Nobody seems to have noticed but Mick Foley is world champion

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Uncle Sam

Rear Naked Bloke
You all seem to be busy discussing the guy that I predict will last two months maximum.

But anyway, it can't be worse than Sting's reign, right? Right? RIGHT!?

It's beyond me who he's going to face. Jarrett, I suppose. That could be interesting. As could a match with Kurt Angle - the two being polar opposites and all.

This doesn't just mark a new champion, it marks Foley's return to the ring. Hopefully he'll drop the belt to someone that isn't already established, giving them a mighty impressive rub.
I was hesitant to start this thread cause i figured it existed in one of the few places it could.

I was surprised to see Foley win. I figured they would've made him look good against Sting but to give him the world title at his age and his condition, was out of my believability. I'm glad they did, though. I'm not Sting's biggest fan and I've felt he's hogged too much spotlight since coming to TNA and seeing a new person added to the world title picture is nice.

I think an Angle/Foley feud is probably on the horizon. This would be entertaining, and pretty fresh, but a part of me would rather see them run with Cactus Jack and put him in a feud that would end in a massive hardcore blowout match. Something like this would help get some buys on one of TNA's secondary PPV's and just bring some excitement and buzz altogether to the product, but not many names are coming to mind on this. Maybe Abyss (but he's face), Maybe Joe (but he's whatever he is), and then...? So that scenario seems pretty unlikely.

I'm glad Foley got the title kind of in the same way I was when Raven got his title run. I knew it wouldn't last long but felt that it's deserving and overall as a fan, I'm more interested in the TNA product and where it is going from here, no matter how short Foley's reign will more than likely be.

"Mick Foley, who once wrestled in WCW as Cactus Jack, is going to be there world champion...hmmph....that'll put some butts in the seats."

So Angle and Jarrett are front runners for feuds...and I'd personally like to see Joe or Abyss get worked into a Foley angle, or even Daniels (despite having any realistic reason to feud with Foley) would be an entertaining and bueno move.

As long as it isn't Suicide or Scott Steiner...I'll be happy.
Foley's return to the ring is the only highlight you boyees should be talking about.
As for him winning the title, it isnt the weakest thing TNA has done, but it certainly drops my level of appreciation for that wrestling company. Whats with TNA and hasbeens.
All due respect to Foley, he's done some great stuff for the wrestling business, hes an astonishing author, and he does great segments on 24/7 stuff.
TNA has so much potential but seize the opportunity to use them. Great names like AJ Styles, Somoa Joe, alex shelly, chris saban, sure they were all x diviz at some point in time, but now they have maturated, and are much older, stronger, and even more wrestling capable.
In my opinion a Championship match should be entertaining as hell, something both feds (wwe and tna) seem to not understand. Nobody wants to see old geezers, and or, slow 40 something er others wrestle for the 9 millionth time.
Lets look at our options now for foley being champ. Foley vs angle....been done. Foley vs sting....been done... as a fan i want something new! not the same old matches that we saw years back.
Sorry to rip apart foley like that because he is somewhat an icon, and i should pay respect where repect is due, but tna sure they paid him well!, at least i could hope they did haha
Hmm, yeah. Can't help but think that putting your world title on an overweight part timer who's nine years removed from his last world title reign is a poor idea. But this is TNA. Maybe they'll have Lashley beat him in 3 seconds on iMPACT. Yeah I think that's the best thing to do.
Question is now where does Sting go from here? Having the title and him in the MEM you saw how he was the face. He was never into the beatdowns and even when fueding with Angle, he has the entire group on his side. Here is what makes most sense in a way...

Sting lost to Foley so that Foley would give someone from the Frontline the title. Sting would probably have some influence in this decision based on his actions or lack there of when everyone was getting beat down. Then Sting can present the title to whoever him and Foley thing is worthy. MEM can come down and get in Stings face only to have Sting FINALLY give MEM what they really need...A MASSIVE BEATDOWN NWO STYLE.
Question is now where does Sting go from here?
I imagine he just goes home for now.

Sting needs to go find a cave and just die for a while. Since that's hopeful wishing, he needs to just step out of the top spot instead. He's been in the main event picture since he showed up, and I'm sick of him. Give him a feud with someone in the MEM, get him out of that stable, and just keep them at a moderate feud that doesn't eat up half of every week of Impact. TNA has a chance with the title off of Sting to actually reintroduce wrestling time to their show, and they need to capitalize on it. Sting/Steiner, Sting/Nash, Sting/Booker, whatever. Just keep him out of the title picture, for the love of God.
This is a very bad idea. Foley taking it from Sting is just horrible. I mean Jake just summed it up basically, he is a fat, part time wreslter who is just over and cant do that much in the ring. Personally this reign will be worse than Stings. The only reason Stings was bad because he was a tweener most of the time and TNA just basically looked at MEM all the time and not about the actual belt. I really hope Sting wins it back only to loose it to Angle/Lashley/Styles.
Hmm, yeah. Can't help but think that putting your world title on an overweight part timer who's nine years removed from his last world title reign is a poor idea. But this is TNA. Maybe they'll have Lashley beat him in 3 seconds on iMPACT. Yeah I think that's the best thing to do.

In TNA it is a tradition that every new TNA/former WWE wrestler gets the belt within 1 months after their debut. Look at Christian, look at Angle, look at Rhino look at Foley. In other words, Lashley crushing Foley and winning the TNA belt in 3 secs is quite logic.
The crowd seemed dead for the most part in the Sting/Foley match & it was dissapointing however i do still think they had a decent match as they told a good story in the ring but like i said it was dissapointing because like most people i thought Foley would have took a big bump off the cage. Foley as champion i have no problem with personally but i can see how some people might.

Like it or not Mick Foley as TNA World Champion creates a plethora of fresh Main Event matches such as: -

vs. Abyss

Ready made feud for reasons i should not need to explain (Barbwire Massacare 3 anybody?)

vs. Kurt Angle

Its a marquee match & its never happened before.

vs. Samoa Joe

They were ment to work with each other in ROH but it never happened, i think their wrestling styles would compliment each other also.

vs. Hernandez

SuperMex has a World Title shot from his Feast or Fired Victory, furthermore Mick Foley has a history of working with potential future stars & really putting them over (Randy Orton being one example), I could see Mick Foley wanting doing a program like this.

He also has can have fresh matches against (im thinking of wrestlers he could work well with & compliment his style): -

vs. Jarrett
vs. Booker T
vs. Kevin Nash
vs. Brother Ray

& maybe vs. new signing Bobby Lashley!
I wouldn't worry about it, as Mick WILL be a transitional champ.
This was probably done to get the belt on Angle to continue his feud with Sting (which will probably end up with the split up of the Main Event Mafia and give the Frontline the victory because the Mafia won't be working together anymore).
In TNA it is a tradition that every new TNA/former WWE wrestler gets the belt within 1 months after their debut. Look at Christian, look at Angle, look at Rhino look at Foley. In other words, Lashley crushing Foley and winning the TNA belt in 3 secs is quite logic.

I can't help but this Booker did something wrong. Maybe Russo & Jarret are making him pay his dues, or maybe they think it was his fault WCW went bump.

But I think the most logical reason is because they're racist. Ask Konnan. I suspect Lashley will be in the same boat.
that match looked like it was in slow motion. Undertaker and Shawn Michaels' match made their match look really bad.
I can't see the point of putting thet title on Foley. I mean Sting's had the longest TNA title reign ever. He should have dropped it to one of the younger guys in the company- you know, give a new guy the rub. I can't understand Jarrett and Russo's logic- or lack thereof-ever.
As a note to Foley, it's nice to see him get another title. But I agree on the side that it doesn't really make any sense. First of all everyone is going to start with (and has already) "blah blah blah all former WWE guys get the title." I really don't think that he'll be a long term champion here.

We'll have to see how this turns out. I personally think that it could be interesting going one of two ways:
1) Now that Foley has the title and is "crazy Cactus Jack" he turns major heel because he wants to be the champ. He wanted young guys to get a shot but now that HE actually has it he thinks hes the best and won't let go. (It would seem Foley recently is not that interested in being a full fledged heel though)

2) He relinquishes the title and using his power as "executive shareholder" sets up a tournament for the title. This is theory should set up a Frontline guy getting the belt.
I mean Jake just summed it up basically, he is a fat, part time wreslter who is just over and cant do that much in the ring.

You also just described Sting though.

Neither man should be holding the top prize in a company that wants to establish itself as new, different and cutting edge.

The MEM needs to be used to elevate the younger people on the roster, and it really isn't doing that. It's feuding with a very select few, and even then they aren't giving them the rub they need.

Here's hoping that Lashley is the one to help them get their act together.
I think this is, more or less, a last stand thank you reign. I mean, Mick went out on his WWE pretty poorly - the last image of him on WWE television is getting put through a table by Edge, and I guess this is TNA's way of thanking Foley for everything. It's a nice thought, and I think Foley has certainly done enough for the business to deserve this sort of reign.

That said, of course, Mick Foley cannot and hopefully will not hold this belt a long time. I'm all for giving Mick one last stand - a month or so of feuding like he just did with Sting, a few Impact hardcore matches, and at the next PPV (or on an Impact soon after), have him drop the title to...well, the fields open. Hell, even earlier potentially. He could drop this Thursday, like Sting did post BFG 2007. Or on an Impact prior to Sacrifice. In any case, there's no way Foley makes it to Slammiversary as champion - I can't imagine him in a ladder match. Even though he did manage to climb the cage, a ladder match is much rougher than that. Foley's longest world title reign to date is 26 days, and that's probably just as good a length for this time around.

The man to whom he drops, well, the field's open. If Lashley winds up heel, he's a great choice. Angle could definitely do it and make a great match in the process. If Jarrett turns heel, he could as well. Or, Foley could, being Executive Shareholder, book the title shot to one of the TNA Frontline - Styles, maybe - it's pretty clear that Styles is getting something big at Sacrifice. I could see any four of them beating Foley for the title.

All in all, this won't be a long reign. I could see Foley dropping to a face (Styles) and then going back to the Executive Shareholder role. If he drops to a heel, it might be under some stipulation that if he loses, he must retire from wrestling. Such and such. I think he'll do well as a transitional champion, and I'm glad that he gets to go out with a bang.

Or, perhaps more appropriately, a "Bang Bang".
For as long as I have been watching tna the same problem has been evident, which is not knowing how to present a good product. Case and point is tonight's lock down paperview. A lot of good things happened like team 3d's win for the tag chip and angelina love's win for the knockout chip topped off by the appearance of bobby lashley. That was a serious power move for tna. Here u have a guy who was on the verge of super stardom with wwe and walked away on his own terms. He's young but seasoned and has all the talent to headline the company for years. This was a great night for tna they had been delivering for once. Then they had to mess it all up by putting the title on mick foley. This is not to disrespect foley but lord knows this is not the guy who's going to cary your company for any amount of time! So why do it?!??!!? I've been saying for over a year now that the best talent in tna is aj styles, lax and the beautiful people those are the people who have image as well as in ring ability to be legitimate superstars in this business right now and elavate tna to national relevance. Get it together tna put your money where your talent is.
I have two schools of thought on this matter:

The fact that it helps TNA in the long run, placing the belt on already established champions gives the title more and more credibility, It allows guys like Foley to run with the title and give it more history with huge well name feuds and dream matches we could only dream of seeing him in when he was working for the WWE.

It takes the title off of Sting, someone who was having trouble defending it in the first place and keeps his legacy Intact.

This opens doors to alot of wrestlers who otherwise would never have an opportunity at the main event, guys like Abyss, Matt Morgan and such.

Cements Foleys legacy and helps keep his career intact, because we all know his last run in the WWE was practically worthless.

Foley was bringing in the ratings, hopefully this win will increase viewership and bring impact to prominence and give TNA that number two spot it has reached for since start up.

Now the bad points:

Giving the belt to someone who basically hasnt earned it after just leaving another company as an anouncer really kills the belts credibility, it doesnt help matters when the individual didnt earn a match, he wrestled twiced before his actual match which is really disappointing.

Taking credibility away from a frontline member who actually deserved the shot at sting which Foley decided to get in the way of.

It proves that TNA are only Pushing Ex WCW and WWE wrestlers and dont give a damn about their own talent, its making the company look like a safe heaven for ex wwe employess with a grudge, and could also backfire killing the locker room moral.

IMO foley deserves this reign but i felt it came too soon, if he is not careful it could also damage his body even further, the guy had a reason for retiring, why come in now and compete at a main event level. will he hold it up? or can he even defend the damn thing?.

their are the few question i hope will get explained as his time as champion progresses, I want Foley to have a great reign but the fact is i dont know if he will even have a credible one
I noticed Foley's champ, I also noticed a few other things. The crowd was brutal, really they only got into one match that whole night, the tag match with Team 3 D. Foley also won the title in typical Foley style and nobody seems to have noticed that. It's not as he if he pinned or made Sting submit, he didn't even climb out of the cage first. He FELL out of the cage first. Well done because it surprised the hell out of me. I'm just hoping he's not going to start feuding with Cactus Jack.
I specifically dont watch tna for reasons like this. I watched this back in the late 90's WCW where the young guys were held down while all the ex wwf guys were pushed to the moon. Mick Foley is a harcore legend but he is past his prime and doesnt deserve a title. I watched a 20/20 special on him in 2000 and his family was on there pleading with him to retire because his body was so broken down. Now since he retired in 2000 it was nice to see him in a few matches every few years but to win or even be involved in a title match is ridiculous.
Now I agree that the person he took the title from didnt deserve it either, but there is some talent in tna that could have gotten that push they needed by beating sting. The few times I do turn on tna i see sting, foley, jarret, angle, nash, or steiner and its usually not in a match. When I scrolled down to the results on here and saw that a guy who usually doesnt wrestle on tv, retired in 2000, and left the wwe as an announcer, it was shocking but not in a good way. They need to get their act together and using foley isnt the answer
I specifically dont watch tna for reasons like this. I watched this back in the late 90's WCW where the young guys were held down while all the ex wwf guys were pushed to the moon. Mick Foley is a harcore legend but he is past his prime and doesnt deserve a title.

Please everyone remember two things about WWE/TNA when it comes to Foley -

1 This is same Mick Foley who got a title shot at Vengeance 2007 (hardly that long ago).

2 Mick Foley lost his last WWE title to Triple H...whatever happened to him? Oh thats right he's still their bloody champ and only 4 years younger than him.
Please everyone remember two things about WWE/TNA when it comes to Foley -

1 This is same Mick Foley who got a title shot at Vengeance 2007 (hardly that long ago).

2 Mick Foley lost his last WWE title to Triple H...whatever happened to him? Oh thats right he's still their bloody champ and only 4 years younger than him.

1. He was in for nostalgia purposes and it was only former champs allowed in that match. Like I said seeing him once in awhile is fine but honestly he shouldnt have been in that match either

2. Being past prime doesnt mean just age it also has to do with the conditioning of the athlete and last I checked Triple H is still in pretty good shape. In fact age has nothing to do with it when you look at people like hbk and the undertaker that still put on a great match. TNA put their title on a retired, fat, out of shape wrestler who is way past his glory days, not exactly a smart move to attract new fans
First, what was wrong with Sting's title reign? I thought it was actually pretty damn good. He was easily cutting the best promos of his career as world champion and had some good matches.

Second, Foley as champion is good as it gets some people to notice. But as a fulltime or even parttime wrestler? At least Sting could actually still move around well and have some good matches. Foley... can't. I'd take Sting as champion over Foley.
i think the main point there is that tna has got to put the young guys out front at some point.
they tried with samoa joe, but i'm sorry he's just awful to watch! they have respectable talent that just needs a shot.
perfect example: look how long its taken randy orton to become comfortable being the top bad guy in wwe. he was boreing as shit until he broke his collar bone, now all of a sudden for some reason, his half robotic half adhd half ****** (i know thats 3 halves work with me here) personality gets a great pop.
the point is sometimes you just gotta let a guy have a run and see what happens...:suckit:
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