No Jarrett, No Problem

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The Future Mr. Kelly Kelly
After watching last night's Impact, I think it may actually be a good thing not having Jeff Jarrett around.

That show actually wasn't half bad and I pray it wasn't simply because it was their 200th episode.

There's a little too much chaos going on for my liking, with everyone and their brother seemingly beating each other up... but overall, the show was 100 times better than it has been in recent weeks.

Anyone else think it may have been because Jarrett was MIA or was it simply a case of the dog finding a bone every once in a while ??
Don't know but Jarrett is definately an eye sore for me to watch. He is not entertaining. On a side note I thought last night was just great, as I am a fan of constant turns and over the top back stage scenarios. I love chaos as long as it has purpose and means something, and I think last night's show moved every storyline that they are working on forward. Sometimes I don't care if I see it coming, if its what I want, I am fine with it.

Back on topic, the longer Jarrett stays off of television the better for me as the show is much more entertaining without him. He just has a look that I never liked, and he doesn't fit well into the current direction TNA is takings its characters. So yeah...No Jarrett, No Problem AT ALL. He isn't the reason anyone likes TNA anyway (character wise).
I really enjoyed last nights Impact (I usually enjoy Impact anyway) I like the fact that Jeff Jarrett wasn't on the show . Let me ask you a question IWC did you miss him ? I didn't . There was enough Drama on the show I mean come on Did anyone see Hernendez beating Joe ? that was great it created a new feud! Stevie putting a $50,000 bounty on Abyss (Classic Old School) Awesome !! The World Elite winning the IWGP Tag Team Titles AWESOME ! (Gives them Credibility) AJ Styles getting his "fire" back that can only be good for TNA , I think after the best of three series is over win or lose AJ Styles -VS- Eric Young could be a great feud with alot of GREAT MATCHES (They are both good workers) and fans who don't know the real Eric Young are going to see that in the near future !! So they awnser to this thread is NO TNA DOESN'T NEED JEFF JARRETT ON A REGULAR BASIS (anymore) . Use him like you use anyother TNA Wrestler when there is a place for him .

*game show Music playing* That's all the time we have wrestling fans tune in next time for more eye popping , thought provoking , thrilling action on the Rated R Superfan Post show !!! PEACE & LOVE 2 EVERY 1 *fade to Black*
I think Jarrett being out of the picture is a great thing. It benefits everyone, especially the roster and the show. It may not benefit Don West but we'll see I think Taz's role with Joe is too short and too great to let him just be an announcer. I believe that was the best Impact I've seen in a long time. No blindfold matches, no scrabble playing with celebrities, and no jobbing talent to 60 year old announcers. Sorry WWE. Stevie Richards was amazing on his promo. So was Angle and Bobby Lashley actually surprised me. The less he talks the better and it showed. I'm no Eric Young fan but after the promo he cut last night I was amazed and am now jumping on the EY bandwagon. I think if more Impact's and PPV's were this quality then TNA will have nothing to worry about. Let's hope that Jarrett stays out of the picture.
Based on the two recent TNA firings of Dutch Mantell and Savio Vega (rumored to be JJ yes men), the "No Jarrett, No Problem" direction may within a couple of months be a permanent thing.

Based on these firings, it would lead one to believe and speculate that maybe the JJ / Karen Angle rumors are indeed true and that all the lawyers on all sides are going to have to workout some sort of buyout plan to get Jarrett out of the picture. The first phaze being firing all the yes men to where 'the stroke' will no longer have 'the influence'. In most professionally ran corporations (especially in publically traded organizations where share prices and shareholders can sway based on news of disruption and chaos in the corporate offices), what JJ has allegedly done with the ex-wife of a fellow employee would simply not be tolerated and he would be booted out the door very rapidly. But because JJ is not only an employee, he is a stakeholder and negotiating a buyout while at the same time JJ not admitting fault will be very difficult.

I personally believe the 200th episode was considerably better than previous shows because of (1): no 'guest hosts' with no 'products to pimp' and (2): No 'flashbacks' to great scenes of the previous 199 episodes like WWE usually does on an episode anniversary. I now wonder if it was booked by a different group of people?

The Stevie promo had flashes of the old Harley Race / flair promo of "Someone take the money" that lead up to Flair/ Race at Starrcade I. The "World Elite" promo was both the formation of the faction as a group to battle the Frontline and the MEM (even though EY's promo was very klitchy and unbelieveable to me). But most importantly, we saw the beginnings of making Hernandez a star even though he is working out ring rust from his injury.
That show was already written by Jarrett and Co before he got sent home. First show to feature the new booking team will be Hard Justice
Yes it was the direction Jarrett had planned out but Russo took it over and made a lot of it his own.
No offence to Jerret, But I remeber him when he was trying to destroy TNA to the point of sting calling him the Cancer of TNA. Then JJ makes a comeback & harps about how HE Made TNA from the ground up. THEN it's rumored JJ is sleeping with Karen Angle.

And if TNA has to choose batween Angle & JJ who do you think Dixe Carter & Russo are going to vouch for ?

This isin't a "I HATE JERRET" opnion, these are just things JJ has done so far in tna. Plus if I heard right the 200th episode wasn't managed my Jerret I watched it & it was Fairly decent. TNA Can Live without Jeff Jerret.
No offence to Jerret, But I remeber him when he was trying to destroy TNA to the point of sting calling him the Cancer of TNA. Then JJ makes a comeback & harps about how HE Made TNA from the ground up. THEN it's rumored JJ is sleeping with Karen Angle.

And if TNA has to choose batween Angle & JJ who do you think Dixe Carter & Russo are going to vouch for ?

This isin't a "I HATE JERRET" opnion, these are just things JJ has done so far in tna. Plus if I heard right the 200th episode wasn't managed my Jerret I watched it & it was Fairly decent. TNA Can Live without Jeff Jerret.

This isn't just about Jarrett vs Angle, its the fact that Angle is putting management against a wall to get what he wants. A perfect example of inmates running the Asylum
Well think about it, Angle is Using his REP to get what he wants. I thinks he's earnd the right to do so. IF he's kicked out of TNA WWE benefits, If he stays Jerret is out, no big loss no offence, I mean that 100%.

And there's ways the possiblity that Angile will go MMA *cough* UFC *Cough* Angle has more than enough Back stage political power he needs in the end Angle will beifit 100% which ever way this turns out
Well think about it, Angle is Using his REP to get what he wants. I thinks he's earnd the right to do so. IF he's kicked out of TNA WWE benefits, If he stays Jerret is out, no big loss no offence, I mean that 100%.

And there's ways the possiblity that Angile will go MMA *cough* UFC *Cough* Angle has more than enough Back stage political power he needs in the end Angle will beifit 100% which ever way this turns out

WWE doesnt think Angle will pass a drug test, so not alot of interest. Good for Angle. I am thinking on TNA's behalf

TNA was built off the vision of Jeff Jarrett. While AJ Styles, AMW and the X Division were instrumental, Jeff Jarrett's backing got TNA where they are at. Doesn't anyone else find it wrong that Jeff Jarrett might have no say in the decision of the company he founded
you are 100% right Jerret had everything & lost it. It is Ironic & possibly just bad karma for jeff.

But angle could go back to wwe if he tried & proved he's cleaned up by jumping threw alot of hoops. I just think jerret will loose in the end.

Angle has got leverage & "say" in TNA, if Tna looses him it's not angles loss.
If Jerret goes what does he do, go to ROH ? or crawling back to wwe ?

Jerret is on trial & angle has the jurry in his pocket
Creatively, I see TNA actually improving with Jeff Jarrett, Dutch Mantel, and yes-man Savio Vega gone. I can only imagine that Vince Russo will likely get promoted to Head Booker. He has the capability to finally get Vince to raise an eyebrow or two, however, he has to be in Dixie's ear about much-needed changes that need to take place regarding Brand Image, Marketing, and Advertising. Because none of the changes he will make will do a damn thing unless their Marketing department gets their asses in gear.

Hopefully, Russo, if promoted, will change the damn ring to a traditional ring, though. The 6 sided ring is the first thing that needs to go.
Creatively, I see TNA actually improving with Jeff Jarrett, Dutch Mantel, and yes-man Savio Vega gone. I can only imagine that Vince Russo will likely get promoted to Head Booker. He has the capability to finally get Vince to raise an eyebrow or two, however, he has to be in Dixie's ear about much-needed changes that need to take place regarding Brand Image, Marketing, and Advertising. Because none of the changes he will make will do a damn thing unless their Marketing department gets their asses in gear.

Hopefully, Russo, if promoted, will change the damn ring to a traditional ring, though. The 6 sided ring is the first thing that needs to go.

I don't think the 6 sided ring is a problem at all. :headscratch: Whenever I've had casual fans (my friends) watch the show with me, if anything they think it looks cool.

I don't care whether Jarrett is there or not. I just hope they can continue their success and improve with or without him. I'm assuming he had a hand in the 200th episode and that was a pretty good show. The crowd was a lot hotter than normal for it which made the show come off very nicely.
I think Jarrett is needed right now.
It seems that MEM are still battling the frontline, but the Frontline seems to only be consisting of Mick Foley, Bobby Lashley and AJ Styles right now, with Mick Foley as the leader apparently.
But Mick Foley no longer has good matches, Bobby Lashley will leave TNA if there ever comes a time when he can make more money from MMA and Styles seems to have become very complacent about beating the MEM since losing his Legends title. Plus AJ hasn't doing anything noteworthy in quite a long time.
With that line-up in the Frontline, it seems MEM will be around forever as the Frontline doesn't pose much of a threat to them. Yeah, Lashley and Foley won on Impact, but eventually Lashley will lose his "new hot star in TNA" heat, and he'll just end up as a normal wrestler. If MEM ends up just winning every week because of the lame Frontline line-up, then that will lost viewers in the long run. Jeff Jarrett is needed because he's the only one who would be believable as a leader of the Frontline who could lead them to victory. He's beaten a good few members of the MEM, unlike the rest of them. Plus it's believable that Jarrett is trying to protect his company.

Also, Jarrett is one of the only TNA main eventers who can still consistantly put on good matches, which they desperately need right now. Victory Road had absolutely no good matches, and I think Jarrett would've been able to put on a good match so the PPV wouldn't been as awful. When a PPV is going badly, Jarrett is known for putting on a great performance to try and save the show.

So I think TNA does need Jarrett. More than they need Taz or Foley, anyway.
Well you have to remember that TNA is in a new taping schedule so if I am correct, like others mentioned, then Jarrett booked this show. I think the first show that is booked without Jarrett or Dutch Mantel is their next pay per view. Anyways, I think this show was good probably because it was their 200th episode. They are obviously going to try and do a good show since they’ve reached a landmark. It’s a big achievement for them to still be alive after 200 episodes of Impact so maybe they wanted to celebrate it by having a good show. Now, there could be other reasons as to why the show was good. There have been many times in the past where they have shown that they can have good shows even when Jarrett is booking them. So, maybe this was just one of those times were they suddenly booked a good show. My guess is that it could be either one of those reasons and it could be a likely possibility that that’s why the show was good.
I don't think the 6 sided ring is a problem at all. :headscratch: Whenever I've had casual fans (my friends) watch the show with me, if anything they think it looks cool.

I don't care whether Jarrett is there or not. I just hope they can continue their success and improve with or without him. I'm assuming he had a hand in the 200th episode and that was a pretty good show. The crowd was a lot hotter than normal for it which made the show come off very nicely.

What needs to improve is TNA's Brand Image. And I know others on here may think it's silly, but I truly and honestly feel that the 6-Sided ring is holding TNA back. It looks too much like a Pro Wrestling Alternative. TNA is in fact a WWE product alternative, however I want the group to become more Mainstream. If it wants to do that, it has to look like a Mainstream Pro Wrestling Organization. And I think a traditional 4-sided ring definitely plays a big part into any brand's perception amongst the casual fans.
Hopefully Jarrett stays off TV for a while. If the rumors are true(I think that they are otherwise he wouldn't be on a leave of absence), then he shouldn't be brought back to TNA. You don't sleep with your friend's ex-wife lol. But seriously though, Jarrett is pretty boring IMO. I mean who would you rather watch, Kurt Angle or Jeff Jarrett. I'll choose Kurt Angle any day.
I think that Jarrett as a wrestler really hurts TNA. As an on screen character I just can't stand him. He is supposed to be the face leader of the company, but for some reason I can't help but hate him. His promos just come off to scripted and fake. I think he works much better as a heel. I also think he takes up way too much time of TV when he's there. We're guaranteed to get 3 or 4 Jarrett segments a week when everything could be done in 1 or 2.

As far as the backstage stuff goes, I'm not sure because I'm not there. Considering he's the founder of the company and everything, I don't think he should be forced out completely. I'm sure he still has some great ideas and can do things that can help the company as a whole. As long as he's not on TV, I'm fine with it.
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