No Divas Match for Wrestlemania?

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Pre-Show Stalwart
Anyone else aware of the fact that there is not one divas match on the card for this wrestlemania, with only a week of Raw and Smackdown tapings left, it seems like there won't be a Divas match on the card. I doubt that they'd throw a Divas match on the card the week before the show, with little to no build. Also, there really isn't much room with 8-9 matches already on the card. Now this doesn't mean that a match won't be thrown together for the hell of it, or used as a dark match, or some type of segment.

How does everyone feel about this, do you think their should/should not be a divas match on the card, especially with the two top face divas, Mickie James and Melina, on the injured list. Would it even be worth putting a match on the card?
I was thinking they were going without a divas match. But I cannot ignore the stuff that popped up on Raw this past Monday with Eve, Kelly and Gail vs Simply Flawless and Maryse as just being random and not leading to something for Wrestlemania I dont know exactly what it will be but there will be some sorta of involvement with those 6 divas.
Anyone else aware of the fact that there is not one divas match on the card for this wrestlemania, with only a week of Raw and Smackdown tapings left, it seems like there won't be a Divas match on the card. I doubt that they'd throw a Divas match on the card the week before the show, with little to no build. Also, there really isn't much room with 8-9 matches already on the card. Now this doesn't mean that a match won't be thrown together for the hell of it, or used as a dark match, or some type of segment.
Yeah I'm very aware of that, I really think it's about time that the divas don't get any type of match in wrestlemania.

How does everyone feel about this, do you think their should/should not be a divas match on the card, especially with the two top face divas, Mickie James and Melina, on the injured list. Would it even be worth putting a match on the card?

Yeah I'm very aware of that, I really think it's about time that the divas don't get any type of match in wrestlemania. The reason why I say that, Is because for the last 3 years the Diva's division really had suck. Also one of the 2 top divas is injured, And the other Diva is on a tour or something.( Mickie/Melina)

Right now McCool is the Womens Champion, And Maryse is the Divas champion. Both of these Divas don't have any storylines going on, I really think that Maryse I just the champion because Melina is injured. And the same thing goes with McCool, She will be the champion until mickie comes back.

The only match that I think might happend( I hope Not) is maybe a tag team match with Eve/Gail vs McCool/Layla. The attack from McCool and layla that happend on monday, might lead up to that match in wrestlemania. Like I said I hope that match doesn't happend.
Do i care? no. Should there be a match? maybe. Did you see what they tried to do last year? L...O...L... I think IF any match took place they should crown a real and new Mrs.WM. a quick battle royal, and winner gets a shot at a title. eye candy is ok people,

10 mins with divas - no santino - kid rock = not too shabby ....? :) :)
From a business perspective - no, they shouldn't have a match, as the divas have never been a real ratings grabber nor will anyone buy/not buy WrestleMania based on a divas match

From a personal perspective - no, they shouldn't have a match, as the divas have never, for the most part, given me something to watch that I felt was good enough that I wouldn't have rather them give those few minutes to a different match.

From a bathroom break perspective - You can always find a way to take a piss break on ppvs. WrestleMania in particular will spend a few minutes for the HOF that you really don't need to see, on top of all their recap/rewind nonsense, on top of most likely a section where they plug all the celebrities that are in the arena at the time, and blah blah blah. Plus you could always just take a piss during the HHH/Sheamus match lol.

From a realistic perspective - they obviously will end up having a 5 minute or less match. They always do. I'm assuming Michelle, Layla, and Maryse against Beth, Kelly, and either Tiffany/Eve/Gail. It'll suck and nobody will be expecting it not to.

Yeah. So sayeth the Mango.

does any1 really watch wrestling to see women wrestle? they're 50 times slower, can't sell moves, and botch spots all over the place. It's difficult to watch at times and I for one will not be upset in the least that they wont be on the card. I'd much rather see some up and comers get a sniff at the big show in some random gimmick match to open the show. Just saying it'd be wayyyy better than some awful 6 divas tag match

I actually have loved watching Divas matches at WrestleMania and there have been times where a Divas match was the best on the card of a PPV or weekly tv show to me so you all who are generally negative toward them can stop acting like no one cares because that's not true and I'm getting sick of the Diva negativity.

They are not just nice to look at. These women should be respected for what they do and even if they arent as good as some of the Divas you think are the best ever atleast they are going out there and trying. Their matches arent bathroom breaks, I think a lot of you need to stop treating them as less than the guys like Divas matches are jokes.

WWE is in a transitional period and their tag team division & Divas division is going through a change and needs time to build up to that point where the preceding generations left off

There will be a Divas match on the card and it'll be interpromotional most likely. There's been build from it since LayCool was put in a tag team match with Maryse & Gail on PPV.

And really Sheamus/HHH & Legacy's triple threat had build and was announced late. Punk/Rey has had build for a while now it didnt start with Punk intimidating Rey's daughter, so what they wont have a match either? Think again.

WrestleMania has had 10 or 11 matches before and right now it has about 8 and will have atleast 10 when Punk vs Rey & a Divas match is added on the card.

Let's also not forget one thing, some matches wont be as long as you think. I'd put: Bret/Vince, Divas match, the tag team match & or MITB on that list

So there is room

They likely have each match on the card with a Battle Royal being a quickie dark match this time and start that again each year

At first I thought Maryse vs Eve then it looked like Maryse vs Kelly Kelly

but now looks like Maryse & Michelle vs Kelly Kelly & Beth

for both titles, that's what I'd do atleast and we get both titles on the line in a Winner Take All Tag Team Match

but it really just looks like a 6 Diva Tag Team Match after last week being Maryse & LayCool vs Kelly Kelly, Eve & Gail Kim. Of course that could be a match next week on Raw and if it is we may see a Winner Take All Match
I think they might throw something together. Mickie James has or had an infected leg so they couldn't build up a match with her and McCool for WM, they put on a great match at TLC in my opinion (People might bash Women's Wrestling but they can put on some good matches at times) and could've extended the feud into WM, but with the lack of face divas at the moment (bar Beth but she's only just turned face, so I'm guessing they'll put something together for Beth/Michelle for Extreme Rules or something) As for the Diva's Title, most obvious would be Gail to feud with Maryse but they haven't built anything up between the two, but it looks as if Eve might go into a feud with Maryse. After watching Raw though I'm guessing they'll put together a tag team match, as a sort of filler for when the crowd are really hyped for one match but need a calming down match/bathroom break match for the major UT/HBK, Edge/Jericho, Cena/Batista matches. There is room though, but depends on the longevity of UT/HBK and Edge/Jericho, which will probably add up to an hour. But its a 4 hour PPV so they've got plenty of room.
No divas match at Wrestlemania? I am a big fan of women wrestling and wish it was properly pushed, but it isn't and so unfortunately nobody would notice and we'll all be better for it

There really isn't any need to embarrass those poor women again (hello last years battle royal) in 22 countries live on the biggest PPV of the year.The WWE female wrestlers are sorely lacking talent and/or ring time. Even the few that can actually perform on a show of this caliber are held down by the writers and the ring rust they are accumulating staying with the 'E' for the paycheck.

If this were a knockout division match I'd be raising hell because those girls can go and put on a good show. As for what I do want to see at Wrestlemania.. hopefully at least Maryse can make an appearance :D
Bravo to sickjames for stadning up for the divas. I admit they have frequent bad matches, but I am a huge womes wrestling fan, and I do, in fact watch most shows and ppvs for the divas matches. The real reason for the apathy towards them though, is not really the fault of the divas themselves. The WWE rarely invests in time or effort in the womens division. The Divas title was left vacant for way too long, even after the tournament semifinals were set, two ppvs passed before they decided to have the final match. They do have some very talented in-ring workers in Mickie, Beth, Natalya, Katie Lea, Melina, Michelle, Gail and Even Jillian. Unfortunately too much focis is placed on Kelly, Alicia, Layla, The Bellas and Eve. Style over substance seems to be the rule these days. For anyone who thinks they cant put on a good match at a Wrestlemania, go back and watch Trish, lita and Jazz from WM18, Trish, Victoria and Jazz from WM19, or Trish vs Mickie from WM22. All of those are great hard hitting competitive contests. Proof that when they focus on the title and buld a good storyline using the good wrestlers The ladies can deliver.

I think the likley plan for WM was a triple threat match of Mickie vs Beth Vs Michelle. They really seemed to be building to it over the last few months, but then Mickie got staph, and had to drop the belt back to Michelle. After the events of the last two weeks, it seems like a 6 woman tag of Michelle, Maryse and Layla (with Vickie G) vs Beth, Eve and either Kelly or Gail. I really dont think they will repeat the Ms Wrestlemania battle royal after last years fiasco. There is certainly room on the card, they only have 9 matches announced for a 4 hour show. Wrestlemanias 5,6 and 7 all had 14 matches in only 3 hours so theres no excuse to leave them off the show. The Divas are a part of the company and deserve a spot on the show, and the WWE owes them a well booked match with an interesting storyline.
They might throw together a last minute match before wrestlemania but personally I hope they don't.

Last year I had to miss the Unified Tag Team Title match so I could watch a kid rock concert and the worse battle royal in history. Since 90% of the diva's are nothing more than eye candy and don't belong in a wrestling ring as it is I could really do without a divas match at wrestlemania. If they put together a match I would like to see (like Trish vs. Mickie James at WM22) then I'm all for it but at this point I say no because they don't have anything with any real build to it (if they kept building Maryse vs. Gail Kim I would say yes, but they pretty much let it fizzle out). There are a lot more programs and matches I would much rather see than the Diva's and since Wrestlemania is the "Granddaddy of them all" there is no need to see any thrown together garbage matches (I say this about both male and female wrestlers) when that time can be used to elevate other programs and matches.

At this point on the road to wrestlemania there is really no need to see a divas match, if they throw together any matches for Wrestlemania it should be matches people would like to see (such as Evan Bourne vs. Daniel Bryan, or even Daniel Bryan vs. The Miz for the US Title). A diva match for the sake of having a divas match is just stupid when you are talking about Wrestlemania.
Good lord, the lack of bathroom breaks in this years WM is going to take a toll on my bladder! I hope for the sake of my health they put together a Diva's match soon, otherwise I'm going to have to use wrestlers' entrances and exits to take a quick "peeps".

But in all seriousness, at this point they really shouldn't throw something together. When you think of WM, are ANY of the matches supposed to be thrown together? Of course not. It would be the equivalent of filler to put one in now.
This may sound bad but whatever. Im glad there isnt a divas match honestly who cares? All they are is eye candy there are a few divas that can actually wrestle but even then it seems like its just one sloppy botch fest after another. Im not saying do away with them at all and they can have storylines and matches any other time but wrestlemania is the biggest show of the year its supposed to be the biggest wrestlers in best matches of the year and honestly the divas match just breaks the flow of what is usually a great show
All I have to say about not having a Divas, or Women's title match at Wrestlemania is... Thank goodness. Since WWE went PG, why have girls wrestle on PPV. I mean, we are all hoping for some boobies. Why have them there, if you ain't getting any boobies. Plus, Women's wrestling isn't a big draw. Not as entertaining.
They'll add one, it was reported WWE are going to have a team vs team match, I expect the tag belts to be demoted to pre show.

The problem is how much time they're giving to the matches, and what they expect to achieve by quick matches.
All I have to say about not having a Divas, or Women's title match at Wrestlemania is... Thank goodness. Since WWE went PG, why have girls wrestle on PPV. I mean, we are all hoping for some boobies. Why have them there, if you ain't getting any boobies. Plus, Women's wrestling isn't a big draw. Not as entertaining.

It's comments & views on Women's Wrestling like this that is the problem not them. With an attitude like this there's no wonder you arent ever going to be satisfied.

I love the physical appearance of the Divas too, but that's not all I care about. I love watching what they do in the ring and while they are trying different things and improving that's all you can think about?

I think it's just wrong. I mean women like to look at the guys and admire their bodies, but they also like what they do wrestling wise.

They are not "only eye candy" simply because that's all you see them as
Im sure there will be something on the DVD, but truthfully unless you have a good build up, its a throwaway match. For example, the last truly great womens match at Wrestlemania was at WM22 between Trish and Psycho Mickie. It had a long buildup and watching the match again last night, I forgot how the crowd turned on Trish and cheered for Mickie the maniac psycho. The Heel got a bigger pop over the face and how even the audience was stunned that Mickie won and helped launch her career.

With todays divas, very few could have a solid match worthy of WM. Mickie is out with a staph infection, Melina is injured, Kim is overrated by far, who does that leave. Simply Beth Phoenix and Natalya but there hasn't been a program built for them to work against each other. In time i could see something developing as who is the true dominate alpha female but sadly it will never prolly happen.
I absolutely hope they make a last minute one. I can never get into diva matches, and I think they're absolute garbage. But I'd much rather get up and piss/make a sandwich/other things during a divas match than any other match on the card.
I don't know about all of you but i would really like to see a divas match a WM it can repay us for the Shit we had to witness at WM 25 omg ugh. Also there are a few divas on the roster who are not just eye candy. If they put a match and include Gail Kim, Michelle McCool Beth Phonix or ???? wow really wwe that is all the divas who you have on your roster right now who can actually wrestle with out botching there asses off okay this is bad. But honesty from what we saw on Raw this past monday i think we will probably get a 7 min divas match including Gail (Awesome) Kelly Kelly(Ehh) and Eve(Okay) vs Michelle McCool(Awesome) Layla(okay) and Maryse(double Ehh) or we can go totally against all odds and say there will be a Women title match feat Michelle and Beth and since wwe is pretty much behind Michelle and if her boi is The Undertaker I say they will ad this match to the WM card come on lets make it and even 10 match card. But i doubt we will not have a divas match its just
sickjames- sorry man, but they are nothing but eyecandy. they obviously cannot wrestle as good as the guys, so the only reason they are put on tv is to be looked at. why do you think they use to do so many bra and panties, pillow fights and mud matches? im not saying that some of them arent decent, like mickie and melina and michelle, but they are no where close to as good as the guys. hell, even molly holly admits that the women are not as good. the only reason they are on tv is because they look good. now that they no longer do sexy things in the ring, their popularity has gone way down, except for some girls. (mickie)

im not sexist, but im a realist. if they are not as good as the guys in the ring or on the mic, there is really only one other reason they could be there.
Anyone else aware of the fact that there is not one divas match on the card for this wrestlemania, with only a week of Raw and Smackdown tapings left, it seems like there won't be a Divas match on the card. I doubt that they'd throw a Divas match on the card the week before the show, with little to no build. Also, there really isn't much room with 8-9 matches already on the card. Now this doesn't mean that a match won't be thrown together for the hell of it, or used as a dark match, or some type of segment.

How does everyone feel about this, do you think their should/should not be a divas match on the card, especially with the two top face divas, Mickie James and Melina, on the injured list. Would it even be worth putting a match on the card?

On Smackdown, Beth Phoenix and Vickie Guerrero seem to have a storyline going. Beth wants a title shot and Vickie won't give it to her. She refuses to which made Beth angry. Vickie told her that she controls whatever happens in the diva division. On last week's show, Beth clotheslined Vickie and everyone cheered.

Vickie gets A LOT of heat when she appears on Smackdown and Beth is turning face. This may be a build- up for a match at Wrestlemania.

EVERYONE HATES Vickie. Who wouldn't want Beth to beat up Vickie? I know i do. Would it warrant a one on one match at Wrestlemania? Maybe not. What about an everything goes, hardcore match where Beth throws Vickie through a table? Yes, dear God yes.
sickjames- sorry man, but they are nothing but eyecandy. they obviously cannot wrestle as good as the guys, so the only reason they are put on tv is to be looked at. why do you think they use to do so many bra and panties, pillow fights and mud matches? im not saying that some of them arent decent, like mickie and melina and michelle, but they are no where close to as good as the guys. hell, even molly holly admits that the women are not as good. the only reason they are on tv is because they look good. now that they no longer do sexy things in the ring, their popularity has gone way down, except for some girls. (mickie)

im not sexist, but im a realist. if they are not as good as the guys in the ring or on the mic, there is really only one other reason they could be there.

Every woman doesnt have to be a decent wrestler to be on TV. There are more roles out there. Look at Stephanie, Vickie & Tiffany. They were all General Managers at some point and did great and even wrestled at some points. I personally liked Steph in her matches with Trish.

Anyway, we still see matches similar but low toned like the Legs Match and Pajamas Match and though the Bra & Panties & Lingerie Pillow Fights are sexier doesnt mean that the Divas are suddenly irrelevant just because some fans only like them for that alone and not their wrestling or what they do on the mic.

I am aware that every Diva cant wrestle well, but neither can ever Superstar, but the women never say "That guy doesnt matter, he's only good to look at and needs to go because there's no use for him anymore."

I mean Hornswoggle cant really beat Chavo and any Diva can wrestle better than him so should Hornswoggle go too? How about Khali's translator? He doesnt do anything and isnt even a good manager if that's what he was going for.

I am a person who wishes, however, that they brought back the old Diva gimmick matches so that we could have Divas like Maria who dont really wrestle as good as Melina or Mickie compete in Bra & Panties Matches and singles or tag matches here and there, but the ones who can wrestle can be in them also. I dont have an issue with those matches like some do who support the Divas and think it degrades them.

I just wish we had the Attitude Era back in full. That's my era, but it's also the era that kicked ass as we had the Divas not only be sexy, but also be hardcore. They werent just prancing around in their bikinis during Bikini Contests or whatever. These chicks were in hardcore matches regularly! And we saw the first Divas Cage Match and Street Fights etc

I'll remember them like that. I want a bit of sexiness and hardcore, but we dont get that. So that I agree needs to come back, but I wont say that just because we dont get those sexy gimmick matches means that their in-ring worth has decreased because it hasnt.

These Divas are trying and will improve over time. We are so use to Trish, Lita, Chyna, Victoria, Molly, Jacqueline, Ivory, Jazz and that generation, but we need to give this generation of Divas a chance.

It's really like looking at the old generation. I'd say Mickie, Melina & Beth are the new Trish, Lita & Chyna but not saying they are anywhere near them.

I just think the fans need to give them time and the tag team division time to get back on track.

Their wrestling has been better than a lot of the matches Superstars have had and I dont see the problem with them. And I think some of you are not impressed with a few Divas and labelling the entire division based on one or two you may not like which isnt fair.

Just like saying the tag team division is crap when the WWE is cutting down on wrestlers is a bit extreme. I mean it's obviously not what it use to be, but you cant expect that with a roster of its current size, but should be happy in knowing that this cant stand forever and they will have to expand eventually.

I honestly believe a lot of things a lot of people complain about will be fixed as soon as the MNWII really takes off and call me crazy, but I really think that the WWE is doing some things purposely to help TNA along. It really seems like it could be happening if you think about it.

But getting away from all of my speculation, true or not, the Divas deserve the same respect as the guys. There are wrestlers I dont like in the ring, but I dont disrespect them like you all do the Divas and that is really unnecessary, unfair and mean. These women will shock you as their generation of Divas improve over the years. I cant wait till they silence you all because people need to realize yes things may not be the same currently, but nothing can be perfect forever.

Things change, but we all shall see better times in the future. I am giving it about 6-10 years before the WWE makes things a lot better.

But really, a Wednesday night show called WWE Divas would give them more in-ring time and mic time to develope their characters and have a show dedicated completely to them showing what they can do. Then we'd see them have more time on Raw and Smackdown. More storylines hopefully.

Chances need to be taken. And support by the damn fans needs to be given. You not taking them seriously doesnt help anything. Everyone is equal, there are a lot of female wrestlers just as good as the guys and I bet all of them could beat a lot of you who mock them too.

And that includes female wrestlers around the world including the Divas.

I think it's totally wrong to trash womens wrestling. What's next? Midget wrestling? Are they jokes too? I dont think so.

I actually wish WWE would get the Juniors back, we could use a Juniors Division again to give Hornswoggle more to do without always having to be stuck in akward roles with various Superstars.
I actually have loved watching Divas matches at WrestleMania and there have been times where a Divas match was the best on the card of a PPV or weekly tv show to me so you all who are generally negative toward them can stop acting like no one cares because that's not true and I'm getting sick of the Diva negativity.

Two words for you: Wrestlemania 25. And you know what, the divas deserve the negativity. I give them props for trying to go in the ring, however they are just so FREAKING bad! They botch almost every move they do. They deserve the negativity.

They are not just nice to look at. These women should be respected for what they do and even if they arent as good as some of the Divas you
think are the best ever atleast they are going out there and trying.

No, they pretty much are all eye-candy. They may be trying, but theyre STILL bad!

Their matches arent bathroom breaks, I think a lot of you need to stop treating them as less than the guys like Divas matches are jokes.

Yes they are. Theyre bathroom breaks and jokes. Theyre a waste of space on any shows card.

WWE is in a transitional period and their tag team division & Divas division is going through a change and needs time to build up to that point where the preceding generations left off

The tag team division is going through a change. The divas division isnt. Once Stratus and Lita retired, the division went down the shitter.

There will be a Divas match on the card and it'll be interpromotional most likely. There's been build from it since LayCool was put in a tag team match with Maryse & Gail on PPV.

No there wont.

And really Sheamus/HHH & Legacy's triple threat had build and was announced late.

It wasnt late, it was 2-3 weeks before Wrestlemania. Remember after No Way Out, there were only 4 weeks to build.

Punk/Rey has had build for a while now it didnt start with Punk intimidating Rey's daughter, so what they wont have a match either? Think again.

You obviously didnt watch Smackdown last week

WrestleMania has had 10 or 11 matches before and right now it has about 8 and will have atleast 10 when Punk vs Rey & a Divas match is added on the card.

Im starting to think you are a 92 year old woman who still wants FULL womens rights.

Let's also not forget one thing, some matches wont be as long as you think. I'd put: Bret/Vince, Divas match, the tag team match & or MITB on that list

Thats the point of having 8-9 matches! So they can be longer! Wrestlemania 22 had 12 matches, the first Id say 6 were just a 4-6 minute clusterfuck.

So there is room

I hate you

They likely have each match on the card with a Battle Royal being a quickie dark match this time and start that again each year

Where was this dark match battle royal at Wrestlemania 25? 23? 22? 21?

At first I thought Maryse vs Eve then it looked like Maryse vs Kelly Kelly

Where the hell do you come up with these? They wouldnt just focus on Raw.

but now looks like Maryse & Michelle vs Kelly Kelly & Beth


for both titles, that's what I'd do atleast and we get both titles on the line in a Winner Take All Tag Team Match


but it really just looks like a 6 Diva Tag Team Match after last week being Maryse & LayCool vs Kelly Kelly, Eve & Gail Kim. Of course that could be a match next week on Raw and if it is we may see a Winner Take All Match

I didnt think it was possible, but you made me HATE the divas division even more now. Just please stop.
i agree with sickjames i enjoy women wrestling and there good to look at in the WWE and they can wrestle. People need to stop dissing kelly kelly she can wrestle better than people give her credit for and stop dissing womens wrestling.
They really should have left the Divas Championship vacated until Wrestlemania for the match of Maryse vs Gail Kim. But from what I see now, there's no room for any Divas matches and no storyline for it.
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