Judgment Day: Rey Mysterio vs. Chris Jericho

big fan of this matchup. I think Rey Rey is brilliant still when he's matched against guys that are as good as the likes of Edge, and now Jericho. Jericho is proving that he is indeed the best the WWE has to offer as far as in ring talent, and this match is going to possibly steal the show (it's hard to say because the Smackdown side of things is loaded).

I expect Jericho to win, to further the feud, but in the end, it's utterly worthless with a 9th title reign with the IC title.
Mysterio retains - This match will probably steal the show. Even with Rey Rey in his dwindling years and Jericho being older, this should be high paced with good ring psychology and a great story. I think Jericho will get even more paranoid and vicious with this loss, which should lead to some great promos on Smackdown.
this match may be match of the night. although i think Edge and Jeff will do that. this match will get a strong 15-20 minutes. as far as who wins Rey will retain this time. Y2J will further this feud though. Y2J is looking to just put over Rey as a threat to the Tittle again i think.
EXCELLENT match, and stole the show, as everyone predicted. and Mysterio's ring gear looked swank, admit it.

The crowd was as into this as they were for anything the whole night. The pop for The Walls Of Jericho was probably the loudest of the entire night. Fantastic storytelling, no botches, high impact moves, A FUCKING POWERBOMB for goodness sakes. I thought I was watching a WCW mid card match from damn 96 or something. Just damn excellent. I wish it wouldve gone for longer even. I wouldve loved for Jericho to put a foot on the rope, and for the match to go another 5 minutes. Still excellent though. A
You are correct, suh. A very good match indeed. Far be it from me to suggest that if Mysterio was facing someone else, the match wouldn't have been that good but... well, that's exactly what I'm suggesting. The big spots seemed largely down to Jericho's surprising strength. Even more surprising considering Mysterio probably weights more now than he ever has before.

Match of the night, probably.
This was easily the match of the night with Edge/Jeff being a close second. Jericho sold Mysterio moves well and kept countering the 619 and executed a nice powerbomb. Also loved how he tried to take the mask off and Grisham noting that was the ultimate sign of disrepsect to a luchador. Both guys performed great and it was a great middle of the pay-per-view match.
This was by far the best match of the card, IMO. I really thought Jericho would win it after hearing about the Rey injury earlier in the week. Jericho is by far one the best at what he does. I am not a fan of Rey's, but I hope this feud continues and we keep getting back and forth matches out of these two.

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