Night Of Champions: Matt Hardy vs. Chavo Guerrero

Y 2 Jake

Slightly Autistic
I heard this rumour that matt Hardy had finally got hold of a singles title. good for him, hey maybe he can defend it. I'm pretty sure this isn't how he envisioned his reign going. No feud, not PPV matches as of yet, no more of a push than before. It's a proven fact, Matt needs MVP. And because WWE is lazy , that's probably what we'll get. I've seen it. It was a couple of months too late, and not very good anyway. May as well give somebody different a shot. Shelton, Burke, Palumbo. I really couldn't care less.
I expect the match to be MVP v. Matt Hardy. MVP has been nothing but squashed lately (except against Jamie Noble, who dominated the majority of the match anyway), so they really need to do something with him before he falls even further down into the cellar.

If this is the match, however, expect it to be a snoozefest deluxe. MVP = boring. Matt Hardy = boring. Why are they trying to push these guys again? Move up Cody Rhodes.
Probably MVP but i hope not because Backlash was a while ago and i don't wanna see Matt Hardy beat MVP again. I Think The Miz would be a good challenger, maybe see him win the title with help from John Morrison. Burke or Shelton would also be nice challengers, but can't picture either of them being a real threat to win the title.
In regards to the first post, I don't think for a minute that Matt Hardy 'needs' anyone to put on a good match. He's one of the most consistant guys WWE has in my opinion, and by consistant, I mean consistantly entertaining, not consistant as in the same 3 moves. (Batista, anyone?) It all boils down to the fact that they refuse to put any thought into any titles except the World and WWE championships. As I've posted elsewhere, the best (and most unlikely) scenario is to have him take on his own brother, maybe even in a ladder match. Love them or hate them, they'd steal the show, in my humble opinion. Buuuuut, it's WWE, so they'll either re-hash the old matches or throw in some meaningless opponent for him.
There is one guy in WWE that has hardly any matches lately - is an unbeliavble talent and is great on the mic! - ELIJAH BURKE! It makes me sick to my stomcah that this guy hasnt held WWE gold since he came.

A Burke/Hardy match could set up a good feud between the two and actually give Burke some TV time becasue he greatly deserves it.
I think because it took so long for matt to win the title it doesn't have the same impact so that why I don't think no matter who you pick this matter is still a snooze. It would be great shelton beats him for it or burke. I don't think its mvp because the direction he is going it seems like he is going to raw. Either way hardys reign seems to not be going well
I think we can look for this being the first match of the night. it'll be Matt against either MVP or Shelton/Burke (seem to be the popular choices) and there'll be a couple of near falls but it'll be over within 10 mins and Matt will still be champion. maybe then they can give him someone to feud with.
:smashfreakB: I just wish Vince would hire a set of writers for the mid and lower card titles. Raw and Smack Down! are 2 hour shows. I mean I know he could devote 30, maybe 45 min to the other guys and still leave over an hour left for his favorites. The U.S. title (along with the other titles) should be defended a lot more. Once or twice a month at least. If not on PPV, at least on T.V. How hard could that be???

As for Matt, I do think it's too late for him for the belt, but considering his injury, I'd let it slide. Hell, have him defend it on almost a weekly basis or have him circle around Burke, Benjamin, Polumbo, Finlay, Noble, it doesn't matter. Make him lose one out of every three or four matches, and just clump them together in the end. I don't know. Have them all bash eachother back and fourth until Vickie can't take it anymore or something. Edge is champ, and he and Matt have history, so have Edge tell Vickie that Matt has to defend the gold anytime, anywhere.

Something needs to be done. Same with the I.C. Title. Hopefully Jericho will defend is as much as he says he will.

M.V.P though will probably get the nod. Matt still walks out of NOC as champ.:dark2:
Yeah, pretty sad to see at this point with Matt Hardy. The guy honestly can't catch a break. He's vastly superior in almost every single way shape and form to his brother, yet he's the curtain jerker and Jeff is getting suspended, and title pushes left and right.

MVP probably gets the nod, but honestly, why the hell are these two still feuding with each other? Someones got to make a move, and Smackdown has to get some mid card level talent. Kennedy, Carlito, Dykstra, Benjamin, Burke, the list goes on and on and on of tons of talent in the WWE but all of the creative juices are going to how to bore us to tears with another Triple H angle or some crap like that.

And for the record, I give all credit in the world to Capt. Charisma for this, Koslov as US Champion is gold. Russians holding US Titles never fails, probably in the WWE, but history says it will work. Matt Hardy needs to feud with Edge.
Who is the guy on smackdown wrestling and winning every week, Vladmir Kozlov. Russian with US title would work again and in general i think the guy has the skill set to put on a good solid match. Let him attack Matt and challenge him, its something new and even though i'd perfer a kofi v shelton v matt triple threat match, this could work
There is one guy in WWE that has hardly any matches lately - is an unbeliavble talent and is great on the mic! - ELIJAH BURKE! It makes me sick to my stomcah that this guy hasnt held WWE gold since he came.

A Burke/Hardy match could set up a good feud between the two and actually give Burke some TV time becasue he greatly deserves it.

Except every match Burke's had in the past few weeks has been against Hardy, and they've been mediocre at best.

Frankly, I don't even care how this title defense goes down, as I think Matt is overrated, so I have no faith that he'll "save the day and give me the match of the night" or whatever. The thing I'm more interested in is that I hope they book the opponent in the right way. Having Hardy/Palumbo won't do anything for either guy. Having Hardy/Burke will just be a repeat. Having Hardy/Shelton distracts from his feud with Kofi (which doesn't look like its ending soon, unless the draft screws that all up). Hardy/MVP is a step down for MVP, especially since he'd clearly lose. As far as quality match goes, Shelton is the best choice from the logical list, but if they decide to ship Lance Cade over on the draft, I could see that happening (not to say I like Cade that much, its just that he needs to get away from Murdoch). That or Carlito, if he's drafted, as it seems like they've given up on the Santino/Carlito tag title reign they were planning on.

Either way, this probably translates to Hardy/Burke, as I doubt Creative is going to put a lot of thought and effort into the US title situation, what with the draft and all the other titles.
Listen NoFate007,Matt HardyIS NOT overrated.He is a great athelete who loves the buisness and works his ass off every night.With that being said,I think Elijah Burke would be a good match-up with Matt Hardy.At least on PPV,where they would have time.I think that they should have Matt and Jeff do an interpromotional match for the title in a ladder match.That would steal the show.But it won't happen because Vince and creative could care less about the title and they will give us MVP/Hardy again,which has already been done to death.Oh well I guess.
Listen NoFate007,Matt HardyIS NOT overrated.He is a great athelete who loves the buisness and works his ass off every night.With that being said,I think Elijah Burke would be a good match-up with Matt Hardy.At least on PPV,where they would have time.I think that they should have Matt and Jeff do an interpromotional match for the title in a ladder match.That would steal the show.But it won't happen because Vince and creative could care less about the title and they will give us MVP/Hardy again,which has already been done to death.Oh well I guess.

"Great athlete", "loves the business", "works his ass off" - that does not equal "should be main event and WWE/World Heavyweight champion" as some people say.

Shelton Benjamin is a "great athlete". Should he be WWE champion? No.

I would say most wrestlers love the business, or else why would they even consider going through the training?

Working your ass off...that's your job. If you don't work your ass off, maybe you should be fired.

Talent = Talent. Hard work and so forth can LEAD to improving talent, but it doesn't equal it automatically. Now, Matt is not a talentless dope. The guy's better than a lot of wrestlers out there. However, there are a lot of guys that are much better than he is. Personally, I don't mind Matt Hardy, but outside of a gimmick match, I can't remember any of his that I've seen that I've really thought he was incredibly entertaining and the better performer in a match...and even in those gimmick matches, I would say Jeff was the more entertaining of the two if he was involved in it.

But as far as a match between he and Elijah Burke being great...we've seen two or three (or four, I don't know, they're a blur to me now cause they were almost exactly the same) and they didn't stand out to me as anything wonderful. On top of not being wonderful to me, if I can't even distinguish between the matches, why should I believe that a 4th or a 5th match will be "the charm" as opposed to just 5 or 10 minutes longer than the others? This goes for any matches, not just a Matt Hardy/Elijah Burke match. I feel the same boredom with Edge/Batista, Triple H/Orton (which thankfully we can't get, but its a shame that it took Orton's injury before the WWE pulled the plug), and how we had to sit through another Finlay/Palumbo match this week.

I WANT Matt Hardy to stun me. I WANT to cheer his name and be "wow"ed. Except, so far, I've never been, and when I hear SOOOO many people talk about how Matt should be going up against Edge for the World Heavyweight title and "that'd steal the show", or how a lot of people thought Matt should've won the Royal Rumble and then beat Orton at WrestleMania, or how there was a core group of people that refused to think anything other than "Matt wins the ECW battle royal at WrestleMania and wins the championship later on" and everything, I just have to laugh. He's no Snitsky, but he's not someone I'll be paying to see headline a ppv any time soon. Chances are, Matt will have a viciously standard match at Night of Champions that I'll forget entirely about 2 minutes afterwards.
What about having Matt wrestle someone who is yet to debut? I know it won't happen, what with TD2's mystery partner, but WWE has the likes of D'Lo, Ron Killings and Chris Harris all to still debut. If they handed all of them their debuts, that's 3 talented wrestlers to freshen up the roster and hopefully provide some interesting title matches or feuds.
I'm not sure who will be the opponent for Matt. There's a ton of people that he could feud with, but no one jumps off the page at me. Kozlov is just too young, MVP has been done to death, he's beaten Shelton, I believe Burke as well. The only few people left are Morrisson, Miz and maybe Chavo. None of those jumps out to me as a US title contender though. Matt isn't really bad, but his style is better when he's fighting for the title as opposed to being the champion. He could have a decent run, but I can't really expect much out of him and whoever he faces.
Chavo be his name. I don't really have a problem with this match. I'd prefer somebody like Shelton. But If I'm honest I don't really care. Hardy is never going to get the same treatment that MVP did. Nor should be. He's solid, but a bit bland. which is exactly how this match will be. It won't be the worst match of the night, nor the best. And come a week later it will be all but forgotten. But Night Of champions is a filler PPV, and with filler PPV's you can expect filler matches.
What would be interesting is if it was a 3-way: hardy vs. hawkins vs. ryder, with vickie's idea that this would be a handicap match. Of course, it would include the inevitable turning on each other of hawkins and ryder as neither wants the other to get the pin on hardy. This would have planted the seeds for dissension within the familia, would allow hawkins and ryder to showcase some talent instead of just being lackeys sacrificing themselves by getting speared or powerbombed for the benefit of edge.

I doubt that this will happen, but it would be interesting!
Chavo be his name. I don't really have a problem with this match. I'd prefer somebody like Shelton. But If I'm honest I don't really care. Hardy is never going to get the same treatment that MVP did. Nor should be. He's solid, but a bit bland. which is exactly how this match will be. It won't be the worst match of the night, nor the best. And come a week later it will be all but forgotten. But Night Of champions is a filler PPV, and with filler PPV's you can expect filler matches.

Hmm, a bit of a surprise, but I suppose it's the only realistic thing for them to do. I just hadn't expected it quite so soon. Expect plenty of interference and Hardy to lose out (if not this time then almost certainly at the next PPV). But...if this match, then why not H&R to face Miz and Morrison, assuming this is part of a big push for L F? Bizarre.
I have to argee with no fate 007 matt is kind of overrated. Between the hardy boys jeff was always the favorite of the two and had all the high risk spots and had more charisma. Other than when he fought edge the only time he seemed to impress me was he was sensei of mattitude I thought that was a great gimmick. Right now he just boring and doesn't wow me at all. Anyway most likely his opponent will be chavo and it probably be an average match and hardy will go over him. Also the reason matt doesn't main event or win world titles is because hardy though fans doesn't seem like a threat to win the title plus doesn't have the following to carry the company as champion.
I honestly like the idea of Matt Hardy against Chavo Guerrero. I feel both men are evenly matched, and while I don't see Chavo winning the fact is he has an outside chance to become United States Champion. When I think of this match, I think of how good matches with Rey Mysterio & Hardy were, or even Kidman & Hardy.. because of those, I feel this match has a hidden shot at being a possible Match of the Night for Night of Champions. (barring an H.B.K./Jericho match, that is)

I'm undecided about Chavo winning. Certainly not this month. Remember 18 months ago when he was feuding with Benoit, Chavo wasn't deemed worthy enough to hold the title. I know a lot has changed. But I still think his current push is nothing more than a shirt term thing. I still suspect that the only reason he go the ECW title because Punk is unpopular.

I'm also undecided on the quality of the match. Yeah it could be really good, but it could also be the most boring match ever. I'm expecting little to no heat for this match as it is. Matt was over, but what exactly has he done since he won that title?
I'm undecided about Chavo winning. Certainly not this month. Remember 18 months ago when he was feuding with Benoit, Chavo wasn't deemed worthy enough to hold the title. I know a lot has changed. But I still think his current push is nothing more than a shirt term thing. I still suspect that the only reason he go the ECW title because Punk is unpopular.

This will be Matt Hardy's first Pay Per View, Championship title defense. I doubt highly that he'd lose. Infact, the only way that'll happen is if from April to now, creative has deemed Hardy completely worthless. The fans still pop because of his name alone.. so through creative's eyes, hes the next Rock or Austin.

Chavo on the other hand, in my mind IS worthy of the United States Championship, just not in this way. If he wins, he'll be completely overshadowed by Edge and La Familia. He'd only be "some guy" in "some group" with "some title." That type of thing would work well for Hawkins & Ryder to be "some guys" with "some titles" but Chavo does deserve more. While he wasn't an impressive "World Heavyweight Champion" the fact is, he was still a Champion of that calibar.

As a result, dropping him back to midcard level, such as this.. they have to do something to not completely make his previous Championship reign look like a completely and utter fluke. (albeit may have been, still)

I'm also undecided on the quality of the match. Yeah it could be really good, but it could also be the most boring match ever. I'm expecting little to no heat for this match as it is. Matt was over, but what exactly has he done since he won that title?

I'm also thinking this as well. While I did say and do believe the match has the ability to be electic, thats only if the fans jump into it. And lets face facts, when was the last time a fan got into a Chavo Guerrero match? I'm pretty sure it was his first match after Eddie passed away, and they merely cheered him on due to his name, unfortunately.

Chavo can't draw a reaction that sparks anything. I don't understand why either, to be honest. But one thing is for sure, both guys ARE talented and CAN deliver. Whether the fans give them the chance to, is another story.

Other Feelings: So much for the assumed Shelton Benjamin/Elijah Burke challenge. Now that match-up between Hardy and either guy could've been great to see.. why they opted out of that, I have no clue. Perhaps to prolong it, or perhaps because they just felt neither Benjamin or Burke could do well in a Championship picture.
Chavo get's no reaction because he's solid and unspectacular. There's isn't really much wrong with him. He just doesn't have that x-factor. He's a heel. Yet he's not intimidating in any way. He's like a less amusing Santino. There is no reason for a face to think he'll get beaten by him. Thus he's no treat. That's more to do with bad booking than Chavo. But then not every heel can have an intimidation factor, or Edge like mic skills.

Now if only Chavo had Pepe back. That would get him over. I guess we'll have to wait until WWE release him, and TNA hire him.
Well, this could be either a damn decent match, or the pizza break of the night. Both of these guys are decent in the ring, and at times flat out good, but not that often. Matt needs to work more as a cruiserweight and Chavo is dying to be a face. Matt just seems to always have the fan base to stick in the mid card, but he's having the same issues Sting had after he beat Hogan in 1997. The thrill was in him chasing the title, never him winning it. This match is hardly going to steal the show, but given 12-15 minutes, it could be alright.
Idk, but I think you could see La Familia consisting of: Hawker & Ryder as tag team champions, Chavo as US Champion and with Edge as WHC feuding against the Hardy Boyz, we all know that draft offers this possibility and they could make "former-Major Brothers" look great if they could preform against the Hardyz for the titles, perhaps Big Show wins the ECW title and Kane goes to feud with Chavo and Edge with 'Taker when he returns.

Meh. this match screams apathy. Both are talented, but rather bland the vast majority of the time. I would much rather see Chavo take the belt and add a semblence of domination to the Familia. Have Chavo take this, then the Edgeheads come away with the tag belts in some sort of multi team match. Wow, helluva idea, right out of my own brain just now. I can see Matt going over though, as this is merely his first arbitrary PPV title defense for his reighn. Although that shouldve happened 2 months ago. You know, I hear they have these guys named Shelton Benjamin and Elijah Burke on the roster, who are in this area of the roster, and havent been in a title picture of some sort boring the shit out of us the last TWO FUCKING YEARS. Both are rather athletic and entertaining. Something this match wont be.

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