Next Best of Their Class Pairing


Getting Noticed By Management
The last 15 or so years have given us a couple of decent, if sometimes overused, best of their class feuds. Best of class meaning wrestlers who came in around the same time, have sort of the same amount of accomplishment, who always feud and genuinely seem to dislike each other. Rock/HHH was one that comes to mind (I like how they "buried the hatchet" on Raw a couple of months ago) and of course the one that people are tired of now that seems to never end is Cena/Orton. Say what you will about these feuds but you have to give the wrestlers involved one thing - staying power. These are feuds, especially Cena/Orton that have lasted a long time. It isn't always that easy given wrestlers other interests, the money they make now, for them to even stay around so long.

Are there any young guns on the horizon now that came in around the same time that could be that next pairing? Ambrose/Rollins comes to mind. The storyline inheritantly provides enough animosity so that, even after months of being involved in other feuds, you could still do another chapter of Ambrose/Rollins and it would make sense that there would still be heat between the two.
Sheamus v Wade Barret, they both made it big at similar times and the england v ireland angle would add a spark to it as well, but neither are at the top atm.

Other than that, daniel bryan v seth rollins perhaps, best face v best heel
Zayne/Neville could lead a number of talents in NXT. From the current main roster I could see Harper/Wyatt creating some major magic.
I think that 10 years from now Rollins/Ambrose will be along the lines of HHH/Rock and Cena/Orton as far as legendary feuds from superstars coming in around the same time. Wyatt/Reigns is also an intriguing possibility that I could see happening. Harper/Rusev could make for interesting matchups, but I don't see much longevity in either of these guys currently
Right now just Rollins and Ambrose. I believe they had potential to do Big E/Ryback but they dropped the ball on that.

It's not too lae to do it, however. I just worry the misuse of Big E since he won the IC Championship last year has hurt him.
Any combination involving Reigns/Ambrose/Rollins will be the 'next best' feuds going forward. Their Shield past especially will play a huge part in their feuds and in time, in terms of teaming again sort of like; HHH/HBK did quite often during their primes...
Ambrose v Reigns. I think a heel Reigns would be great, obviously these two with their history in The Shield and at one stage it looked like one would turn on the other only for Rollins to do it in the end.

There's no reason why Ambrose and Reigns can't be headlining cards for the next lot of years.
If we're talking about all time feuds, I'd have to say Rock/Austin. Their feuds were and will forever be legendary! They've had some awesome matches over the years, some of the best matches at WrestleMania.
Out of today's crop of guys, I'd have to go with Dean/Seth. Those two came in together as brothers in the shield along with Roman Reigns, but after Seth sold his soul to the authority, and turned his back on his brothers, Dean got hurt so badly by Seth's actions that it made for some really sick matches between the two!!!! I still think these two are far from finished in their rivalry and we will still see plenty of more epic fights between them!
We may have to wait a few years for it, and I know its technically already ongoing as such but Zayn/Steen in WWE should be phenominal.

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