Not another 6 man tag match...

The Greenius

Triforce Troll
I was reading the Live Raw Results and guess what i see, 6 man diva tag and another 6 man tag wit Seth fucking Green. Can they ever go a whole show without these? I mean sometimes if they're card is stacked i guess its ok, but almost every feuding wrestlers appear on these. Especially Divas Raw almost never has a singles match for them its always battle royals and 6 man tags. Do you think 6 man tags are Good,ok, or downright stale and horrible.I go with stale and horrible becase they do these way to many times, and its seems that you can predict who will win these things. Whats your Take?
My take?

The leading stable in the WWE has three men.

It takes three men to wrestle three men, and when we're not going on a level playing field, it's going to be a handicap.

Of course there will be fucking six man tags!

The fact is, they're trying to get over Legacy, and placing them in a match together with the likes of Cena and Triple H, whether or not we agree with the results, still places them in that hemisphere. I don't find it repetitive at all. What would you rather have, Ted get buried in a one on one match by Batista and John Cena. The fact is, placing them in the ring with these men elevates Legacy's ability, and makes all of the members of Legacy seem credible. We saw the seeds for Ted's main event push started last night, and Cody can't be too far off. Watch, I'll predict that Ted gets the fall in this match, and he will be more elevated by it.

Look, I don't care if you don't like six mans, the fact is that these six man tags work to place Legacy in the ring with main eventers, and make sure they weren't buried. I get where you're coming from, but still, I see nothing wrong with six man tags.
Whenever you have Legacy involved in the main event, you best believe there are going to be six man tags here and there. If you want to look at an overrun of six-man tag matches, look no further than 2003-2004 during the days of Evolution. There were six-man tag matches almost every week.
That reminds me of one of my favorite 6-man tags - I think it was after Bad Blood in 2004. RAW did a huge overrun because of some cross-promotion with a show USA (or TNN/Spike???) was trying to promote. Anyway, it was Benoit, Jericho, and Edge versus Orton, Flair and Batista. It was long, with good storytelling, and a great ending. Anyone remember this?

Point being they're not all bad, they just have to be done right. Although, admittedly, they usually are rushed and therefore not worth much.
6 man tags with Legacy make sense, there's 3 of them so it makes perfect sense to have these match's. The ones I get sick of are the diva ones that are randomly on the card when they should just be building the Mickie/Maryse feud.

Anyways man, get used to them because as long as Legacy is around you'll be seeing alot more of them.
I love these matches, there so much talent being squandered in them that I hate when they don’t have them. Their always the "Biggest 6 Man" tag every time we see them. They do absolutely nothing to build or progress a story, a feud, or the Show. Their even better when there the Main Event of a PPV. God I can’t get over how much I love them. I hope we see at least 60 more of them on Raw, Smackdown, Superstars, and ECW this year.
I Really Dont Know Why You Hate 6 Man Tags So Much Damn It! I Have Been Booker And As A Booker That's A Solution When You Have 6 Man, If They're 3 Faces And 3 Heels, And Each Pair Of Heel And Face Are Rivals Or Are In A Current Feud You Put Them Together And Is Like Getting Together Various Rivalries In One Match.

Other Example Is If You Have 2 Tag Teams Feuding And 2 Other Single Guys Feuding, Then You Can Put The Face Tag Team With The Face Singles Guy Against The Heel Tag Team And The Heel Singles Guy.

And You Can Put 2 Guys Who Are Enemies In The Ring Together To Wrestle, Without Putting Them In A One On One Match That Can Become A Spoiler For A Future Ppv Bout, So 6 Man Tag Team Matches Are Good, Problem Solvers And In Most Cases Exciting Matches!!!!!
Six man matches serve a very important function. It allows for multiple guys to use the same time on the show. Without the six man match, there is no room for Evan Bourne and Show to get Kofi over. Cena has to be on the show. HHH has to be on the show. Legacy has to be on the show. Putting them in one match allows for other matches to be on the card.

Also, you can't have give away the PPV matches. Conversely, you have to sell the PPV's. So six man tags sell the PPV's without giving them away.

Also, Tenta has it right. In an attempt to get Legacy over, six man tags are going to be around as long as they are. It seems as if there is trouble in the faction, but to think that the WWE is giving up on them all ready is a bit premature.
6 man tags r cool and necessary with so many shows, high demand for new main events, continuation of fueds and not giving away the pay per view matches the wwe is pushing that month.
I think the six man tags were needed for this week. Plus if you actually been looking thorough at the Raw LD last night, it was a diva bikini fest, which was actually entertaining to watch. Now if they did that with only two divas you'd complain, but with 6, it's justified. Best way to flaunt the divas without pushing the pg limit? Put them in a bikini 6 woman tag match, sorted!

But think back to the day when they had 8 man tags and whatnot, you wanna sell and see who works, put them in and test them without giving away a free viewing of the ppv matches. Don't have an issue with them, they've always been around and it means you saw the guys you want to see. If you can think of a better way to fit whoever you can in two hours, plus submit them!
My take?

The leading stable in the WWE has three men.

It takes three men to wrestle three men, and when we're not going on a level playing field, it's going to be a handicap.

Of course there will be fucking six man tags!

The fact is, they're trying to get over Legacy, and placing them in a match together with the likes of Cena and Triple H, whether or not we agree with the results, still places them in that hemisphere. I don't find it repetitive at all. What would you rather have, Ted get buried in a one on one match by Batista and John Cena. The fact is, placing them in the ring with these men elevates Legacy's ability, and makes all of the members of Legacy seem credible. We saw the seeds for Ted's main event push started last night, and Cody can't be too far off. Watch, I'll predict that Ted gets the fall in this match, and he will be more elevated by it.

Look, I don't care if you don't like six mans, the fact is that these six man tags work to place Legacy in the ring with main eventers, and make sure they weren't buried. I get where you're coming from, but still, I see nothing wrong with six man tags.

GOD BLESS TENTA!! I couldn't have said it better myself.

The WWE has a job, and it is to entertain all of you. When one of their live events come to your area, you pay money to purchase a seat at one of these events and see all of the wrestlers that have been advertised to be at that event. Furthermore, there are only 2 hours of television time to squeeze in the appearances of these superstars. So, it's all a catch-22. If they cut down on six-man tag matches, the audience won't see their favorite wrestlers and they'll start bitching and moaning. But, if the only solution is to throw them into a six-man tag match, you'll all bitch and moan anyway. Does anyone else see the problem here? I mean, is there EVER going to be a time when everyone will stop bitching about the product and just enjoy it for what it is?? Probably not... but a man can dream, can't he?
Are you serious?? 6 Man tag is one of the best ways to get people over in matches, eg. Legacy getting over in these match bouting with the likes of Trips & Cena. Plus 6 Man tags can carry more than one feud and carry tag teams. Many wrestlers only got their chances in a M/E in these types of matches. (Maven,Cade,etc.)

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