No Mercy: E.C.W. Championship: Matt Hardy vs. Mark Henry


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E.C.W. Championship: Matt Hardy (c) v. Mark Henry:

Well, apparently it was announced tonight on E.C.W., and I can't say I'm shocked or surprised. However I can't say I'm impressed or looking forward to this either. I can only hope they get a nice short match, but not Summerslam short.

Mark Henry and Matt Hardy are unfortunately the two biggest names E.C.W. has, and this is the reason these two are fighting for the 3rd time (4th if you count the Scramble) in as many monthes. Nothing about this match makes me interested in seeing it, and it won't do any favors trying to sell but the other two Championship matches will pick up where this one lacks, I'm sure.

In the end, I really can't see Mark Henry regaining the Championship, and I'm assuming this will be the match Matt Hardy finally picks up the clean-clear-cut victory over the 'Monster' Mark Henry.

Please gives your opinions on this match and add as much detail as you can. Make sure you explain why you feel how you do. Thank You.
First of all, I think this match shows how in general ECW lacks real stars and a second tier championship or something similar to create storylines and here's why:

1. Matt Hardy needs more people to work with as champion... I guess eventually Miz / Morrison will get their chances, but they have been really good as a tag team and I doubt they split in the coming weeks. besides these guys and Mark Henry, there are no real big heels on the ECW roster. After thefeud with Kane, chavo has ZERO momentum, Bam Neely is rather a poor enforcer, Mike Knox needs to be built, and Burke first has to get some TV time before even think of challenge for the title...

2. And I think this point is even more important. Once this feud is over, what the fuck to do with Mark Henry???? he is so big and limited that a feud with someone else should be a total squash so it can work, and that would mean again he deserves a shot at the title... and again and again... he can work with finlay maybe... but I dont see any reason to create an angle with them other than Henry hits Horny and then daddy seeks revenge... but after that, there's nothing else for Henry to do on ECW and he will go back to job to taker and H on friday nights...

3. I think the ECW's poor roster is more evident than ever at this point, if you see the page, there are 22 people in there, and 9 of them are not even wrestlers... then from the remaining 13, you have the face jobber (dreamer), the heel jobber (Estrada I guess, when he appears) and the ones that appear on a regular basis... they better find a way to make their roster more belivable or there will be no point at all to have a title.

And on the match, I think they already had a standard bout some weeks ago, and that was long enough so they used almost everything they had on their respective move sets, so this may be a carbon copy of that match... only with Hardy getting a clean win after a TOF... The best option for this match should be if they add some extreme rules clause or something they can work with... But we have seen how the ECW title matches are booked on PPV... I only remember the scramble and maybe one of the 176 Punk / Morrison matches to be decent...
Matt Hardy vs Mark Henry is a worn out feud. I think the first match was pretty good but, the rest of the matches were pretty much crap (except the Scramble). Hopefully this match will be good. At least everyone knows that Hardy won't lose the title yet. I think this should be the end of their feud. Then, after Hardy beats Henry, Cyber Sunday will come along and Hardy will have to face either Henry, Morrison, or The Miz. Hopefullt then, the fans would vote John Morrison into the match so that will ignite their feud, FINALLY. Matt Hardy vs John Morrison is a feud I know everyone has been waiting for, at least I know I have.

Quite enough of this feud good sirs. Maybe two of the most boring guys they have in the entire WWE. but I guess they have to give Hardy the decisive one on one win to move on. We could be having immensely more exciting matches with Hardy against Miz, Morrison, shit Jack Swagger. somebody else. Will most likely be back and forth, and an Atlas interference. Hardy knocks his lights out, then catches Mizark off gaurd for the victory. ehhhh.
The sad thing is, there is no one else to challenge for the title over on ECW. And in my opinion this Hardy v Henry fued has been boring. Im begging the creative team to get someone NEW challenging for the title.. hell, put Ricky Ortiz in if you have to.. You could even rehire Braden Walker and he would be more interesting(ok maybe not). All i see happening is Hardy winning this match. Hope it ends quickly.
Another feud that's gone on way to long. You think WWE would get the picture by now. This will be the end of the feud if WWE are smart. They could get Morisson, Miz, I don't know, somebody else to go for the title. Hardy will somehow win this match cleanly and Henry can't complain, and Hardy will move on to another challenger. I hope this time they pick someone good to challenge for the title.
i wouldn't watch the ecw match at no mercy, not only coz where i live, they don't play some PPVs, but because, just like you guys said, it's a very boring feud. they put the biggest and strongest guy in ecw against matt hardy who, in my opinion, is way too overrated...i don't know what everyoone sees in him...i'll give him credit for stopping every pinfall by other wrestlers during the scramble but still, other than that, there isn't much big deal between henry and hardy. i would like to see someone bigger to feud with henry...they should make big show feud with him long did their feud last after wrestlemania? if i'm not mistaken, it ended at judement day.
I can only see a Matt Hardy win as they have been pushing him hard since he moved to ECW and it would be stupid for them to have him lose. Hopefully teither The Miz will be the next challenger as I think he is a very good wrestler and now is the time for the WWE to let him use his potential by having him in a fued for the ECW title
They are just finishing off the fued here. That's it, no more, no less. Basically they are just extending the fued, and after Mark Henry they have plenty of names to take over Henry.

This match will probably only given enough time to have Matt come off strong, Mark dominate most of the math, back and forth for a bit, then Matt wins. Basic match booking, not that there is anything totally wrong with that. It just means it's nothing special.

Well if you haven't figured it already, I am picking a Matt win, just so they can say Matt beat Henry clean. After that Matt will move on with ... well there is Finlay, Chavo, Bourne, Morrison, Miz, Knox. I honestly think that as long as Matt stays around that title, ECW will be quite good.
Well it is a strange place to blow of a feud, I really can't see them continuing this afterwards. That said, where does Mark Henry go? He just left Smackdown, he would have no where to go on Raw, so he is stuck on ECW. As the only giant left on the show, and if he is not gonig for the title, he has nothing. I can see this match lasting 6 minutes, and Matt will get the clean victory. This may be the last time Henry has a Pay Per View match unless something changes.
I really can't see anything other than a clean win for Hardy. A Henry win wouldn't make any sense, as it would make Hardy look horribly weak. An unclean finish, via Atlas, wouldn't help matters either, as it would just prolong an already stale feud.

As to where would Henry go... I'd personally like Atlas to pick up another stable member (possibly Estrada) to go with Henry and form a tag team. They could feud with face teams from Raw AND Smackdown as the borders of ECW apparently don't exist anymore. This solves 2 or more problems.

1. The WWE gains a credible 'BULLY' tag team. The main emphasis is on the tag team thing.

2. The WWE can take a heel Jobber and the World's Strongest Jobber and make them into something.

Just my opinion. And this is also my HELLO post to the forums.
Poor ECW. They have no other choice but the continue with a feud that a majority of people no longer give a shit about. I fully expect this to be the final match of this feud. The match should have one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to finally give Matt Hardy a clean singles win over the 'monster' Mark Henry. The match they had on ECW a few weeks ago was pretty good for a Mark Henry match, so I can see the match at No Mercy being an average 12 minute match.

Putting the title on Mark Henry makes little to no sense at all. He already gotten his reign, and its now time for Matt Hardy to shine. Matt still has many feuds left on ECW including matches with Finlay, John Morrison and The Miz. I fully expect Tony Atlas to intervene once again but I can only see this match ending with Matt's Twist of Fate (on Mark Henry). I pray to God this match ends cleanly because I do not want to see a gimmick match between the two at Cyber Sunday. And since Cyber Sunday can be used to select the type of gimmick matches, I think the WWE could indeed go in that direction.

So I hope and I am almost certain that Matt Hardy will finally defeat Mark Henry cleanly at No Mercy and hopefully Matt goes on to have a nice long feud with John Morrison over the ECW Championship. I like Matt as the ECW Champ, so I think he shouldn't lose the belt for a few more months at least. Anyway this rivalry has already gotten stale and old so therefore I believe this match should end the feud.
I think this feud finishes at Cyber Sunday. Cyber is not the best place to start a Championship feud.
So I feel that Mark Henry wins the match by countout after hitting a Slam on the outside about 10 mins into the match.
Setting up the choices for Cyber Sunday of Falls count anywhere, Hardcore or Last Man Standing in which Matt Hardy will finally get his clean win.
Well we knew this was coming, and hopefully for both of these guys sakes and careers, this match last more then 12 seconds. Matt Hardy needs a signature win, and a signature win doesn't come by being the lucky last guy to get a pin in a Scramble Match to win the title.

I think that Hardy wins this one clean, and gives Henry one more shot at Cyber Sunday. Either that, or the CS match is going to feature Matt vs. Insert Mystery opponent. Either way, this match should be Matt Hardy's signature title match to start his reign.
I say Hardy retains cleanly to end this feud. At least I hope it ends this feud, it's run it's course and they need to start something new. After this feud is done I'm hoping for a Matt Hardy/Morrison feud.
I cannot see Hardy losing already. I think the match itself won't be anything impressive and I see it lasting 5-7 minutes max, but I hope Hardy can score the clean pin over him and this can be the blowoff feud. I think Hardy can benefit working with guys like Morrison & Miz because they are more his size and they can probably work better together than Henry & Hardy.
Goodness, can this finally be over???

Hardy wins. It makes zero sense for him not to. He needs the signature win, the good guy needs to prevail, blah blah blah. Two of the most boring, bland, vanilla guys they have. but fuck it, guess they HAVE to get the belt on the PPV. Simple filler of Kendrick Vs R-Truth wouldve kicked the shit out of this. But I digress. Hardy wins, we all survive. hopefully. Expected Rating : 6

NorCal's Pick : Matt Hardy

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