No Way Out Main Event


Dark Match Jobber
After the SD tapings the NWO ME looks like to be Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista and The Undertaker.

Here's how it happened source:

Closing Segment: Batista's music plays as he walks down to the ring in a suit. He received one of the biggest ovations all night. He cuts a promo on how all week, he's been hearing from people, "can you beat the Undertaker? You can't do it." He "welcomes the challenge," and wants to know, man to man, what Undertaker's decision is. John Cena's music plays to the loudest pop of the night. "I'm here for the same reason you are," Cena states, recalling his past 48 hours from the Umaga match to winning the tag belts with Shawn Michaels, to nearly getting superkicked after the match from his own partner, to Undertaker making a surprise Raw appearance seemingly wanting Cena's belt.

Undertaker then comes out to nearly the pop Cena had, and stares down both men. Then, the DX theme song plays as Shawn Michaels emerges. "You two aren't the only ones who want an answer from the Undertaker." He proceeds to challenge Undertaker to a match with the title shot on the line and "give these people what they want to see." The crowd heat for this is very hot, the hottest the crowd would get all night.

Vince McMahon's music hits as he very angrily makes his way to the ring. Vince states that Undertaker does have a decision to make, and that he doesn't care what Michaels or the people wants. He tells the people what they want. He does make a match however: John Cena and Shawn Michaels vs. Batista and The Undertaker as the main event of No Way Out.
i dont know were vince is going with this mabye undertaker and hbk betray their team mates during the match leading to undertaker vs batista and cena vs hbk at wm23???
it's funny they have taker come out on ecw and stare down lashley yet lashley does not show up on smackdown nor is he involved in this nwo match clearly letting everyone know what we already knew taker doesn't want the ecw belt
yeh i know i thought that was a bit odd. so what was undertaker turning up on ecw about then?? that was just a waiste then??? so ecw title for taker is defentitly out of the question but still i think he will fight batista at wm23. and hbk vs cena cause i think undertaker and hbk will turn on cena and batista in the match thefore setting up the two title matches!!!
i dont know necessarily that each is gonna turn on their partners to set up the matches...but i do believe ONE of the matches will be determined by some smoz or some random act other than turning on the team mates. i dont see that happening. plus if they do decide to go with the whole FACE VS FACE double main will be a first for WWE and you know how Vince likes those ideas. So we'll have to wait and see.... i gotta say tho....this whole confusion and WTF moments....ARE PRICELESS!!! I LOVE IT!!! i love it when the SMART MARKS LIKE US get all up in arms when we cant figure out what the hell WWE is doin. If we dont know what or why vince is doin something....we tend to think its a dumb idea(shawn and cena Tag Champs) but WHO KNOWS!! Wrestling has become much less entertaining since dirt sheets became readily available to every person in front of a computer...i think what they are doin is great. KEEP US GUESSIN WWE!!!
I'm PARTIALLY excited. On the one hand you've got Taker wrestling H.B.K. those two gell really well together. On the other hand it's Cena/ Batista facing each other. Fuck me that's going to be bad. The only hope is if either Taker or H.B.K. is constantly in the ring to pick up the slack. Even then I'm dubious about Cena/Taker. All though I'm confident that Michaels can bump like crazy and make Batista look average.
I like HBK, but I just hate, and I mean HATE his horrible over selling where he does fucking backflips and shit into the turnbuckel and what not.

Still, as stated it's much more interesting without knowing what's happening so this has convinced me to watch it without reading spoilers online.

ok it was a waist goin to ecw but if they didnt have him going to ecw then it would mean he was facing cena or batista theyd id it just so they werent left out over there at ecw
this match looks semi good because of undertake and shawn michaels facing each other and hopefully batista turns on undertaker makin him a heel goin into their wrestlemania title match and cena turning on hbk makin him the heel even if hbk turns on cena makin him the heel they would still boo cena
Everyone knew Taker wouldn't go for lashley but they knew he would at least show up for the ratings. This is a great main event!! this is the first main event foe NWO in a long time where noone knows what's going to happen. Every year the Main Event Seems like justa stall for WM. Although Eddie beating Brock Lesnar For the title was extremely shocking, but I had assummed it would be a 6min Holly-squash with Goldberg showing up at the end to set up a title match at WM 20. ADHD!!!! Totally forgot wherei was goin with this... oh yeah. This will bring in alot of PPV buys. While Cena and Batista aren't the best workers (especially Big Dave), they for sum reson hav good chemistry in the ring. Plus, It's Taker and HBK!!! Although i still think that HBK is going to back off in the title hunt against cena and wait until either Edge or Orton win it, then start a lengthy program while Cena Takes a back seat for a little while just so he can get his Babyface heat back. But who cares what i think?
will cenas and hbks tag titles be on the line. i dont think so but u never know. yeh this main event is interesting and unpredictable!! i like main events were u dont know whats going to happen!!! bring on NWO!!!
it's funny they have taker come out on ecw and stare down lashley yet lashley does not show up on smackdown nor is he involved in this nwo match clearly letting everyone know what we already knew taker doesn't want the ecw belt

So true. What are the odds that Taker would go for ECW. No offence, but it's going down a bad path right now. Vince is making ECW his way. There really is no extreme any more. Let's face it, MacMahon doesn't want guys like SandMan of Sabu cause they're only good with weapons. + RVD is itching to go leave WWE and heck, even join TNA. For all we know, ECW is still dead. It died before Vince brought it back to life. If they stuck to the good ole days of ECW with the originals dominating, that would be something. Get **** like Elijah what's his face and the show is crapped!
I have a hunch that there will be heels in Batista v Taker and Cena v Michaels. The heels might be Michaels and Batista. (not so sure about Batista though)
i dont know necessarily that each is gonna turn on their partners to set up the matches...but i do believe ONE of the matches will be determined by some smoz or some random act other than turning on the team mates. i dont see that happening. plus if they do decide to go with the whole FACE VS FACE double main will be a first for WWE and you know how Vince likes those ideas. So we'll have to wait and see.... i gotta say tho....this whole confusion and WTF moments....ARE PRICELESS!!! I LOVE IT!!! i love it when the SMART MARKS LIKE US get all up in arms when we cant figure out what the hell WWE is doin. If we dont know what or why vince is doin something....we tend to think its a dumb idea(shawn and cena Tag Champs) but WHO KNOWS!! Wrestling has become much less entertaining since dirt sheets became readily available to every person in front of a computer...i think what they are doin is great. KEEP US GUESSIN WWE!!!

You're right! I have to agree that spoilers, etc have kind of ruined the entertainment of WWE, but this current storyline is exciting. Who knows how things are going to turn out
I have a hunch Stone cold is gonna return during this match i can see it now...

Shawn Michaels lands the superkick on Undertaker, goes for the pin...1....2..[glass shatters and stone colds music comes on] shawn michaels stops the pin and looks over, stone cold runs down, stunners SM, cena comes running in he gets stunnered, batista runs in he gets stunnered, then undertaker does his cool sitting up thing and then grabs stone cold for the chokeslam but gets stunnered :p.

if that happens i will officially declare myself psychic XD.
got a feeling that on RAW this week, we'll probably see HBK/Cena lose the titles due to a distraction by either Taker/Batista allowing Cade/Murdoch or WGTT to win them and to lead to conflict between Cena/HBK building up to No Way Out where it will be the traditional "Can They Co-Exist" storyline

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