Night Of Champions: Chris Jericho vs. Kofi Kingston

I'm agreeing with King Jake on that Punk comment. I disagree on the matter of Kofi Kingston. I thought he was a great choice and for some reason the crowd just wasn't over with him that night. Normally he's fairly well over, especially for a greener wrestler. I saw putting the belt on Kingston was a great idea. This puts him on upper mid-card status. I say have him feud with Punk or Mysterio for the belt. I'd favor a feud with Punk, but he MUST turn heel. Punk needs a mid-card title to help him get ready for a world title reign, if he ever has one. Also Y2J and HBK can make people focus on the feud itself, instead of wondering, "What if the IC title comes into play?" and taking their focus of the feud itself. Kofi's a good wrestler with a lot of potential, and I can't wait to see what kind've doors open for him with the IC title in hand.
Last night was an example of the WWE doing the only thing they could've done. With Orton sidelined and a really good feud between Y2J and HBK brewing (best feud going right now), they got rid of the only thing holding it back -- the IC belt. There seems to be dissension over who should've gotten the belt, or rather, who OTHER than Kofi should've gotten the belt. I'm from the school of "it doesn't matter anyway" since the IC belt has been hopelessly buried in the first place. So, consequently, if I was going to place it on anyone, I'd place it on someone like Kofi. He's new to Raw, he's pretty exciting in the ring despite his lack of reaction (completely indicative of how many wrestling fans give a sh*t about ECW), and he is someone who could almost utilize the IC belt to his advantage.

To me, CM Punk has something that is supposed to be more valuable than the IC belt -- the MITB briefcase. Since he holds the case and ultimately a WORLD TITLE shot, the IC belt probably would keep him on the same level. He would go neither up nor down. Unfortunately for him, the case, which is supposed to be a career elevator, has gotten him no where.
Man are you serious Kofi Was the best Canadate for ther IC Championship Match

The IC championship fits kofi kingston very well

Anyway Rey Mysterio is still injured and cm punk could careless for the IC championship he has the briefcase

While Jake said he could list any number of others. I will..

Rey Mysterio: First and foremost, he isn't still injured, as he was wrestling with them on their recent international tour. And Mysterio v. Jericho would've been the very best match they could've done in my opinion. The only reason Mysterio being on Raw even seems like a good idea is for when he would get to feud and have matches with Jericho.

I'm hoping the only reason Mysterio v. Jericho didn't happen at NoC is because they're saving that feud for later. Or possibly even having Mysterio team with H.B.K. to take on JeriCade.

Lance Cade: "What are you on Will? Cade's Jericho's buddy and partner. Plus they're both heels, thats stupid." No, its brilliant. Jericho said his opponent was a mystery opponent selected by the W.W.E. officials.. so what would've made it look more like a conspiracy theory, than to have Cade v. Jericho.

Remember Jericho's W.C.W. conspiracy theory gimmick? It was what started him in being a great heel, and its just what he needs to continue in meaning anything in W.W.E.. plus, the Intercontinental title going to Cade would've been perfect, afterall thats the whole point of them pushing Cade to begin with.

C.M. Punk: Thus far, since winning the Money in the Bank case hes done jack all and hasn't meant crap to anything. Just because hes holding a case that contains the ability to become a World Champion, doesn't mean hes actually fit to be in that position.

Winning the Intercontinental title (on a fluke or otherwise) would at least help him to become better at making it seem like he could win something.

Overall: While I'll stop here, the fact is Kofi Kingston isn't a bad choice for the new Intercontinental Champion. However since he didn't win without outside interference and the match looked like it would've ended with Jericho winning with the Lion Tamer/Walls of Jericho, Kofi's victory is already tainted.

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