No Divas Match for Wrestlemania?

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I"m planning to buy the PPV so personally I'm happy about it. The current divas aren't good enough, IMO, to warrent a match on the card. Maybe Mickie james vs. Melina but alas Melina is injured. Otherwise I really don't want to pay to see it. Have Trish and Lita do a one off. That'd be worth paying for.
All I can say is Thank God... With Mickey & Melina hurt the only real wrestling diva they have is Gail & Beth....

Ok so Maryse & McCool can half ass wrestle, but we all know there are truly only 4 divas who can go... Mickey, Melina, Beth, & Gail.... Hmmmm didn't Roxxi recently become a free agent and Alissa Flash??? WWE pick up these 2 girls because they can wrestle circles around 95% of your Divas
I would liked to have seen Michelle and Mickie settle their feud for the last time on the Grandest Stage of them all maybe in a lumberjill match to get more divas on the payday. But it looks that thats not gonna happen cause Mickie's out injured so I dunno, if they dont have a televised match they could have the diavas i a big dark match then none of the other matches would get pushed to dark like last year.
It's comments & views on Women's Wrestling like this that is the problem not them. With an attitude like this there's no wonder you arent ever going to be satisfied.

I love the physical appearance of the Divas too, but that's not all I care about. I love watching what they do in the ring and while they are trying different things and improving that's all you can think about?

I think it's just wrong. I mean women like to look at the guys and admire their bodies, but they also like what they do wrestling wise.

They are not "only eye candy" simply because that's all you see them as

I'm with you. Bashing on women's wrestling like I've seen on this forum from time to time is part of the problem. Contrary to belief, there have been good ones. Trish Stratus vs Victoria at Survivor Series, Mickie James vs Trish Stratus at Mania, Awesome Kong vs Gail Kim, almost anything with Sarita and Taylor Wilde. Mania is the big event for the WWE but they have to have one or two matches that are on the lower level and I'm not using it to demote the women's matches by any means. I'm just saying they always got something with them so hopefully we'll see it
I think the WWE have already decided on the fact that they are having a diva's match but hinting a fued between the good divas and the evil divas on Raw this week. I think they know that lasts year's diva battle royal was a mistake and I think that maybe they have decided on a 3 on 3 tag match or something
I could see a hogpen match. Maybe have Beth see how fast she can hogtie Piggie Guerrero. LOL :p

Its sad that anymore these days on both TNA and WWE, the women's division has been resorted to a comedy bit no matter what the situation, and no matter how serious they try to make the bit, its about looks, and some type of beauty contest or something, or someone putting the other one down for looks wise. Its not about skills anymore. I REALLY would be disgusted if this years divas turns into a redux of last year's Ms. Wrestlemania clusterbomb. I can see why no one really takes women wrestling serious, and why some women wrestlers seem to fall by the wayside when they are done like chyna. That's why I root for Trish and Lita after all is said and done and agree with their decisions to NOT come back for those cornball horse and pony shows where creative would put over a man dressed in a woman suit, or some 50 year old woman who NEVER wrestled before (Vickie) as Ms. Wrestler...etc. i personally would keep my fingers crossed. so I hope for the best, but prepare for the worst as they say.
sickjames- i dont care if they are trying or getting better. i can go out there and try my hardest and i would suck ass(worse then the women) and so i shouldnt be in wrestlemania, or the ring at all, lol. if they got better and can entertain us with a fued or a really good match then i would be all for them on the card. if it was mickie or melina vs michelle, i think that would be good because they can have a good fued and match. but most of them are far worse then the guys.

and i think you destroyed your own point with hornswoggle. would you really want to watch a match of hornswoggle vs someone on WRESTLEMANIA, i dont think so.

im not saying all women are bad and shouldnt wrestle, but most of the women in the wwe are no where close to the level of the guys and that is why they are just eye candy. if we get women that are good on the mic and can give us a really good match, id be all for them regardless of what they look like. but the fact remains, people will not get into the divas match unless they are on the same level as trish and lita, or if they are prancing around in their underwear. not to objectify them. if they can wrestle then forget about the sexiness, but they really cant.
I honestly hope that they add a divas match to the card. The division deserves to have a good match representing them after what happened last year. WWE has two female champions, for neither one of them to be involved in a match is bad. Maryse could defend her title against Eve.... Michelle could defend her title against Beth or even Tiffany....

It's not that hard to come up with an idea for what match to do. There are many ideas they could use. It doesn't have to be as good as Trish VS Mickie from 4 years ago.... but the divas deserve to be on the card! We saw what might be Maryse aligning with Michelle on Raw.... what about a match to showcase the dominance of the current champs by having Maryse, Michelle, and Layla go up against three faces (my picks would be Kelly, Eve, and Tiffany) and have the heels win, that does two things at once for WWE.... they would showcase both female divisions AND make their two female champions look more dominant.

I will be really disappointed if the divas are left off of Wrestlemania because it's the biggest show of the year and they deserve to have ONE match on the card. From what i know of they don't have anyone like Kid Rock coming this year to take up time, so there's no reason to bump any match or leave a division unrepresented.
Look, there is no really need to bash the women's division. Is it the besrt right now? No, does it has the potential to be better? Hell yes. The negativity is too much adn not all the women of the WWE are bad and There are a lot of topics naming which women are the best of the division and some of them are missused a lot.

From what it looks like is going to be a tag match with women from both brands and mostly to get the most divas at Wrestlemania.

Now if the WWE had the will, they would showcase the match that they have been teasing on Smackdown for months but always pushes back: Beth VS Michelle in a one on one contest for the Women's title. Since Mickie is almost out of the picture because of her inury why not finally put those 2 in a match? Lets face it, the Diva's title is going through the motions right now with no real contender (even if Eve got a win over Maryse) and Michelle and Beth have been cocking a feud since Beth got to Smackdown.

Now if they really had Balls they should have had Katie Lea VS Beth Phoenix in gimmick match just for the Hell of it, if you wan to see a good match , look for their ladder match at OVW for the Women's title, that was a good match.
why do they deserve to have a match? its wrestlemania. they can wrestle on other ppvs to bring diversity, but at the biggest show of the year, you need the best fueds and best matches. with the divas active right now, you really cant have that great a fued or match. beth vs mickie would be watchable, and if used to get beth over as a face, i guess that would be one reason to have them on the card.
ok i've read pretty much all the posts on this topic (besides that very long post on page 2 i think) and yeah i did notice no divas matches so far and I'm actually pretty happy about it. There is nothing distinctive in terms of a WM worthy diva feud. People keep talking about the Beth/Vickie thing but is it really worth it to make Vickie's first match a wrestlemania match? Seriously? and the divas really need a timeout from wrestlemanias after last year's cluster f***. And I keep reading people talking about Trish/Victoria/Jazz from WM 19 I believe it was, well to quote Rick Pitino during his run with the Celtics "Trish, Victoria and Jazz aren't gonna come walking through those doors". The credible divas division is Beth and maybe Mickie, even though Mickie has committed her own sins of botchery. Frankly I'd rather see the NXT rookies in an 8 man tag or something over a divas match
They are going to have to make a diva's match, whether people like it or not. It's just part of the traditional wrestlemania card. They have added the money in the bank ladder match, which is also tradition for wrestlemania every year, and people actually enjoy the diva's matches. They are much better than what people actually give them credit for.
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