Non Player Characters

Name: Jazmine Carter

Bio: Former model who traveled worldwide and is the mother of Obi Okafor. Found out she was pregnant after a trip to New Angola, Africa and that the father just happened to be the King of New Angola. She is a kind and generous soul who genuinely believes in the good in people and raised her son to be the same way.




Name: Imari Tinibu

Bio: The loyal servant to the recently deceased King of New Angola and the current advisor to the new king, Obi Okafor. Imari is more of a no nonsense type of character as he swore to the king before he passed away that he'd teach Obi the New Angola ways so that he'd be prepared to officially take the mantle as King of the New Angolan Nation.


Name: Xaitlyn Serpiente

NPC gimmick: Tony's old Tag Team partner who is back in his life after Tony asked her to be in his corner when he faces Constantine

Sample pic of character: Moesha Tate

Name: Troy Excellence

Bio: The owner of Excellence Inc, a wrestling manager business; Troy Excellence was among the top heels in the New York territory scene until a neck injury ended his career. Since his retirement, he has gone on to manage names such as Arnie Anderson, Sam Spades and Neil Crowe. He is known by many to have a natural eye for talent and is not afraid to let you know about it, so when he found a guy named War Zone was working for WZCW; he saw dollar signs. Are his motives sincere, who knows?


Name: Kimberly Katherine Rollins

Bio: An up and coming actress, Kimberly Katherine Rollins is a beauty to behold and she has a sultry attitude to boot. She keeps up an enigmatic, diva like personality to the camera; but outside of the tabloids, she's found to be a pretty easy-going girl. You'd think she and War Zone would be the last two to come together, but as we'll soon see; fate has weird ways of working.


Name: Sam Blowe

Bio: The very definition of a hot blooded American patriot, Sam Blowe is a young, good looking, charismatic figure in the gym who has found himself doing well in the indy scene. Not shy on making his opinions known on politics known, he's a vocal supporter of Trump and what he stands for and has been seen in many of his rallies. After an incident with War Zone causes him to be humbled; he wonders if many someone like him could help further boost his career.

Name: Troy Excellence

Bio: The owner of Excellence Inc, a wrestling manager business; Troy Excellence was among the top heels in the New York territory scene until a neck injury ended his career. Since his retirement, he has gone on to manage names such as Arnie Anderson, Sam Spades and Neil Crowe. He is known by many to have a natural eye for talent and is not afraid to let you know about it, so when he found a guy named War Zone was working for WZCW; he saw dollar signs. Are his motives sincere, who knows?


This is a no go for the rep. You'll have to pick someone else since Heenan is already used for a WZCW NPC.
Name: It's a crystal skull so it doesn't have a name. That would be crazy.

NPC gimmick: A skull that Milenko always has with him when not in the ring. He talks to it like a lover would but it's also the conduit for him to get instructions from his Master, The Wraith.

Sample pic of character




457 pounds.

Mark Keaton promised he would find a spot on the roster for the giant man. But his application was rejected due to his criminal past that raised red flags for the WZCW brass. BigRoad also has a cracked inner eardrum issue which causes his balance to be off sometimes, resulting in clumsiness and dizzy spells now and then. Keaton uses his influence in Vis Imperium to bring on BigRoad as a personal roadie/bodyguard to the ring for his matches. BigRoad is always dressed in denim clothing and ragged-like attire, chains and biker rings.
Looks about time to update/add some NPC's!

Talia King

Rep: Christy Hemme (Former WWE Diva and TNA Knockout)


Triple X’s girlfriend. They met and got together not long after X’s shoulder injury back at Kingdom Come IV. She is incredibly supportive of Triple X and loves him unconditionally.

She is from a wealthy family, thus why she can afford to follow X around with WZCW. She is also an aspiring actress, and a former model.

Andrey Kovalenko

Rep: David Nykl (Anatoly from Arrow)


A Russian gangster (and massive WZCW fan)who helped Triple X out of a tricky situation. The two grew close during X’s time in Russia, to the point where he convinced X that he should return to the company, and In return X asked him to become his agent (something X hadn’t had during his previous runs).

He is incredibly loyal and, where Talia provides emotional support, Andrey provides both logical context and sometimes even a devils advocate perspective for the X Rated Superstar.

Name: Harper Nash
Photo Rep: Tay Jardine
Bio: Callie's best friend from high school and her only friend before she changed her ways. Harper has a pretty different personality from Callie, having more in common with her before she changed but they've been friends for years and that bond keeps their friendship going. Callie considers Harper her "first and most loyal" follower, whatever that means.


Name: Gabi Clark
Photo Rep: Allysin Kay
Bio: Callie's older sister and retired wrestler. Her career was cut short by injury in a Mayhem Rules Match and is the main reason why Callie began her campaign to ban those matches. Callie still relies on Gabi for many things including being her main support system.

Ray Webber

An unconventional writer for the WrestleWall e-magazine and other various wrestling publications, Ray's tell-it-like-it-is style can be both divisive and diverting to the average reader. He hopes to expand his magazine's popularity by following Batti Otaku's career.



Aquarius was Batti Otaku's greatest rival on the independent circuit, but those days are long gone as Batti has made a name for herself in WZCW. A straight up hippie activist with a penchant for getting in trouble with the government, Aquarius has taken a vow of silence lately and continues to do so until certain officials are removed from office. A spiritual and fitness guru, she is now close friends with Batti - some say very close.

Name: James Montana

NPC Gimmick: Titus Avison's Hollywood agent.


Name: Rosie

NPC Gimmick: Titus Avison's new assistant. She's a huge Titus fan and has now landed her dream job.


Titus Mile Zone (TMZ)

Whilst wrestling fans may hate Titus he's still loved in Hollywood as one of the greatest actors ever. After advice from James Montana Titus has started to embrace this aspect of his fans. The Titus Mile Zone named after the Thirty Mile Zone in Hollywood.

Local members of the TMZ accompany Titus to ringside to ensure everything is correct.[/QUOTE]
Jabari NPCs up in this bitch.

Dewey Westbloom


Dewey is a respected documentary filmmaker with a list of major documentaries to his name. He was tasked with leading the film crew to Africa to document the isolated tribal communities that still dot the landscape and talk about the impact the growing world has on them and their existence. His insistence on acting only as a filmmaker to the people he films often clashes with the goals of those around him, primarily the man who bank rolled the project, Maxwell Hunter.

Maxwell Hunter


Maxwell is the definition of a rich old white man. He had secret motives in financing the trip to Africa, and when the cost begins to skyrocket he tries to find ways to recoup costs. When he hears of Jabari, he sees dollar signs.

Ode Okeke


Ode is Nigerian and from the same region as Jabari, though he grew up in an actual city. Ode excelled at basketball and got a scholarship to a US college. While in college he became familiar with US culture and due to a combination of a knee injury and a growing interest in film, he gave up his basketball career post college and began to work in film. He was brought along with the crew to act as an interpreter and guide. Once Jabari is brought to the US, Ode acts as his handler and interpreter. He is largely unaware of the motives of Maxwell and thinks Jabari is in the US on his own accord.

Film crew


Various members of the film crew often show up in the RPs, though few are important enough to be called by name. The majority of the crew, minus Dewey, have no real experience and are borderline incompetent.


Babalawo is Jabari's on screen handler. He speaks almost no English (just slightly more than Jabari) so his interviews are worthless, but he is able to communicate with Jabari better than Ode. He was brought from the same village as Jabari since it was deemed he had some sort of control over the giant. He will lead Jabari to the ring and shout at him in Hausa throughout the match, giving orders, but he never becomes physically involved. Save the entrance and the random yelling, he is basically invisible.
Jacob Westwood


Harald's agent and adviser when it comes to American affairs and customs, Jacob is a loyal, polite and mild-mannered Nebraskan native who supports Harald as much as he can with gigs and moral support, but can often suffer from moments of ineptitude and anxiety. He serves as a steadfast ally to Harald through thick and thin.


The leader of the famed Canadian Motorocycle gang named Skull's Angel's. Duran founded the famously savage and brutal motorbike gang when he was twenty five years old, a year after his first murder and his second gang he was ever part of. Now his headquarters recently moved from Calgary to Toronto, but his divisions are all over Canada. Big Bad Roady was in this Toronto division, but parted ways with the gang....but not without leaving behind a 100 thousand dollar, unpaid bill to his group. One that was blamed on two of his gang mates. BigRoad has tried to leave this part of his life in the past, even going so far to shave his once long hair and gain 100 pounds.

He recently upped the amount owing to 2.5 million dollars after catching up with RMK and Big Bad Roady at a bar.

Duran will show up only after an RMK/BBR victory expecting his payments.
Name: Kassandra Kross

NPC Gimmick:Keith Kole's friend and fellow coworker who joined WZCW with Keith to be his on screen manager. She's reluctant as she thinks Keith is in over his head,yet she's there for the ride and to support him along the way.

Sample pic:
Name: Ezekiel Roche

Former university professor who was fired for undisclosed reasons. Met Annie during a very rough time in his life and was hired to be a part of ATV. He has since risen up the ranks to become perhaps Annie's second in command.

Annie and Ezekiel are very close, to the point where you wonder if they're dating (they are but they try not to make it public. That and Annie's unique wordings on certain things in life make it rather confusing).

He also serves as Annie's bodyguard as she ventures into WZCW and is not afraid to get involved if he sees that Annie is in trouble or about to lose a close match.

Sample Pic:
Tony Mancini's NPCs

Name: Gino Rizzoli
NPC gimmick: A soldier in the Mancini Crime Family he is also Tony's best friend and Manager/bodyguard in WZCW.
Sample pic of character: Big Vito

Name: Agent Henderson
NPC gimmick: The agent in charge of the NY branch of the FBI'S Organized Crime division. Ever since Tony left The Family Agent Henderson has been looking for proof that he is still as crooked as he ever was.
Sample Pic of character: that FBI agent from Supernatural

Name: Antonio Scarletti
NPC gimmick: A lawyer under retainer by Tony Mancini
Sample pic of character: Christopher Moltisonti

Name: Joseph Esposito AKA Bruno
NPC gimmick: Undercover FBI agent infiltrating the Mancini Crime Family
Sample pic of character: Chuck Palumbo

Name: Vito
NPC gimmick: Consigliere for the Mancini Crime Family he takes care of the day to day operations and make's sure things run smoothly while Tony is off with WZCW
Sample pic of character: Nunzio

Name: Nathaniel 'Nate' Crawley
NPC gimmick: High Ranking member of the Skull's Angels sent by Duran Blackburn to set up a club house in New York while helping Tony with stuff he needs done.
Sample Pic Of Character: Jax Teller

'The Great' Milenko's NPCs

Name: It's a crystal skull so it doesn't have a name. That would be crazy.

NPC gimmick: A skull that Milenko always has with him when not in the ring. He talks to it like a lover would but it's also the conduit for him to get instructions from his Master, The Wraith.

Sample pic of character

Name: Edgar

NPC gimmick: A reluctant disciple of Milenko who never leaves the Dark Carnival. Had is tongue cut out by Milenko for some blasphemous comments he made about The Wraith.

Sample Pic Of Character: Captain Spaulding
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New Live Mas NPCS

Katherine King


Katherine's father was in the US Army and took a deployment to Ft. Buchanan in San Juan. He met Katherine's mother, a nurse who was doing volunteer work, while there and decided to settle down. Katherine has always felt a little out of place, being a white girl who grew up in Puerto Rico. She was a solid athlete growing up, doing well in softball and soccer, but always feeling out of place due to her ethnicity. She was rebellious for some time, but when she was seventeen, she went to a local wrestling show and fell in love with the athletic displays. She fulfilled a promise to her parents to graduate college. She earned a degree in athletic training from Florida International, where she attended on a softball scholarship. Once she graduated, she returned to Puerto Rico and took a job at a gym just outside San Juan. When she heard that WZCW Hall of Famers were opening a wrestling school on the island, she quit her job to pursue her passion.

Pablo "Zorro Volador" Ayala


Pablo has spent his entire life in Puerto Rico. Born in Ponce, he was always undersized, leading to him being overlooked in athletic endeavors. It took him a long time, but Matt and Mikey saw something in him when they held open tryouts for their school, making him their first official student. Far and away the best student, Pablo works hard and puts in more work than anyone. Despite this, his offers have been few and far between in the business. He recently started to wear a mask and calling himself "Zorro Volador" in an attempt to get noticed.

Osvaldo "Ozzie" Rivera


Ozzie is something of an indie legend in the Caribbean. Originally from Cuba, he has won numerous titles across Cuba, Jamaica, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. He moved to Puerto Rico due to its reputation as a wrestling hotbed, determined to prove he was the best in the region. His size made him a draw, leading to plenty of opportunities. The issue is his skill set is extremely limited and his attitude is garbage, hence the island hopping. When he heard Live Mas would be opening a school, he enrolled, though not to improve his skills but to upstage two of the most popular wrestlers on the planet and further his own career. Knowing that his size will sell, Matt and Mikey keep him around, determined to right his ship.
For Stetson Hayes

The Minutemen


WZCW's on-the-ground film crew. The Minutemen follow the cowboy around as part of an initiative to document a new signee for the company for a reality TV show for WZCW's Network premium package. This Is Rasslin' is their first gig.

rep - A Team

Angela "Angie" Hayes


Stetson's ex-wife. Angie is headstrong and supportive, but quick to burn her beau when the opportunity arises. They share a tumultuous, complicated relationship.

rep - Ivory

Dakota Hayes


Their estranged Millennial son. Dakota is the fish out of water in This Is Rasslin' - a liberal hipster conscientious objector.

rep - Dustin
Annie Halloway NPCs whose names are not Ezekiel Roche
Name: Alexander
NPC Gimmick: Worker and top hacker for ATV. Seen as a hard worker and very much into the workings of ATV, not as much in the level as Ezekiel Roche, but still impressive.

Corey Graves

Name: Sydney
NPC Gimmick: Information gatherer, still new to the ATV world. Is very awkward and does not understand certain codes or words Annie uses. Also has a big mouth she can't control sometimes.


Imogen Marceau


A contemporary avant-garde artist, Imogen is as hot-blooded as she is willing to take a risk in the name of creativity and passion. She sees Harald as her potential magnum opus, but needs a man less concerned with moderation and more concerned with taking action. Not only for Harald's sake, but so she herself can find a person to keep her own tenacity in check.
Name: Dani Buchanan
NPC gimmick: She is Dirk's younger sister. lthough she lives a completely diferent life than her brother, she fully supports Dirk and his way of life.
Sample pic of character.


rep: Hayley Atwell

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