Now that Carlito is gone, Miz....


Occasional Pre-Show
Now that Carlito is gone, I think Miz should take the backstabber finisher.

I mean, I like Carlito, but he won't be in WWE soon, or even main event, and the backstabber is a great finisher.

Miz is really establishing himself, so this would be the best time to do something with his finisher.

The skull crushing finale is just horrible..

He needs something high impact.. I'd even say give him the eye of the hurricane or something.

I'd personally give him the styles clash but McCool has it. But the backstabber would be great.
If they were to "give" somebody else the backstabber , I would vote for R-Truth.. The Skull Crushing finale isn't a premire finisher, but it is servicable.

R-truth however is completely over, decent in the ring but is hindnenred by that TERRIBLE Lie dector , aka Twirling forearm of doom. I mean he rarely even touchs the guy .

So While I am not totaly in "love" with the Miz's finisher, I do think there are other wrestlers who need a new finisher much more then Miz. Plus the Skull curshing finale is definatly moves up in gimmick matchs, because it looks pretty wicked when he gets ready to use it through a table ( like he attempted to do to Bryan Danielson) or onto a chair , ect.
The skull crusher was similar to the mic check. It only looked good if the person sold it well that was taking the move.

Or maybe give Miz a submission finisher. The crossface or the cloverleaf.

The lie detector isn't as bad as you say it is. It's an impact move like sweet chin music. Not as great, but I think with a set up FOR the lie detecter, it can be decent. He still has the axe kick too. But who knows, they might have taken that away from him because they may be talking to Booker.
the reality check & mizard of oz are great for him. and the 'finale' isnt that skull crushing... he needs somethig easy to pull off on any type of guy, backstabber is a good idea, or maybe rings of saturn? a nice submission would benefit him more than another impact move.
Miz needs a new finisher for sure, but the backstabber isn't it. The lie detector is flat out awful, so I'd give it to R Truth way before I give it to Miz. I hate the skull crushing finally, so how about a super kick of sorts or some kind of splash or dive off the top rope? DDT is taken and powerslams just don't get it done anymore, so I'd go with a dive. Hell try a submission on him and see how that goes. Batista is gone, so try that submission he used on Henry just before he left. Just a suggestion.
He should stick with what he has. The problem with Miz for awhile was that he didn't have a consistent finishing move. The Finale is a fine finisher as it looks like something that would knock you the hell out and you would get pinned by. The other two moves he used to have wouldn't work in such a way. The Backstabber is just ok and would look weak by comparison. He needs to stick with what he has, if nothing else for the consistency of it.
I never really thought of the Backstabber as all that powerful a finishing move. When Jericho uses it as the Code Breaker it's a little better because the knees drive into the face/skull as opposed to simply the back, but I always thought the move itself would work well if applied as a set-up type move like the way Hardy often uses the Twist of Fate to set up for the Swanton Bomb.

At this point, I agree with those who feel Miz should stick with what he has. If it ain't broke, don't fix it. I think the Skull-Crushing Finale is fine as a finisher.
Exactly what KB said, Miz should stick with what he has, first of all because it's a decent finisher, it seems like it could be used legitimately in a fight, and that's a good thing for a finisher.

On the other hand, it would be stupid to change Miz's finisher once again, he needs to stick with something for a while, or permanently, not switch back and forth, it will damage his matches to the point where we don't know whether he just used a finishing move, or to the point where half of his near the end match moves would be one of his former finishing moves, and would kill the credibility of Miz for not being able to put down his opponent with just one move, or with one of his old finishers for that sake.
Skull Crush Finale actually works to some extent. The Miz should stick with it for about 8 months to a year. I mean Chris Jericho used it to defeat RVD during the Alliance vs. WWF(E) at Survivor Series 2001
I think The Miz should keep his current finisher, but he should tweak it a little, maybe instead of hooking the other guy's leg he should turn it into a bulldog type of a move maybe it would look more devastating.
I've always hated the SCF, and have been saying for longer than I can remember (admitidly, I do have a crap memory) that the Miz should change his finisher.

However, he should not steal the backstabber!!

He could do with a new finisher, but if he is going to steal a move from anyone then why not the crossface, or the sharpshooter (given his recent mini-fued with Bret Hart).

I would like to see him use a brain buster or suplex variation, maybe the Perfect Plex?

Anything but the SCF or the Backstabber
I could see him use a version of the ddt, or maybe the spike piledriver...something we haven't seen in a while and it could be somewhat UNIQUE!!

The backstabber shouldn't be his new for his original's bull****...
Ok quick reply, I'm probably going to get flagged for this but...WTF ARE YOU KIDDING consider that wanna be back breaker "HIGH IMPACT" Randy Orton's back breaker (which looks more like a neck breaker) is more high impact than that...I like the Skull Crushing Finale, its fits him, and apparently its doing him wonders. Now maybe he needs another move but stealing from a character who isnt around anymore just doesn't seem like the way to go.
No to the Backstabber. I just don't think Miz needs two attack type finishers. He's got the Skull Crushing Finale which although isn't impressive either, looks a lot more painful than the Backstabber.

The Skull Crushing Finale is okay but I just can't consider it a finishing maneuver. Now if he was using it to set up for a submission finisher that would be awesome (no pun intended). Since Haas is gone and because his opponent is in the prone position after the SCF, why not give Miz the Haas Of Pain to finish off his opponent? It's a wicked finisher and could definitely make him a major threat.
I didnt really find the backstabber that great of a finishing move.
Its believeable yes that it would cause immediate pain ,but to keep somebody with a physique a little bigger then Miz's down isnt.

Looking at where the Miz is now and compared to a year ago ,he should be utilising some sort of submission hold.
His character screams antognist,annoying and willing to prove something ,so maybe something in the lines of ankle lock or a crossface could be considered.
Although the Backbreaker seems to fit Miz in some ways, I say no. I like some of the ideas of the Sharpshooter, and I think a perfect move for him would be a version of the Edgecator

That would be an AWESOME (no pun intended) finisher for Miz, I think. Skull Crushing Finale and then BAM! Lock in that modified sharpshooter. I wish Vince actually payed attention to the IWC and would choose that finisher for Miz's. Anyone else agree?
I like the SCF, but those of you that have suggested that he adopt a submission move really got me thinking. I could really see Miz using a submission move, he has that kind of personality, i.e. Jericho. Maybe a Cloverleaf, or some variation of an armbar.

But to the subject, I don't think he should take the Backstabber. I like the move, it has appeal and legitimately looks painful, but you really shouldn't count on Carlito being gone too long. Apparently his family is siding with the WWE in thinking he needs to go to rehab, and if his Papi won't let him back into his company, he may just cave to the E and go to rehab.

I will say that if he never does come back to the E, than someone should start using the Backstabber. Not Miz, though, someone new without an established finisher.
Just because someone leaves the company doesn't constitute for another wrestler within the company to take that person's finishing move as their own. Granted, some wrestlers do need another move like MVP as their original moves aren't that much of a proper finisher (I mean seriously, the Play-maker?)

However, a guy like the Miz already has multiple finishers with one already being devastating enough to end the match. There is no need for him to add something like the backstabber to his moveset. The only way I can see him using it is if he were to continue teaming with Chris Jericho and use a Codebreaker/Backstabber combination... but even then the similarities between both moves may affect their impact when performed individually.

Miz doesn't need a new finisher, he just needs to use a consistent one.

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