Newer or Established?

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Dj Martyn

Dazed and Confused
what do you guys think about the decision TNA will have to make soon, when they get prime time/more money...etc, do you bring in Established talent at a high cost..aka lesnar,Y2j,Goldylocks,Hogan, Kidman etc, or do you bring in up and comers to pad out the lower and mid cards, and keep there current main stars, aka Jarret, Joe, AJ, Christian, Angle etc....

I would personally prefer them to start bringing in guys from the indys that would strenghten the mid and lower cards, Bryan Danielson, Matt sydal, Ruckus, Roderick Strong, Jay and mark briscoe, Jack evans, Trent acid....

And maybe one or two 'NAMES' for publicity value like...kidman and lesnar

Amy thoughts....?
Personally i see it as TNA getting new talent rather than just taking WWE handoffs. But the only one I would bring in out of that lot woul be Kidman. I wouldn't touch Hogan with a 10 foot barge pole if i was a fairly new promotion (which TNA still is when compared to WWE and even the old ones that were brought out by WWE aka WCW and ECW) Lesnar is too involved in MMA to be worth going after. Goldberg is too old to be the power wrestler he used to be. Y2J is too well known as he is so I doubt he will be gone after. They used too much of their finite resources in getting Angle for what they got him for.
I think every promotion should be trying to push new talent instead of trying to book stars from the 80s and 90s. The new breed needs to take over the business to add new depth to the way things are seen. Hogan needs to retire, Flair needs to retire, half the TNA roster needs to retire, and new guys need to take their places atop the world of professional wrestling.
They should stop signing talent and instead establish there talent as big stars. WCW was just signing talent and look at where they are at now. Dead. WWF was building on there talent. Making house hold names and thats what TNA needs to do. They need to re-establish Ron Killings, Rhino and etc as top talent. They need to start pushing the X division more.

This new X division ''shoot'' like style is awesome. I love the idea. It's not really a shoot fight but the worker that puts the most effort gets the win. This will make them not get angry backstage because its there own fault they didn't pick up the win. Also I love the concept of having judges if the time goes over the limit but the judges have to be elite wrestlers. They can sue Lex Luger, Buff Bagwell and maybe Bob Backlund. The time limit should be 30 minutes. Like you need to pick up a win before 30 minutes on PPV's and for regular shows about 15 minutes. When they get 2 hours 15 minutes would be nothing.

They need to bring back some tag teams. Maybe put nostalgia in place and bring back the Steiner Brothers. Also bring in some new tag teams and build them up like they built up LAX. Also they can have Chris Harris and Petey Williams feud. But they definitely need new tag teams because I can't see any thing happening with the tag division after Team 3D and Lax have their feud run.

This womens division is also a good idea. We need better women's matches. TNA has great women wrestlers. They have Christy Hemme who has been training for quite some time now. TNA just recieve Jaqueline who sure as hell is a good womens wrestler. She was in WWF and ECW. She had good runs in both companys. She beat a man in WWF(Chavo). They need to sign Jazz. She is a good free agent. Also they have the best womens wrestler in TNA imo Gail Kim. Trish is busy acting but Lita is taking bookings and she signed with UWF and UWF had a close relationship with TNA and probally still do so we might see Lita in TNA.

TNA should also push more stars when they have 2 hours. Sign new names but also save money in the process. Also continue with this 3 way thing thats going on with Christian, Angle and Joe. And add Steiner in the mix. This could and might be another good angle by the bookers of TNA.
right now they need one or 2 high profile guys that would have a grief stay in tna just to get some ratings, then they should continue to devolop there talent
don't bring in a new guy at all.

they need to push their existing talent. Sonjay Dutt for one. they need to bring the X Division back to promenince. right now, it's midcard. The X division s what sets TNA apart from WWE. what makes it an alternative. something new, different and marketable.
I think what TNA needs is just some re-organization and adjustment of the current working parts. Granted, there are still some ROH and international talent I'd bring into the company in place of some of the current workers, but they already have more than enough artillery to get them through a five-year period. And not just to get by, but to actually establish stars and have bankable feuds. The world is at TNA's fingertips if they play it smart and don't piss away opportunites. If they bring in more wrestlers, it should only be those who have an opportunity to do something special and not just brining in more WWE vets who aren't a real necessity in the long run. Getting their youngsters over should become the main priority within the next two years. By having their young TNA boys get victories over some of the ex-WWE/WCW/ECW elite, they can really entrench the cred of the fresh talents.

As far as who I'd get rid of?

Norman Smiley
Lance Hoyt

A few of the guys would need physical overhauls to get themselves back into serious wrestling shape and could take a cue from Sting to do so:

Raven (medical condition permitting)
B.G. James (he's lost a fair amount of speed and snap w/his offense)
Matt Bentley (put on the freshman fifteen so to speak and his speed and agility have slowed)
Scott Steiner (needs to drop about 20-30 pounds of muscle and work on his flexibility and speed so he stops moving like a board with a goatee)

Simon Diamond (drop the fat, or otherwise get rid of him)
i agree with you except for Raven to an extent.

right now, he can stand to drop a few pounds, but that's just vanity weight. in his role as the cult leader of Seratonin, it will give him a chance to drop some weight.

as for steiner... yeah. he needs to be 300 pounds of muscle again, not Cheez Doodles.
I think names are always going to give it a push. If they're going for a womens division, lita would be a very good name to have. As much as I would like trish to go, It probably won't happen due to her TV schedule.
As long as they have room to sign the next big in like, a year or so, then I will be happy...
i agree with you except for Raven to an extent.

right now, he can stand to drop a few pounds, but that's just vanity weight. in his role as the cult leader of Seratonin, it will give him a chance to drop some weight.

as for steiner... yeah. he needs to be 300 pounds of muscle again, not Cheez Doodles.
Raven has put on a boatload of weight since his prime days in the mid and late nineties. He was a much looser worker then who could sell and move three times better than he does at present. However, I heard that the medication he's on made his weight balloon. I'm not looking at Raven strictly as a guy who can just help some people get over, but rather to bring him back to the upper echelon of TNA where I think he belongs. I'd hate to see someone as good as he was just get by. I'd want to see him deserving of the main event. The weight isn't just vanity weight. It's vastly affected his in-ring performance in the last four years as he's steadily put on the pounds. If he were in the shape he was in during his ECW/WCW tenures, then he'd definitely be a shoe-in for one of TNA's top heels.
I havn't seen raven for ages, like when he was supposed to wrestle rhino last impact, it turned out to be AJ.
they should defanitely try to hire billy kidman and push sonjay dutt. if they hire too many big names (jericho, mysterio, rvd, lesnar) they would become wwe version 2. For them to become challengers they need to younger guys and indy guys and make them stars. new faces = more viewers. Bring something new. new guys last longer while the older guys could work a year or two and retire and leave you with nothing
what do you guys think about the decision TNA will have to make soon, when they get prime time/more money...etc, do you bring in Established talent at a high cost..aka lesnar,Y2j,Goldylocks,Hogan, Kidman etc, or do you bring in up and comers to pad out the lower and mid cards, and keep there current main stars, aka Jarret, Joe, AJ, Christian, Angle etc....

I would personally prefer them to start bringing in guys from the indys that would strenghten the mid and lower cards, Bryan Danielson, Matt sydal, Ruckus, Roderick Strong, Jay and mark briscoe, Jack evans, Trent acid....

And maybe one or two 'NAMES' for publicity value like...kidman and lesnar

Amy thoughts....?

When they get two hours which appearantly is coming very soon, they will definitely need more wrestlers to fill in the show. Those will most likely be young guys that may have some talent but have never received their shot. The main event guys will be Christian as the top heel, Kurt Angle as a top face/heel, Samoa Joe as the top face, Abyss as a smaller heel, Sting as a smaller face, and AJ Styles as a small heel but a little bigger heel than Abyss. The X division will most likely be with Chris Sabin, Christopher Daniels, possibly Jerry Lynn, Senshi, and Austin Starr at the top. The tag team division will be ran by LAX and will most likely consist of LAX, Team 3D, The Naturals every so often, and newer tag teams that will also be awesome (possibly from WSX).

Oh, and Rob Van Dam is coming in the Summer and he'll probably run the X division as well.
I hope that because that Jarret was there, he would not do a WCW and bring in old talent to make more money, rather tha develop the good wrestlers they already have. The should look at their own card and figure out what they can develop and what they can change before they go out and attract other talent. Goldberg would be a HUGE mistake because he is just a one trick pony that will get boring after the first taping, and they won't have the money for Lesnar. They should bring in some more indy guys, but i would like to see them bring in another big wrestler like Abyss to give him a run for his money, or a technically sound high flying heavyweight, like Y2J or Benjamin, to give the show more variety.
yea but it would be better if TNA got 3 hours like WCW..
they just need like 3 or 4 more heavyweihgt contendors and like 4 solid tag team (it would be smart to steal some os wsx guy and push them)
also wat bout a new championship summthin like the united states championship
but as far as new or established they need both, think bout nobodys gonna watch a federation full of never before seen people as well as people they always see fighting, so yea u do need people like y2j and rvd along wit some ROH people Indy people and of course some WSX. thats how u build a federation
It's definitely a shame that Shelton Benjamin is underused in the WWE. If he was brought to TNA, he could lead the Heavyweight Division and/or the X Division. He's just that good... He would definitely be a perfect fit, and he's not so much established since he's not a huge name in the WWE. Bring in Jericho for his mic skills to finally add a bit of humor in TNA. Mysterio and RVD and big names to reinforce the X Division's credibility by putting over younger guys.

But don't only bring in those established names. Bring in guys from ROH or WSX, or even indy competitors from all over. CM Punk would have been good if he was used with the same gimmick and to his full potential. I think it is time that TNA brings itself to a new level, by bringing more competitors to a credible main-event status, but bring them down to mid-card from time to time. That can be done with many of the existing superstars IMO.
I don't really agree that Benjamin has what it takes to be a main event star. He is a spectacualr wrestler and underused on wwe but he just doesn't have the mic skills. It's just my preference but i like to see a balance between ability and mic skills. I do think he would hit in great with TNA though.
I agree, TNA needs some reorganization.
I enjoy seeing the mature guys mix in, and think TNA has a great batch of younger guys too.
There is a great mix there but need to be reorganized.
TNA needs a NWO
Push current talent. TNA will continue to be the freshest product out there if they keep what they have and push the hungry talent that they currently have. Bringing in WWE cast-offs just to have the name recoginition is a bad idea. These guys have past their prime, they don't have the hunger and drive anymore, and they bring down the quality of the matches. I would, however like to see RVD, Sabu, Sandman and Tommy Dreamer jump to TNA. They are perfectly suited to the TNA style and could do a lot to push over the younger guys.
they need to bring in some new talent to bulk up the x division and maybe bring in 1 big name

i would bring in jack evans(exetremely talented) and teddy hart even though he has attitude problems he is amazing

also if shelton benjamin and/or rvd get fed up with vince mcmahon then they should get them

as for the 1 bg name i would go for bock lesnar or jericho
I really think that if TNA got more money, they should bring in Lesnar, and then get not so popular people.
Look at everyone that they have gotten over the years - AJ Styles, I didn't even hear about him until he signed with TNA. DDP, I never thought he would go to TNA at all. Kevin Nash, what are the chances?
Overall, I think that TNA should get a lot more not so famous people from the indy shows, not just big names like Kurt Angle and Sting.
TNA should get guys like Bryan Danielson and other non X-division guys from the indy shows. This could reinforce a future mid-card title division. Their X-Division is looking pretty good, and I appreciate the fact that they are working on their characters. Get a few more guys from WSX like Jack Evans and Teddy Hart as some mentioned above and they should be good to go.

However, they should still get some established wrestlers. I'm thinking of RVD, Chris Jericho (prefer to see him in WWE though), possibly Brock Lesnar but it's not going to happen. Guys with real in-ring skills, to keep that aspect of TNA positive. I'm not against bringing more star-power in TNA, as long as they can back up their credibility with good in-ring skills, and some mic work. Jericho would be perfect.

TNA always puts on good matches, but I hope they soon get some wrestlers with good mic work to get better storylines going on. To get those better storylines, they probably would have to go with a majority of established wrestlers.
They need to snatch up all the WSX guys after their contracts are up bring in more indy guys and put a temporary halt on hiring WWE handoffs unless they have incredible wrestling skills even then don't be to quick to put them in the world title hunt.
I have come straight to the end of the discussion, so I apologise if I repeat what anyone else has said.

My belief is that if TNA wish to be seen as a serious entity, they need to work with thier own TNA talent. While they do have some newer faces on their roster, they do look a lot like a WWE retirement home.

They need to give some of the guys from the independent circuits a run, as these guys could be the ones that actually put them on the map, by bringing a new face to the ever-aging wrestling industry atm.

I do agree with a previous statement, suggestiong they snap up some of the Wrestling Society X guys.
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