No Surrender: Beer Money vs. L.A.X.

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
Beer Money, Inc. vs. The Latin American Xchange​

Is this the third or fourth time this has been on PPV now? I can't remember. For a promotion that supposedly has such a great tag division you'd think they'd have more than 3 teams. Of cause they have more, I'm just being silly. It's just that TNA doesn't use them. I can't understand why they don't push the Gunns. They're over, really over, so that should be enough to get them a feud for the titles. They don't have to win.

But at least this match should be good, and there's no gimmick. Awesome. I really enjoyed there last PPV match, can't remember the name of the show though, all TNA PPVs roll into one.
The Guns are getting pushed Jake. Appallingly. As heels, for no reason I can think of. Pointless, unless LAX win this and stick it out a little bit longer.

Of course, the Guns aren't actually being pushed. They may be building up to being pushed, though not nearly as strongly as before they lost at Destination X. They're losing against odd couple teams and don't like it so slap them afterwards. Instant weak heel team. If they were booked as formidable heels, like LAX were, then I could buy it. But these are guys that have been tearing it up in the tag division for almost a year now and have stayed in the same place, struggling to keep their heads above water.

But yeah, the match itself. Will be good, maybe great, I see a clean win. Y'know, for TNA standards. Beer Money could steal it, but as long as Team 3D doesn't come in and start beating down everybody in sight I'll call it a clean win. I like Beer Money.

All I can think of right now.

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