No Evan Bourne thread?


The King of Swing
what the hell people? Evan "Air" Bourne returned last night and pinned a 2 time WWE champion! wheres the excitement? wheres the discussion?

now with all seriousness:

evan bourne did return last night and i'd say got a decent pop from the live crowd. Although sheamus had just gotten his ass handed to him by hhh, bourne did pin a 2 time wwe champ in what was basically a squash match.

so what does the next few months hold in store for evan? if there is a MITB match at mania (and heres hoping) i assume he would be in it. but do you think this will lead to a feud with sheamus? or any type of push for evan?
Pretty sure he'll go back to jobbing unfortunately...

Raw's mid and uppercard is already full...MAYBE a US title push if he's lucky.
I have to say I was pleasantly surprised by the return of Evan Bourne. Last guy I had expected when they kept saying that Sheamus had a upcoming match, following the Triple H attack. I did quite enjoy the way it all worked out though, Evan Bourne was used a couple times to get Sheamus over right before Bourne got injured. I can distinctly remember at least 3 matches where Sheamus beat Bourne, though they were pretty darn good matches at the time.

As far as where Evan Bourne goes from here? I'd say that a MitB match at Wrestlemania if they do have one. For sure. Beyond that, I'm hoping he's not just jobbed out frequently. He's too good of a talent and he has the ability to really play a character if you've ever seen him on Wrestling Society X. It's a shame he's an uber-baby face in WWE right now.

That said the eventual matches versus Sin Cara have me salivating.
Right On..... I am a huge Air Bourne Fan. His mic skills aren't bad at all. He is a super talent. His fights with Shemus prior to him getting hurt were great. (even though he lost) He gave an (E)ffort. A fued with new Superstar Sin Cara would be great. Down the line of course. MiTB may be too much right now. I mean him winning it. Let him be in it.
I thought it was awesome. His matches are always exciting. Plus he's one of the best at selling injuries.

He made the MITB match at Mania last year. If he wasn't in it, it would be a little more boring.

I would love to see him drafted to Smackdown and fight for the IC title match. It'll bring a little life into the competition for that title.
I'm a huge Evan Bourne fan and I was pleasantly surprised.
As for what is to come I've read that creative had a meeting with him and have something big planned for him at wrestlemania, althought things can change.
I cant really get into bournes persona. He comes out of the back and smiles really really big and lifts his hands up. Its kinda like the WWE thinks were are dumb and makes all these faces come out smiling and raising there hand. Just like the big show does also when hes a face , and mean faced when hes a heel. It just bothers me alot with bourne for some reason
I thought it was awesome. His matches are always exciting. Plus he's one of the best at selling injuries.

He made the MITB match at Mania last year. If he wasn't in it, it would be a little more boring.

I would love to see him drafted to Smackdown and fight for the IC title match. It'll bring a little life into the competition for that title.

Yeah, ever since Dolph dropped it to Kofi there has been nothing going on with the ic title. Kofi just keeps coming out and getting beat up by Del Rio, but that's probably cuz there won't be an ic title match at Mania cuz they want to stick guys like Kofi in the MITB match.
I'm not super stoked about his return. He's a very entertaining performer and I love to see his matches. I just don't see him as amounting to much other than jerking the curtain or doing dark matches.

I would love to see a match between Bourne and DB. If they were given a decent amount of time, say , on a PPV, that encounter could be epic.

He might be able to be a legit contender for the US Title, but that even seems like a stretch for me. But I do believe the dude will have a job for a long time to come. He's a valuable asset.
He'll be like Primo, Tyson Kidd, Yoshi, JTG, and Trent Barreta in like get matches against fellow competitors his size but lose to when someone needs momentum in upcoming PPV matches. And it was CM PUNK not King Sheamus who put him on the shelf. Monday on Raw it made Evan look weak get helped by Trips. I was hoping Sheamus would beat down Trips and all but nope it set-up for Evan beating him in like under 2 mins.
I have to say that I am a big Evan Bourne fan and it was very nice seeing him in the ring again. He is definitelt\y underutilized, and he needs at least a shot at the U.S. title. I would rather see him with it than that dull Danile Bryan. Welocome back AIR BOURNE!!!
I'm not a big Evan Bourne guy. His Air Bourne is impressive. But I have seen a Shooting Star Press before. So, other then that, I don't see much positive about him. I won't hate on the guy, but I just don't see that "Star" being "born" here. Pun intended.

I don't think he is bad or anything. I just don't think he is good enough to get over. It sort of feels that WWE and other federations out there, have enough guys that can do flippy do's and can't speak for shit. Bourne just doesn't excite me. I don't see him ever reaching a World Title. For his sake, I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see it happening.
I see him easily qualifying for MITB if it's held at Mania this year. If not, then he'll for sure be competing at the MITB ppv. He's an exciting performer and I can see him being a legitimate contender for the US title if not the champion. And while I've never seen Sin Cara's work, based on all the good things I've heard about the guy I would LOVE to see him face Bourne a few times. It should gives us really good matches to remember.

But as far as winning any major titles, I don't see Bourne going past upper midcard so I don't see him ever becoming world champion even if he beat Sheamus.
I would like to see him hit the big time but the scene is to crowded.His a great talent and should be drafted to SD and get a push for the IC title.
I'm not a big Evan Bourne guy. His Air Bourne is impressive. But I have seen a Shooting Star Press before. So, other then that, I don't see much positive about him. I won't hate on the guy, but I just don't see that "Star" being "born" here. Pun intended.

I don't think he is bad or anything. I just don't think he is good enough to get over. It sort of feels that WWE and other federations out there, have enough guys that can do flippy do's and can't speak for shit. Bourne just doesn't excite me. I don't see him ever reaching a World Title. For his sake, I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't see it happening.

Pretty much sums up my feelings, Billy Kidman could do a shooting star press where were all the marks clamoring for him to be a main eventer? Anyway we all know how WWE uses cruiserweights so don't expect a whole lot from him, maybe US or IC title but WHC highly unlikely. He will probably just go back to being a mainevent staple on Superstars with Trent Barretta and Yoshi.
I know this is a forum about Evan's return a few nights ago but i was just wondering what everyone thought about what to do with him in the coming weeks. How will he be pushed? Will he even be pushed? Will he be lost in the lower mid-card, start another meaningless tag-team, or be given a proper reward for his hard work and athleticism?

I think next week on RAW, King Sheamus will have a match against Daniel Bryan and will end his losing streak after an interference from DiBiase or (really going out on a limb here but maybe Tyson Kidd or Zack Ryder). After the match, Sheamus and DiBiase will attack Bryan and Bourne comes to his aid. This will set up a tag-team match for the next RAW with Bourne and Bryan vs. Sheamus and DiBiase. The next RAW could have a Triple Threat Number 1 Contender's match between Bourne, Sheamus, and DiBiase, with the winner receiving a shot at Bryan's US Title at Wrestlemania.

Another storyline could see a failed interference from Mark Henry in which Henry attacks Sheamus or tries to and Bryan attempts to take advantage only to see Sheamus reverse. After the match, Henry attacks Sheamus, DiBiase comes out and attacks Bryan, and Bourne comes to even the odds helping Bryan. Next RAW will have a Fatal Four Way Match between Henry, Bourne, Sheamus, and DiBiase for Number 1 Contender to the US title.

Those are just two of my ideas but I wanted to hear yours.
The IWC didn't really clamor over Evan Bourne's return because of how quick his squash match was with Sheamus. It feels like WWE brought back Bourne for this one match to continue Sheamuses losing streak...

I for one would love for him to some time on the mic, establish a gimmick (Cause no one ever one a title without a gimmick, currently Bourne has nothing but "Hey look at me!") and feud with someone like Cody Rhodes after he is done with his feud with Rey Mysterio.
Agreed they need to give Bourne's character some kind of angle, the only way you can get by with no personality is if your like 6'4+ and 275+ lbs. Still even if he is given the most interesting gimmick we've ever seen, he's still no WHC contender in my book, it would be like having 123 Kid the World champ. He was at least as good as Bourne and probably more over with the crowd but never really given any gold but the tag team belts, at least not before going to WCW and returning to WWe as XPac when he got the Light heavyweight and European titles. I think Bourne will probably be a contender for the IC or US title in the near future, he could put on some decent matches with either Kofi or Bryan
The squash match was pretty much the same as a MITB cashin (besides RVD in 06), with the loser being "incapacitated" before the match. Though it was pleasantly suprising. I hope too see a MITB qualification that is IF MITB happens. A feud with Kofi for the IC title after Mania would be great. But a WWE "lightweight" championship needs to be created for guys like him, Yoshi Tatsu, Chavo, Primo etc. to give more meaning for them being there on the roster. I Bourne's in-ring work: with some solid work against Jericho, Matt Hardy, Rey Mysterio, Jack Swagger and Sheamus coming to mind when I think of him.
It was great to see him back, but I can't take him seriously if his return match is against a half-crippled opponent. Seeing his finisher was a nice touch again though.

He'll be jobbing again in no time.
I was honestly wondering when he would come back to the WWE. It was a pleasant surprise to see his return. I do hope that this time around they actually push him, but knowing the WWE that may not happen. Well, here hoping.
Does no-one think this'll lead to some sort of match between Bourne and Sheamus at WM ... ??

If there isn't a MITB of course... Although Sheamus Bryan looks the most likely outcome.
Meh. I forgot he was even with the company. 50/50 says he'll end up getting transferred to Smackdown post-Wrestlemania, because they need the faces. He's certainly not going to do anything on Raw weeks before Wrestlemania.
Either way they sounds like terrible 'mania matches :)

I didn't know there was any other kind this year.
I think either way Sheamus vs Bryan or Bourne, they will have Sheamus lose to get the other guy over, so I sure hope the Sheamus Evan Bourne thing is done. We'll see what the plans are for Bourne tonight, if he's on Superstars he will be back jobbing it up in no time, if they just mention his return and show a clip from Raw, they may have something in the works for him.
I wouldn't mind if Evan were the one to beat Bryan for the US Title. Not also would the match be Match of the Year candidate but Evan would deserve such win considering all the hard work he's put in and how loyal he is to WWE.

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