Jeff Jarrett

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Well this was interesting...He went to Dixie with his tail tucked between his legs, almost begging for his job back. I get that he's a broken man, and he's gone through a lot, but this isn't the best way to have him return.

The segment with Angle was good for what it was, but what do you expect with Angle working the important end of it? Jarrett seems to be coming back in a wrestling role, more than anything else, and that may be for the best, making him a "sure thing" in a world full of uncertainty with Hogan taking over.
okay here is my theory on the jeff jarrett thing IT'S A WORK. First you have Jeff hurting with a pulled hamstring just before he "hooks up with Karen Angle" (okay they maybe dateing but that stuff has happen in wrestling for years nothing new there where one guy gets with anothers ex). So someone calls that radio show and breaks the news which leads to a) jeff being set home, b) dixie tells everyone to not call the show anymore (oh yeah and the show just happens to be Hogans best friends show.) Second Hogan says he's joining tna. now the IWC knows the history between jeff and Hogan two and Vinnie Ru so it plays right in to what they want to keep us guessing you know what wrestling is all about.
We finally got to see him back in the Impact Zone, and he got just the reaction we'd all expect. The angle with Hogan, trying to make Double J the heel, is just not going to work.

Everyone who has spent months/years watching TNA, knows that he is the man to thank, and they're not going to hate him, merely because Hogan rode in on a white limo with his trusty steed Eric Bischoff.

I like the idea of getting to see Jarrett in the ring again, only because I wasn't a fan the first time around, and I've been excited about his return. I can't explain it, it's just the way it is.
It will be nice to see Jarrett in the ring again without hogging the spotlight and championship for himself. This angle is really going to confuse the shit out of me though. I mean Jarrett the face here, no matter what you do, you can't call out the founder of the company and expect to be a face against him when Jarrett started it all.

However, that's the good thing about the ending of the show, it leaves you to wonder where Hogan's allegiance lies. Foley and Jarrett are clearly going to be on the same page, so it should be interesting to see what comes of it all.
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