Now That Kelly Has Returned....


Pre-Show Stalwart
What is planned for her and the rest of the divas because the last singles divas match we got was 2 months ago when Kelly took on Beth right before she took the 2 month break.

Now, to me, that's either a concidence or the company are just that high on Kelly that they don't want to progress anyone else (Exception of AJ) or the fact that they didn't want a diva match on RAW.

So, my question is:
"With Kelly now back, what will happen to the divas division?"

I will answer it first, and my answer is :Anything can happen
I'm a huge fan of the divas division and do believe that it can become big once again just like 10 years ago.

At this time, with Kelly back, I think she will take the title from Layla but either in a triple threat or fatal 4 way. With no match expected to happen at Summerslam (unless they throw it on last minute) the next PPV is Night of Champions and the title must be defended so i'm thinking that they should go with either kelly vs beth vs layla or a fatal 4 way with eve or natalya included.
I think the most logical thing to do is to turn Layla heel. She's the Divas Champion and yet K2, even after a 2 month break still gets the T.V match and the pop from the crowd. Of course that'll only happen if WWE wants to progress forward, but if they're still stuck on their same ways than K2 will get the title with no problem and Layla will have a lackluster heel turn and fade into the background *CoughMelinaCough*.

But what I would Love to happen is WWE to just go ahead and jump into it with Sara Del Ray, does she really have a contract ? If not this could work with any diva, but then again it can't because the WWE has already tried the whole real wrestlers are tired of inferior divas like K2 taking their spotlight, they've just never ran all the way with it. That's why a new face like Del Ray should come, heel, and challenge the Divas system, win, and start reconstruction on screen. Like I said before, some huge massive overhaul of new divas vs old divas will just be to much. If the WWE starts slow with 5 minute matches, and like a minute of backstage time a WEEK, there's no way the Divas Division won't be legit.

Hell, we can even have AJ Lee get jealous and start abusing her power to get to the top of the division.
I think it is a good move, although WWE want less of the Barbie doll image they need some women that people will want to cheer and look forward to watching. But also they need to be able to fight. Take divas back to what they were with Lita Mickie Trish Torrie Sunny etc. These girls wrestled and showed off their bodies. The latter may not happen with the rating system but Layla can wrestle also Natlaya, Beth, Kelly, Eve even throw in Tamina and you got some good matches to be had. I have been watching TNA for use of female wrestlers and they can fight so WWE need to use this chance now and make people interested in watching Divas fight again. Train them up get them in the ring and make a change from some god awful mid card men they get fighting.
Now That Kelly Has Returned..

...nothing! Her return means nothing. Well it means that management would rather use a very sloppy model turned "wrestler" over a much better, properly trained wrestler. All these weeks without a proper divas match on Raw, where has Beth been? Layla? Natalya's over on NXT feuding with Sophia Cortez, which I would rather see happen on Smackdown or Raw. Instead we get a very bad Kelly Kelly match. To top it off, the one who deserves to go over (Eve) loses. I've never taken Kelly seriously as a wrestler, so why am I gonna do so now when she's "beating" Eve all the while heavy breathing the entire match. Yeah, no thanks. Wasn't this waste of space, and probably the most over hyped WWE diva, gone for good anyway? I pray that some way, shape, or form Sara Del Ray can save the division (if indeed under contract to the E).
I could care less about the divas' wrestling ability, they are there for eye candy. I don't want ugly chicks on my screen, for any reason. That said, Kelly is by far the best looking woman in that company and thus should get the most screen time. If the other divas would do the work (or get the work done) to look better, then this may be a non-issue. You honestly think there weren't better female workers on the indy circuit when Trish and Lita were on top? The difference was that those indy workers were fat or ugly and thus shouldn't be on tv.

Beth Phoenix is a butter face, as is Natty. The rest are all darker, which doesn't translate well. The best Divas of all time were blond or red haired with a light complexion. The current Divas just aren't up to par with Trish, Lita, Molly, BB, The Kat, Sable, Teri, Torrie, Tori, Stacy, or Sunny, except for Kelly as she looks like them.

Wish they would release a KK shirt saying "Eye Candy and Proud of it". Them pretending anyone gives two shits about women wrestling is pointless, We need more pudding matches, evening gown matches, bra and panties matches. The stink faces, the bronco busters, them using them to titillate the crowd with their bodies instead of boring the crowd by portraying them as serious competitors.
Kelly Kelly put on one of the worst televised women's matches in history on RAW this week. Yes, it was worse than Jackie Gayda and worse than Jenna/Sharmell. Kelly Kelly has not improved one ounce since around 2009, in fact she's regressed.

Kelly's return isn't going to mean anything and doesn't help the WWE.
How do you know she is back? How do we know this wasn't just a "surprise" for a 1 off? I mean didn't we hear that she was backstage for the 1,000th episode of Raw? Perhaps (and hopefully) she is just appearing once. I would hope she doesn't come back as she is the most useless woman I have ever seen. We're supposed to believe that a 75lb model could hang with a super built Beth Phoenix? Oh and she could hang with the technically sound Natty? I don't care too much for Eve but at least she HAS the lady wrestler look. She has some bulk (whether its in her chest or abs) but she has the appearance that she could do something. Kelly Kelly on the other hand looks like she'd never survive a Vivid Entertainment movie...
I think the reason we haven't seen any divas matches for 2 months is because why waste a diva's match when you are coming up to the 1000th episode?

Think about it, on the 1000th episode Lita didn't have a diva's match, she just took out Slater (with help of course). Thats how sad the diva's division is now. They are too focused on looking like beauty queens and not kicking ass. Even the music....i mean c'mon....kelly kelly's music is way too damn her name.........just stupid.

They need Lita to manage the diva's division with Trish.

The diva's vision isn't going anywhere anytime soon....
Kelly Kelly put on one of the worst televised women's matches in history on RAW this week. Yes, it was worse than Jackie Gayda and worse than Jenna/Sharmell. Kelly Kelly has not improved one ounce since around 2009, in fact she's regressed.

While I agree with you here that Kelly hasnt gotten any better I dont think shes gotten worse either. Also being worse then Sharmell vs Jenna is just not possible! That might have been the worst match I ever saw.

Now onto the topic at hand....after last night WWE has a chance to improve with the divas divison! Kelly vs Eve went longer then just about any diva match all year and honestly I thought they worked well together. They need to work off this though maybe with a Layla heel turn pissed she cant get a TV match or something like that but I just hope were not in for another Kelly Kelly run as Divas Champ.
"With Kelly now back, what will happen to the divas division?"

My guess would be nothing.

Absolutely nothing major in terms of changes will be happening in the divas division anytime soon. Kelly's Divas Championship run wasn't as memorable as it should have been, as she chased the title quite a bit for a couple of years. She still sucks in the ring as well as on the mic. I used to defend her against the haters on here back in the day, but that was 3 years ago and she has barely improved at all since those days. Someone who has been involved with the federation since 2006 you'd think would be great by now. Kelly is one of the divas who has been there the longest, but her work is hardly top tier. By now it should be.

The divas remain an excuse to check facebook, head over to the fridge to grab a snack, take the dogs for a walk, spend time with a significant other, etc. You get where I'm going with this. With Kharma being out of the picture and for some reason neither Beth nor Natalya are being pushed as the top girls, why watch? Layla is good, but in comparison to all of the divas that suck. The division will not change with Kelly being back other than her being added to the face teams in random tag team matches because she's not good enough to warrant a major change. Sure she is very pretty.... however being popular for being pretty can only get you so far.
Kelly return was a dud. She barely got a reaction from the crowd. And she is supposedly the most over diva. The divas division is dead.

Kharma could of been the only one that could of saved the division. Because she was actually getting a reaction from the crowd.

They can still be useful occasionally during storylines like AJ being a "crazy chick" and Eve being a "hoeski".
How much shitty booking does the divas division need for people to realize that WWE does not give two shits?

I would love for it to become as good as it was when Trish and Lita were around, but it's clear as fucking day that that's not happening anytime soon. WWE is perfectly content putting Kelly, Eve, Layla, and the rest out there to have 2-3 minute matches and do moves that show off their "assets."

The days of the divas having solid storylines, mic time, and decent length matches are over, at least for now. I'm not saying it will never happen again, but don't get your hopes up for the near future.
Honestly, I didn't care. Halfway through the match with Eve, I actually changed the channel to Espn News, because I wanted check up on the baseball scores.

Yeah, Kelly had a solid run as Divas Champ last year...but that was last year, and Kelly is a Diva. She didn't receive an "OMG KELLY IS BACK!!!!" pop last night. It was more of a "Huh, Kelly is back. Okay then" type of reaction.

Kelly wasn't a bad champ in 2011, but at the same time, she didn't do anything to change women's wrestling in WWE. No, she did her job as a face champion, and most of the time, she wrestled matches that were slightly above average.

At the end of the day, Kelly Kelly is just another pretty face in the Divas' roster. She's a young hot blonde, and more importantly, she's replaceable. If WWE released Kelly tomorrow, none of us would truly notice her absence after a few months; this is the cold hard truth.

Kelly Kelly's return won't mean anything in the long run, and her return won't provide some kind of spark for the Divas' division. She'll just be another piece of eye candy, who might deliver a decent enough match every now and then.
I agree with most of the people here that don't think her return will mean that much. Sure she is hot, and her title run was not terrible, but it wasn't good by any means either. The most I see coming from this is Layla turning heel and having a short lived feud with Kelly over the title. Divas division is just about dead IMO.
Wow, was it really 2 months without a divas singles match? Haha. I mean, does anybody here actually care about the divas? I don't. They can't wrestle, except for Natalya and Beth kinda. WWE likes turning models and failed actresses into wrestlers and it shows.
Kelly Kelly?


Divas Division?


I agree with most of the other posters. I couldn't care less about the Diva's division right now. As I've stated in other threads, Beth, Natalya, and Layla (to a lesser extent) are the only Divas with a decent amount of talent. Plus, the roster is too small to build a significant division. WWE needs to hire more female wrestlers, not femal models. For now, I say keep the title on Layla or have Beth or Natalya win it back. Regardless, I don't see the division being relevant again for quite some time. If the division continues to be stagnant, I wouldn't mind it being scrapped altogether.

I groaned when Kelly came out and I skipped through her match. I can't stand listening to her scream every time she performs or is on the receiving end of an offensive move.

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