main focus as JR said in his previous blog.

Failure to do so may ruin the current storyline and overshadow what they have already done.
What is your opinion on the limo driver thing?

Me I think people might be looking to much into it then again they could go down the road later of having it be Danielson or someone else. Maybe Jericho or Triple H could also be the driver if they go for that angle. I've heard people toss Cole's name around but I just don't see it being him that would just kill everything if the rookies or NXT 7 what ever name you like was taking orders from Cole.
I think they wanted the driver to be Jericho, it can't be Danielson due to the whole legit release thing..

Coles name has been bashed around alot in regards to doing it, but if thats the case who would replace him on commentary?
Yeah Jericho does make a little more sense and with Danielson taking all these indy dates it does seem he is fired.(Not cause of the 90 day thing as well thats only TV Stuff) So Jericho would be awesome and make sense since he was Wade's pro.

If its Cole I guess maybe it would be Lawler and Matt Striker doing the commentary which imo would be better then Cole being on there. But I still hope Cole isn't behind all this as like I said it would just make the NXT 7 look really weak then. Jericho being with them would really make them look legit and like a threat. So I hope they go down the road of Jericho being the driver if its meant to be someone.
Bryan can come back after July 31st. After that let us get back to it being 8 guys and not 7. Right now all it is to me is Wade and 6 other guys. It was Wade,Bryan,and 5 others lol.
who do you see as wades second in command?, I see Otunga but the guys ring work is atrocious, his Mic work is pretty bad too the only thing he has going for him is the fact he's sleeping with an oscar winning actress/ Musician.
Well if all the others it probably is Otunga. If you notice he did the second most talking next to Wade the other night so its probably him. I mean I kinda like the gimmick a little bit but not someone I'd want to see get much of a push. Maybe lower-mid card to mid card for him.
Yeah I mean if not for that probably no one even give a damn about him and he most likely not even have his job.

Kinda like the K-Fed of wrestling lmao.
To me none of the other rookies have what it takes to be 2nd in command so hopefully Bryan is back soon(just not too soon lol) But I guess of these other 6 they have I just I don't really see anyone who sticks out. I mean you got Black Cena ehh I mean Darren Young but to me he isn't good enough to be like the right hand man. Slater or Sheffield might could work maybe. But it just made more sense when Bryan was there and he would have been the 2nd in command or right hand man what ever you like to call it.
He's the second best, if not THE best talker out of the 7. Barrett could be the brains, and he could be the mouth.

Although Barrett could do both on his own.
But being the 2nd best or best talker out of all them meh not saying too much. None of them really impressed me on the mic not even Bryan. To be quite honest I just wanna see them tear more shit up.
Maybe he isn't the GM right now. I mean until they bring him back they won't be really any GM. Once they do he will be it. I mean who else would give Nexus Contracts?
Maybe he isn't the GM right now. I mean until they bring him back they won't be really any GM. Once they do he will be it. I mean who else would give Nexus Contracts?

didn't wade barrett pretty much say he kicked daniel bryan out of nexus, when he said "he (daniel bryan) showed remorse, and for that reason you will never see daniel bryan here again"? so why would he give them contracts if they kicked him out?
didn't wade barrett pretty much say he kicked daniel bryan out of nexus, when he said "he (daniel bryan) showed remorse, and for that reason you will never see daniel bryan here again"? so why would he give them contracts if they kicked him out?

No, I think that was meant to be some sort of thing that nobody was supposed to remember. I could be wrong. I can't wait til Bryan gets back into the WWE. He should get a super push.

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