Nikki Bella retiring


Championship Contender
Just tweeted out a photo of her ring gear explaining she is walking away to heal.

While she says "this isn't goodbye" lets be honest, it is.

Her retirement has been rumored for months. The WrestleMania match with John and engagement was the fairy tale ending. She will get married, have kids and that is it.

I just can't believe she didn't address it and say a proper goodbye in the ring instead of relying on twitter to say it.
This has pretty much been expected for a while now.

It seems really strange she's announcing it on Twitter, which sorta makes me think she'll be back.

She'll probably officially retire on Smackdown tonight or some time later.

Regardless, she was a great women's wrestler and one of the best of her era. She's engaged to Cena and is going to have kids, so let her enjoy herself.
Yeah, not so sure the retirement is coming so soon, but if it is, well done to her. A few years ago, I absolutely could not stand anything about the Bellas, but both of them have really changed my opinion, particularly since they left the company and then returned a few years ago.

Nikki has done a fantastic job in the ring the past couple of years. Her and Brie had a great act together and I'm glad that both of them have got themselves set up well in life with two great guys by their side.

Also, they may leave the ring permanently, but the Bellas will always come back. They're definitely in the WWE "family" now.
Nikki on twitter "This isn't goodbye, just need time to heal. When the day is right I will be back and hopefully then.... BRIE MODE will be ACTIVATED!"

She literally says "I will be back." She has a very funny way of announcing her retirement fellas.

Not much for her left to do. If she does come back, Cena and Bella as a heel power couple is something we've never seen. That would require the earth to move though.
When the day is right I will be back and hopefully then.... BRIE MODE will be ACTIVATED!"


Cena waisted his main event status on Wrestlemania so she could have her moment on her way out. And now she wont even go? I feel really sorry for Cena, like really sorry.

Oh, and as for "Brie mode" back too

She actually improved a lot in the ring. That's a bonus over her sister Brie Bella who rarely got good.

I hope that it's the end. Not because I dislike her or something but I think that she left the best way possible. The match was forgettable but the moment wasn't.

Best of luck for her future endeavors, including a marriage with John Cena. ;)
Honestly, who cares? That sounds harsh but Nikki is simply average. She has gotten much better, yes, but still average. I don't mind seeing her wrestle, but she in no way compares to a Charlotte, or in my opinion, even an Alexa Bliss. It won't make a difference. But good for her for getting better and doing what she wants.

As for actual retirement, I think very few will ever actual retire. I think we're in the era of "I'm walking away..." with an almost certain chance they will be back for something later on.
I never cared about the Bellas for years, but I thought Nikki had a phenomenal stretch as a heel champ. The booking never did her any favors by changing her back and forth between heel and face for no reason at all, they botched the Brie feud the same way explanation for why Brie rejoined her.....but through all the lazy, nonsensical, BS booking Nikki really found a way to shine in the ring and with her character. She was on a roll and deserves nothing but credit for her improvement over the years.
I cannot wait to seehow miz and maryse mock Nikki's retirement so that cena and mix can continue the fued

I gotta admit.. That was the best part of the lead up to mania....

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