No matter what you people are just going to eat it up


Pre-Show Stalwart
Sad but true.

No matter how much crap WWE puts on, you people are going to be behind it. I havent been a part of the IWC for a long time, mostly cause i thought it was dumb. But after reading your posts, i just had to say something.

Most of you here trash TNA, dont take ROH, DG and other promotions seriously, but you praise and shit yourselves about the almighty WWE when they are the ones who dont even fucking try. They give you the same shit, week after week; and you eat it up, making threads about the what ifs and matches we have seen since 2008.

I just read a couple of posts about how wwe doesnt shoot cause its not booked by russo... well when the E did it was cool, and holy shit, that was so real omfg i gotta watch this.
Yes Russo goes to far, and hes incompetent at his job, but the fuckers at wwe arent any better, as a matter of fact, theyre worse because theyre not even trying! they dont care, they know youre gonna watch it and for some reason mark out about it.

Some people go as far as to say, "oh well good, wrestling is back to where its superposed to be" .. Whats that supposed to mean?? so we're not supposed to progress? or feel insulted at the fact that were being fed kids programming?
Because when you love a product, have been raised watching that product and continue to be entertained , you tend to get behind that train and always stand up for it.

I am not a TNA hater or a hater of any other promotion. Hell, I don't hate at all. I just know the superior brand when I see it. And yes, not all is perfect in the land of WWE, but guess what? This is where the big boys play. We pride ourselves on talent development and proper booking. Sometimes the show may not support that fact but it still remains a better booked product than TNA.

I am a WWE'er. That's how it is. Been a fan over 20 plus years and when my children are born, guess what they will be watching , what my dad turned me onto. The greatest fed out there. And for good reasons. None of which I should have to explain.

As for eating it all up ..

Hey if thats what you want to call it than so be it. I call it enjoying what is happening on the tv, no matter what's happening. Maybe we all don't like some of the decisions that are made but you know what? I'm no tv producer, or a writer, I have the least bit of an idea how to go about making a wrestling show hot or not. And I'm assuming you don't posses any of those afore mentioned talents so your really not in a position to talk about ppl "eating it up".

Also I have to assume your a TNA guy, and that to me is funny. Because even though they have good stars, it is a shitty, shitty product. The storylines are all over the place and so much of it is over the top its hard to believe. Raunchy and hardcore is fine with me, but its definitly not needed to make a good wrestling show. It just goes to prove that TNA will air any bullshit tv in hopes to get people to switch to see "real" fighting which is laughable because TNA exxagurates so much it is the furthest thing from "real" or even real looking.

Simpily WWE is just a better product and I will follow them with whatever is going on. They have made incrdible strides and have faced so much adversity that one can only bow down to VKM for giving us our stars like SCSA, Rock, HHH, your Hulk Hogan, HBK , DX and sooooo many more that it dosent make sense to name them all. Stop your bitching and go watch TNA because obviously WWE is too mature for your taste.
Im not TNA guy, Im a pro wrestling fan, i watch what i find entertaining.

Therefore Im insulted by wwe's product. I'm also a fan and have been a fan for a while, i was a wcw fan but when wwf started to get better, i swtiched, i gave them my money (which linda is using for her campaign) why? because like i said i like wrestling and i like whats entertaining. WWE isnt entertaining at all, its a little insulting to watch it, and the problem starts with people like you, because no matter what crap they give you, youre gonna watch it; main reason why they feel like they shouldnt even do their jobs properly.
Oho I think I speak for quite a few fans when I say that you've pigeonholed many of us. Sure there're the people who're almost Michael Cole-like in their WWE loyalty, but not all of us are like that. You say we don't take ROH/DG/other American promotions seriously. Not necessarily true, but keep in mind that there is a reason they're called independents. You say that most of us trash TNA. There are just as many WWE-trashing threads if you bother to look hard enough.

Personally, I'm not too thrilled with any of today's American pro wrestling. To me, its golden age ended when there stopped being true competition. It's just like the WWF was when the NWA/AWA stopped being competition: WWF became the juggernaut and they could do whatever they wanted because they knew the fans would still watch in mostly consistent numbers.

Now WWE is the juggernaut again...I dare you to call TNA legitimate competition when they're using guys that should have retired at least 5 years ago over younger, more energetic talent who get shunted to the side and frustrated. Homicide should NEVER have been put in the position he was, but the powers that be in TNA would rather have booked guys like Scott "WWE finally paid for my rehab that I'll go through and ignore" Hall and Jeff "my pride won't let me retire" Jarrett and Sting, who's been booked lately to be incapable of doing anything without his bat. That's a real slap in the face of anyone who watched the REAL Monday night wars in the late 90s.

If there was any real competition, I doubt very highly WWE would book Cena to be as much of a Hogan clone as he's looking, but maybe that's just me. OP, I want you to go online and watch matches between Mitsuharu Misawa and either Dr.Death or Kenta Kobashi. Maybe you'll see why I think most of your argument is blowing smoke up my ass.
My thoughts exactly. THANK YOU for this thread, I couldn't have said it better myself.

I constantly see people trying to guess if this guy will go heel or if this guy will get pushed, as if they never learn from history. I learned a LONG time ago that the WWE's unpredictability factor is deader than Elvis, and you know what, that's fine. Don't be unpredictable, it's not what makes me watch anyway. But if you're going to make something plainly obvious for the viewers with more than one braincell on active duty, AT LEAST make it easier for the average Joe to sit through a match, give me a reason to watch that piece of shit, or else I'll stop watching at all.

I've seen people go banana sandwich with pickles on simple crap that WWE does.


Newsflash, the move looked botch more than anything, he grabbed his head a milimeter away from the mat. Another newsflash, if you watch TNA, ROH, DG, NJPW, AAA or an indy promotion, you'll see crazier things, better executed even. But noooo, it only matters if the WWE does it.

I don't get how people can enjoy this bullshit. It's the same fucking matches every week! Every single person has the same moves, uses them in the same way, and the other guy doesn't even bother to sell in a different way to make this crap less bromidic!

The sheer fact that the whole wrestling "universe" went bat shit over a storyline like The Next Ass just proves how sad the WWE has become.

"Oh look! LooK! They have a nice storyline! WWE'S DA BEST!"

Hellooo? WWE's supposed to be the end all be all of professional wrestling. The standard bearer. The bar. It should be flawless in every aspect. The wrestling should be top notch, the storylines should be exciting and the wrestlers outstanding. Instead, the wrestling is shitty and uninteresting. There is not even BASIC psychology in the matches or fancy spot-fest to make up for it. No. Instead there's sequences of moves by each guy and absolutely simple and lazy booking. The storylines are absolute junk. "This guy attacked that guy for some dumb reason, now the other guy attacks this guy, they face off 40 times before the Pay-Per-View and another time at the PPV having the exact same fucking match they had the night before".

If WWE was a superior product, people wouldn't even compare it to say TNA. No. Everybody would just hate TNA and not watch it.

The only reason why people watch WWE is because of these three letter - W-W-E. Because it's been going on for it seems like an eternity and people are just afraid to watch something else because of a possible ridicule.

"Our product doesn't suck! Look at the ratings! We're making money!" - that's WWE and its fans' answer to everything. I -DO- look at the ratings, they can't go over 3.4 to save their life. People watch it because they're USED to watching it. Monday night you watch WWE. That's it. I do it, you do it, that guy does it. I watch it not because I like it, hell no, I hate it, but I'm just used to watching it and there's still this LIIIITTLE spark that something interesting might happen but it's been getting put out for the last 8 years each and every Monday.

If you like it - watch it. We all have tastes. But don't think that it's the best wrestling company in the world. Just because there's money behind it and they do it in a big arena doesn't mean squat. A huge arena makes the product "good" just as much you standing in a garage makes you a car.

Picture WWE in the iMPACT Zone and then picture TNA in a sold out Madison Square Garden and you'll see where I'm coming from.
Well said, 123 Kid!!

I joined this forum about 2 years ago b/c I was in the same boat as you. I really never was a fan of forums, but, I visit WZ about everyday, have for 10 years or better now. I just had to join after reading some of the posts.

After I first joined, I posted some "anti-TNA" replies and got ripped for it. I was told the same thing, that I follow WWE no matter how shitty it was, b/c that is what I am used to watching. I guess that is true to an extent, but like you, I have been a wrestling fan for over 20 years and guess what: TNA programming is about the worst shit I have ever tried to sit down and watch including the last year of WCW, which was horrible. Yes, I dont get to watch every TNA show, and some people on here will tell me that is why their storylines dont make sense to me. But how do you explain the fact that I can sit down and catch an ROH show maybe once every two months, and I get more enjoyment and can make more sense out of that one show than I can watching 3 consecutive TNA programs?

I have always been a wrestling fan, and over the years, anytime any wrestling program has been aired on tv, I was able to enjoy it b/c it was professional wrestling. Hell, in the mid-90's, there was an independent wrestling program that aired on a local channel in this area. I enjoyed and made more sense out of that programming than I do watching TNA's product right now.

So yeah, I am a WWE-lifer. I drink the Kool-aid and enjoy the taste. Sometimes it doesnt taste very good, but it is still Kool-aid and I drink it. So what? As long as I enjoy it, who gives a shit.
Hell, I don't hate at all. I just know the superior brand when I see it. And yes, not all is perfect in the land of WWE, but guess what? This is where the big boys play. We pride ourselves on talent development and proper booking. Sometimes the show may not support that fact but it still remains a better booked product than TNA.

Like he just stated, the WWE is the place to be if you're a professional wrestler. Despite all the problems going on right now, it's the major league of professional wrestling. It has better promotion and recognition than any other wrestling organization out there, including TNA and Ring of Honor. It also has better production values, marketing and talent development. It's just like how mixed martial artists all want to eventually make it into the UFC. Like WWE, it has great promotion and recognition in the MMA world.

Besides, no matter how much people say the WWE sucks, it's certainly better than the shit TNA produces.
You know, I think you're right. I think the WWE could learn something from ROH, TNA and miscellaneous other promotions. In fact, I think they've started.

When Randy Orton goes from resthold to resthold, that's classic Ring of Honor. Man, he can from a chinlock to a headlock to an earlock. Shiiiiiiit. Then he goes and ruins it by doing something like, I dunno, making sixty-thousand people jump out their seat by reversing a Shooting Star Press into an RKO. Man, change the channel.

Last night, I thought the WWE had finally seen the light. Out comes Zack Ryder to challenge Sheamus. "Finally," I thought, "A title match of no consequence where we know the winner before it's even started." Classic ROH! And then it goes and ruins it by revealing it's an introduction into a huge main event at a pay-per-view where either the two biggest faces in wrestling or the two most interesting heels in wrestling will be walking out with the title. What the fuck is this shit? A match that will actually matter? The possibility of a title change? Not being filmed in a high school gymnasium? Haven't you learned anything, WWE?

With Nexus, I thought we had something. "An invasion angle that doesn't make any sense? Why, that's TNA all over!". But then they go on to actually explain enough without ruining their mystique? Aw man, you were so close!

"Finally," I'm thinking as SummerSlam draws near, "Finally, this Nexus thing is losing steam. Hopefully they'll be no surprises and this thing will drag on for months longer than it needs to - just like one of TNA's incessant invasion angles." But then what do they fucking go and do? Bryan debuts, Cena wins, Young's kicked out and Barrett challenges for the title. The fuck is this shit? Actually making an effort to renew the viewer's interest in the angle? That's not what TNA would do!

Well, at least they're having the old stars going over all the young ones, right? WRONG! While TNA's being run ragged by EV 2.0, the WWE is building stars with Wade Barrett, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and The Nexus. They have Chris Jericho lose to Wade Barrett? That's not right! Tell 'em, TNA! Established talent isn't there to enhance young talent! For fuck's sake! And your biggest stars, John Cena and Randy Orton, aren't even that old. Have them in the main event in, say, ten year's time instead. That's how you book.

The WWE doesn't have matches with people who've had no previous exposure that are completely inconsequential. Mistake number one. Their wrestlers understand basic psychology but still manage to make thousands of people pop out of their seats with insane spots. Mistake number two. Their angles make sense and, if they go on for a long time, they make an effort to help the viewer keep interest. Mistake number three. Their booking is consistent and their product doesn't change direction every few months. Mistake number four. Young and new talent is put over - especially by the company's biggest face, a man who's not even in his forties. Mistake number five.

You'd think that when this is yielding horrific results like, I dunno, millions of people watching their shows, millions more buying their merchandise and record profits, they'd switch it up. But apparently, they think money acts as an incentive!

World Wrestling Entertainment - Not Sharing The Socialist Dream Since 1952.
True, because there is no comparision for me. I just figured id chime in with my thoughts. But honestly, what else is there to compare to? TNA wishes they could be WWE with their kid product. Dixie would switch shoes with VKM in a heartbeat and you all know it. And yes, I feel WWE is the better product. I'm 24 yrs young and do not feel insulted by WWE. Why? Because of a PG rating? Bullshit. Just because there is no blood or "hot" topics, or all the other crap that goes into a TV14 product does not meean WWE is treating us all like children. I happen to love the suttle way they mix adult themes in. Just by what comments are made, thing along those lines. Its never much but I tend not to dwell on that too much. I just love wrestling like you. Period. And I guess you can call me byast in my opinion but that's what it is. An opinion. All are welcome to one and all are free to express it.

But the fact still remains that even though WWE is not perfect, its the closest thing to it. And when the PG era ends (because its going to happen) all of you people will be salavating @ how much material the WWE will be putting out. A lot of stars IMO are held back by the PG rating which does suck but in the end its all about the money boy. Gotta get that right because if you don't have heavy pockets your going to be stuck in universial studos with the same crappy, free audience every week and to me that just is not progress. So agreeing with another poster again, THERE IS NO COMPARISION. Period. You can talk all you want about how we WWE fans eat this up or mark out for stupid shit but the bottom line is that WWE is king fuckin kong and all other promotions are beggin for a chance to kiss the brass ring of VKM.

WCW died, just like TNA will, its just a matter of time before VKM digs into those million dollar pockets and shells out to shut all of you up about WWE this and WWE that. Sooner or later WWE will be the only one around again. But I'm sure you'll all find something else to bitch about. Idk why people can never just enjoy a product and shut the fuck up!
My thoughts exactly. THANK YOU for this thread, I couldn't have said it better myself.

I constantly see people trying to guess if this guy will go heel or if this guy will get pushed, as if they never learn from history. I learned a LONG time ago that the WWE's unpredictability factor is deader than Elvis, and you know what, that's fine. Don't be unpredictable, it's not what makes me watch anyway. But if you're going to make something plainly obvious for the viewers with more than one braincell on active duty, AT LEAST make it easier for the average Joe to sit through a match, give me a reason to watch that piece of shit, or else I'll stop watching at all.

I've seen people go banana sandwich with pickles on simple crap that WWE does.


Newsflash, the move looked botch more than anything, he grabbed his head a milimeter away from the mat. Another newsflash, if you watch TNA, ROH, DG, NJPW, AAA or an indy promotion, you'll see crazier things, better executed even. But noooo, it only matters if the WWE does it.

I don't get how people can enjoy this bullshit. It's the same fucking matches every week! Every single person has the same moves, uses them in the same way, and the other guy doesn't even bother to sell in a different way to make this crap less bromidic!

The sheer fact that the whole wrestling "universe" went bat shit over a storyline like The Next Ass just proves how sad the WWE has become.

"Oh look! LooK! They have a nice storyline! WWE'S DA BEST!"

Hellooo? WWE's supposed to be the end all be all of professional wrestling. The standard bearer. The bar. It should be flawless in every aspect. The wrestling should be top notch, the storylines should be exciting and the wrestlers outstanding. Instead, the wrestling is shitty and uninteresting. There is not even BASIC psychology in the matches or fancy spot-fest to make up for it. No. Instead there's sequences of moves by each guy and absolutely simple and lazy booking. The storylines are absolute junk. "This guy attacked that guy for some dumb reason, now the other guy attacks this guy, they face off 40 times before the Pay-Per-View and another time at the PPV having the exact same fucking match they had the night before".

If WWE was a superior product, people wouldn't even compare it to say TNA. No. Everybody would just hate TNA and not watch it.

The only reason why people watch WWE is because of these three letter - W-W-E. Because it's been going on for it seems like an eternity and people are just afraid to watch something else because of a possible ridicule.

"Our product doesn't suck! Look at the ratings! We're making money!" - that's WWE and its fans' answer to everything. I -DO- look at the ratings, they can't go over 3.4 to save their life. People watch it because they're USED to watching it. Monday night you watch WWE. That's it. I do it, you do it, that guy does it. I watch it not because I like it, hell no, I hate it, but I'm just used to watching it and there's still this LIIIITTLE spark that something interesting might happen but it's been getting put out for the last 8 years each and every Monday.

If you like it - watch it. We all have tastes. But don't think that it's the best wrestling company in the world. Just because there's money behind it and they do it in a big arena doesn't mean squat. A huge arena makes the product "good" just as much you standing in a garage makes you a car.

Picture WWE in the iMPACT Zone and then picture TNA in a sold out Madison Square Garden and you'll see where I'm coming from.

Thats exactly what i think, it seems like people are afraid of watching something else, cant beat them, join them right? thats bullshit, have some fucking brains and watch something thats interesting, not the same crap over and over again. They had a great opportunity with nexus and look... cena beat the last two in less than 5 minutes.... wow way to establish young talent...
I listened to kiddy music when i was 5... i dont listen to it cause guess what...i grew up, and when i was a teen i thought this company did the same, highly mistaken
lol... its funny, sometimes I wonder if I am watching the same monday night raw or PPV that a lot of you guys are watching. I spend most of the time fast forwarding through a lot of WWE tv. And when the show is over Im thinking that was crap.Tthen I get on this site and MOST of you are saying how great RAW or the PPV was. We are all initialed to our own opinions. But A lot of you guys give way to much credit.

I am wrestling fan. I watch what entertains me. Sometimes its TNA, or ROH and sometimes its WWE.
It's all a matter of opinion my friend....

I'm sorry that all these post's praising WWE pisses you off, but's it not like this thread is gonna make all of us stop and go "Hey you know something? I just realized that WWE Sucks? I'm gonna go watch TNA" It just doesn't work like that. I watch WWE Because they don't rely on Shock value to get good ratings, they have a lot of young talent that I am very fond of like Sheamus and Drew mcintyre, plus they are not focusing on old Washed up Wrestler's who are 10 years past there prime to hog the Spotlight.

The PG rating doesn't bother me because I personally don't think you need Blood and Boobs to make a good wrestling show, for horror moves that stuff is great, and it fit in well in the attitude era, but nowadays I just don't think it's relevant.

If the "Crap" you are referring to in the WWE is the nexus, than I strongly disagree with you. I think the Nexus is a great angle because it is simultaneously pushing 6 different young stars at the same time, and I just think it's a pretty creative angle to begin with.

There are things that are going on in the WWE that I am NOT happy with, but that doesn't turn me away from the product completely. Call me a mark if you want, But I have reasons why I enjoy most WWE programming for the most part.

I hope I got the meaning of this thread...I still don't quite know what you are trying to ask.
It's all a matter of opinion my friend....

I'm sorry that all these post's praising WWE pisses you off, but's it not like this thread is gonna make all of us stop and go "Hey you know something? I just realized that WWE Sucks? I'm gonna go watch TNA" It just doesn't work like that. I watch WWE Because they don't rely on Shock value to get good ratings, they have a lot of young talent that I am very fond of like Sheamus and Drew mcintyre, plus they are not focusing on old Washed up Wrestler's who are 10 years past there prime to hog the Spotlight.

The PG rating doesn't bother me because I personally don't think you need Blood and Boobs to make a good wrestling show, for horror moves that stuff is great, and it fit in well in the attitude era, but nowadays I just don't think it's relevant.

If the "Crap" you are referring to in the WWE is the nexus, than I strongly disagree with you. I think the Nexus is a great angle because it is simultaneously pushing 6 different young stars at the same time, and I just think it's a pretty creative angle to begin with.

There are things that are going on in the WWE that I am NOT happy with, but that doesn't turn me away from the product completely. Call me a mark if you want, But I have reasons why I enjoy most WWE programming for the most part.

I hope I got the meaning of this thread...I still don't quite know what you are trying to ask.

For some reason, people go after tna here, i said i was a wrestling fan, tna roh, pwg, dg.

and when i talked about crap, i was referring to everything, you say they dont focus on washed up stars?

didnt taker just come back? to end kanes first legitimate title reign?

in a similar fashion as when he buried cm punk and destroyed whatever momentum he had a year ago, did he get it back? doesnt seem like it as the SES loses every match and they just lost serena.

oh and lets not forget Triple H is coming back sometime soon... prepare yourself for the career burial, and then you once again have taker as world champion and triple h as wwe champion (both over 40)
For some reason, people go after tna here, i said i was a wrestling fan, tna roh, pwg, dg.

and when i talked about crap, i was referring to everything, you say they dont focus on washed up stars?

didnt taker just come back? to end kanes first legitimate title reign?

in a similar fashion as when he buried cm punk and destroyed whatever momentum he had a year ago, did he get it back? doesnt seem like it as the SES loses every match and they just lost serena.

oh and lets not forget Triple H is coming back sometime soon... prepare yourself for the career burial, and then you once again have taker as world champion and triple h as wwe champion (both over 40)

First, Taker did come back, but Kane is still the World Heavyweight champion. I don't consider Taker washed up because he can still put on great matches, unlike Hogan,Flair Etc.

You have a point about the Triple H thing, it's likely he might come back and bury a superstar and become champion again, but he didn't seem to have a problem with letting Sheamus "Put him out of action" at Extreme rules, that little victory is part of the reason Sheamus is the Champion now.

Look, Bottom line Is I watch what entertains me. Despite WWE flaw's, They manage to keep my interest. TNA just doesn't, They have some good talent, but the Product lacks in my opinion.

As far as ROH is concerned, it's a Great Wrestling promotion with a lot of talent, but you can't compare it to the WWE, because the WWE is Entertainment before Wrestling, and ROH is Wrestling before entertainment.
As far as ROH is concerned, it's a Great Wrestling promotion with a lot of talent, but you can't compare it to the WWE, because the WWE is Entertainment before Wrestling, and ROH is Wrestling before entertainment.

Excuse me, but since when is entertaiment more important than wrestling. That statement is absolute nonsense. "WWE is better because they have entertainment first". Do you also watch porn for the acting? Jesus Christ...

Last time I checked this thing we all know and love was called PROFESSIONAL WRESTLING. Fuck "sports entertainment". That's just a term Vince McMahon created because his wrestlers suck as wrestlers and 99% of the time as entertainers.

Doesn't anybody get that wrestling fans can be entertained through um..umm.... WRESTLING?! There's this little shitty ass no-name no-good team called The Motor City Machine Guns and two other Gumbas called Beer Money. They had 5 different matches over 5 different weeks and it was the best thing going in TNA because of the...oh you know it.. WRESTLING! They cut ONE promo during the five weeks. ONE promo and it was 1 minute long before they started making art. These five matches were better than any Nexus, Fortune, Hogan coming to TNA, fuckin' secret General Manager storyline thingy this year. THAT is proof that wrestling can still do the trick, but Vinnie Mac doesn't do it so people figured it's dead. Vince is a 60 or 70 years old man who clearly lost his touch. How the FUCK is a senile grandpa gonna tell a young demographic what's cool?

And I'm not saying matches after matches after matches with no promos or anything, but I watch TNA/ROH and every other company because I really like the wrestling, not because I like the storylines. I rarely like a storyline in ANY company because as a wrestling fan for over 20 years there's hardly anything I've never seen.

And by the way, what the fuck's so entertaining about WWE. Okay, they put "entertainment" first. What's so different from WWF in the mid-80's and 90's which wasn't called sports entertainment. We have less ammount of storylines, we have the same ammount of wrestling, the talent is much worse because they all fucking come straight from wrestling school. How is present day WWE "Sports Entertainment". From what I'm seeing, it ain't no sport and it sure as HELL isn't entertaining. Maybe not to me, it used to be a WHILE since I was seven years old. Vince erased the word "wrestling" from WWE's vocabulary. When's the last time you heard it? They don't even call their damn wrestlers "wrestlers", they call them "entertainers" as if they're a bunch of fucking ****s, which they pretty much are.

TNA gets shit on because they sign ex-WWE guys and the likes of Hogan and Bischoff, and because they have old farts wrestle. If you do your research you'll find that a LOT of WWE's guys are ex-TNA, ECW and WCW guys. You'll ALSO find out that they have almost the same ammount of active wrestlers who are over 40. If you bash TNA for having Bischoff and Hogan in management, you sure as hell should bash WWE for having Pat Paterson and Vince McMahon in management. TNA isn't the only one that does these things, it's just the second company on the list so insults ahoy!
The PG era blows... It's completely marketed towards kids and pushes old school fans out...

They are failing to produce new stars... The ratings, buyrates, and stock are dropping...

But hey! Linda might buy herself a Senate seat...

That's all it is about... Vince has made more than enough money in the business and it looks like his grapefruits have shreveled into raisens... All so Linda can become a Senator...

There is not one star on the roster that can become the next Austin or Rock...

And it really doesn't matter if it's PG or not... The writing just blows... If you need prove of that, the biggest angle in the company is centered around a bunch of rookies... The storyline is falling apart because Super Cena already got DDT on the concrete and came back to beat two of their strongest members by himself... Skip is hurt, Danielson took himself out of the angle because of a rookie mistake... Now the only one left with any talent is Barret... And that is who is involved in the best angle WWE has put out in 5 years... It's pathetic...

The only reason I watch WWE anymore is because my DVR records it and I am usually up at weird times when nothing else is on...

And for the people who think itms a cycle... If Linda wins, we are doomed into the cartoon era for a lot longer than you think... There is no way they will go back to the Attitude Era with her in that big of a role in the Government...

I just wish TNA would start writing better stuff... Their young stars are better than WWE's in my opinion...

Sheamus, Drew McIntyre, Cody Rhodes, Alberto Del Rio, Hart Dynasty.... Etc...

Those guys are WWE's future... It's not looking good...

Unless WWE steals (or takes back) guys like Beer Money (Especially Robert Roode), The Pope, Anderson, and AJ... I see no real future stars in WWE... Nobody that can carry the ball for the company...

Hopefully one day TNA will rise and utilize the stars they have and stop producing storylines that are left unexplained... Then maybe they can become big enough to force WWE to change modes and actually look for the next Austin, Rock, or HBK... Until then, old school fans are fucked...

I just noticed, everything I said in an earlier thread pretty much can be applied to this one... So I reposted it above...

Yes, WWE will always have the loyal followers who will watch no matter what... Just because the production value and name, WWE, are imprinted on the product... WWE has been producing crap for a while now and I for one have grown tired of WWE... I watch because I love wrestling and watch any form of wrestling I can catch... I watch RoH whenever they play it OnDemand, I have bought a few DGUSA PpVs, Viva La Lucha, TNA, Local... It doesn't matter, but WWE is definitely my least favorite... They have some great talent and week after week, it's the Cena show... Even when he's not the champion or not in the main event, you get the hint, he's the most important guy on the show... Followed closely by Orton...

Like I said above, I see them producing no new stars... Sheamus is the only example that people can give and does anyone REALLY see this guy as the face of WWE's future? I'm Irish damnit and I know he's not that great... lol

Maybe I am just bitter about the downfall of the last Golden Age, But I just wish WWE would atleast TRY to give us something to watch and be entertained by...
Whilst I don't agree with the feeling that all WWE fans mark out for everything that the company does, I do agree that the standard of product that WWE is offering is markedly inferior to the shows when they had serious competition and had to innovate to keep and attract their audience.

They seem to be coasting and I believe that this more than the immediate actions of any other company is what will lead to them having another crisis.

At present I prefer to watch TNA, not because of the story lines but because of the in-ring quality, which for the most part is of a high standard. I still enjoy Flairs promos however usually get a drink when Hogan/Bischoff turn up. I don't think the EV2.0 is a great idea or a well executed angle but the younger stars make up for it.

Lastly TNA does (and mostly rightfully) get slated for using Hogan, Flair et al, but come on who can say they are looking forward to Bret Hart's next appearance. They're killing The Hitman's legacy everytime he rocks up on TV.
I just noticed, everything I said in an earlier thread pretty much can be applied to this one... So I reposted it above...

Yes, WWE will always have the loyal followers who will watch no matter what... Just because the production value and name, WWE, are imprinted on the product... WWE has been producing crap for a while now and I for one have grown tired of WWE... I watch because I love wrestling and watch any form of wrestling I can catch... I watch RoH whenever they play it OnDemand, I have bought a few DGUSA PpVs, Viva La Lucha, TNA, Local... It doesn't matter, but WWE is definitely my least favorite... They have some great talent and week after week, it's the Cena show... Even when he's not the champion or not in the main event, you get the hint, he's the most important guy on the show... Followed closely by Orton...

Like I said above, I see them producing no new stars... Sheamus is the only example that people can give and does anyone REALLY see this guy as the face of WWE's future? I'm Irish damnit and I know he's not that great... lol

Maybe I am just bitter about the downfall of the last Golden Age, But I just wish WWE would atleast TRY to give us something to watch and be entertained by...

They are giving you something to watch and be entertained by. The Nexus angle has been the most interesting thing on RAW is years. The top guy in the company was getting destroyed every other week. Young talent is being built on RAW and on Smackdown.

If you've grown tired of WWE, then why do you still watch?
You know, I think you're right. I think the WWE could learn something from ROH, TNA and miscellaneous other promotions. In fact, I think they've started.

When Randy Orton goes from resthold to resthold, that's classic Ring of Honor. Man, he can from a chinlock to a headlock to an earlock. Shiiiiiiit. Then he goes and ruins it by doing something like, I dunno, making sixty-thousand people jump out their seat by reversing a Shooting Star Press into an RKO. Man, change the channel.

Last night, I thought the WWE had finally seen the light. Out comes Zack Ryder to challenge Sheamus. "Finally," I thought, "A title match of no consequence where we know the winner before it's even started." Classic ROH! And then it goes and ruins it by revealing it's an introduction into a huge main event at a pay-per-view where either the two biggest faces in wrestling or the two most interesting heels in wrestling will be walking out with the title. What the fuck is this shit? A match that will actually matter? The possibility of a title change? Not being filmed in a high school gymnasium? Haven't you learned anything, WWE?

With Nexus, I thought we had something. "An invasion angle that doesn't make any sense? Why, that's TNA all over!". But then they go on to actually explain enough without ruining their mystique? Aw man, you were so close!

"Finally," I'm thinking as SummerSlam draws near, "Finally, this Nexus thing is losing steam. Hopefully they'll be no surprises and this thing will drag on for months longer than it needs to - just like one of TNA's incessant invasion angles." But then what do they fucking go and do? Bryan debuts, Cena wins, Young's kicked out and Barrett challenges for the title. The fuck is this shit? Actually making an effort to renew the viewer's interest in the angle? That's not what TNA would do!

Well, at least they're having the old stars going over all the young ones, right? WRONG! While TNA's being run ragged by EV 2.0, the WWE is building stars with Wade Barrett, Evan Bourne, Sheamus, Daniel Bryan and The Nexus. They have Chris Jericho lose to Wade Barrett? That's not right! Tell 'em, TNA! Established talent isn't there to enhance young talent! For fuck's sake! And your biggest stars, John Cena and Randy Orton, aren't even that old. Have them in the main event in, say, ten year's time instead. That's how you book.

The WWE doesn't have matches with people who've had no previous exposure that are completely inconsequential. Mistake number one. Their wrestlers understand basic psychology but still manage to make thousands of people pop out of their seats with insane spots. Mistake number two. Their angles make sense and, if they go on for a long time, they make an effort to help the viewer keep interest. Mistake number three. Their booking is consistent and their product doesn't change direction every few months. Mistake number four. Young and new talent is put over - especially by the company's biggest face, a man who's not even in his forties. Mistake number five.

You'd think that when this is yielding horrific results like, I dunno, millions of people watching their shows, millions more buying their merchandise and record profits, they'd switch it up. But apparently, they think money acts as an incentive!

World Wrestling Entertainment - Not Sharing The Socialist Dream Since 1952.

Thank you SO MUCH for making me have faith in the IWC again, This has to be one of the most spot on, perfectly written, and flat out best responses Ive read in a LONG time.

I agree, wholeheartedly, The wwe has been on the move these past few months and most people are just whiners looking for something to bitch about.

Its not about ''Liking whatever they give us'' , This is new and fresh stuff. We have a tag division thats slowly getting steam. New debuts, rookies getting shine, New comers have they're OWN SHOW. And the titles on BOTH shows are held be unexpected recipients. Where is the complaints.

On the other hand

In Tna

We have Flair/Hogan who clearly BOTH are there because divorces took chunks from they're wallets. People like Samoa Joe get suspended, most of the roster that gets burn are cast offs of Wwe's past or the guest list to a Amy Winehouse party. Its sad.

Yes, name Styles and the other HORRIDLY used great talent, I dare you. And Ill mention that they signed Scott Hall and the nasty boys....
They are giving you something to watch and be entertained by. The Nexus angle has been the most interesting thing on RAW is years. The top guy in the company was getting destroyed every other week. Young talent is being built on RAW and on Smackdown.

If you've grown tired of WWE, then why do you still watch?

I don't want to start a disrespectful war, because that is really immature...

But, did you even bother to read the post I quoted or the post I wrote?

I gave two reasons why I watch... I love wrestling and I have DVR so I watch whenever I am up at weird times and there is nothing else on TV...

The Nexus angle is already trashed... Cena proved he can beat Barret along with Gabrieal even after he has been DDT'd on the floor...

WWE is very stale right now... And A lot of posters have said and it's true, they are not even trying... They know people that either love wrestling or are pure WWE marks will watch no matter what... But what I can say is... I have spent money on TNA, RoH, DGUSA, even Viva La Lucha... But, I haven't spent money on a WWE PPV in probably eight years...
Thank you SO MUCH for making me have faith in the IWC again, This has to be one of the most spot on, perfectly written, and flat out best responses Ive read in a LONG time.

I agree, wholeheartedly, The wwe has been on the move these past few months and most people are just whiners looking for something to bitch about.

Its not about ''Liking whatever they give us'' , This is new and fresh stuff. We have a tag division thats slowly getting steam. New debuts, rookies getting shine, New comers have they're OWN SHOW. And the titles on BOTH shows are held be unexpected recipients. Where is the complaints.

On the other hand

In Tna

We have Flair/Hogan who clearly BOTH are there because divorces took chunks from they're wallets. People like Samoa Joe get suspended, most of the roster that gets burn are cast offs of Wwe's past or the guest list to a Amy Winehouse party. Its sad.

Yes, name Styles and the other HORRIDLY used great talent, I dare you. And Ill mention that they signed Scott Hall and the nasty boys....

Come on man, when is the last time you watched TNA? Hall and the Nasty Boys were given a chance, it didn't work and they've been gone for months... TNA has and does push the nostalgia a little too much, but they are trying to cater to the old school fans that WWE has been ignoring...

And even with the EV2 thing going on, if you watch... Guys like Fortune, Morgan, Beer Money, MCMGs, Pope, and Angle have all be the main focus of the show...

EV2 is just their to put over the young guys and give some of the older guys one last run while trying to recapture some of the fans that used to love ECW...

And yes, I will give WWE some credit... They have been better in the last few months than they have been in years... But, aside from Nexus, which is now trashed... There are no surprises, no nothing... I mean who didn't know from the first promo Kane cut that Kane was the one who attacked Taker??? I mean REALLY???

The Miz is one of the only entertaining parts of RAW because even if his promos are scripted, he delivers them with passion and even though he is a heel, you want to like the guy... I'm surprised that they let him have a long back and forth match with Cena... Which was pretty good until the BS finish... So, I'll give them credit for trying to get Miz over...

Edit: I forgot to address the Tag team situation... How has WWE been trying to get Tag teams over??? Archer and Hawkins must be on Superstars because they are hardly ever on Smackdown anymore... The Uso's just jobbed to Koslov and Santino...Really??? The Hart Dynasty hasn't defended the titles in forever and will probably be the next team to job to Koslov and Santino... WWE would rather push comedy than wrestlers... Watch TNA if you want to see good Tag team matches... Period...
the IWC just loves to complain. whether its complaining about a wrestler, a show, a company or the industry.

2 of the most sickening things to read are "if you don't like the programming don't watch it" as many ppl have said when you watch something for so long you'll always be kinda interested in it. i've been watching for 15 years and i'm still interested (SLIGHTLY) so i know ppl who've been watching for 20, 30+ years who hate the product are still interested. if we were all raised on ROH and some newer company called WWF or WWE came along we probably wouldn't pay much attention to that either.

the other of the 2 most sickening things to read are just the petty little complaints. you can't force somebody to watch ROH or DG or even TNA you just can't. if ppl wanna spend their money for WWE stuff (and Linda's Senate seat) then by all means let them do it.

earlier in this thread someone complained about how fans went crazy over the RKO to Evan Bourne last month. u know what that is? thats a petty complaint. now i didn't see it live so i had to look it up and ya know what? it was pretty great. i've never seen it before and of course he hit the RKO when Bourne was pretty close to the mat but WTF was he supposed to do stand up before Bourne even jumped off the ropes.

and 1 of my favorites...the old guys are still getting the spotlight. you know why? cause when they're not in the main events the ratings go down. and why the hell are ppl still complaining about Scott Hall dudes been gone from TNA for months. and as for Undertaker (and i'll admit i'm still a bit of a mark for the guy) he can still put on great matches and hes still 1 of the 3 most popular ppl in the company (based off crowd reactions) with it.

and "oh the young talent isn't being pushed right". and i'll admit sometimes i join that crowd cause the guys i like don't get great pushes but they got the Harty Dynasty as tag champs, Sheamus as world champ, the Nexus guys are getting pushed HARD, Miz, McIntyre (although i just don't see whats so great about the guy), etc etc.

now there are times when valid complaints are made...i think we all know whats gonna happen when HHH returns.
There are so many things wrong with the *ahem* IWC (chuckle) that its not even funny. First off, WWE has been the top wrestling promotion since the Monday Night Wars, so don't say they have something to learn from ROH or DGUSA, who aren't even really off the ground yet. Even if WWE did start to utilize some of the things from these two indy promotions, you smarks would just jump on it and say "oh, the mighty WWE is stealing ideas from the indies, wtf, I gotta hope on my computer and share my feelings about it" *snotty little kid voice* Seriously, I can't believe some of the crap that gets discussed on here sometimes. I watch as much wrestling as I can, from all promotions, and WWE is good, enjoyable, entertaining programming. Not all the episodes are riveting, but nothing is perfect all the time. I don't see the point of this rant? Are we damaging you by being loyal to WWE? Are we affecting your income by not watching ROH? I remember being a little kid and absolutely loving every wrestling program I could get my hands on. I'm glad that hasn't changed as an adult. It must be awesome to be so embittered about something you used to actually enjoy. Peace, I'm gonna go back to the real world and punch myself in the balls for responding to this garbage.
i agree with the original poster because i find myself frustrated with some of the things the wwe does because it more entertainment orientated than wrestling orientated which is why i only attend tna and roh events and have never been to the wwe event heck i even went to a AAA event when i went down to Cancun on vacation and i prefer more of the in-ring product. however, I think the best way to force a change in product direction is to boycott watching on television (which will hurt the ratings) and watch the product on youtube and hulu or the psn for the ps3 were the companies put the shows on shortly after they air
OK, thought I would give my opinion for what its worth.

My fave company at the mo is TNA. The reason? Because from the 1st time I saw the X division matches between Lynn and Styles I was hooked. I am still hooked. TNA has an air of unpredictability that WWE lacks and has lacked for a while (not to say they haven't surprised me on occasion). Yes TNA can be downright absurd. Yes TNA sometimes makes me wanna bang my head against the wall. Yes TNA can sometimes be a clusterfuck (they are getting better at this) Yes TNA kill storylines halfway through without explanation. Its for all these reaons (and more) that I tune in regimentally every week, because I have no idea what is going to happen (I don't read spoilers, its like knowing my fave sports teams result before watching the highlights).

I still watch WWE. I enjoy Smackdown. I even like NXT. I don't understand Raw. It can be good, but rarely. I like wrestling, thats why I enjoy TNA and Smackdown, whereas Raw is (I can feel the S word coming).....'sports entertainment'. The only things that entertain me consistently on Raw are: Seamus, Jericho and Santino (he has more charisma ad wrestling ability in his little finger than Orton and Miz combined) I don't understand why Orton is so popular, it wasn't long ago that he and HHH stunk out WM, plus a never ending boredom filled feud with Cena, which we will see again I'm sure. I don't mind Cena. I hate the concept of Supercena, but then I hated Hogan for the same reasons. Cena, despite his detractors can have a decent, sometimes great match with almost anyone. That being said, would I rather watch Cena/Orton or Styles/Angle, only a 'sports entertainment' fan would suggest the former.

Tag team contest, ROH are also miles ahead of WWE in this department. The Nexus angle (which has been hugely over hyped) and NXT2 may actually provide us with some depth in this division for WWE....but I doubt it.

Divas....hahaha you must be joking, its the Knockouts all the way (even though I miss Kong and ODB, maybe I have a weird fetish for fat ugly wrestlers) I feel sorry for Gail, Beth and Natalya. They have shown more interest in the Divas recently, so maybe theres hope. WWE should sign!

I could go on, but I won't. What I really want to say is WRESTLING IS DYING! Thre's a reason WWE doesn't have ratings or PPV buys like the good old days. They are unable to maintain interest in a product that is dying. Wrestling has 'bottomed out'. The competition. Rivalry creates ratings and PPV buys. Thats why there was a brand extension, to try and recreate this feeling of rivalry, but when was the last time SD and Raw got pissed with each other? People will talk aout TNA's lower ratings and PPV buys, but lets not forget how far TNA have come....and they are still here. They must be doing something right to maintain their fanbase? I see a lot of posters saying TNA will die soon and blah blah blah. I don't consider you people wrestling fact you are idiots. Wrestling needs TNA, ROH, DG etc to thrive, and so does WWE (not to their expense of course but to their benefit). Lets not forget TNA haters that WWE is a worldwide corporation with billions behind it. TNA is restricted currently to Florida, so considering their flagship show Impact has a third of the viewers WWE's flagship show Raw has, then maybe you can put things into perspective. Remember TNA gets better ratings than NXT and Superstars and its not too far behind Smackdown. Once they make the move from the Impact zone, it will be all systems go.

To conclude wrestling needs TNA and the indys to succeed and improve their overall product. The reason....thats where all the 'best' talent is.

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