Nobody seems to have noticed but Mick Foley is world champion

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Ok, alot of people are against Mick Foley as champion. They are saying he's not really a great wrestler in terms of in-ring talent anymore. I completely agree. But i'm watching TNA right now (i'm on East Coast, idk if it's on tape delay for other parts of the country, if so, i apologize). Mick Foley as a CHARACTER seems as entertaining and intriguing as he's ever been. He's basically a owner who has gone completely insane and has become champion and is using his power corruptly to be champ. (he probably took a few pages out of Vince McMahon's book). And wrestling is not just about the in-ring talent. It's about the gimmick. Right now I think Mick's gimmick is close if not already champion material. It's making me pay attention. But yes, his in-ring stuff is not champion material.
Vince McMahon HAS to have a mole, or part ownership or SOMETHING in TNA. Cause maybe I am naive, but I can't possibly fathom anybody being THIS dumb. They just made a guy who was talking at an announce table, and bitch slapped by Edge, their champion. Who, also, is a WWE guy. Then they let 3D who yes was ECW, but are known as both ECW and WWE guys, pretty much kill their best tag team.

And to top it off, you have a nothing, never drew a dime Lashley show up and its supposed to mean something? Nobody is that dumb. I can't believe it. I won't believe it. If Bobby couldn't sell with the WWE marketing geniuses they have, TNA are fools for thinking they can.

I respect Mick Foley, but my god. Him as champion over Styles, Daniels, Angle, Christian (since he was released)? Seriously?

I'm thinking IF TNA is this damn dumb, they want to get a rub from whoever beats him. Only problem is nobody cares about Foley anymore. What rub can he give? Maybe a back rub or a foot rub, sure as hell won't be a main event rub, cause Foley is not main event quality. At least not on a weekly basis.
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