Next Weekend....

IDK I think him as a special guest enforcer might work, he just hangs out outside the ring for most of the match, then when the ref gets knocked out, he jumps in and and makes the 3 count, to me that would be the best possible scenario, maybe have him do this in a DX/Hart Dynasty tag title match, possibly at WM, where he could "screw" HBK out of a title in his hometown
Yeah but that's never referenced at all. Everyone knows him as being from San Antonio. The screwing him over at Mania would work well though, especially to put over a young team.
Yeah but that's never referenced at all. Everyone knows him as being from San Antonio. The screwing him over at Mania would work well though, especially to put over a young team.

They have 3 months till WM, I sure they will bring it up in promos anyway no matter what match HBK is going to have at Mania, and I'm not sure if this is suppose to be HBKs last Mania or not, but it would be kinda nice for him to put a solid young team like the Hart Dynasty over on his way out
I've heard he's going to keep going after this but I've heard both.

It's going to be interesting if nothing else.
XFear, your indifference to the contents of this thread deeply wounds me

Haha don't take it personally man, I haven't been on much the few days/week so I've kind of just ignored 90% of the threads made over that span because I don't feel like going through ten pages worth of new posts/threads looking for spam and shit.

You return next weekend? Bitchin. Radically bitchin'. Steve Regal would be proud of you.
I was joking X, I was really just bumping the thread so that you may lay eyes upon it.

and sir, I could only hope the real man's man would be proud of me
Dude, the thought of you being back is bigger than Triple H winning 47347 world titles. I'm glad to see it. I <3 You...Oh so much.
48, thats not up to me, big guy. I figured someone would stir that pot eventually, im not suprised it was you :lmao:

I would imagine no, not for a while at least. I would be happy to help out if the staff felt I warranted a position, if not, im happy just to be back and do my thing.
48, thats not up to me, big guy. I figured someone would stir that pot eventually, im not suprised it was you :lmao:

Just doing my job, Sir.

I would imagine no, not for a while at least. I would be happy to help out if the staff felt I warranted a position, if not, im happy just to be back and do my thing.

I could have sworn IC said something about how you would be welcomed back by the staff with open arms. Just checkin'.

It's good to see you again. Hope you're well.
Did he say that? Eh, im sure itll need to be discussed. A lot of people waited a long time, and worked hard for their mod spots, so I dont know how it would look for me to just walk right back in and have it handed to me, even WITH the situation I had to step down over.

Like I said though, im cool with whatever. Im sure itll provide some fun speculation among everyone though :)
Thanks bro.

there is a bunch of guys im not particularly familure with welcoming me home. You guys mustve done a fine job of keeping the NorCal name alive

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