Non-Wrestling Talent That Deserves to be in the WWE Hall Of Fame


Everybody Has A Price!
Well I want to Start off by giving credit to Little Jerry Lawler and Dragonslayer because they started theads similar to what this one is going to be, and Thanks to them I decided to make this thread.

Well After reading through both of their thread I thought to myself we have a lot of wrestlers in the Hall Of Fame, but there's also a lot of Talent that are in a non-wrestling role but aren't in the Hall of Fame. So I ask You what Non-Wrestling Talent Deserves to be in the Hall of Fame?

I'm going to pick 1 person to start off with. And that person is:

Earl Hebner

Now TMexico mentioned that he should be in the Hall of Fame too, and I agree with him. Earl Has proven That he is a man that can be trustworthy at times and that he is willing to do what is asked of him.

People may not remember him because of the incident that took place in Montreal during the Survivor Series 1997, but I do. I will always remember Shawn Michaels locking in the Sharpshooter but something I might remember even more is hearing Earl calling for the bell.

Now I was a Kid back then and I didn't really understand much about the business and I thought that everything that transpired was completely real but that was a given since being a kid and all I thought everything in wrestling was Real. Later on when I found out that wrestling was staged and I thought This must be have been staged too, I was a little shocked because I found out it was real, but remember I was still that same kid just a little bit taller and older.

But when Vince McMahon said Bret screwed Bret I thought to myself what is going on here I saw Earl call for the bell and Vince just standing at ringside. Well later I found out that Bret actually went to WCW and then I would still think like I mentioned that I saw Earl ring the Bell and in reality Screwed Bret Hart. Well now that I am more educated and know that Vince apparently told Mr. Hebner to call for the bell I still think that in a way Earl Hebner still kind of screwed Bret Hart too. Well he is the first person that I think should be in the Hall of Fame if Vince is willing to forgive him for selling Merchandise without permission and they can get back on good terms.

Well I think that Earl should be in the Hall of Fame for being part of the Montreal Screwjob, which is still gets talked about today and he too still gets "You Screwed Bret" Chants.

So who do you guys think should be in The Hall of Fame but remember they have to be someone that is considered a non-wrestling talent and it can be anyone from any company and they can be dead or alive.
Eric Bishoff

Think about it, under his management the WCW once a mismanaged promotion, was able to rise to the top and beat the WWF the top dogin the ratings for 82 weeks straight. And the demise of the WCW wasn´t his fault, and even though he was the biggest opponent of Vince McMahon, he was employed by him to become the new Raw GM and guess what, he was an awesome GM and I think that every wrestling fan knows who he is and what he has accomplished.

easily. the impact this woman had on all men my age, and on the WWE in general is damn near impossible to describe. She is the forerunner to ALL of the women on the roster you see today, ALL the playboy spreads, ALL the DVDs, fuckin everything. She is easily one of the most transcendant characters of the last 15 years, and definately desrves it.
Paul Heyman

Since Trish was a 'wrestling talent', I go with someone who should be a slam dunk to get in the WWE HOF, but probably won't get in. All Paul Heyman did was invent the Attitude Era a good five years before it was introduced in the WWE. He was innovative, a great wrestling mind, and a terrific manager to boot. He can make you mad, he can make you happy, and he can make you think. Why wouldn't one of the more brilliant minds in the biz get into the HOF? Because Vince McMahon won't let him.


James E. Cornette

Jim Cornette is in the same category as Heyman. A brilliant wrestling mind, great manager and someone who is credited with making anything he's around more credible than what it really is. His short stint in the WWE plus his negative comments toward the product won't see him get in the WWE HOF, but he deserves a bid. He contributed to the WWE by developing people in OCW like Orton, Cena, Batista, Kennedy, Santino, Morrison and others. A lot of today's stars have James E. to thank for being where they're at today.
Teddy Long

Referee, Manager, General Manager of SD!, then ECW, then SD!

What can't this man do? Yes, I know a lot of things are scripted in WWE and its only in kayfabe that he's in charge... but the fact he's managed to get so much popularity from fans is an achievement in itself.

In WWE he managed: D'Lo Brown, Rodney Mack, Jazz, Christopher Nowinski, Rosey, Mark Henry and Mark Jindrak at different times.

Whether you love him or hate him for his numerous catchphrases that maybe an older man shouldn't really scream aloud... the man has certainly paid his dues in the company.

And lets not forget before he joined WWE he was a referee for NWA AND WCW. Before managing such wrestlers as: Doom (Ron Simmons and Butch Reed) and led them to the World Tag Team Titles. He also managed Chris Jericho, Johnny B. Badd, One Man Gang, Norman the Lunatic, The Skyscrapers (Sid Vicious, Dan Spivey and Mark Calaway), Marcus Bagwell, 2 Cold Scorpio, Joey Maggs, Craig Pittman, Jim Powers, Bobby Walker, Ice Train and Bobby Eaton while in Jim Crockett Promotions and WCW.

^ I know the above wasn't in WWE, but its still extra evidence that the man is capable of just about anything non-wrestling.

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