NWO Reboot (Fantasy)


McMahon wants ruthless aggression and attitude. He's trying to recreate the Monday Night Wars with Raw and Smackdown. He's missing one key ingredient and that is the faction that wants to destroy the machine from within.... THE NWO!!!

You still see the Black and White shirts in the crowd every Monday and Tuesday night some 20 years later. Reboot the NWO now and give it to Seth Rollins.

Rollins wins Hell in a Cell with the help of Anderson and Gallows. The cell raises as Anderson and Gallows join Rollins in the ring. Rollins introduces the world to The New World Order of Professional Wrestling.

Rollins: Steph, Mick, You want a war? I said I was going to bring down The Machine and this is just step one.

Screen goes black and white as the NWO music hits and we go off the air.

Raw: Rusev gets a rematch for the US Title against Reigns. Rollins, Gallows and Anderson make their way to the ring and help Rusev get the win. He's the 4th member along with Lana. Rollins calls out Steph and Foley. He turns to the hard camera and calls out Shane and Daniel Bryan who he says he knows are watching. Rollins says Survivor Series is no longer Raw versus Smackdown but instead is Raw versus Smackdown versus The NWO.
We go off the air with Cole and Graves stating that The NWO only has 4 participants. What are they going to do? They think they can beat us and Smackdown with only 4 guys?....

Survivor Series:
It's down to Rollins and Anderson vs Styles and Miz vs Reigns.

Styles and Anderson are in the ring, The Miz enters and takes out Styles eliminating Team Smackdown and being reveled as the 5th NWO member. He stares down Reigns as he takes his place on the apron next to Rollins and Anderson. Commentators go ballistic over how now it's 3 on 1 with the remaining hope being Raws Roman Reigns. Reigns eliminates Anderson and then Miz. An irate Rollins gets in the ring and they face off. The earlier eliminated Rusev and Gallows make their way ringside and help Rollins get the win. The commentators go nuts with questions and speculation on what's next? What can Raw or Smackdown do against this group? They now have members on both brands and who knows how many to come?!!

Now you let the NWO do what it did best and that's create chaos. No one knows when they will show up. No one knows who of their group will show up. No one knows who will join next or who they will take out.

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You can get 2 years out of the NWO storyline which will be based around all the belts. The NWO holds all the power as long as they possess championships mainly The Universal Title. You can't fire or suspend any of them or the Universal Champ walks. He'll take his belt and the Raw audience and go to Smackdown. Hell he'll go to the USA Network and get the NWO their own damn show and beat Raw and Smackdown on a weekly basis. Remember I'm taking in storyline here morons. So you write storylines based on the belts as Anderson and Gallows chase, become, lose and re-win the tag belts. The Miz story is already happening with Ziggler now you just incorporate his buddies from the NWO. I'd have Rusev become the guy who is always there when The Miz needs him no matter what Shane or Bryan try to do. Steph and Mick try everything and every guy on their roster to get that Universal Title off Rollins. Eventually as all storylines fade and the belts are taken off the NWO members one by one Mr. McMahons wannabe Rock (Reigns) wins back the Universal Title to save Raw once and for all. Most likely a Wrestlemania moment. The next night on Raw (most likely the largest audience Raw has had in 20 years) Rollins and the NWO are fired and dragged out of the arena.

Smackdown the next night Shane McMahon via satellite reveals he's signed a huge main event Title match for that nights Smackdown. Our Main Event sees the WWE Champ versus Seth Rollins with the NWO! This creates a second life for the faction and story. Creates an immediate story between Shane and Bryan. Did Shane just sign a deal with the devil?
Relaunching the nWo needs a little bit of logic attached to it, even though it's happening in pro-wrestling and WWE. Rollins is a good choice to lead a new nWo, but what's his connection to the original one?

Why would Rollins just throw on a nWo shirt and start coming to the ring to Rock House when he's already an established guy who (unadvertised) won the WWE title in the main event of WrestleMania?

Rollins' strongest connection to nWo is his connection to Triple H who never wore black and white and is only connected through the Kliq. That's where you start. Hogan is persona non grata in WWE, so I doubt we'll see him if the angle is to take place now. And considering Rollins' position as a babyface right now I wouldn't build an nWo around him.

Triple H recently allied with Owens, so it stands to reason Owens would be a build around guy for nWo. One of the main things that made the original nWo work was the stale uber-babyface aligning with the increibly over heels.

i'd book nWo to consist of Cena, Owens and either Jericho or Sami Zayn with Nash as the manager. Scott shouldn't be on the road (healthwise) and Hogan would be preferred but I'm writing this as if he's still exiled.

Triple H makes Nash the co-general manager to Foley on Raw, Nash recruits Owens and Jericho. They make talk of a "thrid man" who is revealed to be the brand jumping Cena who reinvents himself as his Total Bellas character.
I love the idea of cross-branded stables. I also love the idea of bringing back a legendary Stable. I think having a Raw nWo Wolfpac and a Smackdown nWo Hollywood would be very interesting. Have Kevin Nash and Hollywood Hulk Hogan come back and manage their respective stables. Nash can have Triple H and X-Pac (Pac can run the Cruiserweight division) with him. Hogan can have Ric Flair and Shawn Michaels with him, and that dynamic would be must see TV. As far as the SuperStars go, I'd start with Kevin Owens and A.J. Styles, and the third man will be John Cena. Then I would add some surprises with Dolph Ziggler and Roman Reigns.
WWE already tried to revive The NWO. It didn't have any lasting impact. Retelling old WCW storylines isn't going to have any long term appeal. I liked early NWO when they were cool and new, then it ballooned to a hundred members and spoiled it. If people are clamoring for a heel stable then do it right. They've tried little heel stables like LON, Social Outcasts, Nexxis Stable with Wade Barret, bringing back Evolution for a bit......but they all had crappy lasting power, The Shield being the exception.

The only thing that would jump start a good heel stable would be a surprise show ending Nexxis attack with hidden motives. A mysterious masked leader with a voice changer tells of changes to RAW, new group is now in control of everything. To end a PPV, the leader can be revealed to be John Cena.
I would rather prefer the emergence of a new stable instead of revival of some old stable.

Shield was great since it was something new and refreshing for a change. League Of Nations had no logic whatsoever i.e why do they become allies? Social Outcasts was a jobber squad.

You might like an idea of bringing back an old stable but I surely disagree with the need regarding it.
Rebooting the NWO is probably best left as a fantasy.

It was done and WWE did try to reboot it on their own terms and it didn't really go that well. Any further attempts would be asking for more trouble than it's worth I think.

With that said, I think NWO-like storylines and stables would be a good idea for WWE.

I liked The Shield stable and I think that was a good example of doing an NWO-like stable and storyline without being too obvious about re-treading on a 'rogue team that terrorizes the company.'

If WWE has any creative juices left in them they can do this.

If they have to, just steal from comic books. They create teams of heroes and villains all the time. Same can be done for WWE.

Let's say for fantasy purposes that John Cena returns as a heel. He returns with a HEEL Cenation Army. He recruits for hard, strong and ruthless followers who dress in army boots and pants. Cena becomes the ruthless army captain who cuts anyone who doesn't live up to the standards and gives tough love to even those who do well. In this capacity, Cena is a big time heel and even doesn't follow orders from The Authority. Key to this is that the Cenation Army is CROSS BRAND so he has a rep on the Raw brand.

This sparks push back from the babyfaces in WWE and they start to form, also CROSS BRAND with reps on both sides. But let's say that Dolph Ziggler is the leader of this new babyface clan. They can be known as The Resistance. Give them a cool logo and entrance music and there is your WCW Sting vs NWO Hogan like faction and feuds.

This way, there is no direct link to trying to rehash NWO vs WCW but still have intriguing storylines and factions that can cause lots of surprises every show.
I wouldn't do a NWO reboot, but a it could be a good time for a new faction. How about a group of guys who are anti- independent wrestlers. With the influx of talents who made a name on the independent scene, you could have a group who comes in and takes out guys who weren't discovered/created by WWE.

I'd start with hiding identities via masks hoods. One by one they start attacking guys. First they take out Ambrose. Rollins. Styles. The Club. Cesaro. Owens. Zayn. Show up on NXT taking out Joe, Aries, Nakumura, Strong, Roode...Even Daniel Bryan.

After some back and forth, I'd have the first 3 guys revealed to be Corbin, Cass, and Enzo. At Fastlane, I'd rename the pay per view and have War Games. Owens, Styles, Rollins, and Ambrose, vs Corbin, Cass, Enzo, and Roman Reigns as the Leader. I need to still think on what the letters could stand for, but I'd play the marks and even name the faction The IWC.

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