Night Of Champions: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero

This match could actually be very entertaining. It probably wont be. I'm a Hardy mark so I hope he wins, but he probably won't. Chavo will get help from La Familia and win this. Or it will end in a DQ. I agree with Norcal though. They should put Benjamin or Burke in the title picture. Both are extremely athletic and somewhat charasmatic. They could bring the U.S. Title back to the glory days...maybe. It sure as hell would be a lot more interesting than to see Chavo as U.S. champ though.
What amuses me most is that Foley and Cole have 'quoted' Matt on saying that he'll b a 'fighting campion' yet has only defended it once in MVPs return match, and that was two months ago. (may be wrong about that, haven't bothered to watch Smackdown lately). Doesn't really show him backing up 'his words' does it? (But then that's what happens when the commentators are told to say something that Creative don't intend to actually do with their champs)

If Chavo is gonna b Matt's opponent, then i like the idea in regards to the future development of La Familia. If Chavo wins, then La Familia will have the two top titles of the brand. Add the Edgeheads as the Tag Champs and they'll have done what few other stables have ever done, which is hold ALL the gold i.e. 4 Horsemen + Evoltuion. Have Edge drop the World title later and the others keep theirs a while longer to establish them as competent wrestlers and not just lackeys.


Matt won't lose the US title yet IMO, so none of what i just said is likely to happen unless they draw out a Matt/Chavo fued.

As others have said, i'd prefer Matt/Shelton, or Matt/Burke or some kind of 4 way, but w/ WWE what the fans want isn't often what we get. I.E. more WRESTLING than talk or bribes.
The more I think about this, the more interesting it becomes. If Hardy wins, then La Familia won't last too much longer: disillusioned, Chavo and Bam will probably turn face and trash Edge's wedding. Rather predictable and vaguely interesting, but...meh.

On the other hand, if Chavo wins, which I hope he does (but due to cheating), then life gets a bit more interesting, because La Familia's life-span is extended considerably. The Hardy/Edge feud can be rekindled (particularly intriguing if Jeff is moved via draft). Hawkins and Ryder can be pushed for the tag-team belts, and we get a genuinely dominant heel stable for the new arrivals SD will gain via the draft to feud with, and also for Taker to whup once he comes back. Now that's a whole sackload of storylines right there. It could keep Smackdown interesting for months with minimal effort.

In response to various others, no, Chavo's not great, but he's not awful, and he is watchable, and the whole point of his being part of La Familia is that he doesn't have to be a great wrestler to get titles. He has some pedigree, anyway, and the heat generated by being part of LF and cheating Matt out of the title would mean that his feuds should become more interesting. We hope...
I am actually looking forward to this match. I think it has the potential to be highly entertaining. I think these two could put on a good match. I hope they end this match cleanly, without interfernce from Bam Neely or the rest of La Familia. Since this is Hardy's first PPV defense, I fully expect him to win this match.
I don't think that this match will be anything spectacular. I just find chavo so unenthusiastic and not very interesting. I don't know why I can't get into his matches, but I wish it was more interesting than seemingly nothingness moving around.

Well I don't expcet match of the year, but it can't end up being too bad. In a Chavo dominated match, Matt will come out on top. Maybe some interference here and there. Nothing that makes us go 'Wow'.

Matt will come out with a victory on his first defence via ppv.
I can't see a title change. There's no point. People think the title might change hands because Matt is now on ECW. Well Chavo is too. I guess people think he'd moved back to Smackdown. So changing the title won't make a difference. I'm predicting a battle royal for the IC title. Then that'll get won by a Smackdown wrestler. It's almost sorted then with ECW moving to a Raw schedule.
This match is so wheat bread, I can barely be bother to post on it. I mean really, what is to be said?? I can see Hardy losing, just to set him up at a run at Mark Henry and the ECW title. Look at the results. If Hardy looses, Henry is definately going over in his match later. This will be solid, nothing great. A ladder match may have been semi entertaining.
Both of these wrestlers are stale, and bore me to death. Together they should make this a crappy and predictable match. Matt is too over to lose the title in his first PPV defence, and thankfully too. Because we won't have to see a boring title reign from Chavo. Well like NorCal said, the winner of this match kind of gives away the result of the ECW title match, even though it already is predictable. So like I said I see Matt going over in what looks to be the opening match.
I've read a post or two in the past with NoFate saying something about Chavo winning the U.S. Title and Big Show winning the ECW Title, and then Vickie and Teddy switching the superstars with the titles....if that unlikely scenerio should happen, then I think Chavo should win.

But, since the above scenerio is likely very unlikely, then I guess we're looking at another few months of Matt Hardy's dull run with the U.S. Title.
I might be in the minority, but I'm somewhat looking forward to this match. I find Hardy to be pretty entertaining and decent in the ring, and Chavo is a good wrestler, but no one gives a hoot about him. Hardy here retains the belt, in a match that I think could suprise people on being a decent match. (Though now that I typed this, the match is going to end up being a bore and sucking)
The reason i think that chavo should win the u.s belt tonight is simple and has nothing to do with the fact that matt hardy is on ECW now because let'S face it,it's not like ECW is a brand per said, it'S more like a extention of Smackdown. I think that if chavo win tonight, it could be the beginnig of a new chapter for La Familia.

Let'S just said that they start the night of with vickie awarding herself the diva'S championship and the you could have Chavo wins the u.s belt from matt hardy and have Edge retains the world title. Then on Smackdown you would have Hawkins & Ryder win the wwe tag team title from whoever wins between the title match tonight. This way, La familia could be the most powerful faction on smackdown but for that to happen you need to have everybody in that faction with a championship belt, so that'S why i think chavo should win tonight.
I'm looking forward to this match. Both guys are talented performers and I believe that they will mesh well with each other. This could be one of the better matches of the night.

I think Matt will retain tonight. He really hasn't had a chance to establish himself as a good US Champion so he will pick up the win here. However, if Chavo wins, then no question that Edge will will tonight so it could make La Familia more powerful by having the top two belts on SD.
So long US Title Matt Hardy. All of that hard work and year long feud, for a meaningless two month title reign that you're going to lose in your first pay per view defense. Chavo wins, and gets gold for La Familia. Matt Hardy will get shipped off to Smackdown, and eventually be the Face of the company, likely taking the title off of Mark Henry.

As far as this match goes, probably going to be a damn good match, but no one will care. Both are pretty solid to average wrestlers, but neither of them are great. Should be good as long as it doesn't drag out too long.

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