Next up for Owens?


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After his fued ends whether at battleground or summer slam, what's next for Owens? Who do you see him facing next? After facing cena does he get a upper midcard fued? Main event type fued? Or does he stay more involved with nxt while wrestling basically glorified jobbersfor awhile?
I think it would be nice for him to win the US title and have no fued. I'd rather they showcase the fact like cesaro he can just go and go with anybody and what better way than for him to take cena out for a little while and let him have his own open challenge and even add cena's moves to his set. Maybe even keep taking moves from opponents as he faces them. Let a fued naturally develop from a good contested contest or let him have his open challenge and a few weeks later cena comes back and accepts and we get a classic on raw and further their rivalry. Possibly even throw cesaro against him again. Their matches could be amazing.
Who do you think owens should move on to?
Do you think hhh could sick him on Rollins after their summer slam match if that happens?
Or do you thing they drag out the cena fued?
Owens is a brand new guy with a lot of talent, he will certainly be getting a big push over the next 6 months at least. The moment he came on the scene they put him in a rivalry with their top guy, who is also a guy that has shown a lot of ability to help people get over.
I'd kind if like to see the feud end at battleground for a couple reasons. 1 feuds always run their course and get boring, so lets end it before it sucks and 2. Although he has been probably the best one ever, I think its time Cena moved back into the upper card and stops defending the US title. The shield guys have gotten a little stale, and Brock is the primary reason there is interest in the title chase now.

Its hard to say exactly what I'd do with Owens if I were running the show. Maybe something similar to Rusev's build. Have him be almost undefeatable. But another idea could be to have him join forces with the Authority, He already is a guy that cares only about himself and his success, that's a good fit for a top villain who could be a ruthless Authority henchman.
After his fued ends whether at battleground or summer slam, what's next for Owens? Who do you see him facing next?

Of course, when a rookie starts at the top, you'd figure he has nowhere to go after that but down. As I see it, WWE might not even have had plans for Owens beyond Cena until they saw what he could do. Naturally, Cena's ability to coax a good match out of almost everyone he fights helped matters greatly but management must still have been holding it's collective breath watching their first two matches.

The good news is that Owens was terrific. That second match against Cena was a candidate for MOTY. Yes, he has a 15-year career behind him and it was pretty well known of what he was capable, yet a person's first match in the big time has humbled more than one performer, I would think.

What's next? Well, an obvious choice could be Randy Orton if Creative can develop a compelling reason for them to be fighting. Randy also has the skills to work effectively with just about everyone and a strong series with him would only strengthen KO's appeal. Still, I would favor holding off on Orton because where does he go after tackling the two top guys?

So much depends on how Owens' career is being geared now that he's succeeded against Cena. They could be planning on dropping him to an upper-midcard feud; yes, it's a step down, but he can't fight only at the top, can he? No one else does.

They could also be planning a world title reign for him....a very early one......but there's a program already going on at that level which doesn't show signs of tailing off anytime soon.

Frankly, I believe they're only now developing the plan for Owens, based on his series with Cena. If he had looked bad, the path would be a whole lot different than it's going to be now.
He'll likely be facing a lot of mid-card guys in the next few months. He'll probably take the US Title from John Cena and Cena will be back in the main-event while Owens carries the US. Title for a bit battling the mid-card division. There's no room for Owens at the top of the card and i don't think he's ready yet (probably never will be). He fits perfectly in the mid-card and he can have a lot of great feuds and matches with some of these guys.
I would like to see an Owens vs Roman Reigns feud for the US title but I'm not sure his next feud is quite the right time for that.

Owens in a feud with Dean Ambrose interests me. Dean doesn't need the US title but if WWE is serious but continuing to build the title up, this would be a continuation of that idea. Owens already has a big time feel to him in his feud with Cena and Ambrose is over with the crowd. It would bring even more attention to that title.
Well, I'm hoping that Owens takes the title off of Cena at Battleground, although I think he'll end up winning the "rematch" at Summerslam. Either way, he eventually takes the US strap from Cena... they've built him too strong for him to come out a loser in this feud, and Cena has completed his task of adding prestige to the mid-card belt. I'm actually ready to see Cena back in the main event.

As for where he goes next, I'm with Sally. Ultimately, Owens needs to go up against somebody who has marquee name value but can also take a loss. Reigns shouldn't lose a feud to Kevin Owens, neither should Dean Ambrose, but Randy Orton (much like Cena) can lose without actually losing. Orton's a hot face and that's what Kevin Owens needs at this point... somebody who he can work off of. Randy Orton just seems like a logical choice all around in my opinion.
Owens next feud is Ryback. OWENS said on Raw that he wants all the titles, and after he takes the US title, he need said the IC title and unify them.. wwe doesn't need 2 mid card titles and Owens is the perfect one to unify them. I think Ryback needs a good feud also after this bore fest of big show. Then after Owens has the unified mid card title, then unite him with Rollins in the authority trying to keep lesser from getting the title. WrestleMania next year has to be Owens vs Lesnar.
Anyone besides me think either Sami Zayn or Samoa Joe will end up costing Owens the NXT title on July 4 or his US title shot at Battleground? Well, whatever happens, I wouldn't mind seeing him against Orton, or maybe Reigns. How about Ambrose?
Owens has lots of opponents here. my first choice is Samoa Joe. after winning us title wwe may work a injury angle to cena for a month but its summerslam time so no injury angle for cena. they definitely put a title rematch at summerslam with big stipulation. somoa Joe is my first choice.

after this fued ends then second choice is ryback. after his ic title reign ends he fight for us title.

my third choice is balor. he is natural face. my guess is he is the one who beat Owen for nxt title. so he beat Owen for us title also.

wwe had Cesaro, Neville, ambrose, roman, randy. these guys are filler fueders.
Many of the IWC (Which obviously includes me) wants to see Kevin Owens feud with some of his old ROH rivalries, for instance Cesaro. But you see, the profitability in a match point between Owens and Cesaro will be fruitful albeit not the whole feud. Sure they both can pull out the best match that we have ever enjoyed but the feud won't be interesting.

If there's gonna be a potential talent who can feud with Owens should be someone who got a great Mic Skill to work with Owens. A feud shouldn't be one sided both in the Verbal and Physical perspectives. I would suggest Dean Ambrose as a perfect choice for Owens to fit in with. They certainly can produce a hardcore, when i say hardcore I do mean freaking hardcore match. It'll be more entertaining than what Owens and Cena are doing right now.

Just imagine how good these two can cut promos against each other. We have witnessed how great Dean and Owens can cut a promo. what if they go against each others physically and Verbally?

I have no idea who to pair him up with after this feud with Cena is over. Reigns can't afford the loss, although it would be an interesting feud. Same with Ambrose.

Orton is a strange choice, he's been phoning it in a lot lately. His matches with Sheamus recently have been a snorefest, neither one of them has any sort of chemistry with the other. I just don't see Owens/Orton being a good feud.

I would love to see Owens against Rollins to tell you the truth. If Rollins turned face this is taylor made for him. The first NXT champion going up against the current or last NXT champion. Rollins face moveset would work wonderfully with Owens, and it would be a battle of wits on the mic.

Not to mention they are both former Ring of Honour champions as well, so there is a lot of history there that creative can build on. I think we'd get some great matches out of the two of them. Owens has the power and highflying capability, but Rollins also can counter that. He has the speed, athletic ability and the same go for broke off the top rope. We might even see another Phoenix Splash. The man is a damm cat, he always lands on his feet.
I'm thinking he wins the US title and moves to the main roster permanently, maybe having some good, smaller feuds with guys like Neville and Dolph. He'll basically beat all challengers, sort of establishing his dominance and holding the title until Sami Zayn makes his return, also to the main roster, picking up where their feud left off.
Orton is a strange choice, he's been phoning it in a lot lately. His matches with Sheamus recently have been a snorefest, neither one of them has any sort of chemistry with the other. I just don't see Owens/Orton being a good feud.

Yes their matches doesn't look horrible albeit nothing more than just a good 5 minutes fight. There were absolutely no crowd involved in their match. Neither Sheamus got boos nor Orton got the pops. I don't know but WWE doesn't have any plan for Randy Orton aftermath the Wrestlemania.

The first NXT champion going up against the current or last NXT champion.

By the way, can you justify what do meant by Current or Last NXT Champion because it got into my mind quite a lot of questions.

I don't see Owens holding both the NXT and the US title at once and continue to feud with both rosters. The way i see it, WWE has two options: Have Owens lose the NXT title (preferably not to Balor) and, win or lose at battleground, get the call up to the main roster full time or hold on to the NXT title, and delay his call up.

The reason i don't want Balor as an NXT champion is because giving him the NXT title would only delay his call up to the main roster, something he deserves more than half of the main roster. Give it to Samoan Joe or to Baron Corbin
Let him issue open challenges for a month or so then on some PPV he issues an open challenge which is accepted by none other than Chris Jericho.

The feud is simple, Jericho feels he was once like Owens and he wants to stop Owens from becoming an even bigger inconsiderate egotistical fool.

I think the matches and the promo work could be some of the best we've seen in a while and it would continue to give Kevin a big rub.

The only problem in this would be seeing that Jericho has an open schedule which would allow him to work a couple of PPVs and TV tapings.
By the way, can you justify what do meant by Current or Last NXT Champion because it got into my mind quite a lot of questions.


Well it's quite easy actually. Right now Owens is the current NXT champion. If he continues to hold the belt, then he stays the current champ no matter who he feuds with. If he drops the belt and gets into a feud with lets say Rollins, then he'll be the last or former NXT champion to make the move to the main roster. Until the next person of course. A bit confusing but it makes sense to me.

The title belts don't change that quickly in NXT, so chances are the person who wins the belt off Owens will probably still be the current NXT champion.
I expect owens to win the title and then feud in the upper midcard for a little bit. possibly vs ziggler,neville,maybe cesaro....

hes a main event talent, but atm the top is occupied so he'll b upper mid card till this current situation sorts itself out

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